StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 411 Old Woman

"That's cool." Renault exclaimed.

"You protoss call her the Ark - when I was a child, I heard the priest in the church tell the story of Noah's Ark carrying the last fire of mankind to escape the great flood. Maybe the cultures of humans and protoss have something in common."

"The Ark was born in the ancient times when the Protoss were still in the fishing and hunting period. They were originally built by tribes who were afraid of the sea. The giant ships were like fortresses floating on the sea, motionless in the storms and huge waves that ravaged Aiur. "Although there is not much expression on the face of the high-ranking Templar, the strong emotions of the protoss are enough to affect humans.

"And apocalyptic arks like the Spear of Adon are meant to protect the protoss from storms that can sweep across Aiur and even the entire world. From now on, the protoss no longer have to fear the darkness."

"Follow me, Marshal Augustus Mengsk." The high-ranking Templar said to Augustus: "We must first awaken the ancient Karai phase technicians sleeping in the stasis chamber of the Spear of Adun. Command them to start this ark."

"The Ark, the Spear of Adon, the Pride of Otalis, and the Memory of Nessin, they are all precious legacies."

"Although they all came from starship engineers thousands of years ago, they still master quite advanced technology and are familiar with the technology of the past and present. They are the supreme treasure of the Protoss Empire." He said.

"As long as the Spear of Adon is activated again, the Dark Templar hiding inside will have nowhere to hide."

"Yeah, advanced ancient technology." Renault shrugged: "Okay."

The high-ranking templar walked through the Spear of Adon corridor, which was engraved with gorgeous patterns and symbols, and walked towards a console with blue light projected on it. Everyone was silent, and the only sound left in the wide corridor was the sound of kicking boots.

Even though thousands of years have passed since it was buried in the heart of the Koshakar Council, the spacious and bright bridge of the Spear of Adun is still as clean as new, not even dust has fallen. This should be attributed to the mechanical slaves inside it that have been working diligently for centuries. These sunfish-like intelligent machines are like buzzing worker bees, always working hard and loyally maintaining the Ark day after day, allowing her to Launch at any time.

"Have you sensed Orega's Dark Templar?" Augustus walked forward on the undulating corridors of the Spear of Adon. Even he was carving the exquisite walls of the ark, The matrix carved from pure crystal, the cage-like chambers and energy circuits deep into the walls are stunning.

Regardless of whether the Spear of Adun is an unparalleled super ark or not, every part of her 74km-long hull is the crystallization of Protoss Empire starship engineering and aesthetics, with absolute precision and absolute beauty.

"If the Dark Templars are still in the Spear of Adon and are not far from us, then their despicable thoughts and cold void energy will definitely not escape the Templars' induction." After a while, maybe Realizing that what he said was too full, the high-ranking templar added.

"Considering that the Dark Templars are all masters of concealment," he was unwilling to admit that the Templars could not handle the Dark Templar's surprise attack well, and he was ashamed of his lack of honesty.

"Then let them come, we have the best human warriors." Augustus smiled softly, and his good-natured joking laughter made the high-ranking Templar blush even more, causing the other party's dark blue skin to flush. Unnatural colors appear.

"He was talking about us." Renault chuckled.

As he spoke, the high-ranking Templar came to the console, stretched out his hand and brushed the surface covered with gems, crystals and bright metal shells. A blue light curtain was transmitted through, and numerous horizontally arranged Star Spirit Kalani characters and geometry Graphics pop up on top of it.

"Khassar de templari! (Justice comes from order), I am the high-ranking templar Radnaknis." The high-ranking templar ordered to the console: "Activate the warp net and send us to the stasis cabin. .”

"Anht zagatir nas. (The gods bless you), Templar."

A burst of fused matrix light enveloped several Templars and the more than 300 revolutionary army field Porcupine special forces led by Augustus. The white shimmer vibrated like dust in the wind, like dancing on a sieve. white flour or water droplets splashing on the waves.

Augustus was already quite familiar with this. He just waited a few seconds to stand in the stasis chamber that the high-ranking templar Radnarknis said.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Augustus had to redefine the concept of stasis chamber. Just one cabin, its height and area are enough to accommodate twenty Hyperion ships for fighter planes to take off and land.

It is surrounded by high circular walls on all sides, with golden-blue single-person stasis chambers densely arranged like bee pupae. Each stasis pod is a person tall, and inside sleeps a protoss templar with his eyes closed. It was difficult for Augustus to tell how different the appearances of these protoss were. He always distinguished the protoss only based on the differences in body shape, facial contours and clothing, but there were always times when he would admit his mistake.

The dome of this stasis cabin is two thousand feet (six hundred meters) above the ground, equivalent to the height of the Mengsk Family Sky Tower. The dome is paved with pure and transparent crystal, and the field of view is wide. Above is the central spine area of ​​the Parallel and Core Matrix, surrounded by the high walls of the Star Launch Port, which is majestic and majestic.

This was one of the reasons why Tassadar decided to activate the Spear of Adon, with the slumbering Legions of Golden Age Zealots still secondary. The most important thing is that it also contains many ancient technologies that have been lost by the protoss in the war, and these technologies are Tassadar's hope of regaining the glory of the protoss.

"This is where the Templar fanatics sleep." The high-ranking Templar inspected it and said respectfully: "The Karai engineers are not here."

"Why don't you wake them up?" Augustus asked: "If these Templars are indeed warriors from the Protoss Empire's heyday, then they may be able to help us."

"No, if they hear that we are enemies of the Supreme Council." The High Templar said sadly: "Sullenness and refutation are just the best results - the Supreme Council will never make mistakes, and the orders of the Supreme Council will never be shaken. .”

"There is no doubt that the arbitrators have always led the Protoss Empire on the right path." He said: "We cannot wake them up yet."

"As long as we get rid of the Supreme Council, the Templar class will be the new parliament." Raynor showed an expression that I understand. He had always regarded the Supreme Council as the Federation Council of the Terran Federation of the Protoss Empire.

"This is not the result the executive wanted." The high-ranking templar sighed.

"But it is the best result for us." Augustus said.

High Templar Radnarknis said nothing more. He turned and walked towards an exit of the stasis cabin, which was much darker in comparison.

Augustus waved his hand and followed with his soldiers. He noticed that the decoration of the stasis cabin and even the maintenance equipment inside the stasis cabin were much simpler than those of the Templars outside. many. All of this emphasizes the distinction between status and class, reminding the Kalais of what is insurmountable.

But even so, these stasis chambers are exquisite works of art. After all, they are creations of the Protoss Empire at its peak.

"What? Who did it? How dare they!" A spiritual scream from the high-ranking templar Radnarknis almost made Augustus faint, and the anger contained in it was deafening.

"Damn, to put it bluntly, this place must have been poisoned by Orega's people. It's like entering a barn full of rats." Renault regretfully picked up a broken piece of control from the ground. He turned to look at the dozens of empty stasis chambers embedded in the low walls.

"Orega's dark templars did not kill them." Augustus did not smell the special smell of blood from the protoss: "They must have kidnapped the protoss phase technicians here - what they wanted to do What?"

"Stealing documents and our supreme inheritance, a group of thieves and thieves, the Dark Templar is nothing but" the high-ranking Templar stopped talking when he thought of Zeratul.

Although he was still furious about this, Radnaknis calmed down: "This is just one of the stasis chambers."

"I'm not pouring cold water on this. If the people of Orega's Fist are good enough, they can kill all the phase technicians and then leave. In this way, we will not be able to activate this ark unless we seek support from other phase technicians from the outside. ." Kerrigan, who had been silent, crossed her arms on her chest.

"I think the Spear of Adun will not be as simple as driving a Vulture Car. All it takes is a normal mind."

"Orega, you have done all the bad things." Augustus commented.

The high-ranking Templar was obviously hit by Kerrigan's words. Despite this, he searched for one stasis capsule after another, and all of them were already empty. All the stasis capsules were already empty. destroyed.

What makes Radnaknis most angry is that the last two stasis cabins only contain the corpses of dead ancient phase technicians. These phase technicians who were in stasis and had no power to fight back were all brutally attacked by the enemy. Killed by various means, blood flowed into rivers.

"This is the style of the Tal'darin Stars - but that is also what Orega can do. As long as he can achieve his goal, he will not care about morality or despicability." Augustus stepped on a puddle of deep purple In blood.

"I suspect that Orega's Dark Templar has already left with nearly a thousand ancient phase technicians. No matter what, it must be to serve his darker plan."

In each cabin, which was much smaller than the Templar's stasis cabin, embedded diagonally into the wall, lay a silent protoss. Thick dark purple blood stained their thick and luxurious robes and skin, and some protoss were even roughly pulled out and discarded on the road.

"I can't believe that this is something that the protoss can do." Raynor has come into contact with many protoss, including Tassadar and Fenix, and has good friendships with them. He almost mistakenly thought that all protoss are so kind and upright. .

"The sin is heinous!" Radnaknis trembled with extreme anger, and his skin showed dense markings of different colors like an angry octopus: "Why do this, why - they are engineers, astronomers and musicians , even if they are alive, they will not cause any harm to Orega."

"In this universe full of disputes and conflicts, the way to survive is to do whatever it takes." Augustus ordered the medical soldiers who followed him to check the injuries of these protoss. All the reports were that the Dark Templar warriors were merciless and their swords were deadly. , the blood seals the throat.

"Open your eyes and look at this era, and you will find that the prosperous and harmonious history of the Protoss Empire has long gone."

"Let's look for it again. Maybe Orega's people missed some cabins. After all, they don't know anything about the internal structure of the Spear of Adon. If not, then contact you in Antioch Province and other places. The phase technician in the area, I remember that Swann has a good relationship with those protoss."

Augustus's words awakened Radnaknis, who immediately walked to the control cabin and repeatedly screened the database.

"There is still hope. There are still some Starfleet engineers and navigators sleeping in the control room under the War Council. They have watched the Supreme Protector Rohana go into sleep on the Spear of Adon in the past." High-ranking Templars and others Before Augustus could say anything, he hurriedly activated the warp matrix and went to the war council he called for confirmation.

Augustus once again appeared on a carefully carved flight of steps. A transparent golden light projected down from the steps, and the surrounding crystals shone brightly. The golden crystals shrouded the entire steps like the sun, and the light was as pure as morning light without impurities.

The steps are very long, and at the end is a heavy but majestic gate. The spiral pattern that swims like a dragon is perfect and charming. The statue of the Templar is lifelike, calm and majestic, as if looking through thousands of years of indifference. The entire staircase is filled with the warm light reflected by the solar fragments. The refreshing warmth and comfort can calm the most impetuous people.

"It's near here, but I'm still not sure-" Radnarkness walked up the stairs and said with some wavering: "Rohana, the eldest sister of the three highest protectors, is sleeping here. She is A leader who has been active since the Golden Age, whose wisdom and prestige are equal to those of Arden.”

"The Supreme Protectors preserve all the history and knowledge of the protoss since the age of catastrophe, as well as the memories of all the deceased protoss. They are the builders of history, a living library."

"I don't want to disturb her - but it is said that Lord Rohana is a master in the art of war, and the advice she gave to the executive officer has the effect of reversing and turning the tide. Her relationship with Arden must be very good."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and don't disturb the old man." Renault reminded the high-ranking templar not to waste time. His first impression was that this protector of the protoss must have lived a very, very long time and was a better person. Federal aristocrat Andrea Tagore also wants the old witch's old witch.

"Okay." Radnaknis' steps became faster. When he opened the door, dazzling light immediately overflowed from it like starlight, dispersing all the darkness.

A protoss woman with a round psychic amplifier on her back, gorgeous clothes and night robes was facing away from them: "This is the darkest age. When the protoss wakes up, there are no welcoming flowers. There are only endless wars and the sorrow of reversing the long river. Let me see you, the leader of the protoss in this era."

When the protoss protector turned around, she was obviously stunned for a moment because Augustus was looking at her and the revolutionary soldiers standing in line.

"Monkey. Monkey!"

"Get out of the way, old woman." Renault felt that he had been greatly insulted:

"We have something urgent to do. If you think I am a lowly monkey, then don't blame me for pointing my monkey's butt at you, do you understand?"

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