StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 379 The Arrogant Parliament

There were less than two hundred red-clad protoss warriors. They moved through the dense primeval rainforest entwined with branches in an elegant and agile manner. They were as fast as swooping birds or a bunch of flowers passing through the forest at high speed. Sunlight.

The protoss warriors who guard the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire are all wearing gorgeous, almost exaggerated red robes, and smaller reddish-brown robes sewn with dark brown beast leather, with golden pendants and full The blue anima crystal swayed as they moved through the forest.

This distinctive feature distinguishes them from other protoss warriors. The flaming Yara tribe symbol really seems to be burning.

Another clothing feature that is different from the Templars is that some Council guards will wear eye patches on their heads to cover their eyes. Their nerve bundles are longer than other protoss and wrapped with some kind of thick red silk brocade. , and the end is tied with a yellowed animal skin scroll.

It is said that the map above is a copy of the map drawn by the Great Kass when he traveled through Aiur. It was with the map he drew that he found the method to create the psychic network Kara. As the descendants of the protoss who first stood by Kass, the Yara tribe warned themselves in this way to remember their mission. Likewise, it is also a symbol of their identity.

They have almost no armor, but they carry round-shaped psionic amplifiers behind their backs, which allows these protoss warriors who are well versed in the way of Kara to use powerful psionic power to perform terrifying psionic attacks.

The Tal'darim Protoss will also wear scarlet robes, but their clothing has a more vivid visual impact and is a blood-like color. The symbol of the Yala tribe represents the flame that brings warmth and light, which also indicates the status of this tribe as the leader of the Supreme Council and the presiding officer of the meeting.

"Hey, dear, look at the outfits of these protoss. They're really cool." Tychus, holding a heavy machine gun in front of Augustus, was chewing a Terrador cigar and looking at the protoss that suddenly appeared. There was a cloud of mist coming out of the tightly sealed helmet.

"Don't you think this is too gorgeous? It's like those male birds that decorate themselves in a dazzling way to court a mate." Kerrigan said with some venom.

"In public places, politicians always wear complicated traditional clothes or other ways to show their elite status. Among the protoss with obvious tribal distinctions, this is normal." Augustus watched. The parliament guards who shuttled nimbly through the rain forest watched their crimson figures leap into the fangs and claws of the Berog swarm and carry out bloody killings.

Augustus suddenly had an image of his father, Angus Mengsk, attending a meeting of Korhal's Senate. He was wearing traditional clothing so heavy that it looked like armor.

"The Protoss Empire maintains internal peace with a clear and strict class system to avoid the outbreak of civil war and fratricide. Therefore, they must emphasize and maintain this distinction in all aspects of the operation of the empire and the lives of the people, otherwise the lower classes will Class protoss will transcend their positions and rights."

The rulers of the Protoss Empire want their compatriots to remember their lineage and traditions so that they can remember their mission. This is why the tribe still exists today. ——Before the Protoss Empire was established, the Protoss on Aiur had declined to the tribal era, and the distinctions between tribes still existed in this era.

Today's protoss are still proud of their bloodline and tribal totems. When they had a highly developed civilization, they also divided their powers by tribe.

"The Yara Protoss, they are one of the youngest among the protoss tribes, but they firmly hold the right to speak in the Protoss Empire." Augustus continued to comment: "The Yara Protoss are arrogant and indifferent , they will do anything for the survival of Kara and the Protoss Empire."

Another tribe of arbitrators, the Sirak tribe, once gave birth to great figures like Kass, but they were indifferent to politics and military affairs. The Silak tribe is the guardian of the Xel'Naga Temple and the Grand Archives. They only focus on the past history, rather than the immediate present and the distant and unknown future.

"In other words, all the protoss in the Supreme Council are from this tribe?" Tychus doesn't care about the culture and customs of the protoss. He only cares about who the official is and that this official is easy to fool. Whether he is an idiot or a ruthless character who is not easy to mess with usually determines his thoughts on committing crimes in a certain area.

"They don't look like those pampered politicians. Looking at those crazy guys, I have no doubt that they can easily twist off bad boy Hank's head."

"Why me." Hanak, who was concentrating on the wind and grass around him, heard his name.

While Tychus was speaking, the Supreme Council guards in red shirts were already confronting the Berog swarm. They were not far from Augustus, who could see the lightning-fast Protoss warriors killing the zerg through the HUD system on his power armor.

A warrior of the Yala tribe, covered in a burqa, used the powerful psychic blade in his hand to cut open the head of a Berog springtail, then turned around and crushed it with a sharp elbow strike. The front snout of a Hydra Hydralisk made the monster that was about to sneak attack from behind let out a sharp howl.

The blue flames in the eyes of this protoss warrior became even more shining, causing the spiritual energy surging around him to freeze and take shape. A blue phantom with the same body shape as him came out of its shadow, wielding a blade formed by psionic energy and penetrated the soft armor between the Hydralisk's back and head with just one blow.

More Berog Hydralisks attacked him like giant snakes from between the canopy and vines of the primitive jungle. The bones behind their stretched spines began to fire sharp poisonous bone needles at the protoss warrior. In a few seconds, hundreds of spikes and bone needles that were enough to penetrate the tank armor hit the energy shield of the protoss warriors, and then these bone needles and hydralisks were blasted by a surge of spiritual energy. Can be wiped out in a storm.

It is difficult for Augustus to discover that these protoss warriors who have guarded the Supreme Council, the supreme authority of the Protoss Empire since ancient times, are definitely not inferior to a high-level templar. Their powerful psychic power comes from their membership in the Arbitrator class. Strong ties to Kara and devotion to the teachings of Dawu.

Not only that, they also showed themselves to be extremely powerful. Berog is the rarest among the zerg hives dominated by the guards, but their individuals are also the most powerful and ferocious, able to develop the bloodthirsty nature of the zerg genes to the extreme, and the council guards But can easily defeat them.

The guards of the High Council were renowned in the Protoss Empire for preventing the Dark Templar from going on a killing spree in Aiur during the time of Adun. They were the guardians of the Council and order, and had sworn to cooperate with the Council. All opponents are enemies.

At this time, two revolutionary army camps rushed over at a rapid pace. A large number of off-road vehicles, Goliath armed robots and self-propelled artillery rushed to the battlefield, waiting for Augustus' order.

The soldiers felt lucky when they heard that Marshal Augustus named these two troops to repel the zerg. In a few days, it would be rumored that the Marshal had personally commanded them.

"Help these star spirits, warriors, aim and strike." Augustus ordered: "It's rare that these proud star spirits will actually help us."

"Hank, if you come to command them, you can't help but return the favor."

"This shouldn't be difficult." Upon hearing this, Hanak immediately joined the command of the two troops and ran: "I am Colonel Hank. You have all heard the order of Marshal Augustus Mengsk."

Harnack, who a few years before had been a gangster who had offended Augustus, was now his most loyal supporter. Although Harnack scorned those Pantalon revolutionaries who always talked about Augustus and the party's program, that did not prevent him from doing the same.

"Good brothers of the Revolutionary Army, you must follow me closely, otherwise I will kick your butts and move forward - look for my armor, for the sake of Augustus, for the future of Terran humanity, and then move forward. "

Harnak immediately shouted "Chong Chong Chong" and led the soldiers to support the Protoss warriors who were fighting the Berog swarm. These two revolutionary military camps were both motorized infantry battalions equipped with tanks. Led by Nak, a light tank with an anti-aircraft machine gun and missile launcher mounted on the back seat quickly approached the Zerg and fired at them.

At this moment, the two protoss colossi that were advancing on the battlefield also calibrated their targets and fired. The high-temperature plasma particle streams projected by the solar ray guns crossed and swept under their feet. The extreme high temperature burned deep holes one after another on the ground. Deep black pit. All the zerg swept away were turned into scorched earth, and even their blood was evaporated.

Even though the Berog swarm is extremely ferocious and tenacious, it is only a matter of time before they are defeated by the joint attack of humans and protoss.

"Work harder, guys. We have to keep moving until we deal with these bugs." Kerrigan said to the Revolutionary soldiers who were coming from other places.

"Wait, something seems wrong. It seems that the protoss have turned their spearhead against us?" Tychus, who had sharp eyes, suddenly shouted.

As Tychus said, this does not seem to be as simple as a joint operation between allies.

The revolutionary soldiers who went to support the protoss quickly approached the Supreme Council guards who were fighting the Berog swarm. However, these red-robed protoss warriors just stopped and stared at them indifferently.

At a certain moment, some of the council guards who were stepping on the Zerg corpses all turned to look at the approaching human soldiers at the same time, as if they were connected with each other. Their blue eyes were like ice.

As Harnak's troops were getting closer and closer to the protoss, a council guard captain wearing a red shirt, a top hat, and pendants on the edge of his hat raised a hand in the direction of the humans. A sharp long knife made of crystal and gold alloy. Even though humans usually cannot understand the body movements of the protoss, they can still understand that they are full of threats and warnings.

These protoss warriors who strictly follow the tradition will still use ancient cold weapons, even these sacred weapons named Sigmar's sword even come from the era of gods and peoples eons ago. Their toughness and sharpness are also superior to many weapons in the current Protoss Empire. With the assistance of psychic energy, they can easily cut off the carapace of the zerg and the hard bones under the neck.

The arrogant protoss warrior could have used psychic language to make humans retreat, but he only used an ancient protoss Kalani language to utter a motto said to come from Kass: "The Supreme Council never makes a mistake, the Supreme Council never makes a mistake. correct."

"I don't know, Augustus, but it seems that these protoss were not originally here to help us - we just happened to be within the warp field range of the protoss arbiter." Kerrigan's voice suddenly Became urgent.

"Augustus, I can feel their thoughts and hearts coming like waves, and I order the warriors to stop and not get close to them."

"Hank, stop, everyone stop immediately and build fortifications where you stay." Augustus took a fraction of the time to make a judgment, and even without Kerrigan's words, he found out The strangeness of these protoss warriors.

"We are here to help the protoss, how can they regard us as enemies - no, they regard human life as nothing, and we are just inferior creatures in the eyes of the protoss." Kerrigan's powerful telepathy ability can Sensing the thoughts flowing on the surface of those protoss warriors.

"They have no regard for mankind," said Augustus.

"They refuse to share any glory with the weaker humans." Kerrigan's voice gradually became angry.

"The Council views it as an insult to fight alongside humans to save Aiur, as it only serves to highlight their incompetence. The Protoss Empire does not have to accept help from humans."

"Because the protoss always defeats the enemy from the front with full honor, they can win without alien allies."

The Revolutionary Army already has experience fighting side by side with the Protoss. The templars of Tassadar have a kind of arrogance from the warrior class, so they will not have close interactions with the Kalai or other races who are regarded as civilians, but they are also willing to protect them when fighting humans. flank or provide other support.

The Dark Templar, in Tychus' words, are just a piece of smelly and rotten stone. They almost never speak, and they always look at humans with sympathy, ignorance and small pity. But the Dark Templar is actually easier. A clan of protoss who understand human emotions.

But these protoss in crimson robes are different. They only look at humans with hostility and contempt.

Under Augustus's order, the advancing soldiers immediately stopped. Even if they could not understand the meaning of the order, they were confused but carried it out resolutely. If it was not Augustus who changed the order at will but other officers, he would probably be scolded by the young and energetic soldiers.

However, even so, some of the parliamentary guards launched an attack just when the Revolutionary Army soldiers were about to stop. Their speed was as fast as ghosts, and their blue spiritual energy beat with their vigorous steps. The curved arc is like a beating snake.

"Damn, these madmen, they don't care if we are their allies." Tychus shouted.

"Shoot!" Augustus shouted loudly on the command channel.

"Shoot! Fucking shoot! Fucking blast them!" Harnak had already noticed something was wrong. Every two words in his series of commands contained a curse word.

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