StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 374 El Refugees

Ayr is a hot and humid planet. Sufficient and intense sunshine and abundant rain not only nourish the primeval rainforests at all latitudes and the gorgeous life in them, but also bring unbearable heat.

In the province of Antioch, cold winters have ceased to exist in many geological layers, and there are only short springs and long summers.

Magnificent life thrives here, and so many such lives have spawned strange species in one Ayr revolution after another, including giant lizards with giant sail-like backs, dexterous cats and primates that have evolved convergently. Make a grand appearance on the stage of life evolution.

The primeval forest of Antioch is vast and ancient. When the seeds of those towering trees sprouted, the protoss had not yet created their glorious empire.

Augustus had just stepped off a heavy armored command vehicle and was walking on the road opened by tanks and rollers in the pristine rainforest north of Antioch. Next to him was Faraday's Marshal's Guard and a whole marching army. Goliath's armed robot company.

The surrounding area is filled with the fragrance of plant stems and leaves emitted when plants are crushed and chopped. The downed trees are neatly stacked to be used as temporary defensive barriers and materials for building refugee settlements.

Continuing along this road, you will find the location of the Antioch Altar and the Cemetery of the Elders. It is said that the remains of the Protoss heroes of all generations are buried there, and there is a memorial trail that has been walked by pilgrims thousands of times over the centuries. the road. Although it had an almost sacred meaning to the protoss, the protoss had also lost it in recent times.

Continuing forward through the altar is the fortress city Executor's Fortress that Augustus ordered to capture, which is still under the control of the Protoss Empire. Among Augustus's armies, the closest ones were the Alpha Squadron and the four 20,000-person divisions of the Revolutionary Army, equipped with countless heavy firepower tanks and supporting artillery.

Even so, trying to capture the Executor Fortress in a short time with human military power alone is tantamount to wishful thinking. It was an impregnable fortress, and the defenders were able to continuously summon reinforcements through the crystal matrix warping network spread across Aiur.

The real main force is the protoss army of Artanis and Phoenix. In any case, they must know better than humans how to deal with their own people.

While walking on the road and looking around and into the forest in the distance, Augustus had admired the charming scenery of Ayr more than once, but he still lamented the misfortune suffered by such a beautiful planet.

This is a vast virgin forest, with towering ancient trees supporting the blue sky of Ayr. The tree canopy higher than the head, vines and tree trunks thicker than human arms are intertwined to form a labyrinth-like natural landscape in the Ayre Rainforest. The poisonous and colorful poisonous creatures are perfectly integrated with the surrounding environment. Those ferocious large-scale Animals spy on these strange alien creatures with amazing wisdom.

Large, wide, palm-like branches intertwined with evergreen vines form a green screen that blocks the sun, leaving a shady shade for the ferns below. The leaves of the vegetation are colorful, shining with reddish brown, bright orange, fluorescent green and sapphire blue in the sunlight, like blooming flowers, and the trickling river flowing through it is like flowing poetry.

No leaf is exactly the same. The leaf veins, which are like heart and lung veins, seem to be depicting a mysterious map. The branches are like colorful corals under the rippling blue waves, with various shapes and extraordinary beauty.

To this day, Augustus has visited many planets, both real purgatory and paradise on earth with a pleasant climate. As the home planet of a powerful and huge protoss empire, most of Aiur's landforms are still quite primitive. Only those golden cities and mysterious temples are hidden between nature and mountains and rivers.

The engineers of the Revolutionary Army briefly admired the beauty of Aiur's garden and then had to bulldoze these lush plants. If they didn't do that, once the zerg carpet tumors began to spread, no life form would be able to survive. If it exists again, no matter how beautiful the flowers are, they will turn into a sticky purple-black gelatinous carpet.

"Lundstein's division has entered the ruins of a city forty miles south of the Executive Fortress." Sarah Kerrigan, a ghost agent wearing a blue and white ghost tight-fitting combat uniform, walked while using her The knife threw away the belly of an El rainforest insect and used psychic energy to burn the remaining poisonous insects to ashes.

This is a giant insect similar to a mosquito. Their bites on Revolutionary Army soldiers can cause severe fever symptoms and kill people. This poisonous insect is by no means the most dangerous and deadly creature on Ayr. .

The primeval forest of Ayr is full of dangers, and those deadly hunters are not even visible to the human eye.

"That city was abandoned not long ago. There is evidence that a group of zerg from the Berog tribe attacked and destroyed it, swallowing all the protoss." Kerrigan's ghost combat suit was condensed. Covered with a layer of water vapor, the humid air made her combat uniform stick more closely to her body, making her look more feminine.

"Wasn't the white Balrog group's brainworm Gwen killed by Zeratul's Dark Templar? Gwen can't come back from the dead, and its out-of-control group was also defeated by the rest of the nests." Gustus made no secret of his surprise when he heard the news.

As Augustus spoke, the micro-air conditioner of his power armor was still working, bringing the wearer the slightest bit of coolness in the hot Ayr summer. Otherwise, the humid and hot air will greatly reduce the combat effectiveness of those soldiers from high latitudes.

This was one of the few times when Augustus gave high marks to the designers of the power armor for their humane design, while the functions of other parts of the armor were mostly inhumane.

"Either the master rebuilt this ethnic group based on the genes of the Berog ethnic group, or the brain worms from another ethnic group or the nameless brain worms accepted and controlled the Berog ethnic group."

After capturing the brainworm named α, the Revolutionary Army made breakthrough progress in their research on the internal classes and group specialties of the Zerg. They also learned from the mouth of the brainworm that a newly born brainworm was The insect man is soft-spoken and has difficulty establishing his prestige among the insect swarm - although this brainworm is not willing to admit this, and still throws a tantrum when researchers question it.

Berogs are few in number, but every clan member is bloodthirsty and powerful. Berog is one of the groups guarding the Overlord. Their appearance here means that the Overlord of the Insect Swarm must be not far away.

"General Rundstein's men did not encounter the Zerg attack, and they did not find any protoss survivors in the city." Kerrigan then said to Augustus:

"A jungle guerrilla force under his command used anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down a king insect, and dug out a large number of protoss civilian corpses from the belly of the ferocious monster. He suspected that the protoss had not been eaten by the zerg. Just take them away,” she speculated.

"The zerg cannot assimilate the genes of the protoss, and they probably eat the protoss just to relieve their hunger. Research from the Alien Laboratory shows that if the zerg leaves the range of the carpet, it must replenish the energy it consumes by eating."

"If you can still think of those hybrid monsters created by mixing protoss and zerg genes that we found in the Luria galaxy, you might be able to think of the conspiracy behind the zerg's abnormal behavior." Augustus did not think so. think.

"The zerg have eaten so many protoss, and the resulting hybrid monster must be beyond all of our imaginations."

Augustus thought of the future hybrid of the evil god's body created by the body of the Overlord. The monster formed by the fusion of the body of the Overlord and countless stars is the real terminator of the doomsday.

"." Kerrigan still couldn't figure out the meaning of Augustus's words, but she imagined that these words must have a profound meaning that far exceeded the limitations of her own thinking.

These words of Augustus will be recorded for the benefit of future autobiographers and historians who will write biographies of Emperor Augustus Mengsk.

Before Kerrigan could say anything else, the commander of another main force also reported that they had entered the planned attack position, and new intelligence was constantly flowing into Augustus' marshal's headquarters.

The protoss is still strengthening the defense of the Executor's Fortress, but that is not to defend against the sudden appearance of humans, but to defend against the zerg attack from the direction of Thane Province.

It was the first area to fall after the Overlord came to Aiur. A large number of Tiamat and Jormungandr zerg are lingering on the ruins and broken disk spiers of the once glorious city in Thane Province. As long as the Overlord thinks which The moment is the best time to launch an attack on the capital area of ​​the Protoss Empire, and the two most powerful groups will really take action.

"Tell Lieutenant General Bennett to launch an attack according to the battle plan. All we have to do is to drop bombs on the Protoss position and make the sound of 'fireworks' as loud as possible. We will wait until Phoenix's army begins to take action before launching a general attack. ." Augustus ordered on the command channel.

"This is an important battle, and there is no need for me to mention the value of the Executor's Fortress. I have only one request for the soldiers, and that is to capture this fortress." He said: "I will not allow any failure. "

Augustus was still quite far away from the front line at this time, and his destination was not the Executor Fortress, but the nearest city that had been occupied by zerg, which was also the great altar in the Protoss Doctrine. location.

The battle to attack the Executor's Fortress was the most important after the Revolutionary Army landed in Ayr, but Augustus had to command more than just this battle, a temporarily formed large army.

According to the original plan, Augustus would establish a temporary command center in that area to command the entire army.

At the same time that Augustus issued the last order, there was a sudden noise in the primitive jungle not far away. Dozens of elite marshal's guard soldiers around him immediately guarded the marshal tightly in the middle.

An eight-man Nova Squadron ghost agent team hidden in the shadows quickly approached the direction of the sound, while the other two groups stayed on standby.

The terrain in Ayr's primeval forest is complex, with numerous thick branches stuck together like dragons, making it difficult to even run. Only dexterous primates and birds can adapt to the environment above the tree canopy.

"Is it Al's beast?" This was not the first time Augustus encountered this kind of thing. From time to time when walking in the jungle, panicked large animals would break into the marching ranks of the revolutionary army in panic. If they cannot be driven away, then the soldiers can only shoot those creatures that may have been regarded by the protoss in the tribal era as some kind of incarnation of gods in ancient times.

"It's the protoss." A ghost agent who went to investigate said: "There are more than two hundred people, most of them are civilians, and few of them have weapons."

"Bring them here." Augustus ordered: "Take the protoss holy artifacts that Tassadar gave us, lest these protoss see us as enemies."

"As you wish."

"Is the Protoss Empire no longer able to control its own civilians?" Kerrigan shook her head.

The Revolutionary Army rarely encountered lost protoss civilians during their marches, and the latter would not interact with the strange primate creatures unless necessary. Aiur's primates are either stupid apes or cunning little fur balls the size of a palm, and the protoss' understanding of humans is generally the same.

Not long after, two Templars wearing golden-blue armor were brought over. One of them held the common Zealot Protoss Blade, and the other used a weapon similar to the Dark Templar's Curved Light Warblade. Sickle weapon. They were apparently the leaders of these El Protoss refugees and representatives sent to meet with the human leaders.

"En Taro Adun, I salute you, noble Templar, I am Augustus Mengsk, the leader of the Human Revolutionary Army." Augustus said to the two Templars.

"Salute to Adun, I am Alreina, the templar of the Burnatir tribe. I already know your identity and purpose of coming, but we don't need human help. Please tell us, where are our people?"

One of the Templars made a gesture of respect to Augustus. Even though he was in such a state of desolation, his words could not conceal the profound contempt and condescension of the Protoss towards other races.

After all, before humans even stepped into the starry sky, the Protoss Empire was silently watching and guarding countless such races.

"Follow us, you will meet your people soon." Augustus glanced at Kerrigan, who was a little angry at the other party's unkind words, and told her not to care about such a trivial matter. .

"If you were to read my mind, you would find that Tassadar and Artanis, the executive officers of the Protoss Empire, are my best friends. The Human Revolutionary Army is here to help the Protoss. This is both to fulfill my The promise made is also for the friendship between humans and protoss to last forever."

"Gods above, you are as honest as pure gold and stone. I salute you, human commander." The Templar's attitude towards Augustus obviously changed.

Then, a group of protoss with torn and wrinkled robes walked out of the jungle behind him. Like all the protoss Augustus had seen, these protoss who were forced to flee into the jungle had slender limbs and elegant and agile steps, but they were physically and mentally exhausted from fear, running day and night, and hiding in fear. No better attitude than the human refugees who had to flee their homes due to the zerg invasion and the protoss burning their homes.

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