StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 373 Gathering Troops

"If at the last moment we have to draw a sword with the Supreme Council, the help of Artanis and the Akiri tribe will be essential." Tassadar is very happy that the new executive officer Artanis is on his side. aside.

"Aqili has always been a strong man and leader among the Templars, and their support is essential." Phoenix also said.

"Once a war begins with the Supreme Council, the balance of military power between the two sides will determine success or failure. Can we take the initiative on the frontal battlefield? Otherwise, we must rely on the help of Zeratul and the Dark Templar." Augustus touched The console with the holographic projection tactical map was thinking about the march route from the southeast of Antioch to the heart of the Koshaka Council.

"The Origa tribe, the Yala tribe, the Velari tribe, and the Frignax tribe stood on the side of the Supreme Council. Sirak, the guardian of the Xel'Naga Temple, refused to take a stand. Only Sagas and Aki Here to support us," Phoenix said.

"The territory of the Fennatil tribe has lost contact with us. It is said that Karai, who last saw the El Hunters, claimed that the Fennatil templars were lost in the endless hunt for the zerg fury."

"The Burnatir tribe has noble moral character." Tassadar said: "If the Burnatir templars can be found, they will definitely turn to support us. I hope this tribe has not suffered a tragedy."

"If the Achilles tribe hadn't obeyed Artanis' command, we would have been at a huge disadvantage." Phoenix looked at Augustus.

"The Achilles tribe of Artanis is enough to defeat all the other tribes?" Augustus could only assume this.

"If you add the power of Sagas' tribe, yes." Tassadar said: "Oliga's fleet suffered heavy losses in the battle to defend Aiur. The tribes of Yara and Frignax came from respectively. The Arbiters and the Kalai class are not born warriors, only the protectors of the Valari and the high-ranking Templars are a force that cannot be ignored."

"However, although the Valari tribe has the best spearmen and brave light infantry in the Protoss Empire, they rarely use heavy armor and weapons."

Arbitrators are small in tribe and number, and they are not good at fighting. Among the Templar tribes, large and small, only the Akili, Fennatir, Sagas and Origa tribes are the most powerful and famous.

The Kalai class has the largest population in the Protoss Empire but is not good at fighting. Among them, the Frignax tribe is the forger of weapons and the most outstanding craftsmen. Their ancestors were also warlike warriors during the Eternal Catastrophe, so this While the tribe concentrates on developing the Kedarin Anima Crystal, maintaining and expanding the crystal matrix network of Aiur and even the Protoss Empire, they can also join the battle as savage warriors.

Among the Templar tribes in the Protoss Empire, the Akili have always been the most powerful. In a sense, they even control the military of the Protoss Empire. The Akili tribe has continued the martial spirit of their ancestors, and their power is well known in the Protoss Empire.

"Very good, I propose that once Artanis gathers all his troops and the warriors of the Akili tribe, we will immediately move towards the hinterland of the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire." Augustus locked Anti on the combat map The province of Oak is located at the border junction of Koshaka, where the Supreme Council is located.

There is a Protoss Empire military fortress called the Executor's Fortress. It is also the place where the Supreme Council discusses and makes decisions with their Executors, which is equivalent to the High Command of the Tyranid Federation. The new Executor who succeeded Tassadar was supposed to be commanding the Protoss Empire's vast armies, but now it seemed that Artanis was personally leading the army on the front lines.

"By taking this fortress, we can penetrate right into the heart of the Protoss Empire."

As he spoke, Augustus paused and changed his statement: "Then press forward to Koshaka's Council Heart and try to avoid contact with other protoss empire armies as much as possible. As long as all the arbitrators are killed, No one will question you."

"A desperate attack while the Supreme Council still thinks they are sure of victory will definitely have a miraculous effect." Tassadar agreed.

Little did the Conclave know that Artanis and Fenix ​​had joined Tassadar's side, and the most courageous and combative generals in the Protoss Empire turned against the Conclave they had sworn allegiance to.

"But I don't want to and will not kill all the arbitrators in the Supreme Council and let the bloodiest killing since the founding of the Protoss Empire happen." Tassadar sighed at Augustus's thoughts.

"Then imprison them until all is said and done," said Augustus.

If Augustus were Tassadar, then even if he would not cleanse the Protoss Empire, he would imprison all the Arbiters and seize all power. Considering the possibility of the arbitrators settling their scores or the restoration of their supporters, Augustus would definitely eradicate the problem.

"Okay." Tassadar couldn't think of a better way. The fratricide made Tassadar feel extremely heartbroken. After all, the protoss are not human beings. They feel the same feelings for each other and their hearts are as one. The fratricide will bring unprecedented shocks to Kara's spiritual network.

"Then let us decide where to launch the attack." Tassadar continued: "The fleet in Aier's synchronous orbit told me that Olga's fleet was not completely lost, even if their strength Less than one percent of what it used to be, it’s still enough to drive away the combined fleet.”

"The Zerg also launched an attack at this time, and Aiur's space fell into a fierce melee." He said: "We must resolve the differences with the Supreme Council as soon as possible."

"Soldiers are expensive and quick." Augustus also nodded. Just now, Jim Renault, who was commanding the Revolutionary Army fleet, also reported to him the latest battle situation in Aiur's orbit. The fleet in battle will only be able to send troops to the planet. A relatively limited military force is dispatched to the surface.

In contrast, the Protoss Empire's Supreme Council and the Zerg were unable to send overwhelming fleets and air power to deal with the coalition.

"This is the battle plan." As Augustus said, he had listed the plan in detail on the holographic projection map: "One of my legions will advance along the Flooding River and head for Koshaka and Thain. The province's border with Antioch, to defend against swarms of insects that might take advantage of our battle with the Conclave's forces to launch an attack."

"Another legion and its troops will start from the Elder's Cemetery and go to the memorial road - the altar - the executive fortress line. Relying on the executive fortress, a new super fortress will be built, and as expected, it will cooperate with the orders sent by the Supreme Council. The first army engages." He said: "Once this army is defeated, we will attack the city of Koshaka."

"I heard Tassadar mention the three Arks of Salvation sleeping under the heart of the Koshakar Council. We have to capture them there so that we can activate these Arks to launch a counterattack against the Zerg and transfer refugees."

"The area we are in now is the vast virgin rainforest of Antioch, but it lacks a city that can be used as a springboard to attack or to retreat to and hold on to." Augustus said, marking a location with a red circle on the combat map.

"After occupying the Executor's Fortress, the forests to the south of Antioch and the desert to the west can become a vast strategic buffer."

"This is what humans have to do." Phoenix pointed out: "And the task of attacking is left to us, and my troops will be the vanguard - always."

"My templars will fight together with humans." Tassadar had long discussed with Augustus the battle plan after landing on Aiur.

"At this time, we also need to gather as much as possible the Kalai and Templar warriors along the way."

"." Augustus nodded: "I will send a professional army and medical staff to help the refugees in Ayr."

Both Augustus and Tassadar knew that it was not strategically wise to lend a helping hand to the protoss they encountered at this time. Even if the main force would not stop because of this, they had to detach part of the army. Relocate and protect the civilians of the Protoss Empire.

But this was the original purpose of coming to Ayr, not for power or other selfish desires, but to save this ancient land. Even if you can't save Al, you still have to help the protoss escape from their home.

"So, we must also send an army to the Xel'Naga portal in Ayr." Augustus drew a line between the Xel'Naga portal and the Antioch province on the combat map. A long red line and arrow.

"This is an airborne force. They are led by my most effective airborne force commander Zander Max. They occupy the Xel'Naga portal as quickly as possible and open it."

"And that portal will open a passage to the Dark Templar's homeworld of Sagulath. All El refugees will go to Sagulath through this road to seek the Nerazim Protoss matriarch Rasha Garr’s merciful asylum.”

As he was talking, Faraday, the captain of the marshal's guard standing outside the conference room of the command center, reported to Augustus that another protoss commander had arrived.

When the steel door of the conference room opened, Augustus noticed that it was the new executive officer they had mentioned before, Artanis from the Achilles tribe.

There are many scratches on Artanis's ancient plate armor that shines like platinum, and his once spotless executive robes are also a lot darker. Only his eyes burning with pure blue fire are still the same. Youshen - young, energetic, full of drive and full of hope.

"En Taro Adun, I salute you, the great Executor Tassadar, the Grand Archon Fenix ​​- and you, Marshal Augustus Mengsk, the outstanding leader of the Human Revolutionary Army, a good mentor and friend worthy of my study." Tanis still addressed Tassadar as an executor, and as for Augustus, he showed great respect.

"I have gathered the last of the forces I could muster, and they are now at your command, Tassadar."

What could be more worthy of respect from the protoss than a human who traveled thousands of miles to come to Aiur and fight for a race so different from humans.

Artanis happened to hear the last words of Augustus when he entered the command center, and inevitably heard the word Aiel refugees. Refugee is a human term for those who are down and out and hungry.

The Protoss Empire will never call its people this word. From the time when their civilization once again shone among the stars after the catastrophe of the ages, the number of people lost due to war and medical treatment has been reduced to a minimum. I don’t know how many centuries it has been. The protoss spirits are no longer in such embarrassment as they are now.

My noble people have become refugees.

"Artanis, it's great to see you here again. I thought that after that, the Supreme Council would definitely punish you for shielding Tassadar." Augustus extended a hand to Artanis. The latter, who was at a loss, quickly read the idea of ​​shaking hands and the friendly meaning behind it from the other party's superficial thoughts.

Then, Augustus, who was wearing power armor, briefly hugged Artanis, which made the young protoss executive feel stunned. He didn't know where to place his helpless hands.

Artanis knew that among humans, this was how long-separated friends celebrated their reunion.

"The arbitrators in the Supreme Council are sometimes just too stubborn and extreme. They are all good people." Artanis does not think that the Supreme Council is a heinous ruling class.

"They are just immersed too deeply in arrogance." Phoenix also said: "The great Kass once gave the protoss who initially followed him the responsibility of managing and leading the protoss empire to glory. Every arbiter has the heavy responsibility of So much so that they often make inhumane decisions for the benefit of the Imperium and all the protoss."

"Perhaps some arbitrators in the Supreme Council will make wrong decisions out of selfish motives or narrow positions, but that is just because they have not seen successful examples."

"Yes." Tassadar also said: "Artanis, thank you for choosing to believe in me in this critical moment."

"I hope your templars will continue to fight with us in the future."

"Of course."

At this time, Augustus's order for the troops to land in Ayr to march according to the original plan had been carried out. All temporary bunkers and alloy steel barriers built to resist enemy attacks had also been recovered. The jungle camouflage-colored barracks, Engineering stations, heavy industry yards and command centers were also propelled into the air by propellers.

Augustus, Tassadar and other protoss commanders left the command center at their feet before it was about to take off. They walked onto the land covered with humus layers in the primeval forest, preparing to return to their troops in aircraft or vehicles. middle.

In front of them was a large and spectacular sight. The march of one of the human armies alone was more than ten miles long. Heavy chariots and tanks roared across the flat land of Ayr. From time to time, golden-red fighter planes and shining Protoss shuttles of the Human Revolutionary Army flew over the sky. The moving protoss army was quickly deployed to this strategic location through the warp matrix network all over Aiur.

Had it not been for the zerg invasion that destroyed many of the warp facilities and the Matrix network still under the Conclave's control, denying access to Tassadar's forces, they would have appeared in the square at the Heart of the Conclave in an instant.

Tassadar saw this grand scene and said: "With unity and unity, we will be able to save Aiur."

There is an epidemic here in Taixing, my community has been sealed off, I am bald as I queue up for nucleic acid tests, and I am writing in a hurry.

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