StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 369 Eamon’s Servant

"I can only say that the plundering Tal'darin protoss are no longer scrupulous about meat and vegetables, so much so that they will take in all the human spaceships that they didn't like in the past."

Augustus looked at the shuttle, which had a streamlined hull and a beautiful silver atmospheric tail. He turned his head and motioned to his subordinates to search its interior.

As an expensive luxury airship, this shuttle that can jump quickly between galaxies must be opened by a complex password and its owner's iris and genetic lock.

Renault was just about to lead people to use micro-explosives to blow open the shuttle's hatch. A high-ranking Templar had already used the psychic blade in his hand to pierce the data panel in front of the hatch, and then cut it open like a can. The bulkheads are protected by new alloys.

Tassadar and Zeratul took the lead and walked in, while Augustus followed under the protection of Kerrigan and others.

"Damn federal nobles, they really know how to enjoy it!" Renault entered the shuttle before Augustus and cursed the luxurious decoration inside as soon as he raised his head.

The ship's interior is as lavishly decorated as the palaces built centuries ago on Tarsonis Prime when Old Earth styles prevailed, but its design is completely different from all current human artistic styles.

It was a completely different scene inside the spaceship. The strange silver metal formed a bulkhead that looked like the surface of mercury. The extremely beautiful spiral patterns and star-like flashes seemed to be in an alien space. The elegant and harmonious curved surface perfectly follows the golden ratio, like water droplets sliding off a green leaf.

Augustus was surprised to find that this spaceship was one of the few that was a work of art in itself like the Protoss. It was obviously a imaginative work of art rather than an ordinary spaceship that just traveled through the universe.

Its internal layout is also completely different from all luxury yachts or ordinary spaceships Augustus has seen. It does not even have a closed space or cabin. The ring-shaped halo and curtain divide the entire spacecraft into several interconnected spaces. The mysterious symbols are emitting some kind of pure void energy, so they appear a vibrant green color.

If Tal'darin's buildings are densely covered with black spikes and sharp blades, shaped like countless swords, then here there are no sharp edges at all. Everything looks so smooth and natural, as if it comes from The miraculous craftsmanship of nature is not the imitation of human beings.

If it was designed by a human engineer, his talent and artistic attainments should never remain unknown.

"It looks like a Xel'Naga spaceship." Augustus walked into the cockpit of the shuttle and saw the familiar control panel before confirming that it was still a human spacecraft, but this There are still no clunky cables to be seen.

The oil paintings, shell and gem-like handicrafts and other luxurious objects hanging on the walls also prove the taste of the former owner of this spaceship. Even if he is not a person who likes luxury, he must be either rich or noble.

"Maybe the owner of this spacecraft is a admirer of the mysterious alien owner." Kerrigan reached out and touched the control panel of the cockpit, and a fluorescent blue holographic projection screen unfolded in front of everyone, with several nebulae marked on it. Rather than the small Koprulu star region.

"When I was at Ghost Academy, I took courses on learning human vehicles, and I had never seen such a spacecraft."

"Can you find out the model and origin of this spaceship?" Augustus asked.

"There are so many customized brands, but none of them can match this ship." Kerrigan shook his head.

"If this was done by a human, then he must be a master at the pinnacle." Zeratul looked at the spacecraft with a strange mood, and his evaluation of humans was once again elevated. The Dark Templar are experienced scholars in the study of the Xel'Naga, which is as important as delving into their own traditional culture.

"This is by no means a parody of Xel'Naga. The person who built it must have a very deep understanding of Xel'Naga art and technology." He said.

"The Tal'darim most likely captured this ship by accident and stored it in the weapons depot because of its uniqueness."

"Let's see what we can find in this ship's database." Augustus looked at Kerrigan, who immediately walked to the computer where the data files were stored.

His master obviously didn't expect the ship to fall into other hands, and cracking the code would be easy for Kerrigan.

"Unauthorized access. In accordance with Federal Security Protocol Section 114." Kerrigan inserted the cracked disk into the computer interface, but was surprised to find that the previously invincible cracking program did not work.

"This ship's database is multi-encrypted, and its complexity may only be cracked by the most experienced experts." She looked at Augustus.

"Find our best decoding experts." Augustus thought for a while and said, "I hope they can crack it. I'm worried, it's not something humans can crack."

"Maybe my scientists can try to crack this human terminal." Tassadar spoke at this time: "It shouldn't take too long to figure out the structure of this machine."

"I feel that even if we crack it, we will find nothing in the end." Augustus had already speculated on the mysterious identity of the owner of the spacecraft.

In the Koprulu sector, a mysterious man named Duran (Star 1)/Narud (Star 2) has been closely linked to the hybrid experiment.

Narud had lived through so much more time than Zeratul that he could arrogantly call the latter a young man. He is the fallen one among the Xel'Naga, a loyal servant of Amon, the god of darkness who will destroy the entire universe in the future.

For countless long years, Narud has been changing various identities, appearing in front of the world under different names, teasing all people who claim to be smart. He has been planning the rebirth of his great master Aemon, for which everyone in this world is just a tool and pawn at his mercy.

Narud secretly promotes the process of the three clans fighting for hegemony in Koprulu, playing with others. Only Narud can build such a spaceship, because he is a Xel'Naga himself.

"Anyway, you won't know until you try it." Renault shrugged, thinking this was a rare negative performance from Augustus.

Augustus nodded and set his sights on the holographic projection star map that could be touched freely. He walked over and retrieved the ship's flight records and found out the route of its last flight.

The starting point is a federal border planet called Brysis, and it travels all the way over more than half of the Koprulu sector to get here.

"Judging from the flight navigation settings." Kerrigan quickly discovered something was wrong: "This spacecraft was originally going to the Luria system - but how could he have the detailed coordinates of this Tal'darin outpost? .”

"This is so ridiculous, it's almost as if this person flew here specially." Renault touched his bare head: "How do you say that the Tal'darin Protoss is still secretly trading with federal nobles and politicians? Oh—I’m not surprised no matter how ridiculous they do.”

Not long after, Tassadar's men brought several El Protoss Kalai scientists, including the respected protector Zamara.

Human computers are nothing more than primitive and crude products to the Protoss, but the personality intelligence technology of the Protoss Empire has already reached a height unimaginable by humans. As early as ancient times, it was able to digitize the personalities of Protoss warriors and create terrifying... artificial intelligence machine.

The Protoss is an ancient high-tech race, and their magical and brilliant psychic abilities cannot conceal their peak technological achievements.

Protectors are the most knowledgeable scholars in the Protoss Empire. Their research on the Xel'Naga is still higher than that of the Dark Templar, because this special class can inherit the memories of all protoss after the catastrophe, including scholars and craftsmen. of masters and military strategists.

When scientists in gold-blue robes began to seriously crack the shuttle's main control computer, protector Zamara gave his own opinion on the special design of the spacecraft: "This may not be the work of a human being. The hands are not even from the protoss."

"What? You mean, this was made by Xel'Naga himself." Renault felt that his usual perception was strongly impacted: "Don't be joking, dear. If that's the case, why did he go to all the trouble to build a ship with the appearance of a human being?" 's spaceship."

"The secrets in this are not something we can know." The protector wears a spotless white long hood, and his face is always hidden under the mysterious darkness. Only his cobalt blue eyes are still like the blue sun. shine.

She stretched out her four slender fingers and touched the spiral pattern on the inner wall of the shuttle: "The main technology used in this spacecraft is still human, but the Xel'Naga technology in it cannot be imitated even by the protoss."

"There are so many secrets waiting to be revealed," Zeratul also said.

While waiting for the protoss scientists to crack the code, Augustus' men found a spherical storage space while searching the entire ship, and found some documents left here by its previous owner.

Augustus opened a package containing the ID cards of the Terran Federation and found at least twenty ID cards with completely different appearances, birthplaces, and occupations. The birth dates of some of them could even be traced back to the Federation era. Early days.

"Human traffickers?" Renault stared at these ID cards and said, "Why else would this guy want these? If it's just to disguise or hide his identity, at least the people on them should look similar."

"." Augustus flipped through these ancient information cards and found that there were white-haired old men, fierce men and beautiful blondes.

This made Augustus begin to doubt Narud's taste in using his Xel'Naga incarnation in the real universe to transform and disguise himself as various people.

Augustus then took over some other documents from Kerrigan's hands. From an agent of the Tarsonis Federal Police to the chairman of a listed biotechnology company, the different identities were dazzling, including even... Certification of Squash Players.

Fortunately, Augustus did not find a business card of a street girl like this, at least Narud's image in his heart was preserved.

"All signs are weird." Tassadar concluded: "Humans colluding with Tal'darin, spaceships with Xel'Naga technology, evil and weird protoss and insect hybrids - the human beings on this asteroid Darkness and weirdness were unheard of.”

"Executor I believe we have unsealed this human device." Some time later, a Kalai scientist gave Tassadar an update on their work.

Augustus immediately looked there, only to find that at the same time, a hooded figure suddenly appeared on the holographic projection screen on the spacecraft, with the background of void darkness and mysterious starlight.

A huge hybrid with a single horn was lying at his feet, as docile as a cat taking a nap in the afternoon sun.

When the hooded man spoke, Augustus noticed that the voice did not match his memory of Samir Duran or Dr. Narud. It was even close. Yu Neutral's voice: "Very spectacular, isn't it?"

"Are you the master of the Tal'darim here, the mastermind behind the creation of these hybrid monsters?" Augustus said in his usual cold words.

"That's right-" the man in the black hood said.

"Augustus Mengsk, maybe you are surprised that I know that Dark Templar and your name? Don't be too panicked, because I am omnipresent and omniscient." His voice even sounded noble and noble. Elegant, exactly like the way a federal aristocrat like Andrea Tagore spoke with a raised voice:

"I noticed you as early as when you started the rebellion in Korhal IV."

"Who are you?" Augustus was almost certain that this person was Dr. Narud, who would control the Moebius Foundation in the future, and was the mastermind behind Jim Raynor's mission to search for Xel'Naga artifact fragments.

"I am a humble servant of a great being whose name is beyond the knowledge of you mortals."

Narud was still complacent about playing with protoss heroes and human rebel heroes, completely unaware that Augustus had seen through his identity and was fully aware of his proud plan to destroy the world.

"Eamon?" Zeratul called out a name.


The hooded man was silent for a moment, seemingly angry at Tal'darin's revelation.

He has many such hybrid manufacturing factories, most of which he used his power and assets in the Tyranid Federation to drive humans to build, while there are very few of the Tal'darin protoss. The reason why the early hybrid experiments involved the Tal'darin Protoss was that these fanatical fools were able to provide a large number of test subjects related to the protoss genes.

He originally thought that the first thing to be discovered would be some kind of human hybrid factory, but what happened today obviously exceeded his expectations.

"For what purpose did you create these creatures? To destroy?" Zeratul asked, breaking the hooded man's embarrassment.

He immediately said, "Of course, young man. Bring destruction, bring doom."

"His destiny was destined when the stars were born."

"Witness the pinnacle of your history!"

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