StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 405 We have a traitor in our midst

The cold green curved light warblade that focused on the anger and hatred of the Dark Templar Senhan was retracted as fast as it struck. In the blink of an eye, with a gentle push from the attacker, the Arbitrator's weak body fell heavily onto the obsidian floor dotted with emeralds, leaving his flesh and blood bruised and blood splattering.

"Farewell, Arbiter Void will cleanse your sinful soul so that you may rest in the presence of Adun."

All eyes were instantly focused on the owner of the cold words, a dark templar wearing an indigo night robe. He was stepping on the gorgeous chair where the Arbitrator was sitting, taking back the psychic blade in his hand with an elegant gesture. As soon as the dark purple blood that originally belonged to the Arbitrator fell on the blade, it was frozen by the void energy surrounding it.

"I am Orega, and I am the Blade of Sagulath."

The hum and screams of the psychic blade burning the air sounded at the same time, and many dark templar warriors appeared in the shadows, mercilessly swinging their blades at the former templar brothers. Orega's dark templars all wear terrifying hydralisk skull masks or veil their faces with purple veils, and their robes are painted with the green scythe emblem of the Nerazim protoss.

"Protect the Arbitrator!"

Guarding the Arbitrator's Court and the Supreme Council are also unstoppable warriors. They mobilize the psychic power in their bodies to activate fiery psychic blades or wield their battle axes and swords to face the sudden appearance of the Dark Templar. The Arbiter's Court is filled with the flashes of blue and green swords clashing with each other.

The Dark Templar and the Templar were silent even in their fury. They fought with fighting skills that took dozens or even hundreds of years to master. Every blow was carried by the sword, and the dangers were everywhere, like a scene. The drawn-out war mime.

Some council guards in red robes and golden armor fell to the ground, their figures gradually dissipating in the light of the armor crystal array, while the dead Dark Templar warriors were overwhelmed by the surging void energy.

"Why did the Dark Templar appear here? How could they get in? Zeratul betrayed us! He betrayed us!" an arbiter who was escaping from his seat in embarrassment shouted with all his strength, attracting many The black mist and shadows extending like lightning rushed straight towards him.


A Dark Templar warrior who appeared in the darkness neatly beheaded the Arbitrator. The three powerful hearts of the protoss pumped out a large amount of deep purple blood from the neat incisions on the neck. The scene was extremely bloody.

There were flashing phantoms of Dark Templar warriors and intersecting psychic blades everywhere. Countless shining crystals, gems and ingenious crafts shattered in the overflowing psychic waveforms.

Obviously, the main hunting target of the Dark Templar who followed Orega was the Arbitrator. In a short period of time, four of the twelve Arbitrators present were killed. The Dark Templar's attacks are unstoppable and merciless, always delivering a fatal blow.

Although many of these Arbiters were masters of the ways of the Kara in their prime, they are now sluggish and frail. Elegant and luxurious clothing and complicated accessories are heavier than armor, but they cannot provide the arbiters with plasma shields or even the slightest bit of protection. In front of the masters of the Dark Templar, they are as fragile as babies.

"Warriors, protect the Arbitrator." Tassadar took a few steps forward, feeling extremely distressed and anxious about the bloody scenes of fratricide killing all around him.

Tassadar reacted quickly, knowing that his first priority was to fight off the enemies who had infiltrated the Arbiter's Court, and then figure out what was going on. He immediately said to the dozen or so high-ranking Templars who were guarding him: "Follow me!"

"As you wish." The high-ranking templars lit their psychic blades and waited for the order.

"Teacher, let me repel them." Artanis, who was standing aside, had already ignited his psychic blade and was preparing to join the battle with Tassadar.

"You stay." Tassadar's words made Artanis faint. He called a group of heroic governors and executors: "Phoenix, Talandar, Urlan, Moyo, Ari Das, let’s work together to kill the enemy.”

"I" Artanis also want to fight with the teacher.

"Take your subordinates to protect Augustus. They are no match for the Dark Templar." Tassadar's words left Artanis with no complaints. No matter what, the protoss would never want their human friends to Hurt.

Tassadar first lit the blade and rushed to the seat where the arbiters were. One of the psychic blades he held was said to be a magic weapon that Adun had used, and the other was given to him by the dark patriarch Zeratul himself. The Dark Templar Master Blade.

At the same time, Augustus also gave Tassadar a P-20 electromagnetic pistol, which was pinned under the Executor's tabard - although this pistol was useless in the war between the protoss, That's just a gift given by humans.

Augustus always believed that when psychic powers failed to work, guns would definitely come in handy.

If Fenix ​​is ​​already the most valiant warrior among the protoss, then Tassadar's prowess is even higher than anyone else. With just one and a half moves, the Dark Templar warriors who tried to stop or kill him fell to the ground. No one can stop him.

"Why did the Supreme Council neglect to take precautions against the Dark Templar warriors they hated, and allowed them to sneak into important places so casually?" Augustus stood up, paying attention to the Dark Templar warriors who might appear around him at any time. He asked Artanis next to him.

"This is not normal." Artanis walked towards Augustus, followed by two protoss, one was Selendis in a night-like dark blue robe, and the other was the Zealot Kaldaris .

"There are countless detectors hovering over the vast area outside the Arbitrator's Court. The focusing lenses of these loyal El Sentinels are enough to detect movements at the molecular level and even all camouflage stealth units, and the detection system inside the court It can also make all enemies in an invisible posture invisible," Artanis said.

"There must be something wrong with the detection device."

"Impossible. Since these detection equipment are sophisticated enough and large in number, it is impossible for them to make errors on a large scale at the same time. Someone must have let them in." Augustus said directly:

"There must be a mole, and he must be from the Arbitrator class, otherwise he would not be able to obtain the authority to control these detection equipment."

"Who? No, this is impossible. The Arbitrator class will never betray and collude with a heinous butcher like Orega." Artanis's first reaction was to agree with what Augustus said, but he wanted to After thinking about it, I overturned this view.

"There are Dark Templar warriors coming this way." Renault suddenly shouted loudly towards Augustus at this time.

Between the luxurious seats, two dark templar warriors were attacking here with ghostly steps. They were both women, fast and dexterous.

"Caldarius," Artanis said to his best friend.

Without saying anything more, Kaldaris had already narrowed his remaining right eye, ignited his psychic blade and faced the two Dark Templar warriors. He found and knocked down one of the powerful Shadow Masters with a forward slash, and cut off the cane of another Dark Templar Warblade with a fierce attack.

Kaldaris just stood there, and the Dark Templar took in his power.

"Wow, this guy is really good." Renault praised Kaldalis.

"Kaldaris, my most ferocious zealot," Artanis responded.

"What bad luck, I knew this was a trap." Renault stared at the surroundings with cold eyes and said afterward.

Reno's pistol was already loaded. This unique military Colt was incredibly powerful, but it could not catch the eyes of the protoss. No one had stopped him from bringing in human weapons before.

"Say something useful." Augustus once again looked in the direction that Arbitrator Duran left, surprised that no one except himself could notice that an arbiter with a high status had withdrawn from such an important meeting. Go, not even a single person questioned or stopped him.

Augustus turned to look at Kerrigan. He had ordered her to keep an eye on Duran: "Did you notice where the arbiter named Duran went?"

"Arbitrator Duran." Artanis also looked in that direction: "Where are the others?"

"Dulan walked into the shadow of a crystal lattice valve behind the courtroom - strangely, after that, I could no longer feel his psychic power and thoughts." Kerrigan narrowed her eyes: "I'll go find him."

"No, don't do that." Augustus had a premonition that if Kerrigan was really allowed to chase Duran, he would probably lose her: "If Duran appears again, deal with him immediately."

Augustus didn't know how powerful Duran's psychic power was, but he was definitely not as weak as he appeared. As a Xel'Naga, even if his power continues to pass through the long years, it may not be something that ordinary people can imagine.

If it were Tassadar, Artanis or Phoenix, they might not be able to find and defeat Duran.

Appropriately, if we look at the Xel'Naga from the perspective of humans and protoss, then they are definitely qualified to be called gods. Augustus would never dare to gamble unless he knew what he was doing.

"You doubt him?" Artanis was still in disbelief: "He is an arbitrator."

"Who knows if he is something else?" Renault said: "Have you heard? A zerg deformed monster that can imitate humans was discovered in the Sol galaxy - although it is still very different from humans. But it was still creepy."

"Well, if he really has any problems." Artanis said confidently: "In Kara, Arbitrator Duran must be nowhere to be found. As long as he is still in Aiur, we can find him."

"I hope so." Augustus no longer had any expectations for this.

"We have to find a way to kill the protoss named Orega." Renault looked at the location of the Dark Templar Orega. If Renault had been replaced by Tychus, the latter would have already chosen at least three escape routes.

Ever since Orega appeared, he had been standing on the arbiter's chair that was bleeding with blood, looking at the chaotic arbiter court, all the arbiters and Kale, who was in charge of the recording work of the Protoss Empire. The officers were desperate to get away from him.

"Orega! Order your followers to stop immediately. There is still a chance to save everything." Just as Renault was about to run over and shoot Orega twice, Zeratul stood up.

"Redeem? Hahahaha. Save." Orega looked at Zeratul opposite the circular court. The circular court was unusually wide and huge, so that they were more than a mile apart, but even at this distance, Augustus and others could feel the cold anger of this dark templar.

"For everything I am doing, for the great cause I am engaged in, I have no regrets." He said fiercely: "Zeratul, I once regarded you as a brother, a close friend and a relative. But look what you did, helping the hateful Templars judge your own people?"

"Have you forgotten the humiliation our ancestors experienced? The Conclave and the Templars captured our people like rats and rabbits in the cave, and then executed them in the Inquisition. If it weren't for Arden, I would The family’s heritage is about to be cut off.”

"What's wrong with me? You are the traitor, Zeratul. You betrayed the Nerazim and your own people."

"Orega" Zeratul said sadly: "Adun taught Nerazim how to be stealthy and shadowy, so that we can protect ourselves in front of our enemies, not for revenge and killing."

"Based on our ancient tradition, when is it morally right to kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

"Templars? They don't deserve to be part of our family's traditions." Orega chuckled. That look was contrary to the cold but calm image of the Dark Templar. Hatred and paranoia had already dominated the soul of the Dark Templar.

Raszagal and Zeratul do not reject the Templars, and Orega is the most radical representative of their clan. The Dark Templar have always been decisive activists, and paper cannot contain fire.

"It is ridiculous that the Matriarch and you would want to welcome the Templars into our sacred home of Sagulath," he said.

"These are dark times, Zeratul, and you have no idea what the dire threat we face is. Weakness and mercy will not save the Nerazim. I swear to restore the glory of the Nerazim, and I will do whatever it takes to do so. everything."

"Threat? What else do you know? Who told you?" Zeratul took a few steps forward and asked one after another. He couldn't help but think of the hybrid monsters that appeared in the Luria galaxy and the sounds from the darkness.

"You simply cannot understand the kind of existence I am loyal to, and you will not understand what the catastrophe is that will eventually be annihilated." Orega just said Zeratul directly, and you wouldn't understand it anyway.

"Do not stop me, brother. The corrupted souls of the Templars must be banished. Let their wretched spirits be converted to the Void."

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