StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 391 Twilight

For a moment, Augustus, Aldaris, Zeratul, and Artanis were all silent at the determination in Tassadar's words.

"It's not that time yet!" Zeratul seemed to be deep in the dark void, his long purple veil and cloak sewn with animal leather trembling in the turbulent astral wind.

"At that time, Aden was standing between the angry ancestors of the Dark Templar and the arbitrators of the Supreme Council. In order to prevent the bloody conflict between the two, he could only choose to sacrifice himself and take the stand of one of them. Attack the other side," he said.

"But you are by no means alone now, Tassadar."

"There is no time for further indecision, my friend." Tassadar raised his head, blue psychic energy lingering in his rustling Executor robes.

"There is no time to try other plans. We only have one chance. This is the only way I can think of that can kill with one blow."

"You are brave and zealous, loyal to our people and empire, and equal to the great Adun." Arbiter Aldaris was shocked, and his fellow arbiters should be ashamed of their past actions: "The arbitrators once suspected that you had betrayed everything you had sworn to protect, but now, we all believe that you are the destined savior of the stars."

"Tassadar, is there really no other way?"

In Augustus's image, Aldarius was once a representative of pride and prejudice in the Supreme Council, but it turned out that they also had noble qualities. Compared with the Supreme Council, the Federation Council of the Terran Federation is full of cold-blooded reptiles, greedy vampires and selfish maggots.

"The power of the void can hurt the swarm master, and fusing it with the energy of the Templars from Kara can unleash a hundred times a thousand times more power." When Tassadar sighed, Augustus pointed out at this point.

"In other words, as long as these two powers can be released and fused together, the effect of Adun's Twilight Ascension can be achieved. It does not mean that the only person who can do this is you, who masters these two different powers at the same time. ." He said: "Individual heroism is certainly worthy of respect, but the education I received tells me that collective strength is equally important."

Regardless of righteousness or anything else, to be fair, Tassadar is Augustus' best friend among the stars, and Augustus does not want to lose him.

"Even after experiencing continuous wars and destruction, our warriors still have high fighting spirit." Artanis also took over Augustus' words and said: "Tassadar, the Templars have long been prepared for the final battle. .”

"Let me hear your plan, Augustus Mengsk, you are wise," Tassadar said.

"If we can concentrate the power of the Templars and Dark Templars, we may not be able to kill the Overlord." Augustus nodded: "Gather all the high-level Templars and the Masters of the Dark Templars and release a A terrifying psychic storm, such a powerful force will destroy everything."

"The bold plan is unimaginable, and the person who proposed it turned out to be a human. It seems that the human brain is much more developed than the protoss thought." Before Tassadar could speak, Augustus was listening to Arbiter representative Aldaris said first: "I don't know why as a human, you know so much about the secrets of the Templars and Dark Templars."

"But I want to tell you, this matter is not that simple." Even though Aldaris is 734 years old and has entered his twilight years among the protoss, there are not many signs of aging in his voice.

After Aldaris admitted the mistake of the Supreme Council, his words could even be called convincing: "Someone must serve as a guide and anchor to guide this terrible force, otherwise this unparalleled power will Will destroy those who free him."

"This person who acts as a guide and anchor must be able to guide this power for a short time and withstand the damage it brings. Even Tassadar cannot."

Among the protoss, even among the Kalai class who have not received much training, every protoss has powerful psychic power hidden in their body. If you don't connect with Kara and learn how to restrain the power within you, it will cause great damage.

More powerful power is not necessarily a good thing for the controller. Among humans who are much younger than the protoss, psykers with higher psychic levels are themselves a disaster.

The protoss' high-ranking templars are able to unleash psychic storms simply because they have mastered the methods of coordinating and unleashing the psychic power within them.

"If there are any among us who can do it, it is only the Templar Archons and the Dark Templar Dark Archons."

At this time, Zeratul said: "After sacrificing themselves and merging with each other, the Templars and Dark Templars have become essentially psychic creatures in a sense. Only the powerful Archons can bear it. This power, and their power is comparable to that of the gods.”

Among the Protoss, the High Templar and the Dark Templar are already extremely powerful in their own right, but they will still become one by sacrificing themselves.

Every two high-level templars and dark templars can become powerful archons through fusion. Their fused bodies exude terrifying psychic power that destroys everything. They are pure psychic creatures, made from the remains of their bodies. It is composed of a vortex anchoring spiritual energy, like a bright star floating in mid-air.

Only in isolation, in extreme despair and rage, or even for noble purposes, will the protoss sacrifice themselves.

"Everyone, leaders of the Protoss, what will happen if the person who merges into the Archon is a high-level Templar and a Dark Templar?" Augustus asked calmly.

"No protoss has ever done that." Tassadar spoke at this time: "Of course, for thousands of years, the Templar and the Dark Templar have rarely had the opportunity to meet each other, let alone fight side by side."

"I foresaw that scene." Zeratul's bright green eyes became even more shining: "That will recreate the twilight ascension of Adun. In the pure twilight that dispels darkness, everything will be purified. .Their souls will ascend and return to Adun."

"This is feasible, because although the Dark Templars have been separated from Aiur's compatriots for many centuries and have different traditions, their knowledge is still the same, and the methods of merging to become Archons are also similar."

"Someone must give his life and make sacrifices." Tassadar stared at the center of the screen: "Instead of letting the soldiers die, it is better to sacrifice only me."

"You are the leader of the Templars and the heir to Adun's will. You bear the responsibility of leading the surviving tribesmen to rebuild their homes after the dust settles." Zeratul said sincerely.

Zeratul exposed the Supreme Council, the true ruler of the Protoss Empire, but the latter did not express any opinions. In the eyes of the Arbiters, this is precisely a manifestation of the ignorance of the Dark Templar. They obviously do not know that the Executors are just military leaders who hold swords and obey orders under the Arbitrator class, and no one knows how to govern better than the Arbitrators. Protoss Empire.

Protoss who have never been to Sagulath believe that the Dark Templar are still in the primitive tribal age and are extremely backward.

For the time being, forgive the ignorance of the Dark Templar. The Arbiters will not take it to heart. After all, they will not be as knowledgeable as their distant relatives who are still in ignorance.

"You have a more arduous responsibility on your shoulders, Tassadar." Augustus reminded Tassadar.

"Remember those monsters that were hybrids of protoss and zerg genes that we saw on Luria IV? Even if we kill the Overlord, the future we face will still be a dark universe with endless threats. This threat Worse than zerg," he said.

"No matter what, we need you. You are a leader, Tassadar, these are dark times, and the protoss need you alive!"

"That is true glory, Tassadar, and that honor is what all protoss desire." Aldaris also said.

"Twilight Ascension is the legendary highest honor of soul sublimation. All the eldest sons of God long for this honor."

"That is also the glory of the Dark Templar. The legend of the Twilight of Adon ascending and saving the world guides generations of Dark Templar through the darkest path." Zeratul said.

"Leave it to our warriors to make the decision." Artanis's sky-blue eyes were burning with hot fire.

"Tell the warriors that I need the bravest warriors among the Templars to channel Twilight's power."

"The brave among the Dark Templar are also ready to fight for Aiur and pay tribute to Adon." Zeratul said.

"Go on, the moment for the decisive battle has arrived." Augustus said to the Star Spirits present and to all the revolutionary troops in the channel.

"The meaning of the Battle of El is to defeat the enemy of mankind. Fight hard, soldiers of the Revolutionary Army. Now El is the center of the world."

"Fight, the warriors of Kara's soul are named after the stars of Aiur." Tassadar was convinced, and he knew that he shouldered a greater responsibility.

If Tassadar hadn't seen Luria hybrids and seen the threats in the darkness, he would still be stubborn. Tassadar, who truly loves everyone except himself, will only devote his life in silence.

The images on the screen disappeared one after another, and then only a battle map of El was left. The background was a curtain made of green lines and the Protoss-Human joint fleet and countless aircraft that were fighting in El's orbit. Insect-like zerg.

"Put on the Hyperion's channel." Augustus said to the intelligent adjutant on the holographic screen.

"I'm Jim, Augustus." Reno's image appeared on the screen. He was wearing a wide-brimmed navy hat and had his hands behind his back: "How's the situation on the ground?"

"In the past few days, the bugs have launched a fierce attack on the fleet in orbit. We have lost many ships and many good brothers have died."

"The Army and Marines are about to launch the final attack. Jimmy, what I want to talk to you about is what happens after killing the Lord." Augustus said.

"It seems that you are confident, Augustus, what are you going to do? I will listen to you." Renault nodded and said.

"I need you to send all the transport ships to help the protoss transport refugees." Augustus said: "You are also responsible for helping Colonel Horko guard the Xel'Naga portal on Aiur, which is where we escaped. Al’s only path is our lifeline.”

"I know, even if I don't risk my life, I will guard him." Renault immediately replied: "The fleet and the airborne troops of the Revolutionary Army Rangers will protect the portal with their lives."

"However, if we can kill the master of the zerg, then the entire zerg will definitely be in chaos." He was silent for a moment and expressed his doubts: "At that time, maybe we can still defend Aiur."

"You are right." Augustus did not reject Renault: "But the insect swarm that has lost its master will inevitably fall into uncontrollable rage, and they must be eager for revenge. Withstanding the attack of the insect swarm will definitely bring huge losses to the coalition forces. .”

"We are here to save the protoss of Aiur, not to help the protoss take it back."

"I understand." Renault responded with a reply as the last response before the communication ended.

"I am Tychus Finley, what do you want from me? Marshal." Tychus's fierce face full of scars appeared on the screen.

Tychus' troops were once ordered to protect the Revolutionary Army's rear logistics points and transportation lines, but as the command center continued to move forward, even the rear was on the battlefield.

"All protoss refugee camps, hospitals and other departments are retreating towards the Xel'Naga portal. I need you to protect the retreat route." Augustus said.

Tychus was one of Augustus' warriors, like the battlefield of furious beasts and war machines. Augustus usually deployed Tychus on frontal battlefields, but this time the latter was ordered to protect civilians.

"I thought you would throw me on the battlefield? To be honest, it's not easy to be a nanny for engineers and technicians in the rear. Sometimes I have to serve the Protoss Master with a smile on his face - this is really Makes me sick." Tychus replied, "Well, I love being a nanny."

"Your army is the only one that has not been deployed to the front line." Augustus told a shocking fact.

"Tychus, do your job," he continued. "If I hear Harnak say one more time about you stealing wine from the supply depot, I will skin you."

Tychus was the first person to receive this honor.

"Damn boy Hank." Tychus quickly left the channel: "We crows should not call pigs black."

"Call my guards," said Augustus afterwards.

"What are you going to do?" Kerrigan asked knowingly.

"Fight," said Augustus.

At this moment, outside the window of the command center, the last group of Revolutionary Army soldiers were riding on armored personnel carriers heading to the front line, followed closely by giant armed robots that were larger than ordinary Goliath robots. That's the more elite Goliath of the Revolutionary Guard, who are loyal only to Augustus and his Mengsk family.

After a flash of extreme white light, Augustus's eardrums were shaken by an earth-shattering roar, which came from a fallen Protoss aircraft carrier.

The sky was covered with dark clouds at some point, and in Ayr, a city with a changeable climate, a storm with thunderstorms was approaching.

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