StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 389 The final alliance

Two hours after the launch of the general attack, the main peak of Midlin.

The aloof main peak of Midlin is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the steep and majestic ridge is shaped like the back of a black dragon. The sky was as clear as ever, with a few white clouds holding up the golden sun.

The hurricane carrying gravel on the mountaintop furiously slapped the tempered glass window of the command center. A red ribbon used to tie the battle flag flashed in front of Augustus, and he only hoped that it was a sign that would bring good things. A harbinger of luck.

This is the top of the main peak of Midlin. To the east and north are barren plains where germ carpets spread. The vast land is shrouded in the shadow of death, and depression and darkness rush towards us.

The soil exposed to the strong wind was an extremely unnatural reddish-brown color, as red as blood. The whirlwind wind is still peeling away the little remaining soil, leaving the steep mountains and jagged rocks exposed to the scorching sun, like the bones of a skeleton.

Augustus imagined what this high mountain must have looked like in the past. Before his eyes, he could see the Ayr firs standing like lances, the small flowers growing at high altitudes, a wide variety of birds and lizards, and hear the chirping of insects and the wind. The sound of blowing through the leaves.

Today, the peaks of Midelin have long since died. The peaks that meandered along the westward slopes were once high in the sky, with towering green mountains, but now only the bare ridges remain.

An armored personnel carrier was parked beside the road outside the window, and a supply station was being built. A huge fan kept spinning, and the buzzing sound was drowned in the howling of the wind. The smooth roof of the supply station is covered with a layer of solar panels that flash white in the sun, connected to the internal storage battery through lines in the pipes.

The door on the side of the supply station facing the command center was wide open. Under the bright orange light, engineers driving T-280 space engineering vehicles were carrying boxes in and out of a ramp. Several engineers wearing yellow protective clothing and hard hats were still welding circuits and building structures. A group of Guards of the Revolutionary Army Marshal in gold-red power armor were running across the road between the command center and the supply depot. .

In the distance, a heavy bulldozer was removing or breaking stones from the mountain, trying to clear a flat piece of land from the rocky and uneven mountain. Behind more rumbling cranes are clusters of crystal veins glowing blue. Space engineering vehicles at work are using drills and plasma torches to cut through the clusters of crystals, each piece being cut into roughly the size of an Adeen. The crystals will be put on trucks and transported to the warehouse of the command center.

Due to the Da'u teachings and gentle policies pursued by the Protoss Empire, Aiur's natural resources are still very intact. These precious crystals are indispensable resources for protoss, zerg, and humans. Take Augustus' revolutionary army as an example. The crystals are extremely valuable. Once they are smelted, they can quickly become warriors. Armor for vehicles, spaceships and powered armor.

The zerg also use these resources to provide nutrients for the growth of chitin carapace and fangs and claws, so these crystal mines once occupied by the zerg are full of traces of the worker bees' huge and sharp claws cutting crystal.

"The Dark Templar of Zeratul killed the new brainworm of the Berog tribe. This is the second brainworm." Kerrigan came from behind Augustus, her muscle fibers close to the skin The refractive combat uniform was as smooth as shark skin, and the circuitry on its back shone with blue light.

"The stars are saying that the power of the Overlord is weakening."

"That's the way it should be," Augustus said softly. "That's the way it should be but it's not enough."

"There are definitely more than one or two brainworms protecting the Overlord. Every time one is killed, the pressure on the warriors will be reduced."

"There was a report from Colonel Prior on the front line. They have advanced another forty miles and have approached the outermost edge of the main nest. However, the Sarah Infantry Brigade also suffered heavy losses. Some battalions and companies even suffered more than half of their casualties." Kerrigan said Augustus stood on his right, holding a portable control panel in his hand.

"Pryor's force is the one closest to the main zerg hive area." She said: "The colonel reported that his soldiers are in high morale. As long as the headquarters can replenish manpower, they will be able to capture the main hive soon. .”

"The governor was overconfident, and even at night his troops were advancing at such a speed that no army could catch up with them."

"Our doctors suspect that Pryor's troops must have been injected with too many stimulants and enhancers that exceeded the regulations, which kept their physical and mental strength at their peak. But once the effects of the drugs faded, even the strongest soldiers could no longer It will be debilitating.”

"That's the only thing that can keep us from fighting the tireless Zerg," Augustus said. "Tell Prior that Rick Kidd's 1st Airborne Division and Ranger Paratroopers have been mobilized." Support him."

"This war depends on the fate of mankind, and I will not allow any failure. I am looking at him, and I will also look at planting the flag of the revolutionary army on the body of the Lord."

"Sarah, how are the rest of the troops doing?" he asked.

"It's not optimistic. All the main forces have been deployed on the frontal battlefield, and the new recruits have also been classified as reserves." Kerrigan replied.

"I know that," Augustus interrupted Kerrigan.

"Casualties and losses are inevitable. Many troops have suffered serious attrition. We can only rebuild some units after returning to Antiga." Kerrigan frowned and looked at Augustus, who had his back turned to him. Everybody, can’t help but feel distressed.

"This is still the case when we are equipped with a large number of psychic disruptor weapons, but the large number of king insects and giant king insects floating above the main nest area greatly weaken the effect of the interference weapons. The closer we get to the position of the insect swarm master, the more interference there is. The effect of the device becomes weaker and weaker until it has no effect at all.”

Even touching Augustus' superficial thoughts, Kerrigan could feel his heartache, which was tantamount to carving out the flesh in his heart. But at the same time, Augustus never regretted that he had taught Kerrigan that he must take a long-term view, whether in politics or military affairs.

"." Augustus just said: "I know. Everyone has tried their best. They are all good and they are my best warriors."

"We will rebuild those units and their numbers will never be lost."

"Withdraw those severely damaged troops, including the 2nd Division, 132nd Brigade, and 34th Armored Brigade. Don't take into account heavy weapons such as Gauss Cannon. Even if they are left to the Zerg, they can't do anything for the time being. Bring back all the wounded. and the remains, and the remains that cannot be taken away will be burned.”

"Yes, sir." Kerrigan directly relayed Augustus' order through the command center channel, and quickly conveyed it to various units and commanders by hovering with the Revolutionary Army's science ships on various major battlefields. This is a highly encrypted channel, making it difficult for the enemy to detect the command center through the signal.

"Yes." Augustus nodded. A holographic projection screen showing a battle map unfolded in front of Augustus. Multiple green and blue arrows representing humans and protoss were pointing directly at the zerg-filled screen. Red lair.

"The progress was smoother than expected - and much smoother. I originally thought that even if the Protoss Empire and the Zerg were both defeated, the Zerg Swarm would still be difficult to defeat. In the face of the Overlord, any wisdom and strategy are useless. "

"The zerg are stronger than us, and most importantly, they are smarter."

"You think that the suspicion of the protoss is correct - the master does not directly command his numerous groups, because it may have fallen into a long sleep. The command of the brainworms is not inferior to any protoss and human commanders, but it is not as good as any The master’s plan.”

"I believe that the Lord's mission has been completed since the moment he descended on Aiur and merged with the Xel'Naga Temple." Augustus said something Kerrigan couldn't understand.

"The Overlord, it is the most terrifying creature in history. It contains the wisdom of the entire insect swarm." He said: "In the past, in invisible places, the Overlord has been playing games with us. The purpose of the Overlord is not to completely wipe out the planet. Spirits or humans, but every blow is overwhelming to Tyranid humans."

"Augustus. Do you have such a high opinion of the Overlord? It is just a mixed body, a creature with a weird mind. No matter what the purpose of the Overlord is to attack Al, it must be extremely dark."

Kerrigan tried to further read Augustus' inner thoughts, but found that the other man's heart had long been shrouded in fog. Augustus's thoughts grew deeper and deeper, and even those closest to him could no longer see through him.

Normally, Kerrigan adhered to Augustus's injunction against reading his thoughts, but she couldn't help it. There is nothing more alluring than understanding the mind of someone you love, not to mention Kerrigan's curious nature as a woman.

"You can never take your enemies lightly." Augustus replied: "It is precisely because I clearly know what a terrible opponent the Lord is that I firmly brought them here."

"Unidentified protoss warships have been detected. They are gathering here through the protoss star gate in the Aiur circular orbit." The mechanical intelligent adjutant in the command center suddenly issued a warning.

"Confirm their belongings." Augustus' eyes lit up.

"Is it a colonial fleet returning from other star systems in the Protoss Empire? During this time in Aiur, we have seen many fleets returning from colonies near Aiur. Their number is greater than that of Tassadar's Protoss Empire Koprulu Expedition There will be more armies, and the battleships and weapons will be older and more powerful."

"But I don't know if the Protoss are exaggerating, saying that it is just a small fleet left over from the Golden Age. It's hard to imagine how huge the Protoss Empire's great fleet was in the era of the legendary hero Executor Arden."

"It's so huge that they think there is no force in the universe that can threaten them." Augustus said: "But those are obviously not."

"Sign your identity, Protoss, and we have the authority to fire on enemies invading Coalition airspace."

".I have kindness and compassion for you, weak and brave humans, you are still young." A protoss arbiter in red robes appeared on the screen. He was Aldaris, a Bizera Figure also has an older arbitrator.

Aldaris may not be the leader of the Supreme Council, but he represents the opinions of the entire Supreme Council at the moment.

Rarely, the Arbiter class of the Protoss Empire, which never responds to humans, accepted the communication request. They had seen the bloody battles on Tassadar and the sacrifices of humans for Aiur.

"Supreme Council, you are so rich in blood, so many good people have died in vain because of you." Augustus looked at him, with a rare emotion of anger: "For the sake of those soldiers who were killed by the council guards, I will never forgive you. .”

Augustus rarely let his emotions control his thoughts, but that didn't mean he didn't feel angry. Since the last conflict with the Supreme Council, Augustus always remembered the soldiers who died at the hands of the Supreme Council's Yara guards.

"What? The Supreme Council has never harmed any human beings." Aldaris' surprise did not seem to be fake: "The council guards only set foot outside Koshaka when necessary."

"But that's true." Augustus's cold gray eyes flashed with haze. If it was true, as Aldaris said, that the Supreme Council didn't know about it, then their internal divisions had already begun.

If some arbitrators used the parliamentary guards to create conflicts between humans and the Supreme Council, then what exactly were they doing?

"Who is it?" Aldaris seemed to be asking the other arbitrators in Kara, but obviously did not get an answer.

"The Conclave would never do that, we don't have to play tricks with humanity."

"Okay, I'll pretend you don't know. But when we were fighting bloody battles with Tassadar, where was the Supreme Council?" Augustus asked again.

"Witness-" Aldaris was uneasy because of what Augustus just said, but he had more important things to do at the moment: "In the name of Cass's greatness, we saw a brain worm Die forever by the blade of the Dark Templar."

"Fucking witness." Augustus asked in his heart, "Are you Sun Yifeng? You just know it?"

"Augustus, they are not enemies." Artanis' image first appeared on the other side of the screen. He was standing on the bridge of the Protoss mothership Purification.

"The Arbitrators are here to help us." Tassadar was on his flagship aircraft carrier, the Star Shuttle.

"We made a mistake - we should not have tried Tassadar, because he was right." The Arbitrator said. "We were blinded by arrogance. Even humans have the courage to fight for Aiur, and the Arbitrator class has How can you hide behind humans?"

"So you know it too." Kerrigan transformed into a sharp complainer.

"That's how it should be, Aldaris, I've long said that the power of the Dark Templar is crucial." Tassadar said.

"In the name of Adun, the fleet of the Supreme Council will join you. You are already the last hope of the Protoss Empire and Aiur." Following Aldaris's order, more Protoss aircraft carriers jumped to Meade. Over Lin Qunfeng.

"Fight, sons of El, fight hard, heirs of Adun's will, and in the name of the gods and the light of Kara, take back the glory that belongs to us."

"En Taro Adun!"

"Well, let us put aside our disputes and hatreds for the moment." Augustus simply said: "I hope you will live to see the day when I question you, arbitrators."

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