StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 380 Resurgence of suspicion

Conflicts take place between lightning and flint, and bullets and shells react faster than humans.

Since the areas where the Zerg appeared were extremely dense virgin rainforests, the Revolutionary Army soldiers who were ordered to carry out the offensive mission had to abandon their vehicles and move forward on foot.

The closest to the guards of the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire were a ten-man Red Devils special operations team of Colonel Harnak Hank and the heavy firepower team of the 148th Battalion, followed by two full companies of the battalion.

These soldiers are not elite guards, but they are veterans who have followed Augustus to conquer many planets. Their weapons are all standard equipment of the Revolutionary Army: CMC-200 powered armor, AGR-14 Gauss rifle, electromagnetic nail gun, individual rocket launcher and grenade launcher. Some firepower teams will also be equipped with Mark heavy snipers and heavy chain-type rifles. machine gun.

These soldiers will also be supported by combat vehicles and armed transport ships equipped with heavy cannons, rockets and plasma cannons. In the dangerous mountains and jungles, they will be equipped with upgraded spider booby-trap robots.

Generally speaking, these are well-equipped for trained Revolutionary soldiers to withstand the onslaught of zerg swarms while waiting for support from Goliaths, Arclight Tanks, Sidewinder Hover Tanks, and other heavy firepower, but they have not been involved in direct conflicts with the Protoss.

They were only about fifteen hundred yards away from the enemy, but with the agility and speed of the elite protoss warriors, that was just a distance that could be covered by an accelerated charge. Human weapons and vehicles are nothing to fear in the eyes of the protoss. They can defeat the zerg from the front with overwhelming force, and the same goes for humans.

Augustus' order to stop the soldiers and set up defenses on the spot had a certain effect. Their tense nerves were already prepared to withstand the impact, but the protoss attack still came too suddenly, too fast and too fast. Dangerous.

Most of the Supreme Council guards were focused on destroying the Berog Zerg in the jungle. Only about ten to fifteen Protoss warriors attacked the Revolutionary Army, which was nearly a hundred times their number. With the help of psychic shields, the hail of bullets and bullets cannot harm them at all.

These protoss warriors, only wearing red shirts, broke into the revolutionary army's front lines in the brilliant spiritual light, and mercilessly brought destruction to the lower races in their eyes. These warriors, who represent the authority and force of the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire, possess psychic powers that are more powerful than those of the high-ranking Templars. Their noble Arbitrator bloodline allows them to be closer to the glory of Kara.

At this moment, Augustus could only see the light reflected from the soldiers' helmets in the sun, the flames of the guns, and the shining storm caused by the psychic explosion.

Under the command of Harnak, the soldiers launched an emergency salvo, and all machine guns and rockets also opened fire at the same time. The Goliath armed robots striding towards the most critical areas also tried their best to provide In support, the intensive sound of gauss rifles and grenade explosions attested to the serious challenge faced by the soldiers.

Self-propelled artillery and arc light tanks also provided support to the two battalions from the flanks, and the scream of artillery shells filled the sky above the rainforest.

A large number of soldiers were scattered by the protoss as if they were in a no-man's land. Bullets and cannonballs were either stuck in the air or bounced off by psychic shields. The communication channel was filled with the sounds of soldiers' power armor being crushed by psychic energy. scream.

The fighting method of high-level psykers is by no means as simple as rushing into the enemy camp and slicing the enemy's head with a psychic blade. The spiritual power they have honed with the Kara for centuries can give a great impact to the human mind, and the actual Psychic attacks are enough to tear through armor and obliterate everything.

Different from the conventional wars that humans have seen, these protoss warriors can also take advantage of the flaws of human weapons to launch attacks in a very short period of time when fighting humans, such as using willpower to block the spark plugs of rifles or bend human cannons. The barrel of the gun exploded.

In the Revolutionary Army recruit training camp, soldiers will also receive simulated training in fighting against the protoss, but no matter what kind of training it is, it is extremely difficult for humans with a numerical advantage to win against the protoss, not to mention these councils. The guards are the best of the best.

"How many protoss can break down our defense line?" Tychus had a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of the combat effectiveness of high-level protoss psykers. Their destructive power is no less than that of heavy bombs.

"What's going on? We came to help these protoss deal with the bugs, but they turned around and killed them."

"Enemies are encountered in the Meishi River Basin of Floodlight. All combat posts, mobile units, jungle rangers and all armies in the area are gathering towards me." Augustus kept saying on the command channel.

"Notify Antioch Starport that I need them to transport a group of anti-psionic troops, quickly!"

"Hell, they won't even think this breaks the covenant, because these bastards don't treat us as human beings at all!" Kerrigan took over what Tychus said.

"Tychus, take my guards and ghost agents to kill those protoss." Augustus looked at Tychus Finley after giving the last order.

"I couldn't be more fucking happy. I mean, as you wish." Tychus had long wanted to roll up his sleeves and do something, but at this time, this rude man began to worry about Augustus' safety: " But what do you do?”

When he was in the federal army, Tychus would never say such a thing. He would only say that if you send me to the front line, what the hell should I do.

"Don't worry about so much, Tychus." The face of Augustus under the helmet was not very pretty. His loyal soldiers were dying, and the bravest ones were buried one after another in the meat grinder of war. . If this turns into a rout, it will only get worse.

"What are you going to do, kill them?" Kerrigan said as Tychus left with a detachment of the Marshal's guard.

"No one will be left alive," Augustus replied: "You must return this punch and hit them in the face, and pay for it with blood."

Tychus's support was timely. The members of the Marshal's Guard were all backbones and combat heroes from various armies. All of them were loyal to Augustus himself. They deserved better weapons and more rigorous training.

Not only that, but in response to the assassination of the Terran Federation ghost agents, the Marshal's Guard is also equipped with anti-stealth and EMP anti-psionic weapons, which also allows these warriors to counter the psychic power of the protoss.

Timely support allowed Harnak's troops to stabilize the front, and the protoss gradually realized that humans were not helpless to fight back. When the first council guard was sieved by bullets due to exhaustion of his psychic shield, , the casualties of the protoss began to increase.

At the moment of the conflict, the Revolutionary Army showed no mercy. Artillery and bomber units listed the protoss who were fighting the Berog Zerg as equal targets. A large number of tungsten bombs and 35-pound bombs from Grizzly bombers completed intensive fire coverage within a few minutes. The massive bombing flattened the rain forests and mountain rivers, and the casualties of the three tribes doubled.

The marching order has been cancelled, and more Revolutionary Army soldiers are gathering here. If this protoss army continues to stay here, they will definitely be surrounded.

Humanity's counterattack also attracted the attention of the parliament guards, who immediately mobilized more guards and even a colossus to prepare to destroy humans, regardless of who caused this unnecessary war.

The colossi guarded by the council are not the ones Tassadar unsealed, but the guarding giants from the heart of the Protoss Empire Council. They are completely different from those colossi with slender mechanical legs. They are carved into the appearance of the protoss. Giants.

These giants in ancient armor are powered by some incredible crystal matrix technology and are equipped with solar ray guns and psychic shields. They are also war weapons that destroy the world.

Even in the most critical of times, the Conclave did not activate these colossi due to tradition and arbitration from centuries ago. But after witnessing the terrifying power of the Colossus of Tassadar's forces, even the most stubborn and by-the-book members of the Conclave remained silent at the meeting to activate the Colossus.

The colossus' huge body and terrifyingly powerful ray gun can be said to be devastating to the current human army. No firearm can break through its psychic shield comparable to that of a battleship. It is also too tall and too huge for human heavy firepower to destroy it before it stops destroying everything in sight. Only human fighter planes carrying nuclear warheads can threaten the protoss colossus.

It's just that the protoss did not use this weapon on humans in the end. This was not because of the Dawu teachings that had been misinterpreted by the Supreme Council, but because of the sudden appearance of Artanis' army.

As Artanis's forces appear on the horizon, the Executor's unmissable psychic language halts the war's expansion. This is a flying formation composed of hundreds of protoss fighter planes, and they are preparing to fly to the battlefield located at the junction of Antioch and Thane provinces.

Even Augustus in the distance could hear his angry spiritual voice: "Arbitrator, stop your crazy actions of attacking human allies immediately, otherwise we will annihilate you here."

In the end, the Council Guards reluctantly withdrew from the war with humans, and soon disappeared in the Arbiter's warp field. The remnants of the Berog swarm have retreated underground, and both the Parliamentary Guards and the Human Revolutionary Army have suffered losses in the conflict.

A shining golden reconnaissance plane landed in the forest clearing next to Augustus, and the Atanis fighter plane came out of the iris exit in the belly.

"Augustus Mengsk, my Templars are always keeping an eye on the Council's troops. I came when they did such a despicable act." Artanis said as soon as he saw Augustus Say it right away.

"How have our colleagues in the Council fallen so far? The laws of Dawu prohibit the protoss from intervening in the internal conflicts of other races or harming them by any means, but they still did it."

Tassadar and the protoss on the Conclave side are accusing each other of being the Fallen. Even though they are jointly launching a counterattack against the zerg, everyone knows that the alliance will not last long. Once the situation eases slightly or the Supreme Council thinks they have control of the situation, they may not go back on their word.

"This is not over, Artanis. The Supreme Council must pay the price for this." Augustus walked towards the battlefield that had just calmed down: "The revolutionary army will not regard the troops of the Supreme Council and the Arbitrators as allies."

In this conflict, Artanis stood firmly on the side of the Revolutionary Army, which at least prevented humanity from becoming disheartened.

"The Supreme Council may not care about this, but I swear they will pay the price."

"I will not intercede for my compatriots, Augustus." Artanis followed Augustus and said: "I only hope that we can still fight side by side as we did in the past."

Although this incident had nothing to do with Artanis, he was still grieving in his heart for the trauma his compatriots had brought to mankind.

"Artanis, if the Supreme Council were as sincere and humble as you, then this matter would be much easier to handle." Augustus walked towards his soldiers who were still fighting the protoss just now, and noticed the soldiers' The casualties were far beyond his imagination.

"This is not just as simple as my soldiers dying because of them, Artanis, I only understand one thing, that is, the Supreme Council is not worthy of trust." Augustus kept walking for a long time, and Artanis also kept walking Follow.

"Do you think this was a sudden conflict or a premeditated attack?" he asked Artanis.

"Perhaps the Supreme Council just wants to teach humanity a lesson, reminding them whether they should stay safe on Aiur, or simply wants us to leave."

"I don't think so, Commander. If their attack comes from the order of the Supreme Council, it will never be so simple." Artanis also doubted the motives of this parliamentary guard.

"The members of the Supreme Council will not be children who cannot control their emotions, and they will never act on impulse. This must be to achieve a certain purpose."

"Are they trying to force us to leave in order to weaken the power of Tassadar's supporters?" Kerrigan tried to speculate: "But don't the protoss see humans as tiny bugs?"

"The power of humans cannot be underestimated." Artanis said: "If you can defeat the zerg, you can defeat the protoss."

"Maybe they just want to stir up conflicts between humans and protoss, so as to destroy our alliance with Tassadar." Augustus was not sure what the Supreme Council was thinking. After all, these guys had once discovered that there were protoss who were not there. If you are willing to join the Kara, you want to kill them all. When the zerg were ravaging Aiur, they sent executioners to arrest the master of Tassadar.

"But in that case, they should at least change their clothes."

"Don't the protoss never play tricks?" Kerrigan asked.

"It is precisely because of that that their conspiracy is too clumsy." Augustus said: "In fact, in this case, it will be difficult for us to distinguish which protoss troops are allies of Tassadar and which ones may attack us. supporters of the Supreme Council.”

Augustus came to the front line at this time and was silent because of the death of those revolutionary soldiers. Many people's power armor was crushed into thin slices by the power of the mind, while others were torn apart by psychic storms. As for those who died from attacks on the spiritual level, they bled from all their orifices.

"They don't deserve to die," Augustus simply said.

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