StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 372 Civil War

The Antioch Province is home to the oldest city in the Protoss Empire and the immortal temple left behind by the Xel'Naga. The lush rainforest and ocean surround the golden city and the floating crystal tower. The protoss lives in harmony with nature, precisely because they are the children of El.

As time goes by, the grass grows and the orioles fly. The stories of the ancestors of the stars and their struggles with wild beasts, storms and mountains have been compiled into beautiful spiritual songs. The singing and crying legends of the ancient heroes still influence generations of the eldest sons of gods, who once gave birth to the eldest son of the gods. The great mother Al who founded the splendid star civilization was trembling in front of the insect swarm.

The place where Augustus met Phoenix, the Archon of the Protoss Empire, was in a newly built command center. Outside was the lush Aiur primeval rainforest.

The dense rainforest reflects brilliant blue-orange light in the sun. Giant creatures with colorful crowns and sail-like backs and strange birds migrate on a large scale along the river. This spectacular scene is obscured by the invisible and unmanned forces of the revolutionary army. Captured by aircraft and satellites.

The conference room in the command center, where the revolutionary marshals used to listen to their staff, military advisers and generals, is now used as a meeting place for Augustus and Phoenix.

Augustus and Phoenix were looking at a tactical holographic projector together, with Al spinning on it. On top of that, the red flashing dots and triangular logos represent the zerg and protoss armies, while the green ones represent the revolutionary army.

This was constructed by combining the data obtained after the Revolutionary Army's scientific ship exploration force scanned the planet and the Aiur landform map given by Tassadar. The place names were all translated according to the protoss Kalani's transliteration to ensure that the Revolutionary Army commander The intentions of protoss allies will not be misunderstood because of different names.

The Antioch Province, where the Revolutionary Army landed, is located in the southern hemisphere of Air. It is adjacent to the urban city of Koshaka in Air and the Sein Province, another large province. In the other direction are the quiet and vast virgin forests and Province of Eldra.

The administrative center of the Protoss Empire is in the heart of the Council of Koshaka, where every order of the arbitrators of the Supreme Council represents supreme power and inviolable orders.

The arbitrators are all wise elders, and some of them have even been impartial and upright for more than ten centuries. They are already dying old people, but their thoughts in Kara still shine like stars.

The provinces of Antioch, Villari, Temple of the Protector, Sein Province and the Aquili tribe to the west are the barriers to the capital Koshaka. The fall of Antioch means that Koshaka is also in danger .

"How much territory does the Protoss Empire still have in Aiur?" After praising Phoenix's bravery and admiring him, Augustus immediately focused on a battle plan to deploy military forces to Aiur.

For Augustus, he must understand the military strength comparison between the protoss and the zerg on Aiur to decide whether the military operation on Aiur is to help Tassadar regain the lost territory, or to decisively abandon Aiur and take it with him. The protoss refugees quickly fled this place of right and wrong.

"The eastern hemisphere of Aiur has almost completely fallen, and the western hemisphere is still under the control of the Templars, but the zerg are endless, and our warriors are limited in number." Phoenix replied: "Unless the Overlord is killed, the Protoss Empire will sooner or later They will all fall apart in this tragic war."

"The Overlord of the Swarm landed in the Xel'Naga Temple in the northeast of Thane. Its huge and ugly body fell like a meteor, tearing a dark abyss on the earth. The Overlord's powerful tentacles were rooted in the Xel'Naga temple. The underground of the Ernaga Temple swallowed up the temple that existed before the Age of Strife.”

Phoenix finally said: "The Zerg Overlord has integrated with the Xel'Naga Temple, and the swarm is spreading to the surroundings with the Overlord as the center. Even those Zerg Hive troops that tentatively attacked, we were already stretched thin. The troops are exhausted.”

"In other words, even in Aiur, you don't have an advantage when facing the zerg." Augustus seized this information. He believed that the Protoss Empire must have suffered unprecedented heavy losses from the zerg invasion. , and the zerg will never feel better.

Even if only one of them can free up their hands to blockade the outskirts of the Aiur system, the combined fleet will never be able to easily land in Aiur.

"Yes." Phoenix said frankly: "When talking to the arbitrators in the Supreme Council, even if they habitually hide their thoughts in front of the Templars, I can feel the worry and anger of the arbitrator class. .”

As a race whose psychic abilities far exceed those of humans and who have had telepathic abilities since the birth of the race, Phoenix can "hear" his lingering and superficial thoughts even if he does not deliberately read Augustus's thoughts.

As long as he focused on the spiritual aspect, Phoenix could figure out what kind of character and conduct Augustus had.

The protoss does not like politicians who are good at disguise and cold and cruel warlords. He prefers those who are similar to himself or have noble moral character. If Jim Raynor is here, he will definitely be able to win like Augustus. Phoenix for sure.

"When the zerg invaded, the Conclave was indifferent, treating it as an incident that should bring shame to the Templar class who were supposed to protect Aiur - the Protoss Empire's armies would easily clear out the invasion. Zerg," Phoenix continued.

"But they were wrong," said Augustus.

"We were all wrong." Phoenix's voice reflected in Augustus's mind was vigorous and powerful. If Zeratul was a mysterious ocean, then Archon Phoenix was a boulder that stood firm in the stormy waves.

"There is still hope for the Protoss Empire. The Armada, the Expeditionary Fleet and the huge colonial fleet scattered across the galaxy are on their way to Aiur. The dust-covered mothership has also been reawakened - but that is already too late. ." Phoenix said.

"How much time does Al have to wait for the soldiers to return?"

"I already know what kind of enemies and cruel tests we are facing now." Augustus nodded, planning to make two preparations. With the help of protoss heroes like Phoenix, the combined army will definitely be able to stop its powerful force. counterattack - provided that the Supreme Council does not become their enemy at this time.

At the same time, Augustus also decided to evacuate some of the El Protoss following Tassadar in advance, so as not to abandon a large number of people when they had to evacuate. Nothing can help the protoss at this time, and win the gratitude and respect of these arrogant Xel'Naga successors.

"The Protoss Empire has suffered its greatest loss since its establishment. Hundreds of millions of clansmen died tragically in this catastrophe. The pain and sorrow they endured before their deaths left a scar in Kara that can never be healed. The harm also caused hatred and grief to spread among the Templars and other tribesmen." Phoenix said to Augustus.

"In the golden age of the Protoss Empire, there were billions of protoss on Aiur, and the population lost by this race was enough to prevent the protoss from regaining their glory for countless centuries. Those who guard Aiur The Armada has been devoured by the zerg, and countless brave Origa tribe warriors will remain in the starry sky of Aiur forever along with the beautiful warships they built with their own hands."

"I can understand this feeling." Augustus told Phoenix his thoughts: "If the people of Korhal IV were also destroyed by the Federation's nuclear bomb, then I would probably have fallen into darkness by now."

"Yes, there is nothing more painful than watching your companions, comrades, and elders who have been with you day and night die in front of you without being able to do anything about it." Phoenix mentioned his sadness, but soon let it go.

"Many of my friends have lost their lives forever and their souls have returned to Kara. There is one person who has stayed with me for three hundred years. He spent five hundred years training in the Villari Templar Academy before he became a warrior. A respected high-ranking Templar."

"The zerg took away his life." Augustus couldn't help but sigh for such warriors. The protoss is a long-lived race, and the cycle in which they train warriors is beyond the imagination and understanding of humans.

"That's not the case. He died of his determination to serve his people and his rage to die with his enemies." Phoenix said.

"He and another high-level templar gave up their original bodies and merged with their souls to become a light archon. At that time, I saw with my own eyes that the unstoppable energy swept everything, and the zerg was in the spiritual storm. Turn into ashes."

"They dissipated before dawn and everyone saw a bright light."

While Phoenix and Augustus were talking, Kerrigan walked in and reminded Augustus that Executor Tassadar's Templars had landed on the left flank of the Revolutionary landing site.

Tassadar himself then came to Augustus' command center alone, and at the same time brought news that Zeratul's Dark Templar troops had landed in the Koresh Hills in the northern hemisphere. The vast land there is now occupied by continuous zerg hives and zerg, and the lush forests filled with srifen swarms have now become one of the most dangerous areas on Aiur.

"Augustus, I am extremely sad to see that Aiur has become a paradise for Zerg. No matter how sad the human language is, my sorrow can't be expressed." The tall Tassadar is still the high-level saint. Wearing a samurai robe, when he walked into the door of the conference room of the command center, he seemed to be carried by the wind with thunder.

Protoss is a creature that is born with the ability to connect with the emotions of its people. Their sadness and despair are almost substantive. It is a sadness that can make Augustus feel the same and cry, just like Kerrigan was killed by Augustus. The sadness that made the human soldiers around him shed tears when he was caught.

When Tassadar set his sights on Phoenix, this sadness became even more intense: "Phoenix, a sad templar once told me that you had unfortunately died in the battle to guard the province of Antioch. "

"But you are still standing in front of me alive now. This is impossible - but I wish this was true. Thank the gods, is it really you? Phoenix, brother, you are still alive!"

Tassadar was so excited that his emotions of joy and sorrow hit Augustus at the same time, making the latter feel as uncomfortable as two onions stuck to his eyes.

"Haha. Well, after I was defeated, my compatriots found my remains and put me in the current Dragon Knight mecha. Now, this Dragon Knight is my home." Phoenix The open-minded laughter made Augustus almost unable to believe that this was a warrior whose body was so disabled that he could only return to the battlefield through a mecha. He was completely unscathed by setbacks and physical disabilities.

Augustus had never seen Phoenix when he was a templar, but in Tassadar's memories, Phoenix was a strong and brave warrior who walked as fast as flying. He was unstoppable on the battlefield and was a living legend.

No one has ever defeated Fenix, and no one has ever faced him in battle without trembling with battle cries and psychic blades.

Phoenix has experienced so many battles that even he himself can't remember them all. Only the protectors and the young Templar successors are still recording his new legends.

It is said that Fenix ​​has been active on the front line of the battlefield at least during the Arbitration of Kalash, but even before that he had already shocked Aiur in the battle to wipe out the Dark Templar.

"Yes, I am the immortal Phoenix." Phoenix read what Augustus was thinking but did not say.

"Old friend, I really wish none of this had happened."

"What can I say? As long as my spirit has not been knocked down, there is nothing to be ashamed of. I can still continue to fight for Aiur!" Phoenix said to Tassadar again.

"Is it the order of the Supreme Council that almost killed you?" Augustus asked.

"That's not the case. The Supreme Council has their own judgment." Phoenix would not blame anyone else for his failure: "They just still firmly believe that the Templars have always fought openly and honestly, and the Templars should Defeat the zerg head-on instead of playing tricks."

"The Supreme Council ordered Executor Artanis to gather troops to recover the fallen planet of Thane, and I was ordered to guard the province of Antioch. - The Zerg launched an attack on Antioch there."

"I kept fighting, slaying the zerg, defending people—on and on. Until my power was exhausted and I could no longer ignite the psionic blade."

".I have nothing to say." Augustus really had nothing to say: "You are a brave warrior, but now it seems that the Supreme Council is not."

"This is simply unreasonable!" Tassadar felt deeply saddened by what happened to his friend: "I have already said that a frontal attack is useless. Without the help of the Dark Templar, the Cerebrate will resurrect every time!"

"We spent the blood of so many warriors, but only got the putrid body of an abominable monster!"

"Unless they see it with their own eyes, the Conclave will never believe and admit that the deviant Dark Templar can kill the Cerebrate," Phoenix said.

"Then prove it to them." Augustus said softly.

"That's right." Tassadar and Phoenix looked at each other, as if they were smiling at each other.

Phoenix continued: "I have some bad news to tell you, Tassadar. You have been labeled a traitor by the Supreme Council. They are now organizing an army to arrest you. The council guards of the Yala tribe have also assembled in the Parliament Square. .”

"What? I don't believe they have reached this point. Before the crisis of genocide, they still cling to their pedantic dogma." Tassadar said with a mix of shock and anger.

"If you can't convince the Supreme Council later, I'm afraid we will have to fight them." Augustus said: "Tassadar, no matter when, the Human Revolutionary Army will stand with you and your people. On the same front.”

"Me too, old friend," Phoenix said to Tassadar.

"I will follow you forever, even if it makes me a traitor."

"En Taro Adun, noble Phoenix, only by uniting can we defeat our enemies." Tassadar asked again: "Where is young Artanis?"

"Artanis is gathering troops on Fireflight Island," Phoenix replied. "He will also come to help you."

Phoenix is ​​the phoenix, the phoenix rising from the ashes.

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