StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 383 News from Antiga

"For your money."

Tykes paused and emphasized.

"I thought there would be a more sincere friendship between us." Augustus showed a rare smile, but it did not last long. He pointed to the way he came and signaled Tychus to get out:

"Go to Eldridge's armory immediately to get equipment. Remember not to provoke the engineering team. No one will fish you out from under Swann's engineering vehicle next time."

"I will win next time." Tychus cursed and led his men away. He and Swann had a long-standing grudge, and they had disliked each other at Meinhof.

"He is really a troublemaker." Augustus shook his head, turned and walked towards the main entrance of the command center of Eldridge Base, walked through the heavy airlock door that opened and closed, and walked into a ramp covered with non-slip carpets. In the command room he was heading towards, the guards and staff all saluted him at this time.

"Welcome back, Commander. There are twelve latest military intelligence reports and messages from the protoss. Lieutenant General Horace Warfield, who is staying on the main star of Antiga, has sent you a report on the recent situation in the Koprulu sector. Report." The voice of the mechanical adjutant said as Augustus walked to the main console.

"Open on the home screen." Sarah Kerrigan, wearing a bright white tight-fitting ghost combat uniform, walked around the command room with her long horse-like legs, looking at all the Revolutionary Army officers present. , the flowing red curls are like waves and rolling red clouds.

Reports from the frontline troops appeared on the holographic projection screen above the main console in the form of folded borders. The most recent one was from the commander of Nova Squadron, Jackson Holler. He reported that one of his re-appearances Nearly five thousand people from the integrated brigade of socialized soldiers are fighting the main force of the Jörmungandr swarm in the Sava Forest in the central part of the Thane province.

Duke's Alpha Squadron was ordered to besiege the central city of Thane Province together with the forces of Protoss Grand Archon Fenix, while Rondstein's two main revolutionary army divisions were locked in a bitter battle in the west of the province.

The troops of former Federation Mar Sara Governor Pryor, nicknamed the Governor, have penetrated deep into the eastern part of the Thane Province. They are the furthest-reaching arm of the Revolutionary Army and the only one that can compare with the results achieved by the Protoss. of troops.

Pryor's troops are all tough guys from the Sara system. Their strong military style is not only tempered by the harsh natural environment of their homeland, but also comes from their hatred of the zerg and protoss.

Augustus had already received these reports on his way to the command center. At the same time, more soldiers entered the province of Seine under his order. Marching soldiers could be seen everywhere on the road to the northern border of Antioch. Revolutionary Army soldiers and loaded vehicles.

Displaying the position information and forward direction of each unit on the combat map in front of you can more intuitively reflect the route of the revolutionary army's mobilization. In a land dotted with zerg nests and primeval rainforests, every step forward is accompanied by bombardment from the Revolutionary Army's heavy artillery and Protoss railguns.

The Thane Province had been devastated by the many wars between the protoss and the zerg here, and now it was completely reduced to a charred wasteland, comparable to Mar Sara after being bombed. Every time the city was sieged, It all means sacrifice and naked casualty figures.

Augustus opened a page with rough statistics of casualties, then closed it sadly. There is no war without death, and no handover of federal government power is achieved through peaceful evolution. However, on this cruel battlefield, there are many revolutionary soldiers who died for reason and the belief of protecting mankind. .

Revolutionary soldiers were dying in Ayr in a land they had never heard of just a few months ago. In this battle, many corpses were not buried in time or were swallowed by hungry zerg.

But even so, no one thinks that the sacrifice of the Battle of Aiel is absolutely meaningless. Just as the United States of Umoyan strongly supported Korhal's rebellion, once the protoss were completely defeated, the humans who lost their allies would have to face the wrath of the swarm.

Those young soldiers who took weapons just because they were full of enthusiasm could not understand the great significance of the Battle of Ayr in the words of the officers and political commissars. They thought that what they were doing was absolutely just because Augustus raised his arms. cause.

This is also the reason why Augustus Mengsk is classified as a demagogue and conspiracy careerist by the Tyranid Federation. The elite within the Federation also claim that he used some kind of psychotropic agents and drugs to enslave his resistance fighters. Because they believe that those soldiers can only maintain high morale by taking medicine.

"The battle in Thane Province will end when the next dusk arrives. If the Lord does not summon the Tiamat swarm guarding its main nest, then the final winner must be us." Augustus said loudly explain.

Although the battle in the Thane Province was more brutal than imagined, two full divisions of the Revolutionary Army were severely damaged by the swarm's impact and ambush tactics, and were forced to withdraw to Antioch, but they are still continuing win.

The Protoss are the main force in this battle. They have invested automatic intelligent machines, including Colossi, and dozens of huge zealot legions in Thane Province. Most of the Protoss warriors from the Templar warrior class of the Protoss Empire are here. Under the leadership of Tassadar, they launched what they called the Battle of Redemption.

With the participation of many ancient war weapons, the Colossi, the protoss army was able to suppress the zerg again on the main battlefield after being severely damaged. The power of the Colossus' ray gun thrown into the battlefield is quite astonishing. It can severely damage the concentrated formation of the Zerg. Flame has always been the most effective weapon against them.

The Protoss Empire's Mother Ship opened a black hole that only lasted a short time at the edge of the Aiur system, swallowing millions of Leviathan Sky Insect Swarms, allowing the remnants of the Protoss Empire's invincible fleet to gather again at Under the light of the mothership.

"It can only be us, Augustus." Kerrigan could feel the surge of emotions beneath Augustus's calm appearance.

"I hope Warfield has brought good news." Augustus opened Warfield's report from the Antiga Prime System. Considering the difficulties in transmitting information beyond the Koprulu sector, this information may have come from A month or more ago.

It was a mostly text message from Warfield's command.

"Huh, the Tyranid Federation is still there." Kerrigan took a look and said.

Warfield's report did not involve a large-scale war. In the Antiga system, surrounded by powerful enemies, the Tyranid Federation and the Zerg were still the main enemies of the Revolutionary Army. The latest reports show that Tal'darin protoss have also appeared in the Koprulu sector, but only as some scattered reconnaissance troops or small plundering ships.

"It seems that the Federation has finally defended the core world. A few months ago, they almost couldn't defend it." Augustus noticed that the report mentioned the Federation ships appearing near the Antiga system. They obviously They were horrified by the fact that Antiga Prime was not only not destroyed by the zerg and protoss, but was becoming more and more prosperous.

Antiga Prime, which is in the midst of a new wave of Zerg invasion, is not just a refugee camp to accommodate refugees from peripheral systems. It is transforming into the center of worlds under the rule of the Revolutionary Army at an alarming rate. Its population is under the constant influx of refugees. It has reached more than 42 million people, and this number continues to rise.

Large numbers of refugees who had been displaced by the worms continued to pour into the world of the Revolutionary Army during the time Augustus left Antiga, not because they agreed with the ideas of the Revolutionary Army, but because it was the only country that still had in places that receive refugees.

The federal government, once sworn to protect its people, not only refused to send rescue ships to help relocate the refugees, but also did not allow the planets it controlled to accept them. As a result, the desperate people could only set off to the revolutionary army planet that the federation said was evil and brutal.

As the most populous planet in the hands of the revolutionary army, the development of Antiga Prime made Augustus happy. In addition to its vastly different natural environment, it has become a new Korhal, a haven for refugees and a beacon for anti-Confederacy fighters.

Antiga has replaced Korhal as the planet most mentioned in the Federation media, and has become a new symbol of revolution.

"After the Insect Master invaded Aiur, the pressure on the Federation and other human worlds was significantly reduced." Kerrigan stretched out a hand and pulled up a star map of the Koprulu Sector on the main screen, with the names " Different colors mark the main star worlds of the Tyranid Federation, the Zerg-controlled areas, and the Revolutionary Army worlds dominated by Antiga Prime.

Even though the Zerg's offensive against the human world is constantly weakening, there are still a large number of Zerg entrenched on planets such as Char. These main hive worlds divide the core planet of the Federation and the main planet of Antiga into two, forming a natural barrier. barrier.

If the Federation fleet wanted to attack Antiga, it would have to cross Zerg territory. Since the Federation army does not have psychic jammers that can block the Zerg attack, they are bound to be attacked by the Revolutionary Army and the Zerg at the same time, because the Revolutionary Army even installed psychic jammers on the battleships that can greatly transmit interference signals outwards. the bow of the ship.

It is precisely because it is too far away from the core world of the Federation. If the Federation wants to send a new strike fleet, its multiple main star worlds will inevitably be left empty for a long time.

If the military leaders of the Federation were determined to break the boat, they could forcefully send a fleet to attack Antiga at the expense of several prosperous stars. However, the Federation Council did not agree to launch a military operation that was premised on abandoning the core world. This is probably true. Because they care about the people.

But those planets not only provide a large number of high-value votes to the politicians in the Federal Parliament, but also have countless federal noble family properties and overseas territories. The nobles and politicians also had differences due to internal competition and games. They were arguing to the death over whether to protect the core world or regain the lost territory. Several well-known politicians even proposed to surrender to the Zerg.

Compared with the internally chaotic federation, the revolutionary military government was much clean and efficient internally, because there was no complex network of relationships in their government, and there was no parliament. All power was in the hands of Augustus.

Although Antiga was the earliest planet colonized by the Federation, it has always been quite backward. Fortunately, it is also the place with the most resistance movements, and there are no long-standing traditions among the federal ruling class. The rule of the plutocrats and aristocrats is extremely weak here.

It is precisely because of this that Antiga, as an open and new place, has undergone the biggest transformation in the past two centuries.

"It won't be long before Antiga becomes another high point in this revolution." Augustus said, placing his hands on the edge of the console.

"The Tyranids will soon know how happy people live under the control of the Revolutionary Army. No, this is not enough. We must implement new systems on more planets."

Augustus also received more news about the planets controlled by the revolutionary army. The mines in Ma Sara were rebuilt, and new mineral deposits were discovered on its sister planet Cha Sara.

The revolutionary army's rule in Altera, which is rich in large reserves of high-energy gas, has also been stabilized. Now that planet is continuously providing Antiga with oil and gas resources. Haji is relatively far away from the main planet of Antiga, but there is a Xel'Naga portal connecting the Dark Templar's home world of Sagulath, so it is not afraid of the Federation's attack.

"When we return to Antiga, the revolutionary army will launch a counterattack." When Augustus rarely felt in a good mood, he noticed the news that made him unhappy.

The intelligence network of Umoyan and OGB showed that the real terrorist organizations in the Terran Federation are using the name of the Revolutionary Army to do evil on various planets. They are taking revenge on the wealthy class, attacking federal officials, and saying that is Ordered by the Great Marshal Augustus Mengsk.

Not only that, they also committed crimes in the name of justice and revolution, robbing and even plundering people - although these rebels did not actually understand the meaning of these two words, nor did they care about the trauma that people suffered because of their resistance.

A man named Clifford Danner came into Augustus' sight. His men came from losers from all walks of life or desperate desperadoes. Now, Dennar's followers are assassinating high-ranking Federation officials on Tarsonis, claiming it is the will of the great Marshal Augustus.

But Augustus knew nothing about this man.

The Federation is falling apart due to more and more rebels. This is certainly a good thing for the revolutionary army, but those rebels will not actually obey Augustus's command. Some people just treat revolution as a business, seeking money and other things.

"Pay close attention to these rebels and try to contact them." Augustus said: "Deal with the most vicious ones and recruit people with lofty ideals."

As Augustus issued his order to Warfield, a messenger reported new progress in excavations in Lake Eldridge.

The command center is located next to Fort Arden, with the calm Lake Eldridge under the wide windows of the command room. Even without the soldier saying anything, Augustus could see an unparalleled dark green shadow rising from the bottom of the lake, like a huge whale rising to the surface to breathe.

"Good job." Augustus looked at the lake and realized that the size of this spaceship might be larger than the protoss' mothership.

"How did that guy Siwang activate Xel'Naga's spaceship?"

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