StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 381 Xel'Naga Spaceship

On the evening of January 12, 2493, the first Revolutionary Army engineering regiment to arrive at Eldridge, a border city in Antioch Province, had already built a command center, airport and military camp in the ruins of the city, followed by numerous high-energy gas refining sites. It also rises from the gas fountain veins on the western outskirts of the city.

As night falls, the lights of the human military camp make the ruins of Eldridge City, which was once plunged into darkness, shine again.

The Revolutionary Army had approximately two thousand men in Eldridge, the vast majority of whom were soldiers of the Guards Division and engineers performing construction tasks in Ayr. The remaining armies in the order of battle are now scattered over hundreds of square miles or even further, located at the junction of the northeastern province of Antioch and the province of Sein.

It was also the frontline of the battle with the main force of the Zerg. The Revolutionary Army and their Protoss allies would encounter large numbers of Zerg every few miles they advanced or launch other military operations, and a large amount of manpower had to be invested in every square mile of land. , material resources and blood can be regained.

The Thane Province was one of the earliest provinces of the Protoss Empire to fall. Its vast land was once crisscrossed by water systems, covered with rainforests and wetlands, and was a paradise for aquatic creatures and reptiles. But now there is only scorched earth and alien waste. parasite-infected organisms. The zerg once again expanded their gene pool through devouring, and war has always only made them stronger.

This was the most brutal battle in history, far more tragic than any battle in the Civil War in the Koprulu Sector and the First Total War. Vast tracts of land were turned into scorched earth, and the majestic and exquisite cities were reduced to ruins. Only the devastated golden towers and harmonious arc-shaped spires were left, sadly supporting the still bright starry sky in Ayr. .

Compared with the front lines, which are constantly fighting fiercely, Eldridge is much safer and calmer. The Revolutionary Army's Marshal Command Center has also been moved here, and buildings such as hospitals, heavy factories, and supply depots have also been built here.

At the same time, the Eldridge Airport is also an important place for the revolutionary army in Ayr's synchronous orbit to project troops to the surface of the planet. Every once in a while, new soldiers arrive in Ayr on transport ships and are ready to go into battle at any time.

When night fell, the signal lights at Eldridge Airport were already on. White smoke lingered in the busy runway, parking area and hangar of the airport. A new batch of soldiers walked through the newly lowered ramp onto the tail of the propeller. The parking platform, which was scorched black by the flames, stood in line with their backpacks under the fierce shouts of the officers, waiting for instructions and the next order to come at any time.

The recruits are all wearing CMC-200 power armor painted in gold and red. These older armors come from the Kaimorian Consortium. They were purchased in batches from the main planet of Moria by Augustus before the consortium absolutely banned foreign arms trade. purchased. Compared with the skyrocketing prices of arms after the invasion of the Zerg, they are simply a bargain.

The weapons of the Kaimorian Complex are quite reliable, and they can be repaired and equipped to second-line soldiers. After all, powered armor is still much stronger than military exoskeletons.

"Soldiers, you were sent to Ayr because of the will of Marshal Augustus Mengsk, and also for our flourishing revolutionary cause." A political commissar of the Revolutionary Army wearing a panda armband was greeting the newly arrived soldiers. Discipline.

"You are the Marshal's personal soldiers, the most fearless warriors of the Tyranids. You will bleed or shed tears in Aiur, and some of you will be buried by your comrades. But after we usher in a great victory, even the arrogant star The spirit will also remember the sacrifice of man here.”

“What we fight for is the backbone of humanity, and the land we hold on to is humanity’s defense line.”

The soldiers heard words from this revolutionary army political commissar that they could not hear from the federal instructors. They were motivated by these words and were ready to shine for the cause of the revolution.

"Whether you are Korhal, Sala, Antiga, Altera or any other ethnic group, you are all fighting with the same goal and belief. We will eventually win and be unified in the name of humanity. Koprulu Sector, to realize the unity and greatness of mankind again."

Generally speaking, political commissars in the army do not have to waste words to the veterans, but they must always emphasize to the recruits the noble meaning of each of their tasks. Even if they are just standing guard at the outpost, they are also serving the great revolution. Contribute.

The soldiers who have just completed training by the Revolutionary Army are sent to the front line, so these soldiers will more often perform guard tasks, guard Eldridge's factory, or clean up the wild beasts and scattered zerg in the jungle of Marshal El. Since the zerg creep has deeply infested the land and cities of Aiur, someone must carry an oil tank to clean up the clusters of creep and the ugly mutated moss skin near the base.

For new recruits, this is much safer than facing the zerg head-on. The tasks at the rear are equally important as those at the front. There are always people who have to drive and transport supplies and guard the supply routes. And if a recruit has enough confidence in himself, he will undoubtedly request to be sent to the front line to obtain honors or medals.

".I have been informed that the recruit reorganization battalion will carry out an underwater dredging operation for the lake in the center of Eldridge." At the end of the sentence, the political commissar of the Revolutionary Army, who did not look much older than the recruits, paused. one time.

"Report, sir." A young soldier with a portrait of Augustus Mengsk painted on his armor said after getting the permission of his commander: "Maybe I heard wrongly. Someone told me that the front line is bleeding and dying, but we are Dredging the river here? I don't see the point."

This is a young man with dark skin. He comes from a backward tribe in Haiji. Like other recruits who decided to join the Revolutionary Army against the federal government, he came here because of his beliefs.

For those people who live in confusion and think that this life is nothing more than this, the new ideas brought by the revolutionary army are like a ray of sunshine that penetrates their gloomy lives.

"We are here to kill insects or deal with the protoss, not play in the water."

"Private Gall, this mission is crucial, not just what it means on the surface." The political commissar of the Revolutionary Army just said, looking at his cheap Antiga electronic watch: "This It’s not a secret, our mission is to excavate the Xel’Naga spaceship under Lake Eldridge, which is said to be a magnificent ship that once carried the Xel’Naga to Ayr.”

"They are now sleeping under the mud at the bottom of the lake."

"Is that a great weapon?" asked the young soldier.

"Possibly. But according to the Protoss, those spaceships can carry tens of millions of people. The Protoss Empire once used these spaceships left by Xel'Naga for colonization, and they were later recalled as sacred objects to pay homage to." He said.

"This is Al, no one will be placed in a useless position."

"Sir." Another female soldier reported: "Lieutenant, I request to immediately join the Antiga Legion fighting on the front line."

"I am just a lieutenant. Many people have greater power than me, but I am the only one who has the ability to reject your application." The political commissar immediately replied.

"What's going on? I just heard that someone here is going to the front line." Just when the soldier wanted to continue talking, a young, playful and jumping voice came over.

"Colonel Mira Han, I salute you." The political commissar and soldiers of the Revolutionary Army immediately saluted the visitor.

"Okay, I think this child can be transferred to my army." Mira's bright pink hair has always been a prominent feature in the revolutionary army. She is certainly young and beautiful, but anyone who knows her will not Think of this as a woman to pursue.

"Very good, very good. The desperadoes under my command - the Revolutionary Army soldiers are lacking some people who can do big things. Follow me, honey, and you will definitely have endless bugs and protoss to amuse yourself with, hahaha - —”

"But..." This political commissar of the revolutionary army was a serious and serious Umoyan man. He was once a Umoyan volunteer who volunteered to go to the Korhal Independence Battlefield, and has been a loyal follower of Augustus ever since. It turns out that the charisma of the Revolutionary Army Marshal is not only applicable to men and women, but also applies to other humans and any intelligent species.

"But what? It can't be done, it can't be done, it can't be done?" Mira's way of speaking was different from the officers the political commissar of the Revolutionary Army had seen, whether they were the pompous soldiers in the Umoyan Protectorate Army or those who always regarded the revolution as A revolutionary who talks about his ideals.

Mira Han is more like a jumping cat. She is even a little neurotic sometimes, so that others can't keep up with her way of thinking. No one dislikes this cute soldier whose military style is even tougher than a tough guy. She is so trusted and reused by Marshal Augustus that she is even considered his sister.

"Colonel Mira Han, Machinery Sergeant Carolina Davis can join the battle now. Please send me to the most dangerous place." The female soldier opened her helmet, revealing her beautiful eyes and golden hair. That was the daughter of a noble from Vadona Prime.

"You'd better pray that the zerg won't find our little tail." Mira responded to him: "I came here to meet Marshal Augustus Mengsk. You are lucky to meet me."

"I'm going back to the front line soon, and I'll be able to get high right away." She walked to Davis and whispered.

"It's so unlucky." When Mira was patting her belly like a woman and saying something with a smile, a hurried revolutionary army soldier and a team of engineers with puzzled faces hurriedly met with Mira. Pulled by.

They all wore the dark blue uniforms of the Revolutionary Fleet soldiers, who were sent here when they were short of manpower. Matt Horner now temporarily serves as the captain of the Revolutionary Army transport ship Cormorant. He is performing a mission to transport military supplies, but he unexpectedly encounters the person he least wants to encounter.

However, Mira Han immediately smelled Matt, and her Matt Horner induction radar took effect: "Oh, Pony, why are you always avoiding me? Wait for me."

"Don't do it then." Matt was as frightened as if he were followed by a dozen springtails.

Mira Han took her own guards and quickly left with Matt, who was mourning for his heir, leaving Davis looking at each other with the political commissar.

"What do I do?" Davis asked.

"Wait until she comes to ask for someone." The political commissar shrugged. She will not forget you: "Mira Han is resolute and resolute. She always does what she says."

"Hopefully that won't be too long."

"What are you waiting here for? The excavation of the Xel'Naga spaceship must be completed as soon as possible." Marshal Augustus strode over with his guards at this time. The man's face was serious and cold. of determination.

"Yes, Marshal." The political commissar of the Revolutionary Army immediately saluted.

At night, the coalition forces of the Revolutionary Army and the Protoss were still fighting the main force of the Zerg Swarm in the central part of the Thane Province. Once the coalition wins there, the next target is the vast area where the zerg overlords have descended. Augustus remained focused on the front lines, awaiting the latest developments there.

These Xel'Naga spaceships are just one of the tasks that the Revolutionary Army is doing at the same time. They will transport and gather refugees through these huge spaceships.

Even though Xel'Naga ships are older than the Protoss Empire, they can still be used. Xel'Naga's technology seems to have a magical power. If it is not forcibly destroyed by external forces, then they will never be damaged by time, and even those wounds can be healed like physical tissue.

These Xel'Naga spaceships are priceless treasures. The Xel'Naga technology and fleet core contained in them were once the grand blueprint for the protoss to build their huge fleet. And Augustus also received a generous gift from Tassadar, that is, after this battle, if humans want to, they can keep these military ships that may be larger than the mothership.

The coalition must make progress in the war against the zerg, otherwise sooner or later they will be devoured by the zerg that continue to hatch from the hatcheries. The zerg of Jormungandr, Golandel, Berog, Behemoth and Tiamat are all the most powerful zerg hives in the swarm. At the same time, there are a large number of unnamed ones. Cerebrates are scattered across Aiur.

The loss of the protoss in this war completely ended the afterglow of the golden age of the protoss empire. The huge fleet of the protoss in the galaxy was wiped out. So many protoss died in this catastrophe, resulting in a sparse population and reproductive capacity. The strength of the extremely low Protoss Empire dropped sharply.

In comparison, the zerg are not feeling well either. There are billions of zerg corpses floating throughout the Aiur galaxy and even in many surrounding galaxies. These cold corpses are like dead flying insects on a lampshade, as if they are shrouding the stars. of tulle.

The Jörmungandr Hive alone was enough to break through the human defenses and invade Tarsonis, defeating the humans and losing their armor. The zerg swarm tried their best but could not take advantage of the war with the protoss.

Currently, the coalition is deploying large-scale troops to the Antioch-Sean front to support Tassadar's Protoss Akiri, Sagath, and the Fennatil tribe, as well as those who secretly provide support to this legendary executive. The protoss templar forces were also gathering in the area, but they heard that Tassadar was going to launch a counterattack against the zerg to regain the lost territory.

"Wait, are you Carolina Davis?" Augustus saw Davis lowering his helmet on the way to the command center.

"Yes, Marshal, it's an honor to see you here." Davis immediately saluted.

"Why do you still remember her?" Kerrigan asked abruptly next to her.

"I remember them all." Augustus didn't realize there was anything wrong with that.

"What's up with the Tarsonis-Kousinnis twins?"

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