StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 410 Spear of Adun

The vulture car convoy drove at high speed along the sandy ground covered with crystal clusters in the giant underground cavern. The plasma thrusters spewed bright blue flames like discharged bullets.

The bottom of the cave is covered with a layer of fine white sand, as shiny as gold and as soft as flour, like an undulating white ocean. The surface of the white sand sea is not flat, and is dotted with puddles containing pure underground water, which complement each other with the light emitted by the crystal clusters.

Thousands of magnificent stone pillars support the dome of the cave. Their perfect and gorgeous facets are by no means naturally formed, like spears piercing the dome. It is engraved with vines or spiral patterns, and some simple words written in the elegant characters of the Protoss express the poetic and beautiful understanding of the universe by the Protoss. They were all born when the Protoss Empire was the most prosperous and rich, and also the culture. The most prosperous and confident golden age.

The stone pillar itself also exudes a soft green light, which interweaves with the light of the crystal to create a dreamlike sky that envelopes the cave. The Ayr underground is cold and dark, but the crystals embedded in the stone walls provide light and heat sources, like the sun, moon and stars.

The area of ​​​​this grotto is so huge that the vulture car Augustus was traveling at the fastest speed was only a little closer to the golden and blue giant ship that towered above the sky. It is dozens of miles high, with a city-sized launch pad in the center. The bracket is made of golden metal and a dazzling crystal matrix, which radiates shining luster outwards at all times.

That is really a mountain on the horizon. Even after walking for so long, it is just a shadow in the distance.

"I have never seen such beautiful things, they - they are like spears of light, gold and crystal." Renault followed Augustus's car in the Vulture and admired it sincerely. A magnificent battleship in the distance.

"You're a poet, Jimmy," Augustus said.

"You'll get like this after dealing with the protoss a lot." Renault laughed: "Cowboys can also recite poetry."

"Guess how big that Protoss Ark ship is? How long is it? How wide is it at its widest point." Augustus looked at the mountains in the distance through Kerrigan's well-proportioned and strong shoulders in the driver's seat. A majestic golden-blue giant ship. It is like a celestial city that reaches straight to the sky or a giant tower that reaches into the sky. Its scale is a hundred times a thousand times that of the protoss round tower building.

If the Protoss hadn't told Augustus and Raynor that buried beneath the heart of the Council of Koshaka was an Ark-class ship built in the golden age of the Protoss Empire, they would have only recognized it as an unparalleled ship at first sight. A huge underground city.

"It's probably dozens of miles or longer. It's hard to say." From time to time, a voice came from Raynor's communication channel: "I originally thought that Tarsonis' Sky Tower was the most amazing thing in the world, but with the Protoss Compared with that, it is just a small mound dug by a prairie dog under the mountain."

"The Ark of the Protoss, Tassadar said that she was built to preserve the fire of the Protoss in the darkest era of the Protoss Empire, not for war and destruction. So, someone in the Protoss Empire predicted today in the golden age disaster, so they forged them many centuries ago." Raynor complained.

"Oh, Augustus, look what our ancestors have done? Enclosed all the resources of the main star world, and then sent all future generations to the barren edge planet to expand their territory. They only care about themselves, they Nothing is left.”

"You have to ask the federal nobles and plutocrats for this. They don't care what happens hundreds of years later." Augustus laughed it off.

"If the Protoss have such a battleship, why haven't they used it until now." Raynor continued: "Swan told him that a Protoss engineer named Karax once boasted to him that one of the Protoss' arks can launch and win a war with a civilization of the same level."

"Now I'm beginning to suspect that he may not be bragging. Such a big battleship, even if it hits Tarsonis, is enough to destroy the entire main city of Tarsonis, let alone those whizzing protoss laser weapons. They are in orbit. It can burn our thatched houses to ashes.”

"This may be true, but at that time the protoss had never encountered an enemy of the level of the zerg." Augustus said in the communication channel.

"Tassadar said that the Supreme Council had no plan to launch the three arks under Aiur."

"Because they still believed that they could never be defeated, and the Star Spirits were far from being destroyed." Augustus said: "By the time we came to Aiur, even the Supreme Council had been lost. A lot of territory, but they still stubbornly believed that they could not defeat.”

"What happened next is what we saw - we won the battle. You know, if we had nuclear bombs when Korhal was attacked, I would have ordered them all to be launched instead of destroying them. Buried in the ground waiting to sprout.”

There are three Ark ships of the same size buried underground in Aiur, each buried in different cities. Just digging the caves to preserve these super battleships cost the Protoss Empire unimaginable manpower and material resources. Each battleship is exquisite and a masterpiece of Carle engineering.

All the achievements and knowledge of the protoss are preserved in the ark ship. Once the protoss empire faces a catastrophe, it can take off and leave Aiur to preserve the last fire of civilization.

As far as Augustus knew, the Spear of Adon beneath Koshakar and the sister ships Pride of Otalis and Memory of Nessin beneath the other two cities were well preserved.

After Augustus and Tassadar returned to Aiur, no civil war broke out with the Supreme Council. The addition of the Colossus and the Mothership also strengthened the Supreme Council's confidence, so they did not forcefully activate the Ark ship. It was due to these changes that two other arks that were supposed to have crashed were saved.

"Now, they decide to use these weapons in a civil war?" Reno said. "That would be ironic."

"At the moment, it seems, not yet." Augustus said: "But we can't figure out where the bottom line of the Supreme Council is? Since Duran has been mixed among them, he is probably secretly fueling all this. "

"You attach so much importance to that protoss named Duran - I don't understand, but you must have a reason." Renault ordered in the command channel.

"Keep it up, guys, we've gotta keep going for a while, this place is crazy big."

"Where is the Tychus? Why didn't he come?" Augustus suddenly asked after a few seconds.

"I thought he was already here." Renault said, "Didn't you order him to come from Antioch? Even taking a transport ship would take a long time."

"Well, we have to leave quickly before we have time to see if he has arrived or not." Augustus remembered that he had completely forgotten to call Tychus over, so he gathered them and set off before long.

"This time, Tychus is going to miss the real big scene." Renault said: "Did you see that, there are protoss drones and small fighters exchanging fire around the Protoss Ark ship. It seems that Zeratul and Artanis’ men have alerted the guards here.”

"Originally, I was thinking about sneaking the ark into the sky."

The convoy continued to move forward, passing over collapsed stone pillars and charred Protoss mechas. The sections of these collapsed stone pillars were all new, and the battle that took place within a few hours was short but brutal, as evidenced by the remains of the Protoss intelligent mechanical guards and Dragon Knight mechas scattered on the white sand.

As Augustus's closest Protoss Ark ship got closer and closer, its majestic main outline of the ship became more and more eye-catching. Her appearance is indeed an unattainable golden-blue spire or the tip of a spear. Its top is dozens of miles above the ground, making both human vehicles and the golden beetles advancing on the ground seem small.

As the Vulture approached the launch frame at the base of the Ark, even the edges of the frame were like high city walls.

Facing Augustus were a high-ranking Templar of Artanis and his zealots, who had completely taken over the Ark's launch pad.

"Hail to you, Son of El. Where are Artanis and Phoenix?" After Kerrigan parked the Vulture behind a dense cluster of crystals, Augustus got out of the car and walked towards the high-ranking man who was waiting for him. Templar.

Behind Augustus, more than two hundred Vulture vehicles stopped uniformly, and a large number of field porcupine members and ghost agents in special warfare armor lined up silently, waiting for instructions.

"The Executor has arrived on the surface and is launching an attack on the Heart of the Council, where the Supreme Council is located." The spiritual language of the high-ranking Templar reached Augustus's heart directly, and under the influence of the powerful spiritual power of the protoss, The viewer even saw the phantom of Artanis and the Templars fighting in a bloody battle before their eyes.

"The Dark Templars of Zeratul have disappeared into the darkness, sworn to bring back the Conclave Arbitrator's promise of a truce. The Kara echoed with the roars of the Templars as they embraced the glory of battle, and the Conclave's guards It is sadly heading towards failure.”

"Listen to me, brother." Raynor said to the high-ranking Templar at this time: "Maybe we can take this ark out to deal with the Supreme Council."

"This is also the plan of High-ranking Executor Tassadar. He was originally planning to activate the Spear of Adun to ensure absolute victory over the swarm. Now, whether it is to prevent the Spear of Adon from falling into the hands of the Council, or to regain us The holy home, Tassadar is determined to activate her," the high templar said.

"The Spear of Adun, she is the first ark named after the protoss hero Adun. In the golden age of the Protoss Empire, Adon participated in the ceremony of igniting the Spear of Adun into the sky as an executive. ” He introduced Augustus to the magnificent ship in front of them.

"There are warriors from the Golden Age sleeping inside the Spear of Adon. They must still remember Adon's heroic deeds."

"Activating the Spear of Adon requires a huge amount of energy, and we must gain control of the five energy matrix batteries on the Heart of the Council." He said: "Currently we have controlled three, and Grand Archon Phoenix and the Executive are on their way to That leaves two locations where the batteries are.”

"In other words, this matter does not actually require human help. You can handle it yourself." Reno originally wanted to fight a hearty battle with Artanis, but now he is a little disappointed.

"Of course, friends, if we can't continue fighting without humans, then the Protoss Empire will also die." The high-ranking Templar said kindly: "But we still need your help."

"Tell me about it." Augustus nodded.

"Marshal Augustus Mengsk," the high-ranking Templar said immediately.

"In order to attack the Heart of the Council, the Executor mobilized most of our forces, which left us without enough warriors to attack the interior of the Spear of Adon."

"Is there anyone else in the Spear of Adon who can threaten you?" Augustus asked.

The High Templar replied, "The Spear of Adon is an ark that has slumbered for countless centuries, its core and the Templars within it dormant."

"After defeating the Council guards guarding the Spear of Adon, Dark Master Zeratul discovered signs of Dark Templar power remaining around the Ark. The Executor suspected that the followers of Dark Templar Orega could be It has quietly sneaked into the Spear of Adon in an attempt to steal the knowledge and advanced ancient technology sealed within it."

"How many people are there?" Augustus was not afraid of fighting the Dark Templar, but he had to make sure that his men had the ability to compete with a group of Shadow Masters.

"If you want to avoid the guards perfectly, their number must not be too large." The high-ranking templar said.

"You are actually willing to let a group of foreigners enter the Ark of the Protoss Empire?" Augustus smiled.

"In our eyes, you are also protoss." The high-ranking templar's eyes flashing with cobalt blue flames were slightly bent, as if smiling.

"Okay, another question, friend, how do we get in?" Augustus, wearing gold-red power armor, stepped on the gorgeous metal floor that looked like gold and stone.

"I hope you won't dislike the country bumpkin's boots being too dirty." Renault shrugged: "So, we will also have the opportunity to fly into the sky in the Ark."

"Follow me." The high-ranking templar said, leading Augustus to a huge obelisk and inserting his two-thumb palm into the hole in it. Accompanied by the rising white spiritual atmosphere and the clear resonance of the crystal's dragon's roar, an iris-like folding door appeared.

"The protoss never leave the door," Raynor said.

"There is no danger." Kerrigan, who was always in high spirits, said to Augustus.

The high-ranking templar took the lead and walked in, and Augustus followed without any hesitation.

Just as soon as he closed his eyes and opened them again, Augustus' eyes suddenly became brighter. A moment later, they were standing on every deck of the Spear of Adun. Even after many golden metal decks, they were standing on every deck. Century is still shining like new.

After adapting to the light in the Spear of Adon, Augustus realized that he was just standing on a wide corridor that spanned the entire relay zone cabin. The corridor spreads upwards and downwards like vines wrapped around the pillars. Upward is the Spear of Adun bridge on the surface. Below is the stasis cabin and the Star Forge. Countless pillars are shaped like golden javelins.

After being reminded by the Archbishop, I completely forgot that the three arks were hidden in different cities in Ayr to prevent them from being completely wiped out - they were buried under three different cities, spanning the entire planet of Ayr. There is only the Spear of Adun in the underground of Koshaka. I'm confused - change it.

Another rumor is that the claims about Memory of Nessin and Pride of Otalis and other libraries and engineering ships are private designs made up by someone. As for the other two Arks, only their names are mentioned without detailed settings. This theory is widely circulated, but I searched for it for a long time and couldn't find the source.

That should come from the area of ​​expertise of the Supreme Protector in each Ark. For example, Rohana, the highest protector of the Spear of Adun, is good at military affairs (…), and Satira is a master of physics and engineering.

Don’t be misled by things like Baidu Encyclopedia, anyone can change that.

I was so excited that I couldn't sleep a few days ago, and I was completely out of state.

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