StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 421 Archbishop

The top of the Durham government conference room is a transparent crystal building, through which the deep purple sky of Sagulas can be directly seen. The twilight-shrouded dome stretched above Augustus' head, and two huge stacked moons and stars dotted the deep night sky.

From time to time, a few bright purple flashes of light would appear in the curtain of the night sky, coming from the thunderclouds above Sagulas.

There is no clear distinction between day and night in hazy Sagulath, nor spring, autumn, winter and summer. This dim planet in eternal twilight also has its colorful beauty. The long icy river nourishes different biological groups. The many ancient Xel'Naga ruins surrounded by clusters of purple crystals are like mysterious veils.

Under the stars, around a conference table that seemed to be made of platinum, there were an equal number of El Protoss and Sagulath Protoss sitting around it. High-ranking executive Tassadar and matriarch Rashagar were separated in two opposite places. Main seat.

Augustus was the only human being able to sit down at the conference table, and his entourage could only wait outside the hall. Under him is a sunken oval seat, shaped like a golden eggshell peeled from the middle. It is covered with soft and comfortable silk cushions, but the size is still too large compared to human beings.

Kerrigan complained about having to leave Augustus' side and was unwilling to leave Augustus for a moment, but Raynor and Tychus were already prepared and were teaching the matriarch's shadow guards how to play cards, trying to get rid of those A few souvenirs from the ruthless Dark Templar.

There are many flags planted in front of the conference table, among which the flag of Durham is the brightest, and the others are the flags of many tribes of El Protoss and Sagulath Protoss. These flags represent a symbol of a constellation, fire, or weapon, and are as delicate and beautiful as the other creations of the protoss.

The El Protoss present here are all names that Augustus can name. Fenix, Tal'darin, Urlan and Moyo are all the most outstanding executives and consuls under Tassadar. Even the guards The Templars in the meeting room are also famous Templars, such as Selendis, Karas, Terbrus, Kaldaris, and Talis.

As for the Dark Templar side, apart from Rashagal, Mohandar and Vorazun, Augustus couldn't recognize them. The Dark Templar's attire is much more restrained and sharper than the Templar's glittering armor, and their clothing is also differentiated by tribe. If it is not covered by a long gauze, it must be wearing a spiked helmet.

There is not even a protoss of the Arbiter class here, because they have already parted ways with the Templars led by Tassadar and Fenix.

Augustus sat next to Tassadar, and Artanis on the other side. As Tassadar's best friend, in terms of seniority, Artanis had to call him uncle.

"En Taro Adun, Chief, thank you for everything you have done for us." Tassadar's voice was as bright as a bell, and his will was as clear as light and could not be ignored.

"The swarm destroyed Aiur. At this critical moment, it was you and your people who accepted us. We will never forget the kindness of the Nerazim protoss." His words were recognized by all the protoss present.

"The disaster taught the protoss things that they could not learn in the glorious era, and allowed us to rediscover the precious humility. The war with the zerg also brought about the possibility of reuniting the protoss who were separated in the two places. Opportunity, this is also a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Under the banner of Durham, the Templars and Dark Templars will work together to deal with threats from foreign enemies."

"Unity is the source of strength," Phoenix said.

"Sagulath is the starting point for the protoss to retake Aiur." Urlan said.

"The Executor is right." Artanis' reverence for Tassadar is exactly the same as that of the Revolutionary Army for Augustus. Almost all El Protoss are convinced that Artanis will have a son in the near future in a few centuries. Opportunity to take over a senior executive role.

"." The Dark Templar warriors who participated in this meeting were silent. But they obviously all agree with Durham's philosophy, otherwise they wouldn't be here.

However, that does not mean that the Dark Templar will take the Aiur Protoss executives too seriously. It is not easy for the Templars to win the respect of the Sagulath Protoss.

Tassadar might be able to do it, but the Dark Templar has always been lukewarm, as unpredictable as ice.

"Dalaam is a union and an alliance. The protoss should unite and face the outside world together." The matriarch Rasha Gal's timely speech made the atmosphere at the scene not too embarrassing.

"During the Battle of Aiur, High Templar Executor Tassadar showed us just how powerful Kara is when combined with the power of the Void. When light and darkness combine, our power is unstoppable. Block.”

The dark templars present were all juniors of Rashagal, and even the dark patriarch Zeratul, who was familiar with Augustus, was just a young man in front of her. When the Dark Templar first came to Sagulath, Rashagar was already their leader.

Rashagal has always been a stickler among the Sagulas protoss, and even Orega, who is considered to be too paranoid, will not disobey her will.

"This is exactly what I want to say, Patriarch." Tassadar took over Rashagal's words.

"As I said before, the Durham government will never interfere in the internal affairs of the Dark Templar, and all internal affairs will follow the principle of self-management." He said.

"In Duram, the protoss status of El and Sagulas are equal. The purpose of the existence of Duram government is to maintain the balance and unity between the two. The protoss of Duram will serve for Building a homeland and fighting together for a common purpose, the protoss who are reunited will be stronger than ever before."

"How great!" Artanis whispered beside Augustus, not sure whether he was talking about Tassadar or the Durham government.

"Only Tassadar and you can do this - unite Aiur and the Sagulath protoss, maintain internal stability and ensure that this alliance will not fall apart prematurely." Augustus thought to himself that this was probably what Aiur was thinking. The cuteness of Tanis. There is still Tassadar leading the protoss forward, and all Artanis has to do is learn from his teacher, which in itself is a step he must go through.

"Me?" Artanis said, bowing his head to Augustus.

"You're teasing me again, Augustus Mengsk."

It must be said that Artanis was as embarrassed as a cat that failed to catch the mouse. This made Augustus almost want to laugh.

Artanis is a young protoss leader who is full of enthusiasm and drive. He sometimes shows the overconfidence and even arrogance of young people, but that is not even a shortcoming.

"Don't rush to deny yourself, Artanis." Augustus seemed to be out of tune with this meeting, and the protoss present would not consider his opinion - Augustus really had nothing to say.

"My compatriots, forming the Duram United Government is just the first step to unite all the protoss. The leader and I have unanimously decided to form a new council here to lead the Dalam protoss." Tassadar continued. .

"In the new council, the Templars and Dark Templars will have equal bishop seats to make the final vote on the decisions in the Durham government. Only after the results of the vote are passed will they be implemented."

"I have something to say." Vorazun, who was sitting next to his mother, objected.

"Will your Aiel side only allow Templars to serve in one position? But among the Nerazim protoss, there is no obvious difference between Karai and Templars." Vorazun said:

"The chiefs of the tribes involved in construction and production should also have a seat on the council, and they also have the right to express their opinions. The craftsman tribe of the Dark Templar will also join the new council, because it is they who are both powerful warriors and will contribute to I’m just asking if the clansmen forge armor and weapons.”

Vorazun's words obviously asked the El Protoss Templars present. They looked at each other, as if they had never thought about such a question, that is, whether Kalai should have a seat in the Durham government and parliament.

This was absolutely unacceptable in the past Protoss Empire, because the system set by Cass could not be violated. However, to some extent, the Templars have taken over the leadership of the Protoss in the Arbitrator class.

"As a young Dark Templar, Vorazun, you probably still lack the necessary common sense." Fleet Admiral Yurlan said in a matter-of-fact tone:

"How can Karai govern a new Protoss Empire? If you don't have Karai, how can you understand what we are thinking and how can you understand our system."

"This is really unheard of, but I am not opposed to allowing Kalai's tribe to also obtain seats in the parliament." Of course Moyo will not object. All the protoss who believe that class is insurmountable have stood on the side of the Supreme Council in the civil war. aside.

"Just do it," Phoenix said.

"Yeah, why didn't I ever notice that?" Tassadar said after a moment of silence.

"I am not as good as you, Vorazun."

"The tribe of Karai should also be given a seat in the council."

"Enlightened decision, Tassadar." Rashagal praised Tassadar and said, "You are the one who created the world. You created a new era."

"I've only seen one person like you, and that's Arden."

"Vorazun is right." Artanis commented in a timely manner, feeling that he was not qualified to speak out.

"If the Templars can gain some of the rights of the Arbiters, then why can't Karai become a Templar."

"Artanis, your thinking is very advanced. Tassadar never said that Kalai would become a templar." Augustus suddenly thought that if everyone is a templar, then Durham The protoss may not have to face the dilemma of having no available troops and vigorously developing omnic weapons.

Augustus's brother, Emperor Arcturus Mengsk of the Tyranid Empire, once said: There are no civilians left in this war.

Kalai civilians who have received the minimum military training may not be able to use weapons or drive battleships. The protoss are a talented people.

This is too glorious.

"We should respect Khalai, rather than bossing him around as a Templar," Artanis explained.

Looking at Artanis's sparkling blue eyes, Augustus was sure that he had not thought so deeply at this moment.

"I have another question to ask Executor Tassadar." This time the speaker was Mohandar, the elder of the Nerazim Protoss.

"Since the seats of Al and Sacoolas are equal, what happens if the votes are tied?" he asked.


"They must have forgotten you, Augustus Mengsk, you are human, you are neither the eldest son of God nor a Dark Templar." Artanis suddenly said to Augustus.

"You want me to be the bishop of a Protoss Council?" Augustus was sure that Artanis was not joking - the young executive did not have much humor at all.

"Thank you, Artanis. But don't expect me to travel thousands of miles to come to Sagulas for a meeting. If you can pay me a salary, then I will be happy to come to work." Augustus smiled.

"Salary? Work?" Artanis couldn't understand. He won't feel annoyed, he just thinks he has learned a few new words.

"You always have your reasons."

"An archbishop should be elected - he is the leader of the bishops, a warrior and a model, and the guardian of the people. The archbishop should have an incomparable reputation so that he can make the final say on key issues." Augustus reminded Tower in a low voice. Sardar said.

On many occasions, Tassadar was happy to take Augustus' advice and make use of the human leader's wisdom. Because in many cases, Augustus was full of wisdom, he had a far-sighted vision, and he predicted the Zerg's next decision many times.

Not to mention knowing things like a god, Zeratul even doubted whether Augustus had read the complete prophecy.

"We should elect a new Archbishop as the leader of the Council of Bishops. He must gain the respect of both Aiur and the protoss of Thagurath." Tassadar said.

All the protoss were attracted by Tassadar's words, and they almost thought that the person he was talking about was himself.

"I propose that the matriarch Raza Gal serve as the Archbishop." Tassadar said, shocking everyone.

"A banished? A dark templar? To lead the eldest son?" Yurlan almost jumped up, and almost grabbed Tassadar's neck and asked him why he was crazy.

"Is this something you have discussed long ago?"

"Could it be me? Urlan." Tassadar said calmly: "I asked myself that I still don't have the respect of the Dark Templar, and all the protoss from Aiur know who is there. A helping hand was reached in times of crisis, and all the Sons of Adun are aware of Rashagal's forbearance and motherly love."

"Rashagar is a disciple of Adun, and she is also the successor of the legend."

"No one can question the mother's authority." Vorazun actually found Tassadar more pleasing to the eye, and his attitude also improved a lot: "Executor Tassadar, I apologize for my rudeness in the past. The Shadow Guard will Draw your sword for Dharam.”

"Let me just say, this is the legendary hero who has killed the Overlord. His magnanimity cannot be matched by the Dark Templar." Dark Priest Azma stood up.

"I am ashamed of my narrow-mindedness and ignorance."

All the Dark Templar warriors paid tribute to Tassadar, and it was impossible to expect them to say more than a word in front of the El Protoss.

"The matriarch is respected, and no eldest son would speak ill of her," Artanis said.

"What can I say, watch and study hard." Augustus shrugged.

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