StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 392 Eye of the Storm

"The bugs are coming!"

There had just been a brief heavy rain in the sky, and a few rays of bleak sunshine emerged between the accumulated dark clouds. The strong wind blew across the filthy ground covered with deep purple fungi, and the howling wind was like the wail of the dead.

Several fanged monsters with huge mouths were running at incredible speeds in the mud pit filled with sewage, as if they were jumping in the splashing mud water. They were quickly knocked down by a series of dense flames and grenades. They struggled and fell in the deep crater created by the shells, bleeding everywhere, and the terrifying roars were endless.

"SCT.2493.1.21.14:23, 22 degrees north latitude. This image will be added to the final archive database." Augustus held a P220 pistol in one hand and exploded a springtail with a dark brown carapace, looking at It was beaten to pieces by the exploding bullets, and its body lost control and fell to the ground with inertia.

This reliable electromagnetic pistol was born out of the P180 of the old era. It also seemed backward and outdated during the first total war, but it was not intended to be a reliable weapon that won praises from soldiers. No matter how dangerous the environment is, the P220 has never jammed or misfired.

The one in Augustus's hand came from a Revolutionary Army second lieutenant who was killed when he invaded the main nest of the Golandel swarm. He was an outstanding officer in his twenties and seventies, and he followed him when Korhal fell. Got on the boat. The second lieutenant born in Stillling didn't say a word when he put on his military uniform, and he didn't say a word when he was dragged into the wormhole full of spikes.

About a squad of Revolutionary Army soldiers stepped forward. Two huge Revolutionary Guards Goliath armed robots stepped forward over a Vulture car that had been cut into pieces. Every step made a mark on the muddy land. A deep pit.

The 30mm cannons of these giant Goliaths will be loaded with broad shoulder armor plated with the golden wolf emblem, and each bright red flag on the cockpit guides the direction of the rear troops.

In the other direction, maybe only a few dozen steps away from here, Augustus heard the sound of intensive rocket launches. A group of revolutionary soldiers from the 106th Infantry Battalion pressed down from Augustus' left side. When they attacked, they were severely damaged by the Jormungandr swarm and had to retreat to the opposite side to rest. However, before the troops could be replenished, this infantry battalion with only more than a hundred people left joined the battle again.

Looking ahead were two battalions of the Revolutionary Guards Division, a skirmish line several miles wide cutting across the flat ground infested with zerg blankets and organic structures. To the right, a mile away, was a fast-flowing river. What had once been the largest of the dense network of Eyre tributaries was now shrinking and drying up, only washing the bones of the dead during the rainy season.

The road to the Lord is littered with corpses. Huge intelligent war machines with protoss collapsed on the ground can be seen everywhere. As for those seriously injured or dead protoss, they have been jumped back to the nearest fleet and protoss hub.

When he looked over again, the huge body of the insect swarm master was already in front of him. Augustus seemed to be walking towards a high mountain. When viewed from a distance, this mountain was already towering over the world. It was tall and steep. The closer you got, the more majestic and incredible it became.

The Overlord of the Swarm is shaped like a super beetle covered with a brown-black carapace, or a flesh-like flower bud covered with metallic armor. The spikes, which are harder than metal and sharper than skyscrapers, stretch straight out. Sky. Tychus Finlay creatively described it as a pore in rosacea, and Harnak Hank called it a turd.

The body that dominates the sky is hidden in the boiling steam clouds and storms, which all come from an ocean that has been evaporated by the protoss purification beam. The huge wounds and the burns left by the protoss plasma weapons are visible to the naked eye. trace.

Thousands of gorgeous and light golden protoss fighters shuttled through the clouds and mist, and blue or white particle energy beams densely woven into a large shining net. The Dark Templar corsairs also join the fray, their striking gun blades distinctive from their Aiel brethren.

The closer you are to the main nest area where the Overlord is located, the smaller the number of human revolutionary troops will be. This is not because the revolutionary army suffered too many losses, but in the huge war covering half of the continent, hundreds of thousands of people were just pebbles falling into the water. Even the number of protoss is far greater than that of humans, not to mention the swarms of insects that cover the sky and close the sun.

But no protoss will ignore the sacrifices of humans and every victory they achieve. Even the most indifferent Templars have to admit that the Revolutionary Army is the bravest and best-fighting humans they have ever seen, and they are worthy of the name of warriors.

"They are about to succeed." Augustus took out a loaded magazine from the ammunition unit of the power armor and loaded it. He once again confirmed the report on the HUD display panel of his helmet and informed the entire army of his words. :

"The last road to the location of the Overlord has been opened, and victory is close at hand. All troops immediately evacuate outside the main nest building, build a defense line... and leave the stage to the protoss."

"The big one is coming." Tychus, who was standing there, shouted. His burly body in custom-made power armor stood beside Augustus, holding a heavy-duty gun with a hot muzzle in his hand. machine gun.

"Smashing bugs - oh yeah~ I love this feeling.

"The protoss who have broken through to the main hive area are preparing to release an unprecedented psychic storm. According to the estimates of the Amerigo science ship personnel, the scale of the storm will be 50,000 times that of a tactical nuclear bomb. The size of the Apocalypse-class nuclear bomb Two thousand times," said Kerrigan, who was wearing a blue and white ghost refractor suit.

"After all, almost all the protoss warriors who are still alive in El are here. There are so many of them. It is said that they have assembled multiple powerful fanatic legions, the arbiters of the Supreme Council and the Heart of Sandiaton (an interstellar picture). The high-level Templars from the Conflict for Hegemony map also joined the battlefield."

Most of the Arbiters of the Protoss Empire are powerful psykers. If not, it would be difficult for them to maintain their true intentions deep in the whirlpool of the psychic network Kara, and they would not be able to hide their deep thoughts as politicians.

The Heart of Arden is a sacred cemetery where Arden's comrades from the Golden Age are buried. The air is filled with the powerful psychic power of these deceased Templars, and the high-ranking Templars who guard it are also the most outstanding. Even in the precarious state of the Protoss Empire, the defenders of the Heart of Adun have withstood countless zerg attacks.

It is said that the souls of the dead Templars still float in the sky above the cemetery, and their power blesses the protoss warriors, making them stronger than ever.

"Let's fight." Augustus looked in the direction of the main nest area. Under the desperate and even suicidal attacks of the protoss, a gap was briefly torn out of the Zerg's defense line. But that doesn't mean that the swarm is retreating. At least two billion zerg are gathering around the Overlord, and more are still in the underground hatcheries.

If Tassadar had not activated the sealed colossus and mothership at the suggestion of Augustus, the Supreme Council would have followed suit after the initial results of this move. Without the support of these powerful weapons, the protoss and human alliance must have been completely lost by this time, and that would inevitably lead to Tassadar driving the Star Shuttle into the Overlord alone and dying together.

Now, they have enough military power to try other methods.

At this time, a huge light spot appeared in the sky, shining unusually even in the daytime. It was a heavily damaged protoss aircraft carrier. It was falling to the earth in bright flames. A large number of mutalisks, insect guardians and devourers were surrounding it.

Finally, when Augustus looked at the aircraft carrier, it had disintegrated in the air. As the core crystal matrix exploded into a brilliant blue flash, the wreckage fell to the ground and caused a huge explosion.

On average, one or more magnificent battleships fall from parallel orbits every few minutes, which means that the cruelty of fleet battles in orbit is no less brutal than on the ground.

"Don't stop, keep moving forward. Kurovsky's troops are not far away from us." Augustus said as he continued to move forward with the troops.

Augustus originally went to the front line in a command vehicle, but with the targeted attacks of Sliphon and Berog swarms on such vehicles, he had no choice but to choose a vulture vehicle or walk.

Since most of the zerg in front have been cleared away, only sporadic zerg emerging from the Nydus worms are still harassing the human soldiers.

As he got closer and closer to the Overlord, a golden-red command center was already in sight. It was a steel building with rust-colored and golden roof beams. The coils and orange-yellow lights of the radar base station were like a glowing halo.

Surrounding the command center are shade shacks and supply storage points made of withered tree branches. Wounded soldiers with bandages on their bodies are receiving new clothes, blankets and clean and pure filtered water.

The soldiers who no longer have to fight are still anxiously discussing the battle on the front line. Wounded people are constantly being transferred here. Some of them have lost their hands or legs, and some have bandages on their eyes. The younger warriors called for their mothers, while the older ones asked how their families were doing.

These wounded will continue to be transferred to hospitals further behind and even to the rear bases in the Midlin Peaks. Thanks to the advanced medical technology of Protoss, even the most serious injuries will be properly treated and the mortality rate can be reduced to a minimum. . And if the soldiers of the Human Revolutionary Army lost their limbs in the war, the protoss would be happy to install mechanical limbs on them.

These mechanical limbs are much better than all human mechanical prostheses, and the maintenance life is very long compared to humans. But if they need to replace these mechanical limbs, they may have to seek help from the protoss.

"We must ensure that all the wounded can receive timely treatment. As long as they can be sent to the protoss as soon as possible, everything will be fine." Augustus said to a doctor.

Most of the population of the Protoss empire is made up of engineers and scientists of the Khalai class, including doctors, for during the Golden Age and for many centuries thereafter the Protoss were in conflict with other unknown civilizations and races, causing casualties in Unavoidable. It was not until the promulgation of the Laws of Davu that the protoss banned weapons of war.

"The psychic energy near the Overlord is soaring, and the PSI index is rising exponentially. Boss, I think our sensor array that detects the psychic energy index has been damaged because it cannot handle so much information." In August When they all arrived in front of the command center, Victor Kaczynski of the Engineering Corps was telling him what was happening.

"We haven't figured out yet whether it's coming from the Overmind or the Protoss, but it's obvious that the Protoss is taking action."

"No matter whether the equipment can still work or not, we must keep a close eye on it." Augustus followed Kaczynski into the command center, followed closely by Tychus and Kerrigan.

"The Protoss Templar and the Dark Templar are working together to release a powerful psychic storm, which is what their ancestors have done. Even without practice, with the protoss' control over psychic energy, this is It’s not difficult at all.”

"Research shows that there is no difference in the essence of the psychic energy used by the El Protoss and the Sagulath Protoss, but when combined together, they can inspire more powerful power. If the Protoss uses this on weapons, it will definitely It’s going to be pretty amazing,” Kaczynski said as he walked.

"On the land more than thirty miles away from us, the most incredible supernatural phenomenon to date is taking shape. The protoss is a race that generally possesses telepathic abilities, and the power they gather together is enough to cause shocks in the void."

"Oh - I never knew you had research on psychic energy and the void, Victor, so what does this mean?" Augustus said as he took the escalator to the command room.

"I don't know, but I think the Dark Templar might be able to sense it." Kaczynski spread his hands and said, "After all, there are almost no systematic psykers in Moria, and I don't know much about it."

"A storm is taking shape." Kerrigan's green eyes have unconsciously turned to gold, which comes from some kind of keen perception of spiritual energy: "I can feel the anger and determination of the stars. , pre-war hymns are being sung in the kara, and the Dark Templar are filled with cold fury."

"Can you capture the scene?" Augustus looked at Kaczynski.

"It's very difficult." Kaczynski raised his sunken eyes: "All spacecraft and equipment that were too close there were detonated by the surge of spiritual energy, even if it was destroyed by this spiritual storm. A single ray of leakage is enough to make our best and most powerful psychic agents blind."

"I'm trying to access footage from orbiting satellites."

"But that doesn't include me." Kerrigan swung her fiery red ponytail.

"That's right, Mrs. Mengsk," Kaczynski said.

"You said the wrong thing," Tychus reminded Kaczynski unhappily.

"You're right." Before Augustus could say anything, Kerrigan immediately patted Kaczynski on the shoulder.

"Can you contact Tassadar, or Artanis and Phoenix?" Augustus asked next.

"I'll try." Kaczynski brought Augustus to a console.

After a while, Protoss Empire Executor Artanis, who was commanding the Templar forces on the bridge of a mothership, appeared on the screen.

"The war situation is too unfavorable for our soldiers. My troops suffered heavy losses." Artanis said:

"I have to regroup my troops."

"It sounds bad, Artanis, how are you doing there?" Augustus asked immediately.

"We are trying to use the Twilight powers to kill the Overmind, but its minions are coming at all costs."

Immediately afterwards, pictures taken by orbiting satellites also appeared on the screen. Incomparably shining green and blue light occupy both sides of the screen, and the two colors of light converge into deeper blue and pure white in the middle, as if a supernova is exploding.

The picture on the screen was interrupted from time to time, flickering constantly, and various instruments made clicking sounds that were on the verge of collapse.

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