StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 395 Reliable Protoss Technology

Aiur's Xel'Naga portal is located on a lush riverside meadow, next to a number of lakes with a diameter of ten to twenty miles wide.

The pure blue lake water is calm, like a smooth mirror, with colorful fish swimming under it. Sometimes aquatic giants swim quickly through the water, and huge shadows chase the glowing fish.

The magnificent and beautiful golden building of the Star Spirit is hidden among the green and lush vegetation. The ancient obelisks, stone statues and clusters of Kedarin crystals buried in the soil and green vegetation exude a fusion of blue under the sunlight. color gloss.

The plains are surrounded by beautiful mountains, of which the two highest peaks, Alwen and Coen, are the splendid Protoss alpine cities. The light bridge across the mountain tops connects charming waterfalls and floating islands thrown into the air by the anti-gravity matrix. , a variety of strange and elegant warships and spaceships are driving out of the star gates in the sky and geostationary orbit one after another.

There are spaceships full of protoss refugees and long lines of escape everywhere. Human soldiers and protoss warriors jointly guard the outposts monitoring each entrance. Even the giant colossi are transporting refugees, and the protoss have never been more desperate to escape their heavenly home.

"The zerg that invaded various provinces after the death of the Overlord still show no signs of subduing, and the protoss also believe that their anger and vengeful attacks on the territory will not stop in a short time." On a muddy road driven by armored vehicles On the road, Kerrigan caught up with Augustus, who was walking towards the Xel'Naga portal accompanied by Tychus and Faraday.

"This proves that our decision is right. The Zerg will not stop because of the death of the Overlord. We must move civilians as much as possible and shrink the defense line, so that we can allocate more troops originally used to protect civilians to defend a smaller area. ." Augustus said:

"Cities can be rebuilt, but people cannot be resurrected after death."

Not far away is the huge Xel'Naga portal in El. It is similar to the two on Sagulath and Haji, but just like the veins of the two leaves are different, those spirals The shapes and patterns and even the materials of the walls themselves are different.

Every xel'naga creation is a beautiful work of art, and the protoss buildings all look clumsy in comparison, just like the difference between a magnificent castle and a child building a dune.

The one on Ayr is even more shining with golden light, and its surface exudes a dazzling light like gold. It is also the only teleportation gate in Ayr that is still in operation. It was shrouded in a pale blue shadow and was large enough for ships to pass through.

Even so, the Xel'Naga portal seems too crowded, with a large number of spaceships and vehicles passing through the portal every moment and disappearing into the illusory curtain. These spaceships that are passing through the portal are like a golden river across the sky. Even with the golden light that human eyes cannot catch, the end can be seen at a glance.

"But in the eyes of the protoss, their small houses made of broken stones are simply more important than their own lives. People can't understand the protoss, their brains are not normal." Tychus is still the same as before. He complained about the rigidity and stubbornness of the protoss. He once thought that the Kaimorians among humans were a model of stubbornness, but compared to the protoss, they still pale into insignificance.

"At least Tassadar knows how to choose." Kerrigan said: "Even the Supreme Council has reduced its defense lines and concentrated its forces to deal with the first wave of insect waves after the death of the master."

"No one knows whether those damn bugs are still over, right? The best way is to divide the ancestral property of the protoss, and then pack up and return to Antiga's hometown. We have helped the protoss so much, it's time to break up. "Tychus never liked the protoss, and he doesn't like them now.

"This is a good idea, Tychus, but it's a bit bad." Augustus nodded towards Tychus, then looked at Kerrigan: "Judging from the movements of the swarm, they did not come out in full force. A considerable number of zerg are still guarding the remains of the Overlord, including the most powerful swarm of Tiamat."

"Now it seems that the Supreme Council can probably hold their half of the Koshaca Province in Ayr, and we can also hold the Antioch Province."

"Judging from the Star Spirit's transport capacity, they can send away all non-combatants in three days at most." Augustus continued: "By then, only we can defend Antioch or even just El This Xel'Naga portal can hold on until the Dark Templar reinforcements arrive."

"The Dark Templar warriors of Zeratul are well aware of the righteousness, and they understand the meaning of death." Kerrigan said.

"I think this comes more from the emotions between the same race than from other gains and losses." Augustus said: "The Protoss is a highly emotional race, and the judgments they make are likely to be different from those of real humans. Very different.”

"But if we fail to defend this damn place, the planet called Sagurath will be doomed. The bugs will eat us and the planet together, and not even the dregs will be left." Tychus snorted. : "I can't believe there is a nobler person in this world than you, Augustus."

"I'm not noble. In fact, I'm very vindictive." Augustus shook his head and continued walking along the muddy path. In front of it is a row of white board houses with eye-catching red cross paint, and a hospital converted from an abandoned Xel'Naga watchtower and altar is right in front of you.

"I haven't done anything wrong recently. Hank can testify for me that old Tychus is pure and clean." Tychus immediately said alertly.

"A conspiracy," Kerrigan said.

By this time, no one cared that it was blasphemy to start construction on the remaining buildings in Xel'Naga, because even sheltered houses were in short supply during this period.

At this moment, Augustus heard a burst of singing from the white houses. Those barracks were prepared for the wounded in the revolutionary army. They were all seriously injured and could no longer go to the front line to continue fighting.

The wounded will be temporarily sent to Sagulath, and finally transferred to the Revolutionary Army's planet Haji.

"I am very happy that they are singing. My respectable warriors have not been defeated by injuries." Augustus followed the voice and walked into the barracks, but there was no joy in his tone.

"What song is that?" Tychus asked Kerrigan impatiently.

"That's a song from the Kerkhasin Wilson area. The general idea is that the world is big and the places where the sun shines are so beautiful, but the most charming thing is our hometown." Kerrigan said.

"Damn, I almost cried," Tychus muttered. "Korhar is gone."

"No one believes crocodile tears, Colonel Finley," said Corporal Faraday, captain of the Marshal's Guard.

"I hate you, Corporal Faraday, you arrogant bastard. I don't believe you dare to point your fingers at Augustus Mengsk, the future Lord of Terran Humanity." Tychus looked irritable, but he didn't He's not a stupid guy who only knows how to do things.

"Don't be ridiculous," said Faraday.

Augustus finally found the wounded revolutionary soldiers who were singing outside an open barracks. He was surprised to find that they were sitting next to a burning fire, strung with branches to string wild wild animals in Ayr. Beast meat is grilled.

Some soldiers on crutches were marinating meat with wild onions, rosemary, wine and ginger. Only a few seasonings came from supplies, and the rest were obtained locally. Several soldiers with bandaged faces leaned against the wall and remained silent, occasionally humming along with the others.

Most of them were scratched by the sharp spikes of the zerg, or even just a trace of the poisonous mist of the scorpion.

Generally speaking, the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army have to endure Ayr's changeable climate and hot environment, but after all, this is a paradise for life to survive and reproduce. Food can be found almost everywhere, and it is quite delicious.

"Hello, Marshal Augustus Mengsk, I am Captain Binger Raymond, from Khastilling. Marshal, you may not remember, but I was your Criminology and Historiography Teacher. The last time we met was at the graduation ceremony at Stillling College, when you hung the dean of academic fraud and roasted him over the fire until he confessed."

Binger Raymond is the person with the highest military rank here. He is a typical Korhal noble. He is handsome, well-spoken, educated and knowledgeable. He is also a good student in the noble school. Raymond's sharp face is a model of tenacity and perseverance, and his light-colored eyes are piercing, not diminished at all by the empty trouser leg of his right leg.

Captain Raymond, who has lost an entire leg, uses a cane, but is more graceful because of it. This kind of person is often the focus of celebrity gatherings. Everything about his past is made more mysterious by his current calm military temperament.

"Teacher Raymond, I'm so happy to see you again, but I didn't expect to be here." Augustus immediately stepped forward and hugged Captain Raymond, feeling ashamed that he didn't have much memory of the other person. The latter is already over forty years old, and his temples are a little gray, but his body shows no signs of aging and is still strong and powerful.

"It's such a small world," he sighed.

"Yes, the first time I saw you, I decided that you were someone who could do great things." Captain Raymond smiled: "You are a member of the Mengsk family, and you will definitely establish a great cause that is not inferior to that of the Mengsk family in the past. "

"I guess it was just me jumping off the eleventh floor to skip class on the first day of your class." Augustus' words made both of them laugh.

"I almost fainted at that time." Raymond soon stopped laughing: "Who knew your hoverbike was parked down there."

Augustus Mengsk was every teacher's nightmare when he was jumping up and down in Steeling, but he happened to be the son of the academy's biggest investor. However, although Augustus went out of his way, he never did any bad things. He was always the stinky kid who wanted to seek justice for heaven.

But no matter what, Augustus was filled with emotion when he saw his former teacher. At that time, they had never met again on such a planet and in such an identity.

At the same time, Augustus also knew that such coincidences were not uncommon. Korhal has a total population of just over 40 million. Among them, men and women aged 16 to 45 have received military training in the military training camps of the Revolutionary Army. One in every ten people is serving in the active branches of the Revolutionary Army. .

As far as the Stillling College where Augustus once studied, his former brothers, teachers and even the guards at the gate were assigned to combat troops and other departments. The revolutionary army even joked that even the cats and dogs walking in the Khastilling Academy went to the battlefield with knives and guns.

This is not just because the revolutionary Augustus Mengsk is a graduate of the school, but after the Federation bombed Korhal, even the many Korhal nobles and vested interests who had opposed the Mengsk family’s uprising The class also sided with the Revolutionary Army because the Federation took everything from them.

"Wow, I never knew Augustus was so dissolute when he was young. The great spiritual leader of the Revolutionary Army actually did such things in the past." Tychus opened his eyes like bells.

"It's not like he has never done more outrageous things." Kerrigan just sighed: "This world is really wonderful. Steeling Academy once talked about Mengsk with disdain, but now it regards him as the greatest in the history of the school. Hero. In the newly established Stillling College in the Umoyankhaha area, the principal who was once teased by Augustus also erected a statue in his honor."

"His brother Arcturus Mengsk is also a troublemaker. In this regard, the two of them are exactly the same. This is the nature of scum."

"Let me just say, the relationship between us is the sympathy between bad guys." Tychus touched his chin: "What other outrageous things has he done?"

"For example, some people claim that Augustus Mengsk once stole the kisses of a hundred girls." Corporal Faraday is an ardent fan of Augustus, and he is very familiar with the deeds he collected from who knows where.

"Why haven't I heard Augustus brag about this?" Tychus smacked his lips: "What are the details?"

"Okay, that's not true." Kerrigan stopped Tychus's words: "He is not Korhal's lover."

"It's hard to say," Tychus said.

"Teacher, the Star Spirit Phase Technician will soon replace you with a new leg. It is said that it will be the same as the previous one. The new mechanical limb is powered by Kedarin crystal and can pass through powerful forces. And the power will never go out,” Augustus said to Captain Raymond.

"I have seen the magical technology of the protoss, and no one knows how they do it." Raymond said: "But if that's the case, why don't they give it to the protoss temple who drive the dragon knight mecha? Do samurai also have limbs like this?"

"Probably, before the Dragon Knight mecha appeared, they didn't have such a tradition." Augustus spread his hands and said, then took the grilled meat skewers from a soldier's hand with a smile and ignored it. The fact that the skewers were partially seared spoke loudly of how delicious it was.

While talking, a revolutionary soldier wearing a golden mechanical right limb walked out of the camp room. His arm has a perfect shape, with a shimmer of blue psychic energy flowing on the surface. The joints and shoulders are inlaid with blue Kedarin Animation Crystal, and the movements of his arm are just like the other one that is still intact. two. Both of his eyes were replaced with shining blue mechanical eyes, and Augustus even suspected that crackling lasers could be emitted from them.

Behind this revolutionary soldier is a chubby Karai phase technician wearing a golden-red robe. The ends of his long nerve bundles are surrounded by several evasive, sunfish-like dark gold mechanical servants. .

"Hello, I am Karai phase technician Karax." The protoss phase technician walked up to Augustus and said: "Marshal Augustus Mengsk, I provide simple and practical machinery for your subordinates. Limbs. Get my place if it's useful, but it doesn't matter."

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