StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 368 The Origin of Darkness

"Amon, the god of darkness, the incarnation of immortality, the master of all, he brings truth, but also ultimate darkness and endless annihilation."

Lord Tal'darin knew that he was destined not to survive, and he didn't care to reveal Amon's real name. Anyway, these people couldn't figure out what it was.

Let these pathetic bugs and cowardly Templars spend their miserable lives in uncertainty about this word. They will also live a life of fear, which will only make this Tada Lord Lin felt real pleasure and the thrill of revenge.

It is said that a person who is about to die can speak kindly, but the Ta'darin Protoss, especially a high-level ascendant who rose to a high position through intrigues and cruel killings, has only cruelty in his cunning and vicious heart.

"The future is created by our own hands, not by your so-called gods." Augustus approached the stasis chamber, and the power armor made an armor-like clicking sound as it moved.

"Tassadar, I know that all of you protoss have telepathic abilities. Can't you see through the inner thoughts of this Ta'darin protoss?" Raynor believed that the torture process was unnecessary, even if the other party was a hateful alien.

"James Raynor, my friend, seeing through the thoughts of a creature without psychic potential is possible for telepaths, but the Tal'darin Protoss also has powerful psychic abilities, which can isolate other people to a certain extent. A person's detection of his innermost thoughts." Tassadar patiently explained to Raynor.

"An evil god, is it Xel'Naga?" Zeratul was worried about the terrible conspiracy and the dark future contained in these words. He naturally connected Xel'Naga with gods.

"He is above the gods." Lord Tal'darin, lying in the stasis chamber, uttered his last enthusiastic jeer.

"I heard Eamon's call - I, I will not let you go -"

Then, in the eyes of Augustus, the body of the Tal'darin Star Spirit who had been shouting just now revealed bright red light waves like lava. This magnificent light dismembered his body and dissolved it into pieces that disappeared with the wind. red crystal dust.

"Why don't these dead disciples die for me?"

"." Tassadar, the executioner of the Templars, sighed silently as he watched the red light transformed into Ta'darin after death break away from the asteroid's gravitational field and escape into space.

"He died without any honor." A high-ranking templar was also shocked by the dark inside story he saw and heard today, but he just regarded it as the crazy talk of a Tal'darin Protoss fanatic. language.

"The zerg are not the most terrifying enemy that the Protoss Empire has ever encountered." Tassadar's eyes swept over the remaining Tal'darin slaves and the containers in which the hybrid's deformed body was soaked.

"I have a hunch that it is just a sign of a dark age." Zeratul calmed down a lot: "Whether it was among the Templars or the Dark Templars, there was a prophecy of doomsday. At that time, Arden will return to save the protoss."

"No matter who Eamon is, whether he is some fictional evil god or something else, we must be the winner in the end." Young Jim Raynor was not only a positive optimist, but also full of hope for victory.

In Jim Raynor's not-long but still magnificent life, he has been following Augustus and has never experienced failures that could crush a person. Reno's life was full of hope and had nothing to do with decadence and depression. He had a happy family and friends around him who could support him in life and death.

"Even if God stands in front of me and says that he will destroy mankind today, then I can only give him one shot." Augustus is the one who really knows what Eamon is, but at least he knows what to do Defeat him.

"To hell with all those monsters and monsters." Reno high-fived Augustus. Compared with the protoss who believe in gods and prophecies, these human revolutionary troops are not so depressed.

Under the leadership of Augustus, even if there is really a god in this world, as long as the marshal gives the order, Renault and others will go one after another to knock down and overthrow this god, point a gun at the god's head and ask if this position is It's time for Augustus Mengsk to take a seat.

"You are right, nothing can defeat the brave protoss." Tassadar did not worry about Lord Ta'darin's last words for too long. The master had already invaded Aiur, the once powerful protoss empire. The closest to the end.

At this time, Augustus turned to the Tal'darin slaves who were shackled next to him. Several of them should be engineers similar to El Protoss phase technicians or blacksmiths who forged weapons. They were wearing heavy red robes. , wearing a hood, he wouldn't shiver like an ordinary star spirit with no clothes on.

Unlike the El Protoss, even the weakest Tal'darin protoss engaged in the lowest professions have extremely strong combat capabilities and bloodthirsty instincts. Unless their master is killed, the Tal'darim protoss will surrender to their enemies.

"What do you do?" Augustus walked up to one of the Tal'darin protoss wearing a blood-red robe. None of these Tal'darin protoss regretted or were grief-stricken at the death of their master, but they were not capable of laughing out loud because of their sorrow while being captured.

"Artisan." The Tal'darin protoss with several scars on his face took off his robe: "I forge psychic blades and sharp swords for the strongest in the chain of ascension. All indestructible blades of betrayal are From my hand.”

"So, you are a good craftsman." Augustus did not ask him for information about Eamon.

"Better than all humans." The Tal'darin craftsman replied proudly.

"So, you are a talent." Renault also came over: "Are you interested in working with us? Not only will you get money, but you will also get a sufficient amount of terazine. That Tadarin in Umoyan Science Station is very good at it. Smooth winds and smooth rivers are more nourishing than those of us who carry guns."

"How about it? There are many benefits. I wouldn't tell ordinary people."

Unknowingly, Renault began to recruit people for Augustus's revolutionary cause again. This young man who always flaunted the revolutionary spirit devoted himself to Augustus' cause and regarded it as his lifelong ideal.

There has been a precedent for recruiting Tal'darim since the first Tal'darin Protoss was hired by the Revolutionary Army's Alien Laboratory.

Hearing Renault's words, Augustus nodded in agreement. After all, he couldn't recruit people from Tassadar or Zeratul's military system now, even if the other party was willing to give him some help: "Maybe you It can bring some help to my engineers.”

Even if these Tal'darin engineers can't provide any advice for human weapons research, it would be good to let them forge Tal'darin's cold weapons with a murderous aesthetic. There is never too much talent for Augustus.

"What did you say?" The Tal'darin craftsman narrowed his eyes in surprise, and revealed a teasing expression as his facial muscles moved: "You, humans, are recruiting me?"

"Use Diazine?"

"A lot," Raynor emphasized.

The Tal'darin craftsman paused when he said the word Diazine, but remained unmoved: "I admit that this is very tempting, but other than that, what can you give me? I will no longer be able to upgrade. It is impossible to get promoted in the great cycle of the chain, and it is impossible to get the opportunity to ascend and become a hybrid."

"To think about it differently, you can't climb higher anyway." At this time, Kerrigan said in her usual mean tone.

"." The Tal'darim craftsman was furious at Kerrigan's humiliation: "I refuse."

"Tassadar, Zeratul, leave these Tal'darin to us." Augustus turned to the two protoss commanders and said: "Once we ask anything, we will convey it to you immediately."

"Very well, if you don't do that, I will also order the Templars to imprison them." Tassadar had no objection.

"If that is the fate these Tal'darin deserve... I have no objection." Zeratul walked up to the Tal'darin craftsman whom Augustus asked: "I heard you say that Tal'darin will eventually It will be upgraded to a hybrid, what’s going on?”

"If you beg me." The Tal'darin craftsman who had just been poked in the painful spot by Kerrigan proudly raised his slender pointed chin.

"You have two choices." Augustus rolled down the helmet visor of his powered armor and let the Tal'darin Star look directly into his eyes.

"Tell me everything you know, or I will release all your colleagues and give them freedom and plenty of terrazine, and you will die of old age in your cramped prison cell," he said.

"You don't need to work for that so-called god anymore, because I am standing in front of you now, and Eamon is far outside of time and space."

"I know, it doesn't matter if I tell you." Another Tal'darin engineer who has been secretly observing for a long time is happy to see his colleagues suffer. In Tal'darin's society, all classes are always in a struggle of competition and intrigue. , even among the Tal'darim protoss who have the best relationships, there are deceptions and betrayals.

The Tal'darin protoss also refuse to let other people read their thoughts, because that will make all conspiracies have nowhere to hide.

"What do you know? This lord is obviously asking me." The Tal'darin craftsman quickly softened. He could accept torture or punishment, but he did not want other Tal'darin to live a better life than himself. "

"Among the Tal'darin Protoss, the Chain of Ascension is everything. The weak are at the bottom of the Chain of Ascension, but they can also defeat Tal'darin who are higher than themselves through the Rak'sir ritual to gain promotion in the Chain of Ascension. "He said hurriedly.

"In the chain of promotion, the first promoted person in the first seat controls the army, and above him is the high-ranking lord, and the end of the chain of promotion is Amon. The chosen one who wins his favor will receive Ascend and become the powerful hybrid that you see."

"Those hybrids are so ugly and despicable. Is that the upgrade you desire?" Zeratul also said.

"The ones you see are just promoted losers. They failed to withstand Eamon's test and can only become monsters with confused thoughts." The words of the Tal'darin craftsman revealed jealousy and resentment towards those so-called promotions.

"Upgrading should mean becoming more perfect and powerful."

"But it seems that those monsters that have been upgraded to hybrids are not as crazy as you said." Tassadar expressed his opinion: "It is some kind of dark power that is affecting them."

"So, have the high lords of Tal'darin become a hybrid?" Augustus asked.

"No." The Tal'darin craftsman seemed to have never thought about this problem. He immediately gave the explanation he had just thought of: "Lord Marash will ascend together with all the Tal'darin when the annihilation of the universe comes."

"If you ask me, this must be the hole that Eamon is digging for you." Renault expressed his opinion: "Since Eamon is the god of darkness and wants to bring destruction and doom, he must not be the god of darkness." nice one."

"Even a three-year-old in Shiloh knows that sweet gifts often mean traps or swarms of wasps that can sting you to death."

"As a human, what do you know about upgrading?" the Tal'darin craftsman scolded Renault. Accepting this human's words was equivalent to admitting that everything he believed in throughout his life were mistakes and lies.

"I believe it will take some time for us to figure out the social appearance, customs and gods of the Taldarin." Augustus asked his soldiers to escort the Taldarin back to the transport ship.

"As for these dead hybrids and the evil containers that created them, they should be destroyed on the spot." He continued: "To get involved with these twisted creations will only be to play with fire and burn yourself."

"Must be purified by fire," Tassadar said.

After a while, when Augustus and Tassadar were about to go home and discuss everything they had seen today, a Revolutionary Army second lieutenant and several Dark Templar warriors came over.

"Marshal, we discovered the forge where Tal'darin Protoss forges weapons and armor, as well as the warehouse where mechas and spaceships are parked." The second lieutenant said after saluting Augustus.

"Oh - let's go check it out."

The arsenal of Tal'darin Fortress is unusually vast, and its towering dome supports the blood-colored crystal that powers the entire fortress. In the vast warehouse, aggressive-looking blood-colored spaceships and spider-shaped mechas can be seen everywhere, and two huge colossi look down on the entire warehouse.

To the surprise of Augustus, Tassadar and others, the Tal'darin's mechas and fighters were almost identical to those of the Templars, including Dragon Knight mechas, reconnaissance planes, scarabs, and even a plane just for The Arbiter ship piloted by the Arbiter.

If the mere similarity in appearance doesn't explain the problem, then some of the spaceships and mechas that still retain the El Protoss gold and blue paint can already explain the problem.

"These shameless thieves." Tassadar also learned the word thief, and was furious at the despicable deeds of the Tal'darim protoss.

It is absolutely impossible for the Templars to hand over the armor and weapons to the Tal'darin protoss themselves. Those were either stolen by the Tal'darin or robbed, and the original owners of those weapons may have met with something unexpected.

In this way, there is an explanation for the inexplicable disappearance of the Protoss Empire exploration fleet and colonial fleet that disappeared deep in the universe. Tassadar could hardly believe that at least one of the noble Arbiters had died at the hands of the Tal'darim.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be a human spaceship there." Kerrigan, whose eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, suddenly spotted something among the pile of weapons and immediately pointed to a corner of the warehouse.

Augustus looked in that direction and found a human spaceship with a streamlined hull lying quietly there.

It was a gorgeous galaxy flea with the flag of the Tyranid Federation on it. This style of shuttle is often a hand-made luxury product, only provided to Federation nobles in Tarsonis, and is also highly sought after by Federation politicians.

"Why are there human spaceships here? Doesn't Tal'darin look down on human things at all?" Augustus said: "I have never seen Tal'darin steal a human spaceship... In their words, it's not like that at all. There’s no need to pick up rags.”

Kerrigan read the thoughts that flashed through Augustus's mind:

"Someone has been here."

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