StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 388 Bloody Battle

"Well done, Dark Templar!"

Rick Kidd stretched out his right hand, clenching the huge metal glove of the power armor into a fist.

After fighting against the zerg for such a long time, even the most ordinary soldiers know that there is a zerg creature called a cerebrate deep in the main hive that controls these bloodthirsty and furious monsters on the battlefield.

Once a Cerebrate is completely killed and its resurrection is prevented, a large number of the Zerg in its colony will be driven to ultimate destruction in an uncontrollable rage.

"This is not enough." Phoenix's voice sounded like a bell: "We have gone deep into the hinterland of the insect nest, and we have never been so close to the trembling brainworms hiding in the nest."

Fenix ​​is ​​a unique commander, always at the forefront with his Templars. When Phoenix was a Templar, he was the first to charge and leap into the enemy ranks.

"Only if we continue to move forward and force the Cerebrates to focus more on commanding the zerg ahead, will Zeratul and his Dark Templar have more chances to kill the Cerebrates."

If it were just the Dark Templar force of about a hundred people that Zeratul led in the past, their success rate in assassinating the Cerebrates would undoubtedly be insufficient. But after returning to Sagulath to gather more Dark Templar warriors and even elite Shadow Guards, hundreds of thousands of Dark Templar warriors and Shadow Masters are enough to make the Overlord itself feel threatened.

When a large group of Dark Templar warriors appeared in the shadows, no matter what, it could hardly be called an ordinary assassination.

Zeratul's Dark Templar do not care about the cost. No matter how much sacrifice they have to make, as long as they can kill the Cerebrate, it will be worth it to them and the coalition forces.

The Dark Templar have customs very different from their kin on Aiur, and hold an incomprehensible reverence for death. In the eyes of the Dark Templar, the closer they are to death, the closer they are to the icy void, and returning to the void is the fate of generations of Dark Templars.

"This is why I was ordered to come here." Rick clearly knew the combat intentions of Augustus and the coalition forces, which was clearly visible in the combat meeting and the accompanying map.

Unless you have to, or wait for help, a protracted and attrition war with the zerg is tantamount to seeking death. Any resourceful protoss or human commander will end the battle with killing the cerebrates. And destroy the insect nest and even the hatchery in the insect nest.

At this time, more transport ships of the 1st Airborne Division of the Revolutionary Army landed on the barren land of Mars. The landing gear popped out of the belly of the aircraft raised hot air waves when they landed. They were lined up in rows wearing black and gray CMC power armor. soldiers walked down the gangway.

The arc-light tanks and Goliath armed robots tied with heavy iron chains drove out of the cargo hold one after another. The gold-red painted tanks and mechas were painted with the standards and numbers of the revolutionary army. The soldiers near these giants were Appear short.

Among the soldiers stood Firebats wearing heavy armor and a team of Marauders wearing similar models to the former. Many of them were Wolf Warrior I heavy mechas modified from space engineering vehicles.

Compared with the Goliath armed robot, the ordinary mecha modified using the space engineering vehicle is only 4 to 5 feet (about 1.2 to 1.5 meters) taller than the CMC power armor. It only adds a reinforced frame and alloy steel plating to the original basis. And stainless steel guard plate, and equipped with a wide titanium steel explosion-proof shield.

The mass-produced Wolf Warrior uses a castrated version of the Sidewinder railgun and 30mm cannon, so the battery and propeller are larger than the original ones. The weapons they use are not always fixed, and they are also heavily equipped with hydraulic flamers to suppress hordes of Zerglings.

The construction of these mechas came from the orders of Augustus and were completely done by Chief Engineer Rory Swann and his team of engineers. After all, what the Camorians are best at is installing armor on their civilian equipment. and artillery to pull up the front line.

When facing the surging swarm of insects, the wolf warrior holding the wall shield can also deform slightly and retract its walking limbs to form a shield wall. These modified space engineering vehicles have effectively enhanced the firepower of the Revolutionary Army's ground forces, but even if they are modified using nearly obsolete engineering vehicles, the modifications in the Yuzhong factory workshop are quite rough, but they are still expensive.

Soldiers in heavy armor, tanks, and mechas walking on huge walking legs are like high steel walls in progress. Amidst the roar of tank engines and the buzz of the Goliath armed robot's servo system, the torrent of steel is rolling. forward. Fighter planes roared overhead, and the first round of test fire from friendly artillery on the right exploded in the distance.

When Rick ordered his soldiers to assemble, the units of the 1st Division were moving end to end. As far as the eye could see, there were countless matte masks swaying in the sun.

"I saw in these humans the courage to face death without fear." Phoenix praised these well-dressed Revolutionary Army soldiers and said: "Brave humans! The most invulnerable Templars in the history of the Protoss Empire are nothing more than this."

"Compared to the protoss, we have many shortcomings, including clumsiness, cowardice, and greed. But human beings have as many advantages as shortcomings." Rick Kidd smiled softly: "Far away from our homeland, we are better than anything in the past. We must unite at all times. Human courage lies in the hymn of sacrifice.”

"I have seen many human soldiers. They are all resolute and brave warriors." Phoenix continued: "But a few years ago, they were just civilians engaged in the Karai industry. Some of them had never seen weapons, but now they have Already able to face dozens of springtails fearlessly."

"War, death and the loss of relatives and friends are enough to change a person and make him stronger." Rick said: "Augustus would say that war is hammering us into steel."

"You are just a piece of steel, Jako Bennett. You think you are an executioner, but I want to tell you, you are not only good at killing people." Phoenix was still talking about Rick's real name, but the latter had To put it bluntly, unless he inherits the Bennett family, he will never use his name and family name again.

Now, Rick felt very strange when he heard this name again.

"I command this army in the name of Marshal Augustus Mengsk, and all the praise and respect I receive is based on my brave warriors." Rick said.

"The Protoss believes that an outstanding legion does not necessarily have an outstanding leader, but an outstanding leader must lead an army that is good at fighting. Augustus Mengsk is already outstanding among his kind, and his warriors And a role model for humanity.”

Phoenix mentions his leader to Rick: "I've had long conversations with him more than once, and he always attributes his achievements to you."

"Augustus never talks about himself because there are so many people who praise him," Rick said.

"Jacob Bennett, maybe you haven't noticed that Augustus Mengsk's words, deeds and qualities are affecting you." Phoenix could see through Rick's heart: "The education you received in your family did not stop you. Become a soldier. In fact, you are a born warrior. You learned a lot from Augustus, so you are considerate of your subordinates, which is why you are loved."

In addition to the selfless political commissars of the Revolutionary Army, many generals in the Revolutionary Army are loved by others. They either care about their subordinates and manage the army well, or they, like Mira Han and Tychus Finley, find new ways to fight with their unique methods. His style makes his subordinates obey his instructions.

"Colonel Rick, the sensors detected Nydus Worm activity under your feet. Be careful, the insect swarm is approaching you." At this time, the emotionless alarm sound of the mechanical adjutant came to Rick's ears.

"The enemy is Zerg, all troops are on alert, bullets loaded!" Rick immediately ordered on the channel.

The 1st Airborne Division was at the forefront of the offensive echelon, with only Colonel Pryor and General Duke's troops in front. But the zerg are no scurrying beasts. They ambush web-spinning spiders and launch surprise attacks from the air and underground.

"My army of fanatics is on your right side." Without any communication equipment, Phoenix's order has been transmitted to the entire army led by him through the psychic network Kara.

Rick could not see the main force of the Protoss with his naked eyes, but with the deployment speed of the Protoss, they could rush to any battlefield at a jaw-dropping speed.

At this time, like a sign of an approaching tsunami, the ashes on the ground trembled due to the vibration of the ground. Two months ago, this place was a garden world with lush green trees, chirping birds and fragrant flowers, but now it is as desolate and dead as the death world of Char.

At the foot of a well-positioned airborne force, the ground suddenly collapsed and collapsed amid tremors. A large crater dozens of feet in diameter swallowed up three airborne soldiers holding Gauss rifles in an instant. They disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if they had fallen into the abyss.

Blood was still spattering in the expanding hole like a bloody mouth, and an ugly and ferocious mouth rose up amidst the roar of guns and cannons, hundreds of springtails and Hydra Hydralisks. He jumped down from the giant mouth of the Tunnel Worm hanging high in the air, jumped on the ground and started killing the Revolutionary Army soldiers. Blood was everywhere in an instant.

In an instant, dozens of Nydus Worms jumped out of the ground at the same time, throwing the dark swarm of insects into the crowd.

Their bright, blood-red skin exudes a bloodthirsty glow in the sun, and more proliferated spikes and exoskeleton armor make these monsters look more like real demons. There is no doubt that this is a branch of Tiamat's insect swarm, a close guard among the Lord's servants, and the most terrifying insect nest.

Rick's communication channel immediately became chaotic. Officers were repeating the commander's orders, some soldiers were asking their comrades, and others were screaming. No matter how indestructible the human army is, it will still be in dire straits when facing a swarm that far outnumbers its own.

These are still the elite of the revolutionary army. If those recruits were dragged onto the battlefield after only a few days of training, they would have been unable to suppress their inner fears and began to flee in all directions and attack their own friendly forces, leaving a large number of them armed with sophisticated weapons. The human army was completely defeated and massacred.

This situation is not uncommon in areas of the Terran Confederation world that have never experienced war and in armies that have not been resocialized. The Confederate armies that had demonstrated their prowess against the Kaimorian Labor Auxiliaries often collapsed when faced with the zerg, leaving behind no armor.

While Rick ordered the units of the Airborne Division to move closer to friendly forces, he also ordered them to blow up the Nydus Worm at all costs and drop high-temperature plasma flames into its fetid intestines.

When Rick looked toward a Nydus Worm that was leaping out of the ground not far from where he was, he saw a horrifying sight:

The roaring Nydus Worm opened its bloody mouth and kept spitting out infected humans and soldiers wearing power armor, some of which carried horrific and explosive chemicals to infect people. As soon as the infected ones landed among the soldiers, they caused earth-shattering explosions. Many soldiers were torn into pieces, and some even left no corpses.

So far, the only humans in Ayr are the Revolutionary Army, and these hateful-looking infected people were once friendly forces of the 1st Airborne Division. During the many battles deep into Ayr, many armies were lost forever in the dangerous jungle.

The insect swarm reshaped the bodies of those captured human soldiers and comrades who the revolutionary army had no time to take away, and controlled them with the main hive mind, turning these brave and steadfast warriors into slaves of the alien monsters they once hated.

The deformations on some of the infected Revolutionary Army soldiers have not yet covered their entire bodies. Apparently, the insect swarm was thrown onto the battlefield before they could fully assimilate them.

Some people still retain their past memories and consciousness, and some people are even still awake in their brains, but they can no longer control their bodies and can only watch themselves holding hands tightly connected to the body by tendons, ligaments, and mucous membranes. of gauss rifles and opened fire on their compatriots.

Both Rick and the revolutionary army who faced the infected felt extremely sad and angry. In the past, those warriors wearing disgusting yellow helmets and their bodies covered with deformed tentacles and sharp appendages may have been models in the military. They were sons and husbands who swore to fight for human freedom, but now they have lost their own freedom.

"It must be the brainworm Carlos who created these infected humans. The zerg cannot infect the protoss, but it can control human thoughts." Phoenix looked there, and the Templars around him lit up the blue souls one after another. The energy blade pounced on the tunnel worm.

They are the most courageous fanatics in Phoenix, walking as fast as flying and charging like hurricanes on the sea.

The running Templars were all heavily armored but as light as hunting cats. They passed through the Revolutionary Army soldiers who kept firing, as if they were brushing against the blue arcs of the soldiers passing by.

"Once again." Phoenix also walked towards the attacking Zerg: "I fight side by side with the brave ones among humans."

"I'm deeply honored."

"Me too." Rick closed his helmet with the skull of the Demon of Heaven on it, and took off the FN-92 Bosun sniper rifle on his back.

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