StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 390 A Last Stand

"Boom - boom -"

The entire command center was shaking with dull, booming noises, and white light flashed from time to time, illuminating Augustus' resolute face. That was not thunder and lightning, but the roar from the Yamato cannon and the main cannon of the Protoss battleship bombing the main nest area, destroying the world and destroying the earth.

However, this war has spread to the province of Villari and other surrounding provinces, and countless lives have perished. Al has always been burning, and the war that was ignited became more and more intense, like a song that was sung and reached its climax today.

"The last fleet of the Protoss Empire has joined the battle, and countless Protoss warships are leaping over the Overlord's lair." Standing next to Augustus, Kerrigan's white-gloved hands were operating the star chart table. , a picture captured by the sensor and the scientific ship's high-precision camera is projected onto the holographic projection screen in front of it.

The splendid protoss fleets appeared one after another in the stationary orbit of Aiur. Their elegant alloy shells and curves like the tips of swallowtail butterfly wings perfectly interpreted the interpretation of beauty and art by the master phase technicians of the protoss empire. . They shine brightly, with golden light like the sun. Rows of neatly arranged Protoss aircraft carriers' secrets were densely shuttling back and forth between the aircraft carriers, and the blue lights on their tails were flashing like fireflies.

The sky is getting dark, and the ground is shrouded in darkness. Only the light in the sky is dazzling, as if that is the brightly lit city, and the ground is the night sky.

In this huge fleet, there are many arbiters who were considered extremely rare in the past. These gorgeous and noble moon-shaped spaceships hang above all battleships and spaceships. Usually only the noble Arbitrator class will fly the Arbiter to overlook the entire battlefield. This is a support ship equipped with advanced invisible force fields and stasis field generators, and its interior is filled with the powerful psychic abilities of the Arbitrators. quantity.

No Protoss Executor would refuse the help of an Arbiter, which can divide the battlefield and place entire armies under a cloaking field. But Arbitrators rarely join the ranks of the Crusade; they are tasked with leading the entire Protoss Empire without having to be versed in the arts of war and command like Executors.

In this fleet, some Arbiters even serve as flagships to guide the newly arrived Protoss fleet to adjust its course, which also means that they will bear the brunt of the Zerg attack.

"This is the last invincible fleet of the Origa tribe, and endless anger pours out." A Celestial Templar warrior wearing pure gold armor and a helmet inlaid with a blue Kedarin mind crystal appeared on the communication channel In the middle, behind him is the orange flag of the Origa tribe.

"Fight for El!"

"Everything is for Al." On another synchronized channel, Aldaris's blue eyes occasionally turned into gold filled with psychic power.

"The support of the Council comes at the right time, arbitrators." Tassadar is a very wise leader, and he will not hold a grudge for the actions of the Supreme Council that once wanted to arrest him. Even when faced with a larger existential crisis for the entire race, Tassadar would not retaliate.

"With your participation, the attack on the main nest area and the Overlord itself can be put on the agenda." He said.

"We believe that as the executive elected by the Council, you already have a plan of attack." Aldaris responded.

"The Council once doubted an executive who shouldered the honor and the light of Kara, and also tried to interfere in areas that he was not good at. Now, we will listen to your opinion."

"This is our last chance." There was no hypocrisy in Tassadar's words. He just stated the attack plan sonorously and forcefully.

"We must kill more cerebrates to distract the Overmind and reduce its power to weaken it. At the same time, the warriors must clear a path to the Overmind itself - whether on the ground or in the sky , after this, we can face the master directly, and then completely kill this abominable monster."

"Simple and direct, it is a hunter's simple trap, better than thousands of wonderful fantasies." Aldaris was silent for a moment, seeming to listen to the opinions of other arbiters.

"Just do that, and the Supreme Council will open up a path to domination for you." Aldaris continued.

"Convey the will of the Supreme Council to the entire fleet, eldest sons of God, this is the end of glory."

"Fight." Tassadar finally said: "Warriors, allies of mankind, without the support of any one of you, we would not be able to get to where we are today."

"This is the final battle, and it must ring through the stars."

After saying this, this brief conversation with Leader He is coming to an end. Next, there is only one task before everyone - to open a road to the location of the master.

"So, what are you going to do after that?" At this time, Augustus, who had been watching the conversation between Tassadar and Aldaris, asked loudly, his voice inevitably breaking. Everyone in the communication returned to the screen again.

"What are you going to do? Tassadar, how can we ensure that we kill the Overmind."

"From many battles with the Overlord, we can know that the monster that is bigger than the city has unimaginable psychic power - it can directly open the wormhole leading to El." Augustus said .

"It can resurrect brainworms, and it may itself be immortal."

"We once tried to kill the new Prince of Blades, Gabriel Tosh, using ordinary weapons, but he came back from the dead again. When facing a much more powerful master, a fatal blow must be achieved no matter what."

No one present except Augustus knew the meaning of Tassadar's words. Tassadar never revealed his plans to anyone else. He was naturally sincere and honest, but rarely did he hide his intentions from his friends.

When facing the rest of the coalition, Tassadar simply repeated the plan he had just told Aldaris, but never mentioned the final step.

The coalition forces, including Phoenix, Artanis, Tal'darin, and Zeratul, all just knew that they had to tear apart the defenses around the Overlord, defeat the Zerg guarding the lair, and then kill the Overlord.

But none of them noticed the obvious question, which was how to kill the Overlord.

"." Tassadar was stunned. The reason why he didn't talk about it was just because he wanted to avoid this issue.

After a few seconds of silence, he replied: ".sacrifice."

Tassadar's words were brief.

"What kind of sacrifice?" Without any hesitation, Aldaris, who was listening, blurted out:

"Are our sacrifices enough?"

"All you need is me." Tassadar simply repeated calmly: "Aldaris, all you need is me.

"If you want to kill the Overlord, naval guns are far from enough. To destroy the entire El, the Overlord may be the only living creature." Augustus continued: "Since Zeratul said that he killed the Cerebrate for the first time. At that time, I felt the sting of the master due to the death of the brain worm. It was bleeding and injured like a mortal body instead of a body of steel and iron bones. Then it proves..."

"The void energy of the Dark Templar can hurt the Overlord and can also kill him, but Zeratul's power is far less than that of the Overlord. To kill the Overlord, hundreds or even more Zeratul are needed."

Before coming to Aiur, Augustus had discussed this issue with Zeratul and Tassadar many times. Their answers were surprisingly consistent, which was to use the Dark Templar like killing the Cerebrates. The void spirit he controls can kill the Overlord.

But this is almost impossible to do. Although the spiritual energy of brainworms is already very powerful, the gap between them and the master is wider than the stars and the bright moon. He is the most outstanding master of the Dark Templar. When he wields the psychic blade to stab the Lord, it may be as simple as scratching the skin.

At the beginning, both Tassadar and Zeratul fell into melancholy postures of loss, while Augustus believed that strength can work wonders.

The conclusion is obvious, if one Dark Templar can't kill the Overmind, then summon more.

In the original story, as a dark patriarch who traveled abroad and did not care about the affairs of his clan, Zeratul had only a hundred dark templar warriors around him. But after Augustus went with them to Sagurath to seek help, it was completely different.

The Dark Templar number as many as one hundred thousand, each a powerful and deadly Shadow Master who once traveled through the shadows. When these Dark Templars unleash the storms that swept across Aiur thousands of years ago, like their ancestors, the psychic storms filled with void energy will destroy everything.

However, an obvious problem is that this requires the sacrifice of a very, very large number of Dark Templar warriors. This number may be extremely large. For the Sagulath Protoss, whose population is much smaller than that of the El Protoss, this is definitely a heavy blow.

Among the Dark Templar warriors who came to Aiur, not all warriors were willing to die for the home planet they had only heard of since they were born. Even if the Dark Templar were willing to do so, Zeratul, who brought these warriors out of Thagurath, would be a sinner against his race.

The Dark Templars left Sagulath under the orders of the matriarch. They trusted Zeratul and were willing to listen to his orders. Very few warriors returned home. The dead souls of Nerazim will return to the void and are still alive. The Dark Templar could only hear the voices of their kin once more in the whispers of the void.

At that time, Tassadar firmly objected, believing that the Dark Templar who aided the Aiur Protoss should not have to pay such a heavy sacrifice. Tassadar was a great warrior, and he was great because he was willing to sacrifice himself for others and his species.

"That requires unparalleled power. That power does not come from the power of stars, but from the endless void energy and the power of Kara." Tassadar's sky-blue eyes seemed to look directly at the person behind him through the distance between the screens. Augustus seemed to blame him for extraneous matters.

At this time, even if Tassadar is unwilling to tell his plan, he must give an explanation to his allies and the Supreme Council.

Tassadar asked: "Aldaris, do you remember the Twilight Ascension of Arden."

"That was the earliest feat that we called soul ascension, and that epic feat has been passed down to this day." Aldaris said immediately.

"Adun, the original Twilight Apostle - Anaxun, he once combined the power of the void and Kara in order to save the protoss, and completed the sublimation of his soul in the terrible power that burst out." Tassadar said .

"And I will follow his example. The power of Twilight Ascension is more powerful than the power of the Void and Kara combined."

"I can't understand. No one except Adun can master the power of the void and Kara at the same time." As an arbiter, Aldaris obviously knows better.

"I can." Tassadar just said: "I will drive the Star Shuttle to the Overlord alone, inject enough void energy into the battleship to merge with the Kara spiritual energy in it, detonate the entire battleship, and perish together with the Overlord."

"Do you know what that will bring? Are you..." The flames in Aldaris's eyes swayed, an expression similar to a human frown.

Aldaris had sharply questioned Tassadar and scorned his betrayal, but that did not mean that he had any prejudice against Tassadar.

"No - Tassadar." Zeratul's image appeared from the other side of the screen: "There must be a better solution."

"Augustus once mentioned your thoughts to me, and for this reason you actually hid something from us for the first time. You are determined to sacrifice yourself and die with the master, but without your leadership, where will the Templars go? "

"Who should protect the people of the Protoss Empire?"

Zeratul appeared suddenly, as if he had been listening to their conversation.

"Dark Templar Zeratul!" Aldaris had complicated feelings towards Zeratul. Even though he knew that the power of the Dark Templar was crucial, his disgust for them still lingered.

After all, at birth, protoss in the Protoss Empire are taught that the Dark Templar are corrupt, evil, and will destroy Kara and the Protoss Empire.

Tassadar was surprised that Augustus knew what he was thinking, which was incredible since he had never mentioned it to the other. Tassadar could only guess that his words and deeds revealed this. After all, he was not good at hiding his thoughts.

Based on his understanding of Augustus, Tassadar believed that it must be the eagle-like sharp mind, meticulous observation ability and keen thinking of this human leader who found out the clues and finally connected them into a truth. express your true thoughts.

"And Artanis." Tassadar mentioned a name, and its owner immediately shouted in panic and disbelief.

"No matter what I do, I will never lead our people like you." Artanis was shocked by the words of his spiritual mentor.

"I believe you can, Artanis." Tassadar said. "If you don't know what to do, listen to Zeratul and Fenix, and the wisdom of Augustus Mengsk will help." you."

"——For El, for the Protoss Empire, and for the continuation of our people. The Templars will fight to the death so that more Kalai can live. Someone must make sacrifices. Forgive me for my selfishness."

"That could only be me."

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