StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 403 Arbitrator Dulan

"Who does he think he is? Is he a bad old man who falls three times with every step he takes or a rectal bird that just urinates everywhere? He's quite impressive." Jim Raynor raised his head and glanced sideways at the imposing gold-robed arbiter. , whispered to Augustus.

"Using a bloody trial as the opening of a peace negotiation. If you really execute Zeratul's people in front of him, there is no way he would not stand up and speak." Augustus looked at Zeratul and was about to stop him. When he did, the latter had already retorted:

"As sinful people whose hands are stained with the blood of their own people, they should be detained, guarded and punished, and the protoss of the Handblade tribe should be abandoned by Adun and exiled to the wasteland and the dead void. But I arrest traitors, not In order to hand them over to the Supreme Council to be judged by the laws of the Protoss Empire!"

Before Augustus could grab him, Zeratul stood up and spoke loudly to the arbitrators opposite the huge circular court: "Executing traitors will not help at all. Blood will only breed revenge and make hatred like a mountain of debt. The top priority is to seize the mastermind behind Orega’s Fist.”

Zeratul still has great respect for the Templar class, because in the legend, Adon, who saved the Nerazim clan of Saguras, was a Templar. This is why he is willing to put aside the past and Tassadar. Talk and cooperate.

But the Conclave, led by the Arbiter class, was loathed by the Dark Templar, for it was they who ordered the expulsion of their ancestors and indirectly led to Adon's death. The Nerazim spent the first half of their thousand-year history in exile in the cold universe, and the story of their wanderings is filled with sadness.

The Arbiters deeply loathe the Dark Templar, fearing that these renegades who will break their connection with Kara even if they harm themselves will bring terrible disaster and destruction to the Protoss Empire.

Unfortunately, the Dark Templar also look down upon the pretentious Arbiter class. Even the matriarch Rashagal, who has always united her people with tolerance and dignity, bluntly stated that she would not allow any member of the Supreme Council to set foot on Sagulath.

"Dark Templar Zeratul, your weak words cannot defend your despicable and sinful people. Don't they deserve this, or their cruel actions in attacking the injured Templar in the stasis pod?" !”

The arbiter in a golden robe stood next to his seat. He lifted his long hood, revealing his skinned face and yellow eyes that seemed to be shrouded in a haze.

"Since the age of strife, the act of staining one's own blood has been the greatest sin, even worse than betrayal. The lessons of history have given enlightenment and warning to all arbitrators. If such acts are not punished in the most severe way , disaster is not far away from us." He said.

"The endless war of fratricide is still hurting the Protoss clan to this day, and the nightmare of the eternal catastrophe is still hidden in the deepest part of Kara. Be prepared for danger in times of peace, and be constantly prepared. Only by making decisions based on established laws can the ice floes be dissolved. The disaster is in the future.”

The Arbitrator's spiritual words spoken in the protoss Kalani language fell into Augustus's mind. They were all understandable, but they were still difficult to understand, like untouchable trees and stubborn stones.

"If you are determined to protect these cruel thugs, then I have nothing to say." The arbitrator said with an increasingly passionate tone: "Think about the Templars who died because of them, think about your relatives and friends, how can you Can you protect murderers and inhumane thugs? Or are they actually under your instructions?"

"This guy doesn't seem to have anything to say at all. Thanks to him, we have almost forgotten the reason for holding this meeting." Renault said: "This is a peace agreement: after the negotiation is completed, we will arrest Ou together. The leader of the Dark Templar of Rhaegar's Fist then withdrew his troops. As the old saying goes, rule by crossing the river, and never invade the river!"

At first glance, the conflict between Tassadar and the Supreme Council is not irreconcilable. The main point of disagreement lies in their views and attitudes towards the Dark Templar. However, unless they are threatened by foreign enemies, it will be difficult for them to unite again. .

The Supreme Council believes that the existence of the Dark Templar is a threat to the Kara system, and believes that once they turn their backs on Kara, the tragedy of fratricide in the Age of Eternal Catastrophe will happen again. Tassadar, on the other hand, insisted that the Templar and the Dark Templar could coexist, and was determined to establish a system in which both could live in harmony.

Due to his past experience of being wanted and the persuasion of his friends, Tassadar was unwilling to accept the leadership of the Conclave. After seeing Luria's protoss-zerg hybrids, Tassadar firmly believed that there was a threat in the universe more terrifying than the zerg, so it was urgent to unite the Dark Templar and other protoss branches to enhance the strength of the protoss.

The Conclave were horrified to see the Ael protoss following Tassadar coexisting with the Dark Templar in a way that frightened them.

For the Arbiters, it was like sleeping with a virus bomb, and staying in company with the source of evil corruption all day long. They could never tolerate the Dark Templar who betrayed Kara and corrupted their own people.

Due to differences in concepts, Tassadar and the Supreme Council are not yet at war with each other, but there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

The current situation in Aiur is extremely complicated. The Supreme Council and Tassadar's followers each account for half of the Aiur protoss. Both sides hold a large number of war weapons and warships.

Although the protoss' military power is far inferior to what it once was, and too much technology and military production lines on Aiur were lost in the war and forgotten forever, their remaining military power is enough to start a tragic war on Aiur. And that was enough to make the Protoss Empire, which had suffered heavy losses, decline.

"It looks like they are just blaming each other and quarreling." As a ghost agent who has received rigorous training and has extensive experience in assassinating politicians, Kerrigan understands the hypocritical rhetoric of politicians and careerists all too well.

"The Arbitrator was just trying to avoid the important and take the easy way out, thereby directing the main theme of the meeting to condemn the Dark Templar represented by Zeratul. He doesn't care about peace, he just wants to attack the Dark Templar he hates," she said.

"It's a pity that Zeratul is a very intelligent warrior, but he doesn't understand the tactics of politicians. When you are dragged into their area of ​​expertise, you can't expect to get rid of a group of sophists and liars. A little bit of approval other than a nod.”

"Absurd! Since I ordered them to carry out this murderous attack on the Templars, why should I arrest them?" Zeratul has always had a good temper, but that does not mean that he will never show anger, especially when facing During the Supreme Council.

"If that were not the case, you would have approved the decision to put them to death," said the arbiter.

"You're talking nonsense!" What Zeratul revealed quickly disappeared like bubbles frozen in the sun, but his body was already trembling at the words of the arbiter:

"Do you think that the Dark Templars are as ruthless as the Supreme Council, and will easily make the verdict of executing heretics? Orega is the culprit, and through interrogation and questioning, these Templars will finally be able to Not revealing the whereabouts of their pathetic leader.”

"You are the one who wants to remove the evidence, right? The elder despised by thousands of people in the Supreme Council, the master of conspiracy and executioner."

Augustus was certain that Zeratul never knew the Arbiter, and that those descriptions were derived from the Dark Templar's long-standing hatred of the Conclave. He was also surprised to find that Zeratul, who was always known for being calm and wise, would be so angry that he would quarrel with him. Perhaps this respected dark patriarch could not bear the slander.

"The Dark Templar have turned their backs on Kara, and as a result you have become disconnected from the followers of Kara, no longer one and the same."

The Arbitrator said: "I see only lies and deception, and I will never listen to the words of the Dark Templar, including you."

"You are a Dark Templar, so no suspicion based on evil is exaggerated. A ruthless person will not hesitate to abandon a few chess pieces to achieve his goal. If no one can prove that this is not your carefully planned conspiracy, then I will always be suspicious of you. Zeratul, I will listen to your excuse for protecting those who kill, but I will not agree with a noble word in Kalani."

In the eyes of the arbitrators of the Supreme Council, the Dark Templar is synonymous with depravity, primitiveness and evil. Orega's assassination of the Templar is in line with this view.

"Why do I think this guy doesn't mind the matter at all?" Renault looked at it for a while and expressed his doubts: "Except for him, no one would think that executing a few Dark Templar warriors now can solve the problem. That's it. Tychus could also see that it would only deepen the conflict between the Templar and the Dark Templar."

"Once Zeratul comes forward, as the only leader of the Nerazim protoss present, he will inevitably bear the criticism and accusations against the Dark Templar. This guy is very accurate. Zeratul, Tassadar and the others He is an outstanding warrior, not an ugly, ruthless, calculating politician." Augustus said:

"Then, if Tassadar insists on speaking for Zeratul, he will be suspected of excusing the criminals who attacked the Templar."

"Zeratu, there is no need for you to mess around with him."

He reminded his old friend: "No one here will arbitrarily execute those Dark Templar warriors because of his words, or change their views on your kind because of your words."

"My father said that any disagreement can be resolved by reasoning. If the other party is not reasonable, then give him a fist." Renault sighed in his heart that the older generation who had struggled all their lives in the crop fields had gained success in the fields. The wisdom of life comes.

"Don't act like a fool."

"That's enough, Arbitrator Duran." Tassadar stood up at this time, obviously suffering from the argument between the two.

"We come for peace, not a bloody fight between a few erring Dark Templars."

"I hope so." The member of the Supreme Council named Duran sat back slowly, acting like a shriveled zombie about to be buried: "I come for peace, but Dark Hierarch Zera That’s not what Tu thinks.”

"The Protoss Empire was founded on the recognition of Kara and the perfect harmony of society. I have been committed to benefiting the people of the empire since ancient times and making suggestions for harmony and unity. No one cherishes this foundation built on countless people more than me. Prosperity and peace above the struggle of the Firstborn Son of God.”

"So it's you." As soon as he heard Duran's name, all the impassioned speeches added a lot of ironic meaning to Augustus' ears.

As the most capable servant of the fallen Xel'Naga Amon, Duran is the only Xel'Naga who still has an incarnation in the physical universe where Augustus is.

Over the long years, Duran has been planning the rebirth of his master and the physical universe, welcoming Eamon's return, building a huge hybrid army for Eamon's plan to destroy the entire universe, and plotting to eradicate those who may threaten his resurrection. A potential enemy of Eamon's plan.

It can be said that Duran is the largest behind-the-scenes mastermind in the universe except for his master Eamon and an extremely evil existence. He has played with everyone to achieve his own goals and despises them with his knowledge, insight and wisdom as a Xel'Naga. All living things.

Not surprisingly, Duran is also Augustus's enemy, because the former's existence threatens the survival of this universe, and Augustus cannot escape from this world after all.

Based on the existence of the Xel'Naga incarnation and the god-like technology of this race, Duran can transform into any creature in the universe. This is why he was identified as a terrifying shape-shifting monster in the original plot.

In Augustus' memory, Duran first appeared to the world as a human, as an officer of the former Alpha Squadron and a member of the revived Tyranid Federation organization, as a guide The party advises the UED expeditionary force from the earth, the ancient home of mankind. In the StarCraft II chapter, Duran changed his name to Dr. Narud.

However, if this arbitrator named Duran does not just have the same name, then he must have intervened in the Protoss dispute in advance because Augustus changed the story line.

After all, Duran is even older than the history of this universe. He has wandered into the universe in countless identities, watching everything with his cold eyes. After the Overlord invaded Aiur as planned, certain developments obviously exceeded his expectations.

The El Protoss led by Tassadar actually allied with the Dark Templar, which also means that so many Protoss may follow their distant relatives and disconnect from Kara, becoming an uncontrollable instability. factor, which is also a stumbling block in Duran's grand plan.

However, even though Duran thought that his concealment was perfect, no matter how hard the protoss and humans tried, they would not realize that he had been lurking in it in various identities before the time of their ancestors.

But Duran would never have imagined that Augustus would be able to identify his true identity with just one name. A name he made up at random - there were thousands of such names over the years.

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