StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 415: Burning together

"What happened?" Tychus Finley, who was bragging to Faraday, the captain of the marshal's guard, noticed the stern look on Augustus' face.

"Memory of Nessing is under attack." Augustus had already listed all the troops that could be mobilized in his mind. He would never sit back and watch an Ark ship fall into Duran's hands.

"The scout team of Pryor's Assault Division encountered the Protoss Arbiter Duran we met at the peace conference before. The monster killed them in just a few milliseconds."

It is unimaginable that one of the only three Ark ships in the world will become a breeding ground for cultivating hybrid monsters, and even become the dark flagship used by the fallen Xel'Naga Amon to destroy the world.

"Dulan, that old man who takes two steps and falls three times? I can't believe it. I doubt that a five-year-old child from Ma Sara could knock him down." Reno recalled the man who walked tremblingly and was afraid of him. The Protoss Arbiter fell to the ground in the next second.

"He disguised himself well," Augustus said, "but he couldn't escape my eyes."

At this time, there was once again a violent roar from the distant city of Arado, and many plumes of black smoke filled the sky above the city. Many Revolutionary Army APOD-33 transport ships were circling and landing in the city. They looked like small black spots from a distance.

Augustus looked at Kerrigan: "I have begun deploying reinforcements to the Arado area and sending as many additional capital ships as possible."

"Where are the Star Spirits?"

"A large number of warping signals have appeared in many places in the Arador region. The protoss reinforcements are arriving as quickly as possible. Their vanguard troops may have entered the Memory of Nessin." Kerrigan replied.

"What I'm most worried about is whether it's already too late." Augustus looked at the smoke-filled city of Arado in the distance and had a bad feeling in his heart. If Duran had been planning to seize Nessing's Memory before the civil war broke out in the Protoss, then the battle inside the Ark ship might have lasted for many days.

The stasis chambers inside each Ark ship are dormant with several legions of Zealots from the Golden Age of the Protoss Empire. They were the most loyal, brave and powerful Templars of that era. Guarding the Ark should not be a problem. .

But if the protoss warriors among them are not awakened in the normal way, then they may not be able to wake up and be massacred in their sleep.

At this moment, the rising sun rose higher and higher, gradually reaching an unreachable height. Bright sunlight enveloped the earth, and the entire dead, dying world seemed to be taking its last breath of air.

In most latitudes of Ayr, the sunshine hours are very long. The sufficient light is evaporating the puddles in the swamp little by little, and the putrid smell coming from the corpses is getting stronger.

The sky is very blue, so deep that it looks like a calm sea, and the city of Arado is reflected in the water. The City of Gold is an appropriate name, both appropriate and thought-provoking, because every brick and tile that builds it seems to be made of gold.

The scenery in Ayr is always magnificent. The pure sky and charming fields are one of the few good memories that Revolutionary Army soldiers have about this planet.

But at this moment, this beautiful scenery could not bring any comfort to Augustus at all. Once Duran's minions seize control of Nessing's Memory and launch it into the air, no warship will be able to catch her.

It was a super ark that was completely self-sufficient and could launch a war on its own. If Augustus had such an ark, he could have carried out the last step of the uprising, which was to storm Tarsonis.

"Marshal Augustus, please immediately order all Human Revolutionary Army soldiers to evacuate the city of Arado." At this time, Karax, the Protoss Empire's phase technician who had been following the Revolutionary Army's actions, hurriedly ran towards Augustus , and at the same time stretched out his right arm to open the crystal holographic projection device on his forearm.

"The Memory of Nessing is about to be lost. In order to prevent the Ark of the Protoss Empire from falling into the hands of the enemy, Lady Olanna, the supreme protector of the Memory of Nessing, decided to detonate the Ark Matrix and burn with the enemy."

Augustus stared into Karax's eyes for less than a second and immediately gave the order to retreat through the command channel. This was completely in conflict with the previous order, but it was still resolutely implemented by the frontline commanders.

"Just now, Lady Olanna sent us the last message through Kara and the communication device." Karax showed Augustus the holographic image on his right arm.

A protoss protector wearing gorgeous golden armor and a fluttering brocade scarf appeared on the screen. She almost looked the same as her sister, Rohana, the highest protector of the Spear of Adun.

Behind the supreme protector of the protoss is a battlefield filled with blood. Several Templar warriors wearing golden heavy armor form a circle around her. Surrounded by many Dark Templar warriors holding warblade of light are standing. , like a shadow lingering around.

The attire of these Dark Templars is the same as that of Zeratul's warriors, and it is difficult to tell whether they are members of the Fists of Orega.

"I am Olanna, the Supreme Protector - I woke up from the sobbing in Kara, and when I opened my eyes, I saw the sharp blade of the betrayer." Olanna said:

"There are very few awakened warriors, so the Templars have no choice but to fight and retreat."

"We are outnumbered and outnumbered."

"The bridge and the core of the sun have fallen into the hands of the enemy. The Memory of Nessing is about to lift off. I have no choice but to detonate the matrix circuit of the Ark. If the Ark does not belong to the protoss, then she cannot belong to anyone."

"Rohana and Shantila have woken up. They are the last hope." She finally said: "We will eventually return to Kara. Death is the fate of all warriors."

"The eldest son shall live forever."

As the image came to an abrupt end, the brief silence made Augustus and others' hairs stand on end.

A few minutes later, Augustus suddenly heard a rumbling roar, and a shining golden ark was rising from the ruins of the city in Arado, like a rising dragon.

In a short period of time, it has risen to an altitude of tens of thousands of feet, but most of the body of the ark still remains underground.

For a moment, Augustus almost thought that the Memory of Nessing would soar into the sky, but the next moment the explosion from its center almost split the entire Ark in two, caused by the flash explosion of solar fragments. The flames brought instantly lit up the sky.

Amid the earth-shattering roar, the entire city of Arado seemed to be pulsing. The flash of light produced by the explosion was a thousand times that of the sun, and the towers in the center of the city melted like candles.

The sudden hurricane swept across the land, and the tree trunks, bushes and rocks that were still standing on the ground were blown around. Even protected by the plating of his power armor helmet, Augustus couldn't look directly at the flash.

Augustus heard the shouts in the communication channel. Since the main force did not go deep into the city of Arado, the timely evacuation and the protection of the bunkers meant that the revolutionary army did not suffer many casualties. The briefly interrupted communication was quickly restored. normal.

When the light dissipated, Augustus noticed that almost all the towers in the city of Arado had collapsed, with only a crumbling crystal tower still standing.

The bow of Nessing's Memory was lying directly in the center of the ruins of the city, with blue psychic flames burning on it, and violent explosions made from time to time. The ark's structural stability was unparalleled, which is why she did not completely disintegrate.

"I'm afraid this old ship is hopeless. We have to take back all the junk and scrap metal quickly. Maybe we can sell it for a big price." Since coming to Ayr, Tychus has been used to seeing big explosions. There is also leisure to smoke.

"You have to hurry up and save people. There may be people alive inside." Renault said.

"Send out search and rescue troops to rescue as many people and important Ark equipment as possible." Augustus instructed Prior's assault division on the command channel to form a search and rescue force: "Do your best, this Ark is still very safe. Danger."

In the distance, Augustus could see the belated arrival of the Protoss spaceship. The confrontation with the Conclave fleet caused Tassadar to miss the best opportunity to rescue Nessin's Memory, but their arrival also forced the Dark Templar inside to retreat quickly.

Augustus just wanted to know at this time whether Duran was in the memory of Nessing.

Two days later.

The explosion caused by Nesin's Memories has subsided for a long time, but when darkness fell, the entire city of Arado was also shrouded in bright flashes.

The section of the Ark located in the center of Arado City was brightly lit with lights. Next to it were lights connected by countless cables and gas engines, and it was filled with the sounds of laser drills and laser cutting machines.

The entire Ark ship's shaped walls and crystal inlays have been shattered, leaving only a metal frame consisting of a golden dome, beams, ships, etc., which looks like the skeleton of a whale.

Augustus, Raynor, Tassadar, Artanis, and Phoenix were standing under the twisted bridge deck of Nessin's Memory, watching several Protoss Kalai engineers dismantling the Ark with Swann's engineering team. of the console.

The main framework of Nessing's Memory is still very complete. Even if it takes a lot of resources and time, the Protoss Empire's strength in its golden age can completely repair the Ark. However, the Aiel Protoss has now declined, and the attack of the Jörmungandr swarm has also made it difficult for the Protoss to rebuild it.

Now we can only preserve the wreckage of Nessing's Memory as much as possible, and rely on the last legacy of this ark to build a large-scale fleet.

"The Supreme Protector Olanna has returned to Aiur, and the entire Kara can hear the sobbing of Rohana and Shantila." Tassadar said with extremely sad emotions: "After all, we are a step too late."

"Fortunately, many stasis capsules escaped this disaster, and the ancient heroes in them have awakened. Phase technicians are trying to excavate and repair the military industrial array, space furnace and star forge of Nesin's Memory in order to Our warriors on the frontline provide weapons and shields." Artanis's gaze penetrated a section of Nesin's Memory shrouded in light and saw multiple spaceships passing by carrying the legacy of Nessing's Memory.

Multiple stargates are standing high, connecting Antioch, the province of Koshaka, the Temple of the Protector and the Xel'Naga portal. Some ark decks comparable to battlecruisers are transported directly through the teleportation matrix. destination.

The ground beneath their feet was in ruins, with dry branches, grass, and broken crystals everywhere. The deep pit created by Nexin's Memory when it fell was filled with dirty rainwater, and the copper-colored moss and new herbaceous plants gradually revealed a little bit of green.

"This is the best result. I simply can't imagine what will happen if this Ark falls into the hands of Duran and Orega." Augustus shook his head: "They will fight back to Sagura Si, seize the dominance of the matriarch Raza Gal."

"The Dark Templar will never stop hunting Orega until the crime is over." Zeratul said: "But who is the Arbitrator named Duran? He played a key role in our dispute with the Supreme Council. He played a very important role in it, and by the end of the day, neither of us knew anything about the man."

"Is he Luria's voice?"

"There's something behind the scenes," Augustus said. "There's an invisible hand that's driving our destiny."

"How come you've learned Zeratul's tune?" Raynor put a hand on his forehead.

"That is what the prophecy refers to." Zeratul agreed with Augustus' words: "If Duran and Orega are connected with Luria's hybrid creation, then they must be planning to destroy the protoss and the Humanity’s evil conspiracy.”

".I already have enough enemies, it doesn't matter if I have a few more." Augustus looked at Tassadar.

"Has the Jörmungandr swarm stopped attacking yet?"

"They are becoming more and more manic and powerful. It seems that the super psychic cyclone that appeared on the Overlord's corpse is still subtly affecting the brainworms that are still alive." Tassadar replied: "Continue to interact with the zerg. The war of attrition will only weaken our warriors, and we must evacuate Aiur and regroup."

"It's time for us to return to the Koprulu sector." Augustus also said.

"Huh? The phase technicians said that they have found the core of the sun of Nessin's Memory. Adon protects us. The hot miniature star has not escaped from the hull of the Ark, otherwise it would be enough to erode through the crust of Aiur." Thasa At this time, Dahl received a report from his engineers.

"Come on, let's look at the 'sun'." He said.

"Swan has news for you." Kerrigan came over at this time.

"He said he wanted to show you a big baby."

"Our news is always slow." Augustus shrugged: "Unfortunately, except for the Protoss and Xel'Naga spacecraft, our battleships cannot use these things at all."

"Actually, Augustus, our current warships can't use this miniature star." Artanis said:

"The Ark ship uses ancient technology. The solar core that powers the entire Ark needs solar energy fragments as fuel, and the Firstborn Son of God has not used this energy source for dozens of centuries."

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