StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 420 Durham’s Glory

"This is the scene that should be used to welcome the great hero who saved the Protoss Tribe, but it still lacks beautiful girls in low-cut clothes, endless drinks, and a lot of cash that can fill my withered pockets to comfort the revolution. An empty soul.”

Tychus Finley, wearing a gray vest and hiking boots, was climbing on a black corridor paved with fan-shaped stairs. From time to time he turned his head to look at the Shadow Guards of the Sagulath Protoss standing on both sides, preparing for the legendary Dark Saint. Feeling uneasy at Don Samurai's cold silence.

The architecture of the Protoss Dark Templar perfectly integrates the spiral and swirling patterns and folds of the Xel'Naga, their nature and demands for freedom and independent individuality, and their pursuit of the void and truth.

Even the high-rise buildings, with their pure and dynamic curves, are exposed to the hazy mists of Taimatros and the sweeping winds.

There are no escalators in this upward corridor. Below is the strong wind isolated by the protective force field and the interlaced bright green light bridge extending into the distance. The entire magnificent city seems to be crawling under people's feet.

Taimatros is a monument to the Dark Templar that stands in the land of eternal twilight, Thagurath. The most ambitious Kalaigon master builder of the El Protoss saw the thousands of towers rising from the city. The black spire's stormy spiral pattern and multi-winged angles are also enchanting.

It is a city of imaginative beauty, a forest of exposed gold and purple metals interspersed with emerald dark void crystals and geometric crystals that hang high above the city. The crystals sparkle, bringing a few rays of light in the eternal twilight to the entire city.

The circular platforms suspended in the sky are shaped like lily leaves on the black spire-like building. The spiral light bridge ramps and the unique curved surface of the spire-like building are impressive.

"Don't even think about eating steak, prawns, or anything else at the Protoss table—if they have a table." Jim Raynor's attire was the same as Tychus's, and this bohemian cowboy was just like Tychus. I also don't like wearing military uniforms all the time.

"When we return to the core world, we will be guests at the holiday villa of a small creation family. There is everything there, and there will be a whole choir baking bread for the nobles." Tychus said.

"You want to rob." Kerrigan shook her beautiful red hair.

"We are not here for this." Behind Augustus stood a wary-looking Corporal Faraday: "We are not here for a good meal or for the entertainment of singing and dancing."

"A new protoss government that is friendly to us is about to be born. Executor Tassadar and his supporters see this as an opportunity for the protoss to rise from the ashes and change themselves after the catastrophe. If possible, I hope This diplomatic friendship and even deeper friendship between the two races can continue."

"Tychus, we will only stay in Sagulath for one day at most. Nowadays, in the edge world of the Tyranid Federation, revolutions are in full swing. Although Horace Warfield is enough to deal with it all, the people there still need I."

"I like to make friends with aliens." Tychus stared at a pair of dark green eyes looking at him and shuddered. The Dark Templar are ruthless and deadly killers, but fortunately they are not enemies of the human revolutionaries.

Augustus stepped on the steps with swirling patterns carved at the bottom, feeling the cold temperature released by the surrounding green void crystal tower. All Dark Templar who met Augustus' eyes either bowed their heads in respect or responded with their unique body language.

This kind of respect is rare among the protoss, especially among the protoss of Sagulas who have not had much dealings with Augustus's revolutionary army.

As the Dark Templar who followed Zeratul to Aiur returned to Thagurath, stories of humans and protoss fighting side by side on Aiur were also widely spread among the Nerazim protoss. Dark Templars who value tradition and brotherhood will view Augustus as a legend among mankind, a hero and hero who, like the Dark Templar, strives to free his people from the shackles of power.

The path Augustus took was called the Path of Experience. Every Dark Templar master or Xel'Naga scholar summoned by the matriarch Rashagal measured the path under their feet to show that. Revered.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Augustus, who never slacked off in training himself, had not yet felt any fatigue when he saw a stooped Dark Templar warrior walking towards him with a long staff. , another young female Dark Templar Vorazun is following him.

"Augustus Mengsk, distinguished guest from afar, you don't have to go through this long road in person. The flying disc can take you to the top in just a moment." He is one of the Dark Templar knights. Elder Mohandar, also known as the Dark Priest.

"You are not only a human, but also a distinguished guest of all protoss."

"Salute to Adun, Dark Priest Mohandar. You are an admirable elder." Augustus explained:

"I just heard that I still have time to wander around Taimatros, and I want to take advantage of this time to sharpen my will and body in the way of the Dark Templar."

"You can see that he is really free." Tychus said teasingly. He was still thinking about the unique female Haji girls he had spent a lot of money to buy, but when Augustus asked Tychus if he wanted to follow him to Sagulas, this guy was also confused. The earth has come.

"This is a historic path that symbolizes the journey of the warriors of the Nerazim through the Path of Shadow to become the Dark Templar," Mohandar told Augustus.

"Marshal of humanity, when you walk through a road full of thorns and shadows, you can be called a Dark Templar."

"Can humans also become Dark Templars?" Augustus couldn't help laughing.

"As long as there is a warrior's heart that is not afraid of the shadows, everyone is a Dark Templar." Mohandar said.

"Oh - this old bastard is fooling people again." Tychus whispered.

Augustus and Mohandar walked through the steps with the statue of the protoss hero Adon and walked up to the antechamber on the top of the tower surrounded by clusters of void crystals.

At this time, Augustus could already see the figures of the Templars. These Aiel Protoss warriors wearing golden and blue armor and robes never talk to the surrounding Dark Templar warriors, and the atmosphere between the two sides has always been tense.

"As you can see, we will all witness that when El and Sagulath unite again, all the protoss will be re-melted into a solid and powerful whole." Mohandar's reflection in Augustus The voice in his heart couldn't tell how excited he was, and his mood didn't even have any fluctuations.

"This is worth celebrating." There was no hint of celebration in Vorazun's voice.

Under the call of the tolerant matriarch Raza'gal, the protoss of Thagurath are willing to accept their former kin and form a temporary coalition government to unify the power of all protoss on Thagurath.

Most of the Sagulath protoss do not hate their people, but appear indifferent. In comparison, the El Protoss side is not much better. Thousands of years of separation and estrangement have made the gap between the two races too big to be bridged.

"Indeed." Augustus nodded, indicating that he was as happy as Mohandar and Vorazun.

It is also a good thing for Augustus and his followers that the protoss can unite. If humans want to survive in this dark universe for a long time, help from allies and friends is indispensable.

Since two weeks ago, the protoss of the Protoss Empire have arrived at Sagulath or Haji through the Xel'Naga portal in Aiur. Since they still have enough military power to withstand further pursuit of the zerg, the Xel'Naga portal is still under the control of the protoss, and Aiur's zerg cannot swarm behind the portal and bring influence to the world afterward. To a devastating disaster.

Augustus didn't know how Tassadar persuaded Rashagar, but the formation of the Durham coalition government was unimaginably fast. Arrogance is rooted deep in the hearts of every protoss race. Even if they are severely damaged, they will not admit that they really need the help of other protoss.

This can only be explained by the fact that as a leader of the Dark Templar who has lived for a thousand years, Rashagal must have learned from the void the prophecies about the endless darkness in the future. She has already seen through everything, and her wisdom is beyond compare. and.

"Zeratul, is he not here at this hour?" Augustus asked.

"My friend Zeratul, only the void knows where he is now." Mohandar's hand holding the cane trembled.

"Not long ago, Dark Hierarch Zeratul announced that he would no longer fulfill his duty to lead the Dark Templar expeditionary force to continue fighting, and ordered them all to return to Sagulath." Vorazun said to Augustus.

"The last time I saw Zeratul, I could tell he was in great pain. Zeratul left us, swearing not to come back until Orega was captured," she said.

"Zeratul's Xel'Naga spacecraft, the Void Seeker, is in the icy void, pursuing Orega's footsteps amid the gravitational pull of hundreds of billions of celestial bodies in the void and the raging star wind."

"Orega" Augustus still remembered the angry Dark Templar.

"He was once the administrator of the Temple of Knowledge of the Dark Templar, and he was also the best among us. Only a master like Zeratul can stop Orega and prevent him from getting deeper into trouble." Mohandar explain.

"The children of Rashagar should not abandon reason and be driven by anger. Even in the most critical moments, our people are not enslaved by the desire for revenge."

"I'm only worried that Orega will do evil things that endanger my people." Augustus then shook his head: "I just hope that's because I worry too much, and Orega doesn't take human beings seriously at all. "

"Augustus Mengsk! I'm so glad to see you here." At this time, a young and powerful spiritual voice made Augustus turn his head and saw Protoss Executive Artanis and his Student Selendis walked towards him.

Artanis held a blue flag in his hand, with four overlapping circles embroidered with gold thread on it, which looked very gorgeous.

"I haven't seen you for so many days, it's like three autumns apart." Augustus said with a smile.

"That's the flag of the coalition government." Artanis happily showed this flag to Augustus.

"This government will be called Dallam, and all the protoss will unite under this banner to jointly resist the threats from the zerg and darker forces. Given time, we will surely be able to regain the glory that belongs to the protoss!" He said.

"For the glory of Durham." Augustus shrugged, thinking that Durham's glory was actually achieved in Sagulath.

"In the near future, the Firstborn Son of God and the Nerazims will definitely be able to abandon their past identities and become the Daraam Star Spirits!" Artanis said.

"The Nerazim will never abandon the past, Artanis, you should recognize this." Vorazun looked on coldly.

"Dark Templar, you must maintain respect for the Executor." Selendis, who was behind Artanis, took a few steps forward. The hem of her robe spread out on the ground like night was covered with blue crystals. Vorazun's traditional Nerazim protoss clothing was much more gorgeous in comparison.

"It's etiquette."

"The wild protoss of Sagulath don't know etiquette, sister of El," Vorazun replied.

"Vorazun, step back." Mohandar waved his hand to Vorazun: "This is a critical moment for the survival of our race. The protoss must unite to overcome this difficulty."

"They have such a good relationship," said Augustus.

"Are you blind?" Kerrigan commented sharply.

"His eyes are very bright." Renault said.

"Atanis, how are your people doing now?" Augustus walked towards Artanis when he stopped Selendis.

"Oh, Augustus, they live very well in Sagurath." Artanis was not angry because of the small friction between Selendis and Vorazun. In fact, such things did not happen in Sagurath. The relationship between the Protoss and the El Protoss is normal.

Extreme racists like Orega are very rare among the protoss who pursue glory, but if Aiur had not fallen, the protoss of Sagulas and Aiur would rather die without contact.

"Under the leadership of my mentor, the great High Protoss Executor Tassadar, we established a new city on Thagurath," Artanis said.

“The city was named New Antioch as a memorial to our past home.”

Artanis' eyes shining with blue psychic flames flashed with hope for the future and the ambition to restore the glory of the protoss: "The most outstanding Karai engineers in the protoss empire built a magnificent fortress in Sagulath. Fleet beacons, guiding the way back for our great fleets and expeditions scattered across the universe.”

"By reuniting these returning warships with the new flagships newly built on Thagurath, Tassadar can build a new fleet to reclaim our sacred homeworld of Aiur."

"I guess this fleet must be called the Golden Fleet." Augustus complained.

"That's a good name." This name was immediately recognized by Artanis, and it pierced his heart completely, so much so that he had the illusion that it should be called this name.

"The teacher will definitely like this name." he said to Augustus.

"Come, my friend, walk into the newly built Durham Conference Room with me and witness this great moment that is coming. We will witness with our own eyes the establishment of a new protoss coalition government and the birth of the Parliament of Light and Shadow, And you are its creator."

"Yes, Augustus Mengsk, the Dark Templars have all heard about the human battle on Aiur. This is the honor you deserve." Mohandar also said.

"A human?" Augustus smiled.

"A human." Artanis took Augustus' hand.

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