StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 382 Eldridge

"The Kusinis family?"

Hearing this name, Augustus immediately became vigilant: "I have met their heir Milo Kusinis. He perfectly inherited the family's stinginess and greed. Jimmy and I both think he is very dangerous."

"I'm talking about his sisters." Kerrigan didn't want to discuss this topic further.

"Then you have misunderstood. Rockham Cusinis is a male, and the twin sisters are just a rumor." Augustus began to seriously recall that he had met members of the Creation Family at Tarsonis's banquet. They inevitably reminded him of the young Nova Terra and the beautiful Antonio Tagore.

"Are you talking about the creation family starting to unite? The Kucinis family has always wanted to annex the Terra family, and the first step is to marry. The Terra family has only one daughter to marry, and that is Clara Terra ,she"

"She declared that she would only marry you for the rest of her life, and Tarsonis almost turned upside down because of this." Kerrigan said through gritted teeth.

"Impossible." Augustus shook his head: "Although we have only met once, I think Clara Terra is a woman who likes to pursue power and money. She will only marry a man who is on top of the world. Not love."

"Isn't it you?" Corporal Faraday's words caused Augustus and Kerrigan to look at each other angrily.

"I'm just a rebel." Augustus shook his head and said.

"Okay, that's it for now. Let's talk about Tarsonis later when we return there." When he felt Kerrigan's gray-green eyes staring at him, his expression became more serious: "Now, Soldiers, take action, we are in a race against time."

When Augustus waved his hand, the soldiers of the Recruitment Replenishment Battalion standing on the open platform of Eldridge Airport immediately ran towards the bus parked next to the runway.

"I hope that when I see you again, soldiers, you will already be an excellent soldier and revolutionary fighter." Augustus said to the leaving soldiers.

"Marshal, I will not let you down," Carolina Davis said to Augustus as she followed the procession away.

"I am witnessing the rise of a new star." Augustus watched the soldiers leave to perform their missions, then turned and walked with Kerrigan towards the command center at Lake Eldridge.

"Sarah, I thought you didn't care about the past," he said.

"I don't care," Kerrigan said. "But you know, I've never gotten along with Bitch."

"Logically speaking, I would not advise people to be generous." Augustus thought for a while and said. Kerrigan was wary of beautiful women approaching him. Considering that she had never loved anyone else since she was five years old and had lived a life of conspiracy and killing, Augustus stopped complaining. She was overly cautious.

The command center of the Revolutionary Army is located in the western suburbs of Eldridge's city, among the splendid Protoss buildings. But now, these once exquisite buildings have either collapsed, or they have been burnt black due to the overload or back erosion of the crystal matrix, leaving only fine crystal fragments scattered like jewels.

The road leading to the command center crosses a primeval forest that was preserved during the construction of the city. It is an endangered Aiel tree species. It towers into the clouds and was cut down by the protoss in the tribal era for construction. The ark that escaped the flood. But now, only the black, shriveled huge tree trunks are left.

Then there is a light bridge across a tributary of Eldritch Lake (Eldritch Lake, a map belonging to Aiur released in StarCraft I in 1999, which literally means "Strange Lake.").

This magical blue light bridge uses huge Kedarin crystals as its energy source, and can automatically project a substantial energy bridge across the river like a rainbow, with the river water shining bright white under the moonlight calmly flowing underneath it. Flow through.

The city of Eldridge before the Zerg invaded Aiur was located on three islands in the center of the lake, connected by wide light bridges, with patches of happy trees in Aiur interspersed with eye-catching towering golden buildings. The green plants and trees covering the island lead to winding paths. Blue streams and quiet paths connect the pure and transparent bright blue crystals and rippling rivers. There are also green trees on the floating platform floating in mid-air. There are birds and animals swimming among the shady waterfalls.

It is these majestic bridges that once connected all the buildings in the city and even the sky, as well as the platforms and tractor beams that weaved the city's sky, that make the city of the Protoss glowing and gorgeous at night.

After paying respects to the revolutionary sentries guarding the entrance to the Light Bridge, Augustus walked up a spiral staircase with great artistic tension. The upward curvature of the stairs was only reflected in the imaginative designs of those who were named genius architects. I've seen it before, but no one has ever actually built it.

Whenever he saw these ingeniously crafted Protoss buildings that seemed to be naturally generated without any traces of man-made processing, Augustus could not help but wonder how the Protoss's Kalai-level engineers were able to create these arts with their uncanny craftsmanship. It is a magnificent building that looks like a natural wonder.

The command center is located next to a collapsed protoss complex tower building, which according to some protoss survivors who were rescued by Revolutionary Army soldiers, was an Arden fortress. Fortress Arden is where high-ranking Templars learn and debate the ways of Kara, a sacred place of study and research.

Named after Arden, the greatest templar in the history of the Protoss Empire, this place is a holy place for the templar class. Together with the Templar Archives, the templars can go deep into the palace of Kara's continuous improvement.

Eldridge's Arden Fortress is the most famous one in Ayr, almost as famous as the Templar Academy in Valari. The majestic Arden Fortress overlooks Lake Eldridge below. The broad lake surface is as calm as a mirror. The tranquility and far-reaching indifference can dispel the inner irritability of those who come here, so that they can focus on the way of Kara without any distractions.

There have always been many masters among the high-ranking Templars of Eldridge. They are as restrained as the all-embracing waters of Lake Eldridge, and when fighting, they are like those hurricanes that appear in the strong convection weather of Eldridge.

But when Augustus came here, Eldridge, which was once picturesque and the residence of the gods, had long been reduced to ruins, and the Templars there were missing. These beautiful things are like broken fine china. Every time you pick up a piece, it will only make the sadness worse.

The charred land stretches for dozens of miles, and the pure gem-like lake is covered with a carpet of waterweed-like zerg germs. A quarter of the lake surface and river basin are almost dry, exposing the lake bottom to Ai Er's scorching sun. Countless animal bones are buried.

Those ancient ruins buried by the years have also come to light, and the obelisk that appears after the water surface drops is like a black cross.

The zerg destroyed all good things and devoured everything. Civilization dies and everything ceases to exist.

Augustus was not a star spirit, he just felt sorry. Those beautiful and charming planets, Korhal IV, Cha Sara and Aiur, were all left in ruins, with only laments and sighs left on the rubble.

Walking past a collapsed crystal tower, Augustus and Kerrigan bumped into Tychus Finlay, who had just returned from the front line. His tailor-made power armor was covered with zerg fangs, claws and The traces left by one's own ricochet, blood almost stained the carapace made of new titanium alloy steel red.

Tychus was followed by several Revolutionary soldiers who had just withdrawn from the front line. Their gray armor and cloud-shaped wolf heads indicated that they were Stirling Wolf Hunters from Ukhal. These bloodthirsty warriors have been with wolves for generations, guarding the vast hunting grounds of the Mengsk family.

As an elite unit, they will be transferred back to the rear, either because the losses are too serious and they have to withdraw from the battlefield, or to perform more important tasks.

"Good evening, Augustus, why did you find us?" Tychus Finlay was also holding a huge skull from the Hydra Hydralisk, which was obviously from the battlefield. With the trophies obtained, the gray-armored sergeants of the Revolutionary Army behind them stood still, not daring to be as casual as Tychus.

"Anyway, I'm not inviting you back for tea." Augustus walked to Tychus' side and paid attention to the marks on his armor.

"As more and more troops and warriors are transferred to the front, I have to move Zander and you back to the rear to strengthen the defense of the hinterland." He said to Tychus: "You are the most capable of winning battles among my men. General, this matter must be left to you.

"Isn't it? In Jimmy's words: Who else would it be?" Tychus knew that Augustus said this to everyone. Even the arson leader Harnak Hanke could get the saying "He knows how to play with fire." evaluation, but he didn't think it was bad.

Augustus has always been a shining figure. No one can ignore his charm. A few words can inspire people.

"I heard that bugs have appeared again in the areas we recovered." Tychus touched his butt and said, "I originally thought that the fire had burned all these beasts."

"It turns out that the burning was not clean enough." Augustus said: "The zerg probably appeared behind us through their underground worm tunnels all over Aiur. The cerebrates don't only know how to go to humans and stars. A fool who rushes into the spiritual defense line."

"Right now, some of the zerg from the Fenris and Berog nests that have appeared in the rear through underground worm passages or air routes are interspersed in numbers ranging from hundreds to a thousand, providing access to our supply lines and mining areas. It caused a lot of damage."

"At the same time, these bugs are also proficient in decapitation tactics, and even know how to retreat with one blow, putting our soldiers in a state of constant tension and launching a fatal blow when the soldiers are most tired."

"Never underestimate the intelligence of the zerg. They are smart and cunning enough to learn the tactics of humans and protoss," Kerrigan added.

"Air route? Don't tell me there are bugs and airborne troops." Tychus lowered his helmet and raised his eyebrows: "That's not fair!"

"The flying king bug is the transport aircraft of the zerg. You have also seen the Prince of Blades, Gabriel Tosh, riding a mutalisaurus." Augustus shrugged and said, "The zerg are bugs, but they are only bugs. It would be a mistake to think of them as bugs."

"Well, it just so happens that the cigars and whiskey I brought are not enough." Tychus yawned, his scarred face twisted into a ball, his eyes full of blood, and those fierce eyes seemed to come from a ferocious beast.

"The Rangers sent by Reno poured all my whiskey into the Vulture to use as fuel. What's going on? These bastards, if they didn't look at their commander's face, I would hold their butts and press them Rubbing fire on the rocks to light the engines of those junk cars.”

"How did I get the report that you hid several boxes of wine in fuel and got away with it? If those cars hadn't been able to drive, you really don't know how many people you would have killed." Augustus suddenly became angry. Coming from this place, this shameless person dared to complain first.

"Oh, the Tyranid kid can set those vulture cars on fire with all the wine he drinks." Tychus laughed and prepared to leave with the others.

"Wait a minute, go to the armory to get some equipment. You may have to deal with the protoss then." Augustus stopped him.

"Star Spirits? Darling, what are they trying to do again?" Tychus said happily: "The people of the Supreme Council still want to deal with us?"

"It's a mess externally, but it's a mess internally."

"There are no big problems, there are constant small conflicts. During the war, the protoss of the Supreme Council still have some power to control whether we are touching their ruins." Augustus was also upset by the small actions of the Supreme Council. chaos.

The Supreme Council has its own reasons. You humans can admire the relics and sacred objects, but you must not touch them, let alone destroy them. This is indeed because the Revolutionary Army sometimes digs up ruins on Aiur in search of usable weapons and shelter. It's no wonder that the old guard on the Protoss side jumped on the bandwagon.

Although it is indeed something that the Supreme Council can do, it is understandable that they should be taught a lesson just because humans destroyed the ruins of El.

No matter what, it is absolutely impossible for these arrogant protoss to be calm or even talk to humans on an equal footing. In three sentences, there is indispensable a sentence about burying the lower races. After all, there are only a few protoss like Tassadar and Phoenix who can understand and respect humans.

After the last conflict between the Revolutionary Army and the Supreme Council, Augustus and Tassadar once again communicated with the Supreme Council on the issue of coordinated operations. The members of the Council reluctantly agreed not to conflict with humans anymore, but also requested that humans not be allowed to enter. In the temple.

As for the Xel'Naga spaceships in Lake Eldridge, the Supreme Council only allowed them to be used after Augustus promised to use them to save the protoss. The brain circuit of the Supreme Council is very strange. They do not believe that humans are here to help them, and they also doubt all dedication and courage that come from other than the protoss.

"No matter what, it's always good to be careful." Augustus warned Tychus: "Don't worry about diplomacy. If you find anything wrong with the protoss approaching you, kill them immediately."

"After surviving these few days, we will soon capture the Thane Province. When the time comes, we will capture the Zerg's main nest area in one fell swoop, and victory will be right in front of us.

"Even if there is something, I won't care." Tychus smiled: "Anyway, I fight all for you."

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