StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 378 Recovering the Province of Antioch

At dawn, an entire formation of grizzly bombers passed over the Flooding River of Antioch. The dull sound of their engines caused the frightened beasts in the primeval rainforest to run away.

There were low roars, the sound of tree branches snapping, and the screams of birds flying into the air. A huge convoy of light armored vehicles and off-road vehicles loaded with supplies rumbled past the quietly flowing river. Rolling over colored pebbles and shellfish that glowed like jewels in the morning light.

Sarah Kerrigan neatly inserted the dagger in her hand into the brain of an Elbanga tiger, and then used her mind blast ability to send the other two into the march and rush towards Augustus Orm. Hala Predator's brain detonates. The two giant predators that were once regarded as gods by the ancient star spirits collapsed to the ground, with dripping blood flowing from their huge mouths and three giant eyes.

When Augustus looked away from a portable holographic projection, Corporal Faraday, who was standing beside the marshal, had already pulled out his blaster pistol and crushed the head of a Myru monster.

"These beasts are going crazy. They seem to be blinded by urine. They are running around and hitting our guns." Tychus Finley was holding a heavy machine gun in one hand and another in the other hand. But he was throwing a grenade into a hole deep into the ground dozens of yards away.

"Aha, maybe we can have a good meal tonight," said Hanak Hank.

As Tychus and Harnak cheered, grenades blew the entire cave into the sky.

They were standing in a forest clearing left by the diversion of the river, surrounded by dense shrubs, ferns, and palm-like plants. The plants in Ayr's primeval rainforest are surprisingly tall, and the leaves on the branches are shaped like giant fan leaves, blocking the sky and the scorching sun.

The long river sparkling in the sun, with its purity and beauty, became the baptism place for the Fennatier tribe in the province of Antioch. It was considered sacred and pure. The Flooding River never dries up, and does not affect the tribes and creatures along the way during the flood season when the water is at its most plentiful. Protoss poets have written countless moving poems about it.

If it weren't for the frantic wild animals and moving armies and vehicles in the forest, this would be a holy place for the Templars of Antioch to meditate.

However, the river at this time was sometimes mixed with blood. A large number of corpses of El creatures were winding down the river, and the entire river was dyed red with blood.

"Hey, you two idiots, there are Aiur's herbivores in there, and they are not aggressive at all." Kerrigan yelled immediately upon seeing this.

"You are too involved, little girl. Who knows if that damn beast will come out and threaten the life of our great marshal, or fucking kill us all." Tychus said casually.

"It's not our fault. Who let it block Uncle Hanak's way?" Hanak smiled, showing his fangs.

"How did you get these two scum in?" Kerrigan said to Augustus.

"Who knows." Augustus shrugged: "Sarah, you are becoming more anxious - have you sensed that the Zerg is nearby?"

"Yes, I can feel the unified, cruel thoughts of the zerg crossing the upper reaches of the floodlight river. They are the walking embodiment of death." Kerrigan said: "I seem to be able to hear the will of the zerg. Buzzing in my head.”

"Your perception of the zerg has become more and more acute. I hope this is a good thing." Augustus turned his attention to the battle map projected by the holographic projection in front of him, paying attention to the location information of each unit.

The Revolutionary Army deployed at least 150,000 troops, marines and engineers on Antioch, with a large number of vehicles and fighter aircraft, even more than the number of troops invested by the Terran Federation and the Camorian Federation on Sigma Prime during the Guild War. sum.

These troops were marked on the entire combat map according to their numbers and moved slowly on the map generated in real time based on data. A part of the army is stalling due to the obstruction of the attack, but there has not yet been a complete defeat of an entire battalion-level force.

Today, Ayr is full of dangers, and the revolutionary army far away from home temporarily does not have any troops to replenish. Therefore, the casualties caused by the arrival of the zerg and other losses caused by non-combat attrition such as disease have become Augustus's biggest headache. The place.

Fortunately, Xingling's advanced medical technology can help the revolutionary army overcome the problem of acclimatization and solve difficult and complicated diseases that the army doctors are unable to deal with.

Most areas of Antioch are dangerous primeval rainforests, filled with crazed beasts and cruel zerg, which hide in the canopy and dense vegetation. Any Revolutionary soldier who takes the rainforest lightly will pay a bloody price. .

Even though Ayr's rivers are pure and non-poisonous, drinking them is considered forbidden and contains enough venomous snakes, terrifying leeches and other deadly creatures to kill a strong young man. The soldier died tragically.

The latest research proves that since the zerg began to study infectious diseases that could infect humans, the zerg virus has also begun to spread through the air and rivers. ——This is most likely the work of Carlos, the Zerg Cerebrate.

"The Alpha Squadron at the front has encountered a huge vanguard force of the Jormungandr Swarm, and they are engaged in a bitter battle." He then ordered on the channel through the encrypted communication device: "Let Rondstein's troops Go immediately to support them and you will receive support from the Protoss Force Grand Archon Fenix."

"Continue to move forward and capture the secondary main nest of Jormungandr. The entire cobweb-covered waters of the Flooding River Basin will be ours."

"Jormungandr was the first zerg group to invade the Koprulu sector, and it was also one of the largest groups." Kerrigan was both Augustus' adjutant and an outstanding military strategist. This did not come from His training at the Federation's Ghost Academy on Tarsonis stemmed from his innate strategic intuition.

"In the past year, the activities of the Jormungandr swarm in the Koprulu sector have significantly decreased. It seems that this is because they have followed the Overlord to Aiur."

"Their brainworm Yak must also be on Aiur." Augustus frowned, feeling extremely troubled by the problem he faced.

"However, the information we have received shows that almost all the brainworm nests are near the body of the Overlord embedded in the surface of Aiur. This is to deal with the assassination of the Protoss Dark Templar, leaving Zeratul and the others unable to attack."

"If you want to kill a Cerebrate or make the Overlord feel threatened, you must go deep into the Zerg main lair area." He used his fingers to connect the northern Thane Province of Antioch Province with the Overlord Swarm occupied area. distance.

"In other words, we must face at least three powerful groups guarding the Lord."

"There are only three to four groups guarding Char, which means that all the other zerg groups have now come to Aiur." Kerrigan looked at Augustus and said.

"This is a new counterattack against the area occupied by the Zerg. According to Protoss Executive Artanis, the Protoss Empire's many previous counterattacks against the Zerg Swarm ended in failure after a short victory. Protoss They can defeat and kill all the zerg in front every time, but once they get deep into the hinterland, they will be repelled by the swarms that come later," she said.

"At that time, the Protoss Empire's military strength had not declined as much as it does now. How can we do what they can't do."

"Tassadar summoned all the templars who were willing to follow him, and even many Kalai civilians volunteered to help them." Augustus said: "Tassadar activated all the colossi and matriarchs on Aiur. Ship, this is the advantage of our counterattack."

He told Kerrigan clearly: "If it weren't for these weapons, then I would only have one suggestion for Tassadar, and that is to quickly transfer the refugees, and then gather all the protoss fleet branches to recover Aiur."

When he said this, Augustus received another report from the frontline troops. General Duke of Alpha Squadron told him proudly that his troops had perfectly completed the orders of the Marshal's headquarters and had destroyed Jörmunga. Get the largest secondary main nest of the insect swarm in the Antioch province.

Currently, Alpha Squadron and Archon Phoenix's troops are preparing to continue advancing northward as planned to recapture the capital city of Antioch Province, which has been reduced to ruins.

Although Duke was a successful man who liked to exaggerate his achievements, he did not dare to lie to Augustus about his military situation.

This means that the coalition forces' operations in the Antioch province are going smoothly, and the zerg that are widely distributed in Antioch are being eliminated by the protoss and humans.

After the Colossi entered the fray, the Zerg were truly caught off guard. At the same time, the Zerg were also puzzled. If the protoss had such a powerful weapon, why didn't they use it before.

"I said, the protoss base camp was attacked by bugs. We didn't even watch the show enough to deal with the bugs for these aliens. They are arrogant and arrogant, and they are just talking to you with their noses." Keyes said to Augustus as he dragged one of Rombard's creatures out of the cave he had blown down and skinned it with a knife.

"That may just be because the protoss is too high." Augustus said: "Tychus, there are many times when we do something not for obvious benefits or other naked purposes. "

"Stop lecturing me." Tychus exhaled from his nostrils: "So, if we help the protoss once, they will also come to help us deal with the Federation in the future?"

"You can't say that. Protoss usually does not intervene in disputes between other races." Augustus said with a smile.

"There are always exceptions, right? They just need to lend us some good things to use." Tychus smiled maliciously: "We have a life-long friendship with them, and brothers should help each other."

No matter how much Tychus disliked the rules and regulations of the Revolutionary Army, he had already declared himself a soldier of the Revolutionary Army. This is not because Tychus has a righteous heart, but because he relies on this name to get along smoothly in the world on the edge of the Federation that is close to the revolutionary army, and there are even many young and beautiful girls who want to embrace him.

"If the Tyranid Federation attacks our planet, the Protoss will definitely not sit back and watch the Revolutionary Army perish." Kerrigan said: "If Tassadar takes over the Supreme Council and takes charge of the Protoss Empire, then there will be a conflict between the Protoss Empire and us. Maintaining excellent diplomatic and cooperative relations at all times.”

"You should be able to imagine that such cooperation will involve many aspects."

"We are not only helping the protoss, but we are also helping ourselves. By weakening or even killing the Overlord, we will be able to defend ourselves from the enemy outside the Koprulu sector." Augustus is a leader with a long-term vision, and he always sees things very clearly. The insight is far away, even close to predicting the future. It is understandable that the soldiers of the revolutionary army revere such a leader so much.

"I don't understand." Hanak has always been a red-haired boy with novel ideas: "If this is the case, do we still have to kill those people in the Protoss Council?"

"In any case, it is very unfavorable for us for the Supreme Council to continue to be in power." Augustus nodded and said: "They did not hesitate to issue the order to burn the human planet. Who knows if these bastards will do it again in the future? What other crazy things will he do?"

"There is a situation. There are insects at three o'clock." Kerrigan suddenly said.

"Protect the marshal!" Tychus, who was still chattering just now, immediately stood up, and Harnak, who was wearing heavy fire bat armor, and Farad were guarding Augustus one after another.

"What are the people on guard doing?" Harnak yelled.

"Are you shitting? Gentlemen, pull up your pants and get your fucking guns and shoot!"

"It's not their fault, it's the Nydus Worms that brought these zerg." Kerrigan explained: "The number is only about four to five hundred. I suspect this is another assassination attempt by the zerg against you."

"Oh, you are throwing yourself into a trap." Tychus put his hands on his hips and said, "But they didn't expect that you are a human-shaped insect-sensing radar."

"What are the battalion-level troops closest to us?" Augustus asked with an unchanging expression.

Augustus's headquarters was in the middle of a huge march. The army was advancing at full speed, so it was unable to clear out the insects and wild beasts wandering in the rain forest.

"The 114th and 148th Battalions, they belong to..." Kerrigan said in the flash of lightning.

"Let them carry out the cleaning mission." Augustus said immediately.

"The divisional artillery units of the 9th Division can also provide us with fire support." Kerrigan said: "."

At this time, the clicking sound of the Zerg carapace colliding with each other became more and more obvious. A large number of springtails and Hydra Hydralisks with white chitin exoskeletons and bright crowns suddenly emerged from the right side of Augustus and others. Appear in the jungle.

Their obvious physical characteristics come from the Berog swarm that is proficient in hunting, but they are different from those seen by the Revolutionary Army in Char. The El animal group has evolved moist skin and blue color to adapt to the hot and humid environment of the planet. The green protective color makes these zerg look more vivid.

The backs of the Berog swarm also have huge sail-like dorsal fins that can absorb sunlight, allowing them to draw energy from the hot star rays of the Aiur system like the protoss.

Before the Revolutionary Army soldiers could open fire, a Protoss spaceship that the Revolutionary Army had never seen suddenly appeared above the Zerg. It had fin-like flying wings and a meniscus-shaped hull, and its surface was glowing. The golden flash is as elegant and delicate as other protoss ships.

The difference is that this spaceship has more gems and patterns that highlight class characteristics.

After a flash of light, two colossi suddenly jumped out above the Berog swarm, followed by hundreds of protoss warriors wearing red robes instead of armor. They held psychic weapons. Spears and ancient Sigma swords, the powerful psychic power fills the surroundings with blue psychic storms.

"An Arbiter." Only Augustus recognized the ship.

"They can only be driven by the protoss of the Arbitrator class, and those soldiers in red should be the troops directly under the Supreme Council, the Supreme Council guards."

"The Supreme Council still keeps their word. This at least changes my impression of them."

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