StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 393 Death of the Lord

"The psychic index is still increasing. Ancestors of Moria, we are witnessing a miracle."

Victor Kaczynski kept tapping on the control panel with his hands, and the image on the holographic projection screen became larger and clearer. Psychic energy composed of blue and green light continuously blended, and the storm formed by pure energy waves tore through the muddy land with crisscrossed ravines.

Beneath the light group filled with dazzling light were the shadows of thousands of protoss warriors. The dazzling light overflowed from their eyes, as if their hot and bright souls were seeping out of their bodies. The scattered light finally converges into a raging storm, like stars expressing the fiery solar wind.

Centered on the huge land occupied by the insect swarm master, supernatural energy springs tear apart the earth and the sky, and incomparably shining energy vortices are churning. The strong air flow caused by it brought terrible thunderstorms. The blue thunder and lightning stretched like snakes in the vast sky, like a large network tightly woven in the sky.

The ground shook violently, and even in the command center where Augustus was located, he felt the tremors of the earth shaking.

The insect swarm became extremely crazy because the master was being threatened. They desperately tried to tear apart the protoss and humans who were close to it. Beyond the light were the black army of insect swarms and the overwhelming alien dragons and monsters. King insect.

The protoss and humans formed an indestructible humanoid barrier around the high-level templars and dark templars who were releasing psychic storms, resisting the zerg coming from all directions.

In the sky, the protoss warships sailed out of the clouds. Countless protoss fighter planes pierced the gloomy dark clouds, followed closely by the bright sunshine that seemed to come from heaven. The dense swarm of insects chased the high-speed flying protoss aircraft. They were like black clouds that gathered and dispersed, like the flying insects swarming under the lamp and the birds drinking water by the lake.

In this shocking scene, the insect swarm is the embodiment of natural disaster and darkness, and the golden army of the protoss seems to be the only force fighting against evil. And if you pay careful attention, you should never ignore the fighting human revolutionary army and their flying bright red flags.

"The Templars and Dark Templars must concentrate on the psychic storm being unleashed, which greatly reduces our available warriors. Marshal Augustus Mengsk, if you have others to draw upon Troops, please provide certain assistance to the soldiers during this period."

The signal from Artanis seemed completely unaffected by this super psychic storm, while the equipment in the command center and even the welded steel plates outside were groaning under the weight of the strong wind.

"We will do our best." Augustus nodded, and at the same time ordered the nearby revolutionary army to immediately report their location and the number of manpower available for mobilization.

"Kara will respond to the call and guide the energy in your body to condense into a point and let it condense into wind." Tassadar appeared in another location on the holographic screen, and he was guiding the protoss to create a brilliant storm.

"Thousands of years from now, it was the golden age of the survival and development of the Protoss Empire. Legendary heroes and sages were honing their reputations, the people of the empire were building great cities, and the achievements of the Protoss were already brilliant. These are dark times, and the enemies of the Protoss Empire will not give up until they destroy everything we have."

"Templars, dark templars who will listen to me, this is the darkest of times, and it is our time," he said.

"The sword must be forged with blood and glory, and we will show the glory of the stars. The stars of El are the most dazzling only when they burn themselves."

"En Taro Adun, fight for El!"

"For Al!"

Augustus could not hear this last sound through the communication, but it was still clearly engraved in his mind across a distance of dozens of miles. It must have been thousands of powerful stars. A spiritual war cry uttered in unison by spiritual warriors.

"The voices of these protoss are so loud. Heck, I thought they were either indifferent mutes or arrogant blind people." Tychus said at the side.

"This is the war cry of the protoss before they launch an attack, Tychus. If you have known the protoss, you will know that it can even affect the spirit of human warriors, causing them to collapse before the attack." Augustus corrected He said.

"It's more than that." The golden light in Kerrigan's eyes shone even brighter, so much so that it was as if they were made of gold.

"If you could hear the voice of the soul resounding in Aiur, you would know that all the Aiir protoss are singing." She quoted the words of a Karai class elder who was rescued by Revolutionary Army soldiers: "When the song Sing it, and the legend will return. The ascended Twilight Apostle Adun will return to save the world. That is a destiny prophecy, and God will not give up on El."

"Adun was the original Twilight Apostle, but we don't know until now that the Twilight Apostle, the prophesied savior, is not the only one," Tassadar said.

For about ten minutes after that, the screen was always filled with extreme white. Outside the bulletproof window glass of the command center, Augustus could even see stones and some gloves from the Revolutionary Army engineers floating in the air. The gray-black sky turns green, and the blue-green colors are like paint floating on the water, or like the aurora borealis in the Arctic.

While Augustus ordered Lundstein's main division to provide support for the Protoss, he also ordered doctors to move the wounded to underground bunkers. This storm will definitely not spread too far under the control of the Star Spirits, otherwise it will harm itself, but the wounded are already very weak, and Augustus will never let these warriors who follow him come here. Get hurt again.

At some point, all communications were suddenly interrupted, which represented that the energy of this psychic storm had reached its peak.

When the song is sung.

The light in the screen briefly dimmed for a moment, and showed signs of spatial stacking with a surge of energy. Multiple light clusters composed of pure blue light appeared on the horizon.

These light groups, which may be larger than the command center, gradually reveal the outline of a protoss warrior. The size has expanded several times in a short period of time. It seems that these extremely terrifying giants were still sitting just now. Now he stood up.

They are refracting bright and shining light, and the brightness of that light continues to rise in a few seconds. The strong light released like nuclear explosions and supernova explosions will fill the entire world in an instant, until they are all converted to white.

Strong light and earth-shaking explosions followed one after another. All the screens and lights in the command center burst in an instant, and the holographic projection screen dimmed. The earth trembled even more intensely. Even Augustus, who was wearing power armor, was unable to stand steadily for a moment.

Kerrigan was the first to react. She pounced on Augustus and tried to build an invisible barrier with her psychic powers. Of course, it was more like a petite ghost agent throwing herself into the arms of the burly Augustus.

If Augustus hadn't been wearing power armor, Kerrigan might have held him in her arms.

Amid this violent tremor, Tychus remained motionless. He even had time to hold Augustus steady and muttered to be careful. Tychus has always only spoken softly to little girls, but his immediate boss also enjoys the same treatment.

"I'm not like a toddler who can't even stand on my feet." When Augustus realized that he had become weak due to overexertion, a strong wind swept across the earth and swept through the command center. In the camp outside, even the telephone poles were broken by the strong wind.

Augustus was dizzy with a sense of dizziness that came directly from the spirit, which was brought about by the resonance of the will, thoughts and emotions of countless star spirits.

After only ten seconds, the storm subsided, some of the equipment in the command center resumed operation, and the lights illuminated the dim world again.

"Try to figure out what happened? Kaczynski." Augustus said to the engineers in the command center.

"This will take some time, boss." Kaczynski straightened his oil-stained flat cap and quickly lit up several LED screens.

"The impact of this storm on our electronic equipment is likely to be catastrophic. Even multiple cameras outside this command center were damaged. I am contacting Alpha Squadron's science ship Amerigo and Nova Squadron's Santiago No., hope they are safe."

"Faster, faster." Augustus eagerly wanted to know the result. Regardless of whether this psychic storm could kill the Lord, it would determine his next plan.

After all, it was impossible for Augustus to stand in the center of the psychic storm and witness all this. All he could do was wait for his subordinates to send back the footage they had taken.

"You're too slow." Tychus pulled out a wire that was emitting black smoke.

"Be patient with the engineers, you bastard. Swann may have told you that it's best not to mess with the Kemorians no matter what." Kaczynski looked away from him.

"Then Rory Swann must not have told you clearly what happened after that." Tychus said.

Half a minute later, the holographic screen appeared again when Viktor Kaczynski stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead. At this time, the image became clearer. Everyone present could see a blue-white light pillar that occupied the entire screen. It poured out from a huge abyss and went straight into the sky, as if connecting the earth and the sky.

Above the light pillar, dark clouds condensed like whirlpools, and thunder and lightning flashed in the sky.

"My mother." Tychus approached and said, "What are these things? Where are the masters and the protoss?"

"Obviously, the attack of the protoss created a supernatural thing - a super tornado created by endless psychic energy." Kaczynski said: "I don't know how to put it, in short, that thing may be destroying While dominating, it also opened something bad.”

"That may be related to the void that the Dark Templar said - that illusory other universe, the other side of the world we live in." It took Kerrigan a long time to recover from the impact of this psychic storm. Come on, being too sensitive to psychic powers may not be a good thing.

"How do you know?" Augustus was surprised.

"Guess." Kerrigan shrugged: "There are obvious differences between human spiritual energy and that of the stars, but we can also sense that there is a large amount of void energy condensed in it."

"I think that the protoss also detonated the void energy in the master before roasting it. Such powerful psychic energy is enough to cause unnatural weather and other more terrifying things."

"I'm afraid we have to ask the stars to find out what happened." Augustus had a bad feeling in his heart. He had changed too many things, and some of them may not have been for the better.

"Tassadar. Was it successful?"

Augustus asked him immediately when Tassadar's image finally appeared on the screen. The expressions on the faces of the protoss are not as obvious as those of humans, and it is difficult for Augustus to get any information from Tassadar's expression, because he cannot figure out whether a protoss has an expressionless face to begin with.

"This battle will definitely go down in history. There is nothing more exciting than a glorious battle." Before Tassadar could answer, Phoenix's face soaked in blue nutrient solution followed his passionate and powerful voice. Appear.

"A glorious victory, the light of Kara shines on us." Artanis's voice appeared immediately, and the young executive almost danced with excitement. But Artanis regained his composure after a pause. After all, he was not a 200-year-old child.

"I can confirm that at the expense of many high-ranking templars and dark templar masters, we finally killed the Overmind and burned its entire ugly body, but what followed was this uncontrollable A terrible storm formed by psychic energy." Tassadar's voice was much calmer.

"Well - it doesn't matter, anyway, we have already stabbed the master in the butt." Tychus kept saying the same thing.

"Protector Zamara told me that this event may last for several El revolution years until it finally dissipates. It may also completely affect the nearby landscape during this time, making this area closer to the void. Chaos environment." Tassadar explained to the humans.

"Void?" Augustus said, looking at Tassadar.

"This ever-increasing storm is composed of the pure void energy of the Overlord of the Swarm, the spiritual energy of the Templars and the Dark Templar. Such a huge energy is enough to tear the rift between reality and the void. If this rift can still exist If you draw energy from the void, it won't even dissipate naturally." Tassadar said with concern.

"Fortunately, it is quite stable now."

"Augustus, you must order your warriors to retreat immediately. After the death of the master, the large number of living zerg have lost their last trace of reason. They are frantically trying to avenge their former master." Tassadar Go on.

"That's at least good news." Augustus nodded and said, "Adjutant, tell all the troops that we have successfully killed the Lord. Everyone begins to retreat in the direction of the Midlin Peaks to the Eldridge Ruins."

"No need, our mothership and the Arbiter will recall the Revolutionary Army troops together." Tassadar said that the Star Spirit will never abandon its allies.

"Now, we must return to the safety of the Antioch province before making a decision."

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