StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 394 Autumn of El

"Aiur has fallen. Why is the Supreme Council of the Protoss Empire still so stubborn?"

The sky above the province of Antioch was gloomy and gloomy. Under Augustus' feet was a piece of flat land that was soft and sticky after a heavy rain. The puddles reflected the gray-white sky and the cold sun. With the movement of tank convoys and Goliath armed robots, Travel and tremble.

"After the final battle, the Supreme Council still retained considerable combat power in its hands, which made the Arbiters believe that it is both feasible and necessary to recapture Aiur from a swarm that has lost its master."

Tassadar, the former executive officer of the Protoss Empire, is beside Augustus. Next to him are Sarah Kerrigan, Tychus Finlay and Grand Archon Phoenix. The core figures of the human-protoss alliance are basically here.

Above their heads is a huge protoss mothership, and this unparalleled and magnificent ship is already filled with protoss warriors and exiled refugees.

As the sun and clouds move, the color of the light gradually changes from cold pale white to brilliant colors. The sun's rays outline a beautiful arc among the undulating mountains.

This is a lush wilderness, located at the junction of the westernmost province of Antioch and the central province of Koshaca. It is a beautiful virgin land that has escaped the destruction of insects, and is filled with the fragrance of green plants and flowers.

Due to its proximity to the equator, the area has surprisingly long hours of sunshine, and the local vegetation thrives under the abundant sunshine and abundant rainfall. The humid air is filled with the strange fragrance of the blooming Ayre tree and the fragrance of pine resin, and pure water droplets condense on the plant soil and verdant moss.

Lush and varied flowers and delicious berries grow among the bushes. Most of the delicious berries and fruits produced by the trees are non-toxic, and are better than those mushy revolutionary army individual rations and roasted dried fruits. The pie is much more popular.

The protoss is a species that can survive only on sunlight and water, but humans are different.

This area is quite far away from the battlefield north of the Midlin Peaks, but it is still not safe. Protoss refugees from several nearby Protoss Empire provinces used this place as a transit point. They stayed here for a while, and then some of the Protoss continued westward into Koshaka, which was controlled by the Supreme Council, while others Choose to follow Tassadar.

According to rough statistics, the number of protoss following Tassadar and the Supreme Council exceeds 200 million or more. The addition of the Colossus and the Protoss Mothership allowed more protoss to survive the swarm's attack, and the decisive attack of Augustus and Tassadar also allowed these surviving protoss to be transferred to safe area.

"The past battles completely defeated the Protoss Empire, but the Supreme Council did not collapse." Phoenix's huge Dragon Knight mecha exuded a golden metallic luster in the pale sunlight.

"After the death of the Swarm Master, the Arbitrators of the Conclave and their followers retreated to Koshakar. It is no secret among the Kara that the members of the Conclave are still planning to reclaim their lost lands."

A few hundred yards to the right of Augustus is the lower reaches of the River of Light in the Province of Antioch. Hundreds of engineers from the Human Revolutionary Army are building pontoons for vehicles to pass through. Star spirits in gorgeous silk robes are waiting to cross the river on the green grass by the river.

The Protoss Empire had been severely damaged by the protracted war against the Zerg, so much so that they did not even have enough troops to escort the protoss civilians in the fallen areas. In those areas that had been occupied for many days, even the protoss believed that there was no chance of anyone surviving there.

"Recover the lost territory? Even if you count the number of Kalai civilians, the number of zerg is a hundred times a thousand times that of the protoss." Augustus raised his head and looked through a formation of Dark Templar pirate ships that were flying over. , an extremely eye-catching blue tornado inevitably comes into view.

The radiant tornado towered over the sky and was clearly visible even from such a long distance. Protoss scientists have analyzed the cause of the psychic tornado. In addition to the psychic impact of the insect swarm master and the protoss, it is also related to the Thrall that was originally located and was later devoured by the master who descended on Aiur. Related to Naga Temple.

That was the first temple built by the Xel'Naga after they came to Aiur. It itself is inextricably linked to the void where the Xel'Naga originated.

In less than a day after its appearance, the atmosphere around the psychic tornado was forever changed. Rain clouds gathered, thunder and lightning occurred, thunderstorms continued, and non-stop strong winds invaded the devastated land.

Its influence is also multi-faceted. The Dark Templar warriors headed by Dark Priest Zeratul will hear many sounds from the void as long as they get close to it. Some sounds make the protoss be wary of enemies in the darkness. , some voices also claim that he will definitely bring salvation.

Those protoss infants who happen to be born near the psychic tornado generally have more powerful psychic abilities than other protoss, and they are all called children of the void.

"Aldaris is asking for our help." Tassadar's blue eyes flashed with haze when he looked at the El Protoss refugees riding the golden beetles.

"However, we do not know what the Arbitrators have planned since they returned to the Heart of the Council in Koshaka." He said: "I feel uneasy because the Arbitrators continue to refuse to reveal their deep plans as in the past. "

"Foresight, are you mocking them?" Augustus was amused by Tassadar.

"No, of course not." Tassadar was puzzled by Augustus' reaction.

"I think the top priority is not to counterattack and regain the lost ground, but to resist the violent swarm of insects and save more protoss at the same time." As Augustus said, an armored personnel carrier full of revolutionary soldiers was speeding along. However, from their white armor and blood eagle insignia, it can be clearly distinguished that they belong to the Alpha Squadron that was absorbed by the Revolutionary Army.

Most of these soldiers in white power armor wear helmets and their faces are hidden under non-reflective masks. But judging from their sitting postures, even these resocialized former Federation soldiers are quite tired. .

Heavy trucks were pulling supplies and anti-aircraft guns, and human and protoss warriors were protecting the moving refugee team on both sides. Everyone's faces showed nervous expressions, and there was no joy after killing the Overlord.

Everyone knows that the war will not stop with the death of the Overlord. And the war may never stop after it begins.

The sky is filled with golden-blue spaceships full of protoss refugees, and the queues on the ground are also very long, with no end as far as the eye can see. The appearance of the protoss refugees is no different from the many human refugees the Human Revolutionary Army has seen. Their arrogance has been shattered with the fall of their homeland. Too many El Protoss have expressed their disapproval of Kara because of the deaths of billions of protoss. The impact caused physical and mental trauma.

"In these more than half a month, our warriors have gone through too many cruel battles and partings of life and death." Augustus said to Tassadar: "That may be more than they have ever seen in their lives. "

"My warriors need to rest rather than immediately plunge into a more brutal battle."

From Augustus's point of view, no matter how great the revolutionary soldiers are, they are still human beings. They are determined, but after all they are not machines.

"You agree with me." Tassadar immediately agreed: "We thought that after the death of the master, the out-of-control swarm would become easier to deal with, but this is not the case. The cerebrates still control They were fighting against their swarm, and it was clear that these furious zerg leaders were determined to avenge the Overmind's death."

"Therefore, I rejected the request of the Supreme Council and made it clear to them that it would be unwise to risk regaining lost territory at this time."

"After losing their master, the swarm of insects has become much crazier than before. They are desperately attacking any creature they see. There are even cases where brainworms from different clans are killing each other." He said .

"It is already very difficult to just resist the attack of the Zerg, and the already stretched troops are even more difficult to support the vast battlefield."

"Did you convince them?" Augustus asked.

"Yes, the Arbiters decided to give up the plan to regain the lost territory for the time being. They think my opinion is very important because I am the best military commander in the Protoss Empire." The cute thing about Tassadar is that he is too humble. , don’t even understand what boasting is. Compared with Tassadar, Duke, who is so eager to achieve success, is simply an insect.

"Although I heard that there are some different voices in the Council, such as arresting me again or approving the Dark Templar on Aiur, the Arbiters are wise elders after all."

"You have to be careful of those different voices." Augustus pointed out.

"Shrinking the defense line is the best choice." Augustus looked at the surrounding Protoss leaders: "Gather all the refugees to the area under our control, and rely on the refugee camps and fortifications established there to reach the aliens. The first wave of Zerg attacks. Only when the crazy Zerg offensive has subsided can we consider whether to regain the lost territory."

"Why do you think the zerg offensive will definitely weaken?" Tassadar stared into Augustus' cold gray eyes: "If the cerebrates are determined to occupy Aiur for a long time, then they will definitely attack the star unremittingly. The spiritual home until the purpose is achieved.”

"No one can predict the movements of the swarm or understand the thoughts of the cerebrates." Augustus said: "We can only hope that the cerebrates will fall apart and fight against each other to compete for the vacant leadership position after the death of the master. .”

In fact, Augustus, who knew the plot, was convinced that after a period of time, the brainworms who were tired of revenge would return to the home world of Char in the Koprulu sector. In Char, they will eventually refuse and transform into a new overlord, while those who remain in Aiur and lose control of the cerebrates will become unowned feral zerg.

By that time, although Aiur was still extremely dangerous, the insect swarms no longer actively attacked the protoss. In a sense, Aiur will become a strange wasteland world.

"My suggestion is to keep the original plan unchanged - continue to transfer refugees towards the Xel'Naga portal, and at the same time rely on the fortress in Antioch Province to establish a defense line to resist the attack of the insect swarm and cover the evacuation of refugees and the wounded."

While Augustus was speaking, Tassadar had already opened one of his hands and used psychic energy to project a detailed map, on which the beautiful and incomprehensible Star Spirit text was quickly transformed into human language.

On the map, the Xel'Naga portal sign is very eye-catching.

"That's it. Are our people really willing to go to Sagulath, the home of the Dark Templar?" Phoenix on the side said with concern.

"The Xel'Naga portal is connected to many other portals in the universe, and the only coordinates we know are Sagulath and Haji in the Koprulu sector." Augustus replied.

"Zeratul bluntly stated that the Dark Templar are willing to accept compatriots from Aiur, which makes me grateful." Tassadar said: "In order to avoid the worst outcome, the civilians must be transferred to Thagurath first."

"This is the best choice." Phoenix said: "Prioritize the evacuation of civilians. We can no longer afford greater losses. The Templars are ashamed to desert before the battle, so my soldiers will stay in Aiur until all Everyone evacuated safely."

"The Xel'Naga portal is not far from here." Tassadar said: "The protectors and phase technicians are preparing to open the passage to Sagulath."

"At the same time, some of the protoss who refuse to go to Sagulas will be sent to Hegem, the homeworld of the Human Revolutionary Army, and Marshal Augustus has agreed to take in our suffering compatriots."

Tassadar looked south at this time. There was a Xel'Naga portal located at the South Pole in the Antioch Province, and a large number of protoss fighters and transport ships were heading there.

"Has the Supreme Council decided to stay in Ayr?" After thinking for a while, Augustus asked Tassadar again.

"I'm afraid it's like this. The Supreme Council is unwilling to leave Ayr." Tassadar said: "And this may not be simply because they don't want to give up Ayr."

"The Arbiters are very resistant to going to the Dark Templar's homeworld of Sagulath. They think it is a humiliation-it was the Conclave who banished the ancestors of the Dark Templar thousands of years ago, and now they want to Pray for the refuge of the outcasts.”

"If you think about it from someone else's perspective, it's actually not difficult to understand." Kerrigan also said: "The arbitrators of the Supreme Council once expelled the Dark Templar from their homes. Now that they are in despair, they will never ask for help from their poor relatives. .”

By now, the protoss on Aiur have become divided, with the surviving High Council representing the conservative forces and old forces of the Protoss Empire, while Tassadar's followers are willing to improve relations with the Dark Templar. .

However, after the final battle, the Supreme Council and Tassadar have not yet clashed again.

As a ruling class, the Arbitrators know how to keep their promises better than human politicians who are accustomed to reneging on their promises. Since they have declared Tassadar a hero and announced that the crimes he has committed have been wiped out, they will not settle accounts later.

"It's time to go." Augustus looked at the sky and noticed the dark clouds rising from the horizon. Generally speaking, it can only be one thing, and that is a swarm of insects that covers the sky and closes the sun.

"Go to the Xel'Naga portal. We need to send the refugees out of Aiur first."

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