StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 404 What are you going to do!

"Be careful of the Celestial Arbitrator named Duran." Augustus was thinking a lot and became wary. He leaned forward to the left, toward Sarah Kerrigan in the seat next to him.

Now, Augustus had every reason to suspect that it was Duran who directed a group of Supreme Council guards to attack the human revolutionary army in Antioch. Duran is an extremely cunning figure, and betrayal is just a matter of pleasure to him, because the only master he is loyal to is the fallen Xel'Naga Aemon.

Duran will create peace and prosperity for his own purposes, or bring division and war, depending on whether this furthers his plan to resurrect Aemon.

If this is the case, Augustus can't wait to kill Duran now.

"Sarah, don't miss any of his moves."

"Understood." Kerrigan just nodded. Her body in the tight-fitting blue and white ghost combat uniform was as straight as a bow that opened and closed, and the muscle fiber coat that was closely attached to her skin flashed with blue electric wave light. arc.

"I'll keep an eye on him and won't let you out of my sight."

"This is not easy, my dear." Augustus was wary of Duran, but that would not show on his expression. He then found Artanis, who was sitting not far away, and asked him what he thought of the executive.

"Dulan. I have never heard of an arbitrator with this name." Artanis carefully glanced at Duran, who put on his hood again and sat down, and looked at his golden eyes hidden in the shadows: " I don’t feel his presence in Kara either.”

"This must be because I am still young and know too little about the elders of the Arbitrator class. That may also just mean that compared to my beloved teacher Tassadar, I am not qualified for the position of executive officer."

For a moment, Artanis once again fell into a state of self-doubt, but this negative emotion did not affect him. The young executive aspired to become a great protoss leader like Tassadar, and he constantly pushed himself to do so.

"Don't say that, Artanis, I dare say that even Aldaris is probably confused right now." Augustus joked.

"Look at the way those arbitrators are whispering in private. They may be talking about who this guy is, who dug him out of the coffin, and who should bury him back."

"I'm confused too," Renault complained.

Just opposite the circular arbitration court, the arbitrators in gorgeous robes were indeed exchanging glances with each other as Augustus and others saw, and they were far from calm. The El Protoss is able to communicate at a spiritual level and express poetically through Kara, but the Arbiters are more accustomed to hiding their thoughts.

Perhaps in the images of these arbitrators, the arbitrator named Duran was uncharacteristically uncharacteristic and seemed too radical and unpredictable. However, due to the qualifications and prestige of this arbitrator in the Supreme Council, probably no other member of the council dared to stop him and said that he had better say less.

"What you said makes sense." Artanis agreed seriously - apart from that, he didn't know how to answer the question at all. He moved uncomfortably, and the huge white-gold shoulder armor almost hit Renault's head.

"Arbitrators, please listen to me." At this time, Tassadar had decided to end the argument between Duran and Tassadar.

"We have obtained sufficient evidence to prove that the Dark Templars in court all belong to a Dark Templar organization called the Fist of Orega. Their organization leader Orega is the mastermind of all assassination plots. Enablers and planners,” he said.

"The Sargas Templars are tracking the clues of the Dark Templar Orega and his followers' activities in Aiur. No matter how superb their skills in hiding in light and shadow are, they will not always be able to escape justice."

"How long will it take? Is it the time of a sunshine cycle or the time of thousands of suns rising and setting? Tassadar, the Arbitrator class has always trusted the Templars, but what they are waiting for is perfunctory and delaying time." It is another arbitrator, and his spiritual voice can also be said to be extremely vicissitudes of life.

The arbiter was wearing the attire of the Yala tribe of the arbiter class. The red robe was bright and gorgeous, studded with star-like jewels, and a strange, and in Augustus' view, a funny high pointed hat. Covering those eyes that glowed blue, it looked like a new brown Scottish riding boot.

The light blue halo and halo composed of psychic waveforms are surrounding the Arbitrator's back, making the rows of columns and polished metal statues behind him shine even more brilliantly. Sunlight is falling from the transparent crystal of the open dome of the Arbitrator's Court, like a waterfall of light. This glorious and magnificent scene is like an angel descending to the world.

Every relief and mural here is to depict the scene when the Xel'Naga came to El to enlighten the protoss, but it also depicts the scene of the Xel'Naga leaving in the world ship before the catastrophe. It was in After that, the sad and angry protoss tribes launched a fierce and bloody civil war.

To this day, the arbitrators of the Supreme Council of the Protoss still use this to remind themselves that history will warn the protoss and remind them not to repeat the same mistakes.

However, since the emergence of the zerg, the Protoss Empire has been on the verge of fragmentation and civil war on several occasions. The Arbitrator class headed by the Supreme Council represents the old position of the Protoss Empire, while the Templar class led by Tassadar is fighting against it.

"If you need a deadline, then," Tassadar said after a pause.

"It's not what we need, it's what the people of the Protoss Empire need." The gorgeously dressed Arbitrator interrupted Tassadar out of anger. Such rude behavior was not common among the Protoss. But with the fall of Aiur, the entire protoss society was immersed in sorrow and anger.

"The Dark Templar are wielding their knives against the protoss on Aiur, but our most outstanding templar told me that we should wait." He said loudly: "Are we still going to sit back and watch our people suffer from evil again? Are you harmed by the Dark Templar?"

"Remember your duty, you are the Templar, the executive of the Protoss Empire, the guardian of Aiur, the son of Adun and the guardian of the people. You uphold justice, be humble, expand the territory, defend the empire, and be loyal to People. Tassadar, you are not a Dark Templar!"

"What we should have heard was a guarantee or the head of the culprit."

"And that will come true," Tassadar shot back immediately.

"We can't wait until that time. If you meditate in Kara and listen to the thoughts and sorrows in it, you will understand that the hostility of the eldest son of God towards the Dark Templar is rising with a series of recent events." The arbitrator said:

"We and our people fear the Dark Templar because we have been taught to the Firstborn that those deviants who abandoned Kara are evil and will bring destruction."

"And now, as expected, some Dark Templar warriors have done that." He continued: "If this continues, the eldest son of God and the Dark Templar warriors will fall into a vendetta dispute, and disaster will strike again."

"That is, we trust you again and give you time to arrest the Dark Templar named Orega - just like we did during the final battle of El. And you can guarantee that such cruel acts will be Will it be terminated?”

"." Tassadar was speechless. No one could guarantee that there would not be another person like Orega among the Dark Templar.

"Leave, just like we discussed before." The other arbiter had an almost exaggerated attire, and his tall hat seemed to be surrounded by three small suns surrounding each other.

"We are grateful for the sacrifices made by the Dark Templar for Aiur, and vow to put aside the past, and regard the Dark Templar as our kinsmen who share life and death. However, before greater conflicts and disasters break out, the Dark Templar must They must leave Ayr and return to their hometown.”

Before the Battle of Aiur, the Protoss Empire had been sending expeditionary fleets to search for the home of the Dark Templar, hoping to catch them all. It can be seen that the conflict between them is not as simple as hating each other.

If it weren't for the fact that the matriarch who leads the Sagulas protoss clan is a great figure who rules her people with maternal tenderness and laughs off past hatreds, it would not be impossible for these two factions of protoss to fall into eternal war. .

"Of course, we will do that." Before Tassadar could speak, Zeratul answered on behalf of the Dark Templar: "Even if you don't say that."

"Zeratul! Without you, we have lost our best friend and helper who share life and death." Tassadar immediately persuaded Zeratul through face-to-face spiritual communication.

Augustus had persuaded Tassadar and his followers to follow Zeratul to Thagulath, or to find a new home in the Koprulu Sector. However, Tassadar refused without hesitation. He insisted on staying in Aiur, planning to clear the planet of zerg in order to regain his homeland, and was unwilling to leave until then.

"Tassadar, Zeratul is only returning to Sagulath temporarily, which does not mean that he will not come back in the future." Augustus said to Tassadar: "The Supreme Council has not issued an order not to allow the Dark Templar to enter Ai. Your ban.”

"Cunning man." Both Zeratul and Tassadar burst into laughter deep in Augustus's heart.

"Just do it." Tassadar announced his decision to the members of the Supreme Council on the opposite side: "The Dark Templar will leave Aiur."

"Yes, that's how it should be." The members of the Supreme Council all let out one after another a heartfelt voice of surprise, as if they were glad to have finally sent away a god of plague.


"Tassadar, we did not misjudge you."

"Incredibly wise."

"Arden is watching you."

"Caspir Al."

"I thought that based on this battle, they would still be arguing about this for seven or eight hours." Augustus breathed a sigh of relief: "The result is just for such a trivial matter, I should have said it earlier. Without Kara, the Star Spirit would Can’t you talk properly?”

"Very good, the problem is solved." Renault was also overjoyed. He was an upright and kind-hearted person and did not want to see the protoss killing each other.

It seems that there are not that many conflicts between the two parties. Once the Dark Templar leaves, they will probably be able to get back together.

At the same time, the reconciliation between the protoss also meant that Raynor finally had the opportunity to go home and see his parents, wife and children. Thinking of his wife Elizabeth and son John, he was so happy that he almost hugged Artanis next to him and kissed him.

"What are you going to do, uh." Just as Renault was thinking this, Artanis felt the rude and offensive thoughts in his heart:

"James Reynold James friend, what are you going to do?"

"Love you so much, Artanis," Raynor yelled.

"." Artanis was indifferent.

"Everyone is happy except for one person." At this time, Kerrigan pushed her sexy red lips in one direction.

That direction was the seat of the arbiter known as Duran. When Augustus looked there, he stood up, closed his robe and walked slowly towards the wide corridor of the circular court. .

In Augustus's cold eyes, Duran looked as frail as a dying old man. His body functions had been so weakened that he could not even discern the direction.

"Something's wrong." Augustus frowned his gray eyebrows: "There's something very wrong."

Augustus stared closely at Duran's fading voice, suddenly raised his head and looked at the magnificent dome of the Arbiter's Court that was scattering golden sunlight, and then looked around.

Behind the wide cloisters and parliament seats stood parliamentary guards in red robes and golden armor. They were holding long-handled battle axes, shields or sharp swords. The blades of the spears were perfectly arranged, with a solemn and solemn aura. Coming at you.

There are no ceremonial showpieces among the Protoss. Those who can stand here are all the most courageous warriors in the Protoss Empire. They have guarded the temple and the court for generations, symbolizing the judgment of the empire's laws.

"What's going on?" Renault patted Artanis' shining breastplate, and suddenly turned his head to stare at Augustus' serious expression. Almost at this moment, he pulled out his pistol and leaned towards Augustus. All.

Augustus just stared at Duran's figure gradually disappearing into the darkness without saying a word.

"Ah!" As soon as Renault finished speaking, a sharp scream made all the protoss and humans present look over.

At one of the seats of the Supreme Council members, an arbitrator in red robes was holding his head high, and a cold, green curved light war blade was coming out of his bulging chest, and the deep liquid flowing out The purple blood freezes and evaporates.

"Dark Templar!" Augustus shouted: "Are they from Orega? How could they get in?"

"Damn it, it must be Duran."

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