StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 417 Greetings from Huber

"A miniature artificial sun, Tassadar really gave us a great gift." Augustus came closer and felt a warmth.

This is a giant sphere that stands on a huge base and occupies the entire engine room of the Hyperion. Everyone who stands in front of it will feel insignificant. The golden furnace wall encloses a burning synthetic star, connected to the entire battleship's systems through matrix circuits and energy conduits embedded deep under the engine room deck.

Appropriately speaking, the protoss is directly utilizing the energy of this artificial star. The glare and heat energy released when the star rotates will be incorporated into the solar matrix furnace, continuously providing powerful energy.

Several exquisite protoss consoles stood around the core of the sun. Those were obviously removed from the protoss ark ship Nessin's Memory and were welded to the deck of the Hyperion engine room by Swann and his engineers. And even though the entire deck was painted gold, the gorgeous protoss console still looked out of place on the Hyperion.

"In human terms, you deserve this. Marshal Augustus Mengsk, thousands of protoss have been saved because of you and your army, and the blood of warriors is worthy of this gift." Phase Technician Karax Holding a data panel in both hands, he spoke proudly.

With the exception of the Arkship Spear of Adun, all other Protoss warships use Khedalin crystals as energy. It’s not that they can’t use the Sun Core. It can be used as a secondary engine for the Spear of Adon to make the Ark more powerful. However, at the suggestion of the generous Tassadar, the Sun Core was donated to the Human Revolutionary Army as a memorial. Their sacrifice in El was epic.

"The people who created it are really great," Karax said.

"The energy of a synthetic star is enough to power an ark, and it can also power multiple systems. You can imagine how glorious our civilization stood in that era."

After saying that, Kerrigan's sparse applause could be heard. Renault and Tychus had already sprung out. One was carefully observing how the sun's core worked, and the other was trying to use the light overflowing from the cracks in the furnace wall to light smoke, while calling the former for help.

"Star spirit technology?" Augustus' cold gray eyes lit up.

"Using it on the Hyperion is simply overkill." He said: "Mr. Karax, tell us what uses this solar core can be used for, and it will open the eyes of us primitive people."

"It will definitely surprise you, boss. This old ship is really transformed now." Swann said: "Just take a look."

"Even if this artificial core has been dormant for many centuries, it needs a powerful accelerant such as some solar energy fragments to make it fully effective. However, even if this is not done, the energy it is increasing now will not be able to be achieved by the Hyperion. It’s used up,” Karax said.

"I made some improvements to the Hyperion's extremely inefficient energy conversion equipment to convert energy into electricity so that it can receive energy from the core of the sun. When completing these tasks, Rory Swann helped me Very busy."

"However, considering that this ship is too backward, there is still a considerable amount of energy that will be wasted. As you can see, that will make the outer bulkheads and ship armor of the Hyperion always bathed in water. In a shining light.”

"Don't be too careful. Karax didn't mean to say how old our broken ship is. That's what he meant, but he didn't mean it." Swan came over and said to Augustus.

"You mean so much, Swan." Augustus shrugged.

"A flash of light released by an artificial star is enough for Hyperion's basic system to keep the battleship's energy shield permanently on." Karax was much more confident when talking about his own field.

"I also improved the Hyperion shield engine - it was as backward as a child walking into a forge using a Templar psionic blade as a tool for lighting."

"Flashlight, I know that's what you mean." Swann waved his hand.

"Now, the Hyperion's shield can operate at a higher power. It is strong enough to withstand a frontal bombardment from the aircraft carrier's main gun, and the loss of the shield will be replenished very quickly." Kairak Si tilted his head.

"Similarly, Hyperion's weapon system has also been upgraded. Now, its Yamato cannon can operate without a huge separate power generation unit and reactor. The space thus saved can be provided for other equipment."

"We can use that to build an onboard garden and fill it with flowers and zucchini." Kerrigan, who is known for his ruthlessness and ability, suggested.

"No, the space inside the ship is precious, and it needs to be used to expand the medical cabin and activity cabin." Augustus rejected it without hesitation, and did not notice Kerrigan's raised red lips.

"This is one of the advantages. The energy of artificial stars can be directly converted into energy beams for salvo firing, which greatly shortens the charging speed of the main gun and increases the frequency of salvo fire." Karax continued.

"In other words, the Hyperion's main cannon has now been directly replaced with a solar beam." Augustus wondered whether this would enable direct solar bombing.

"The new main gun can fire three times in a row. If the material strength of the gun barrel is not limited, it can do even better." Karax said: "The Hyperion will become a legendary battleship and can even threaten To the flagship of the Protoss Empire fleet."

"Considering that the solar core energy is almost inexhaustible, I also plan to design a new planetary orbital gun and stealth system for the Hyperion." He continued.

"Hopefully that can be done before senior executives recall me."

"You can stay as long as you want." Augustus smiled: "I'm worried that the Hyperion will be overwhelmed after adding so many functions at once. After all, it is compared with the newly built battlecruiser. It’s out of step with the times.”

"Oh, you can't say that." Karax: "In the eyes of the protoss, the older the warships are, the more meritorious and honorable they are. The ancient warships can serve for many centuries, and even have been fighting since the catastrophe. .”

"As long as Tychus doesn't spill his wine into the cracks, the Hyperion will be safe from rust," Swann joked.

"Also, if you want to make the star run with more power, you can use a powerful catalyst called solar debris to make it burn even more intensely," Karax continued.

"I brought some." He took out a sharp golden crystal from under his robe and showed it to Augustus. It's hard to imagine how this protoss engineer stuffed this thing into his clothes.

"Be careful. In ancient times, it was not a catalyst in the core of the sun, but was used directly as a power source for the spacecraft. A violent collision would have a nearly one-fifth chance of becoming unstable and causing an accident. In the preserved You must be very careful when doing so.”

Augustus took the solar fragment that was ground into a prism from Carax's hand and felt the temperature contained in it. Thinking that this might also be the excrement of a Slaine elemental creature, Augustus returned it unhurriedly.

"It's beautiful," he said, praising the solar fragment.

"I've never seen anything like this before," Kerrigan said, examining the solar debris. "It doesn't look like it could have been dug out of the ground."

"Now you have seen it, girl." Swan spread his hands: "We may be able to find this kind of thing from the ruins of the protoss. I hope it will not cause diplomatic conflicts."

"It's not a good thing to make this fire burn hotter. Well, sometimes, burning the water in the boiler too hot will not make you more powerful, but will lead to more terrible consequences."

"Be prepared, I will ask the people below to pay attention to this resource." Augustus said.

"This spaceship will be left to you. This kind of thing must be left to experts."

As he spoke, Augustus walked towards the base of the sun core embedded in the hull of the Hyperion. He put his hands on his waist and stared at the giant sphere wrapped in cold metal. He realized that since the energy of a miniature core could be preserved and utilized without loss, , then this solar matrix furnace itself is also an incredible miracle.

If the protoss could harness the power of this miniature sun, they should also be able to capture a larger star for energy. Considering that the protoss' achievements in space and time technology are already so incredible, the height reached by Naxel Naga is probably the pinnacle in the universe.

As Karax operated on the control panel, the furnace wall wrapping the sun's core rotated away, and the pale golden sun inside was emitting warm golden light. The light was a bit too hot for humans, but it was just right for the protoss.

Centered on the sun core base, the psychic matrix corridor embedded in the deck exudes blue arc light, flowing across Augustus' feet, and the entire engine room is shrouded in light.

"This star not only powers propulsion and defense systems, but also nourishes our warriors," Karax said. "Its radiance is also gentle to humans and vegetation."

"How great, how magnificent."

"Praise the sun!"

"So, I can sunbathe on the Hyperion." Renault said with a smile.

"I have to say, this is amazing."

"We can open a swimming pool here, set up a wave machine and a beach, and then we can apply sunscreen to the beauties while basking in the sun." Tychus drew a circle on the ground.

"That's enough," Augustus said to Tychus. "I can kick you into the Arctic Ocean and take a cold bath right now, Mr. Finley."

"I'm just saying, it's your business how to decorate." Tychus said innocently: "When can we go on vacation? Brothers are waiting to have fun."

"I'm afraid you don't have time to go on vacation." Augustus looked at his schedule and said that he was very busy.

"We will stay in Haiji for two weeks to replenish personnel and ships. Then, I must rush to the planet of the protoss dark templar, Sagulath, through the Xel'Naga portal. As an invited guest, I will witness an event by Ai The birth of the transitional coalition government formed by the Er Protoss and the Sagulas Protoss." Augustus said.

"Then, we have to return to Antiga Prime non-stop, join up with Warfield's fleet, and concentrate our efforts to seize the remaining edge worlds from the Zerg and the Federation."

"Well, I can do a lot of things in these two weeks." Tychus said: "Being in Aiur is really killing me. The protoss is really boring, not even much better than your dull mechanical lieutenant. "

"Machines are much more sincere than you." Augustus stared at the core of the sun for a while, feeling the beauty of nourishing all things and nurturing life from the glowing golden sphere. It is still calm and approachable at this time, but when angry it can destroy everything.

"Protect it and make good use of it. I'm just helping Tassadar keep this treasure." He said to Swann.

"There are only three such miniature stars in the world."

"Don't worry while I work." Swann patted his chest.

"Don't work all the time, old friend. I heard from your boys that you are always busy." Augustus patted Swann on the shoulder: "If Tychus works half as hard as you, , and you won’t always be criticized by me.”

"Oh, it's idle anyway. Someone always has to do these jobs. You might as well send me more people." Swann waved his hand.

"I'm recruiting people in Haiji." Augustus smiled.

"I have heard of the Haiji people. They are very capable and can endure hardships. This kind of people are the most popular with you." Swann said, "The Haiji people are always talkative, and many of them are mystics and theists. .”

"It's okay, as long as they don't scribble on my tool box."

"Next week there will be an extra group of people in your engineering team." Augustus said to Swann, "Good job" before pulling out Renault and Tychus and leaving the engine room.

As Karax said, traces of the transformation of the protoss can be seen everywhere on the walls of the Hyperion, with crystals, matrices and energy conduits replacing those poorly accomplished steel facilities. The decoration in the corridor was also influenced by the stars, becoming more and more magnificent, like a royal palace.

"Swan is really a talent." Augustus said: "His efforts in localizing Protoss Technology are commendable."

"Bringing him out of Meinhof was one of the best things I ever did in my life."

"Meinhof? I heard that the people of the Kemerian Consortium are exploiting and squeezing there even worse. The guild companies of the Consortium have passed on the impact of federal reparations and economic recession to the miners. On top of this, the glamorous CEOs have stepped up their plunder of various mining planets." Renault said at this time.

"The tribesmen who want to come to Swann are not living well. They should have been taken out in advance."

"Based on our relationship with the Commonwealth, we cannot yet openly support resistance activities in its territory. But if the people there seek help from the revolutionary army in the future, we can provide armed and even political protection to the people of Meinhof. ." Augustus looked at Renault.

“The revolution has not yet succeeded, we still need to work hard.”

"Intelligence from the Tarsonis revolutionary underground organization, which has been confirmed by OGB and Umoyan Shadow Guard agents." Kerrigan mentioned to Augustus a report she had just received. .

"Twelve hours ago, Andrea Tagore, the leader of the Tagore family, died at home. The current head of the Tagore family claimed that a well-trained special agent organization assassinated Andrea," she said.

"The Terra family that supports us in the Creation Family knows more about this - the small pieces of equipment left by the assassins are replicas of the federal ghost agent weapons, but the craftsmanship is by no means any of today's federation, coalition or That’s what the United States can do.”

"Have a good death." Renault clapped his hands.

"This deserves a dance between me and Tychus."

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