StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 416 New Haiji

Haji changed with the advent of the revolution.

The reforms implemented by the new government have effectively helped those who lost their jobs or went bankrupt due to the exploitation of the federal government and the invasion of Zerg. The new decree focusing on industry and industrial revival has been praised by Haiji workers.

The newly built wind power generation equipment solved the energy crisis after the disaster. The improvement of crop varieties and the management of Haiji moon-like soil by Revolutionary Army biological scientists led to a rapid increase in the area of ​​cultivated land. The new government's trade policy that protects the fragile economy of the fringe world also puts the inter-system enterprises and black-hearted businessmen of the Tyranid Federation beyond the reach of the Terran Federation. The abundant military power also forces the pirates wandering around the fringe world to avoid it.

In the past year or so, the people of Haji have accepted a life away from the rule of the Tyranid Federation, and have become more and more eager to pursue words such as revolution and progress. The long-term peace and stability brought a large number of supporters to the new government, and also silenced those discordant voices calling for the return of the Federation.

However, the Haigi people expressed strong dissatisfaction with the prospect of sharing their homeland with a group of aliens - the terrifying protoss, and large-scale protests and demonstrations broke out.

All dissatisfaction and protests disappeared after the Haiji people received the payment from the protoss to rent the land, because it was too much.

It is said that the Protoss obtained enough funds from the United States of Umoyan to purchase these lands using only a few pieces of ancient equipment dismantled from the Ark Ship Nessin's Memory. At that time, Tassadar's ambassador to Umoyan Prime watched with his own eyes the speaker of the elected assembly of the United Umoyan Republic fainting to the ground in excitement due to the protoss' cleansing omnic. This incident caused widespread heated discussion among the Kara.

And although Ye Gong's dragon-loving United States Council of Umoyan was eager to establish diplomatic relations with the Protoss Empire, high-ranking executive Tassadar did not believe that was necessary. The Protoss Empire has never established trade ties with other races, so Umoyan's efforts in this regard have been fruitless.

By May of this year, the Haiji people had become accustomed to a group of mysterious but friendly protoss living in the polar regions of the planet. After all, the protoss never set foot outside their territory, and they have never harmed any human being.

With the personal guarantee of Revolutionary Army Marshal Augustus Mengsk, the people of Haji are also convinced that the protoss will not endanger the safety of their families and property.

At this moment, the North Pole of Haiji Star is experiencing an extremely cold polar night, and the biting cold wind is blowing across the frozen ocean and land. In this freezing world, extreme cold dominates the entire world, and only high-energy gas fuel will not freeze.

However, there is a city built of new alloys and steel standing on the permanently frozen ocean of the Arctic. The city was built beneath thousands of miles of glaciers, its solid walls shining like upright spears, gleaming like Odin's Hall of Valor under the shining stars.

It was the protoss who worked with humans to build this polar city, erecting steel walls to withstand the freezing cold and destructive storms. The entire city uses the inexhaustible high-energy gas resources in the Haiji North Pole to provide energy and heat sources, and at the same time exports high-quality refined gas oil and gas to the outside world, which is exported to Umoyan and some federal edge worlds.

In the center of the polar city is a towering Xel'Naga portal, whose blue-gray spiral arches connect it to another completely different world.

By this month, more and more protoss ships came to Haji through the Xel'Naga portal. These were all the El Protoss who refused to enter the home of the Dark Templar.

What followed was the buildings that the protoss jumped directly from Aiur. Soon, golden and blue cities covered with snow appeared on the frozen ocean and at an astonishing speed. Land covered with crystal minerals and polar lichens.

At 14:00 pm local time, the sky was still dark. The dark blue giant dome above the Xel'Naga portal in the center of the polar city was shining with stars. All the stars were exceptionally bright. The white snow clouds piled on the horizon seemed like frozen ice. .

The sky flashes with green, blue and red flashes from time to time, like waves that spread out and fleeting. The erratic picture is filled with unspeakable beauty, like a door to the back of the world.

Surrounding the base of the Xel'Naga portal is a wide open-air square. Outside the square stands the continuously operating core of the Titan reactor. To the south is an automatic gas refining mining machine connected by countless pipes. Each one is in the shape of an obelisk. Set up weather vanes to identify wind direction on stabilization towers, treatment towers and weather monitoring devices.

When the wind blows, the white steam from the refinery condenses into ice crystals driven by the wind wheel and spreads over the entire city.

To the north is a polygonal residential area built with silver-white buildings, which occupies a quarter of the entire city, and is home to many Kalai phase technicians from the Protoss Empire.

At this time, many local engineers and security forces in polar work clothes were standing in the central square of the polar city. Everyone stood and looked at the huge iris of the Xel'Naga portal. Only those conscientious horsefly cleaning robots driven by two wheels were running back and forth to clean the snow on the ground. From time to time, some horseflies hurriedly collided with each other in the crowd, making a crisp clanging sound.

Most of the engineers are not locals. They come from Korhal, Umoyan and even many different human worlds. They come here to work not only for the generous salary that can support their families, but also for Augustus to build Haiji. call.

The engineers here are considered young, and they are not afraid of the terrifying legends of these aliens or their chilling mind-reading abilities, or are willing to bear the cost. Humans are generally afraid of the stars and do not have much favorable impressions of them. However, after the Battle of Aiur, even a hateful person like Tychus Finlay turned out to be cute in the eyes of the stars.

At this time, the engineers standing here were told that the goods shipped from Ayr this time were crucial, and they were somewhat prepared for this, but they were still nervous. Most of the engineers had experienced the terrible accident a few weeks ago, when a Revolutionary Army transport ship carrying top-secret cargo had an accident while sailing over the city.

It is reported that a terrifying, evil and powerful brainworm declared its existence to everyone with a series of sharp and high-pitched spiritual screams over the city, and questioned a scientist named Ai Gong with a series of trash talk without any curse words. Why are coke and happiness gone.

At this point, the reputation of the brainworm has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the name Egon Stetman has become one of the most well-known scientists of the Revolutionary Army.

Time passed minute by minute, and half an hour later, a dark blue-painted Revolutionary Army flagship, the Hyperion, sailed out of the Xel'Naga portal. As soon as she appeared on the stage, she attracted cheers from the people below.

The Hyperion was a symbol of freedom and revolution, even appearing on postcards and stamps.

As the flagship of Revolutionary Army Marshal Augustus Mengsk, the Hyperion is the most famous. A Tyranid living under the revolutionary military government may not know how many warships the revolutionary army fleet has, but they definitely know the name Hyperion.

Then came the Revolutionary Army battlecruisers, frigates, destroyers and troop carriers that jumped out of the Xel'Naga portal one after another. The force of deterrence and spontaneous pride and emotion brought by this huge fleet shocked the youngest below. Some of the elders had tears in their eyes.

Many people have relatives and friends in this fleet. In their last letters to their families, they said that they would bring news of victory and a flower from Ayr.

Then more and more warships jumped out of it, and more workers in white protective suits came to the square, cheering for the return of their fathers, brothers, sisters and close friends. Many people may not understand the significance of the Battle of Ayr, but of course every battle in which a family member fights is glorious.

Most warships will not stop here. They will just stop for a moment and then quickly climb up and enter the high-altitude orbit of Haiji. The medical ships carrying the wounded will also immediately rush to Grandi City, the most prosperous city of Haiji. . Only a small number of revolutionary soldiers will stay here to experience the natural scenery that is completely different from Ayr.

Augustus was standing on the bridge of the Hyperion, with Raynor, Kerrigan, and Tychus standing beside him. This bridge with multiple decks welded is still too small compared to the Spear of Adun. In Tychus' words, it is just a toilet in a super villa.

The Hyperion was parked above the polar city, and the lights on the bridge complemented the lights of the city. Not long after, Kerrigan came over and told Augustus that Hyperion's channel had been connected to the radio channels owned by the Revolutionary Army.

"Brothers and sisters, I am Augustus Mengsk." Augustus stood with his hands behind his hands and said seriously.

"For more than four months, the Expeditionary Force fought on Aiur and finally eradicated the threat posed by the Zerg Overlord."

Augustus's words soon spread throughout Haji. After a while, Altera and Mar Sara would also receive this broadcast, and eventually it would reach more planets under the control of the revolutionary army and appear in newspapers.

The city of Haiji was immersed in cheers. Many originally happy families had lost their family members and friends to the invasion of the zerg, and they couldn't help but applaud. The Overlord's death also announced that the threat of the Zerg was gradually fading away.

"All the warriors who died in the Battle of Ayr will be remembered. They fell on the eve of us breaking through the darkness and walking towards the light." At this point, Augustus paused for a while, as if he were listening to the people who were listening to his words. Also stopping to listen.

"Finally. We won."

After the words fell, the Hyperion's communication screen dimmed again. It is foreseeable that all the revolutionary army planets will start cheering, and this joy will eventually spread throughout the human world through real video materials and pictures coupled with the notes of the reporters accompanying the revolutionary army.

"Cheers to victory." Tychus held a bottle of brandy and held a glass with Renault.

"For those who can no longer open their eyes to see all this." Renault knew the clear number of people who died or disappeared on the Aiel battlefield, and the clearer he knew about it, the harder it was for him to let go.

"Be happy, at least it's not us who die." Tychus doesn't know how to speak human words now. In his heart, what he wanted to do was to comfort Renault, but he couldn't let go of his identity as a villain and a gangster.

"Tychus, you really deserve to die." Raynor gritted his teeth.

"With the help of the protoss, Haiji doesn't have to worry about the threat of the Federation fleet." Augustus turned around and said.

As long as he is in a sector near the Xel'Naga portal, Augustus can call on his Protoss Templar and Dark Templar allies for support. The protoss will not actively intervene in human civil wars, but they will not sit back and watch their friends perish.

Most of the protoss have followed Tassadar to Sargulath, which caused the population of Sargulath to swell to 400 million in a short period of time, while the Aiel protoss who were unwilling to contact the Dark Templar came When they arrived at Haiji, their number was close to 120 million.

If a Federation fleet rushes in without understanding Haiji's military strength, they will be severely damaged by the Protoss Empire squadron guarding here.

Augustus looked at the cheering people in the city's central square through Huberian's sensors and external cameras, but when he saw an old man wearing a turban and red eyes, his heart tightened, knowing that she The family did not come back.

Every victory involves sacrifice. The victory of any battle is based on the blood of the victims. This is true of the war against the Zerg.

When he saw the thousands of roaring gas refineries in the industrial area below the city and the glowing lights in the residential areas, Augustus felt a little more comforted. The reason he fights is so that there will be no more wars.

After everything calms down, Augustus can truly rest.

"What happened in the Koprulu sector in the past few days?" Augustus walked down the ramp from the bridge of the Hyperion to the lower cabin, and then stepped into an internal ladder that ran through the entire battleship.

"A mining team of the Kemorian Federation disappeared within the territory of the Tyranid Federation, which almost triggered a conflict between the Federation's guild guards and the Federation's marines, but in the end the Federation's board of directors had no choice but to ask the Federation Compensation for the cost of sending in troops to maintain order," Kerrigan said.

"The backbone of the coalition has been broken, but the growing influence of the Kemerian nationalists in the coalition must not be underestimated." Augustus commented.

"Judging from the situation last time I went to Moria, the people there are holding a lot of anger." Renault said: "But the Camorians are very strange. It is the oppression and exploitation of them by the guild government that makes people It’s unbearable and they rarely start an uprising.”

"The Umoyan government declares that they are friends of the Protoss, and the Protoss Empire will be an eternal friend of the United States of Umoyan." Kerrigan continued.

"Umoyan is most willing to do things that are hot-faced and cold-butt. These hypocritical guys are as untrustworthy as their fallacies." Tychus said: "Do you think the stars can understand them?"

"A new rebellion broke out on Bronte Prime, and the local religious leaders declared you to be the Son." Kerrigan showed Augustus several pictures.

"Flattered." Augustus blinked.

"There really are them." Renault shook his head.

As the elevator finally stopped, Augustus came to the engine room of the Hyperion.

As soon as he entered the engine room, Augustus couldn't help but cover his eyes because of a shining miniature sun wrapped in a golden sphere. The small sun was wrapped in a blue star spirit force field, and its warm light was as soft as spring.

"Swan, you are really a big treasure." Augustus shrugged, looking at Rory Swan and Karai phase technician Karax who were fighting side by side.

"For God's sake, don't burn through my boat."

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