StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 423 Witchcraft Insect Swarm

Gabriel Tosh, the once human, raised his hideous, spiny face. Several springtails surrounding it made rustling sounds in the soft depressions in the Leviathan nerve center cavity, like docile pets trying to please their masters.

These alien monsters with sharp teeth, carapace and claws are all glowing with a strange red light, and many totems and tattoos with the distinctive Haiji Wiccan Sect can be seen on their heavy carapace. These strange and twisted lines are obviously not acquired, but have been added to the gene pool of the insect swarm before they hatch from the eggs.

In the deep darkness of Leviathan's organic wall, many large snakes with scarlet eyes were writhing and intertwined, and the beating sound from the huge heart was like thunder from afar.

Augustus observed these new-born zerg that belonged to Tosh, and was still unable to figure out the function of the witchcraft totems on them - maybe they were of no use in the first place.

"As you said, the protoss can kill the new master who is still developing even without forming an alliance with me." Tosh was speaking directly in the language of the mind, but he still opened and closed his mouth habitually.

"But how many Dark Templar lives does that cost? Haha."

"Clan leader, you definitely don't want your people to die in a cruel world of ashes like Char, right?"

"The protoss are never afraid of sacrifice." Tassadar shouted: "Don't try to use fear to drive the protoss!"

"If my help can reduce unnecessary sacrifices, will you be moved?" Tosh thought he was sure of victory.

"I know the terrain of Char well, and I know that the intricate terrain worm passages will eventually lead to the hatchery, worm lair or main nest. I can hear the cerebrates whispering through the special psychic link network, so I am very interested in They know their plans very well," he said.

"I know that you will never sit back and watch a new master rise again in Char! On this matter, we have the same goal."

"Mother, the Shadow Guard can kill the Overlord even without the help of this monster. The death and phantom of darkness are originally the training of the Dark Templar's will." Vorazun said, standing next to his mother.

"Patriarch, maybe we do need an ally who is familiar with Char and the Zerg, but I don't trust this human being who has been completely contaminated by the Zerg genes." Some of Tosh's words moved Tassadar, but the latter Still wary of allying with zerg.

"I know the former identity of the Prince of Blades, and I have seen the impact of zerg infection on humans." When Augustus walked between the matriarch Rashagal and Vorazun, the two Dark Templar warriors turned to look. Looking at him.

They all know that this human leader has been widely known to the stars, and they have absolutely no contempt for him.

"I don't know. I don't know how much human emotion and rationality is left in Tosh. I think there must still be some, but there must not be much left," he said.

"Allying with Tosh is tantamount to walking with the devil. No matter what, Chief, even if we need to use Tosh's power, we must not trust him."

Augustus was not afraid of Tosh hearing his voice: "As far as I know, Prince of Blades Tosh may have some kind of infection ability that can distort the will of others, which allows him to control other people's thoughts and transform them into himself. slave."

"Please tell your warriors that they must exercise caution and guard their spirits when coming into contact with Tosh."

".Thank you for the reminder, Augustus Mengsk, you are also a friend of the Nerazims." The crystal headdress on both sides of Rashagar's cheeks and the swinging pendants collided gently, her voice was beautiful and beautiful. His mature voice gave Augustus the illusion that the other party was still very young.

"My mother's power is far less than the time when I was still ignorant. The Shadow Guards must not let the Prince of Blades of the Zerg get close to the leader." Vorazun said to the Dark Templar warriors of the Shadow Guards who were waiting around him.

The protoss had doubts about Tosh's words, but Augustus didn't have much doubt.

"In the name of God, I will never lie." Tosh also heard what Augustus said. Regardless of whether he had the intention to quietly approach the matriarch Raza Gal and control her in the past, there is no chance now. .

"If you still don't trust me, then there is no need for us to talk anymore."

"I hope you will do what you say, Prince of Blades." Rashagal is already the archbishop of Durham Star Spirit, and her words are even more unshakable.

"I will send an expeditionary force of Templars and Dark Templars to land on Char and kill the infant Zerg Overlord," she warned Tosh sternly.

"Do not try to deceive my children with sweet words. We will examine every word you say. Now, take your swarm and leave Sagulath immediately."

"How wise." Tosh chuckled.

"Chief, I am your 'humble suitor'. I am waiting for you in Char."

"Oh - uh -" Vorazun shook his head in disgust, and saw Tosh's image disappear on the psychic projection screen.

"Executor, the swarm is leaving the orbit of Sagulath. The fleet asks if it needs to pursue them?" After a while, a Templar reported.

"No need, order the fleet to expand its cruise range and be ready to attack at any time. The location of Sagulas is no longer a secret." Tassadar said.

"Don't you think it's strange?" he said immediately.

"Gabriel Tosh knew the status of the patriarch as soon as he came to Char. What's more, how did he know the coordinates of Sagulas?"

"The zerg must know El's coordinates, but it's impossible for them to know the location of Saduras in a short period of time." Artanis explained for his teacher: "El's teleportation connected to Saduras The door is guarded by an entire legion of zealots, and not even a lizard could get past the Templars guarding it."

"In the past time, many expeditionary forces sailing in the universe have been searching for the home of the Dark Templar but have always found nothing. This proves that the coordinates of Sagulath have always been extremely secret."

"What are you looking for Sagulas for? Huh-" Vorazun snorted coldly.

"Templar, despicable."

"." Artanis' light blue face turned red visibly, and he was speechless. He could not say that these expeditionary forces left Aiur with the purpose of destroying the Dark Templar.

At least some of these expeditionary forces have sailed away from Aiur for decades, and others have set sail in ancient times. Their history can even be traced back to the golden age of the Protoss Empire.

Even now, there is a certain danger in ordering the Protoss Empire expeditionary forces and colonies from all over the universe to gather on Sagulath. Because part of the Protoss Expeditionary Force has a crew of Arbitrators who supervise the Executors, there is no guarantee that they will not order the destruction of this "dirty little planet" if they get excited.

"Someone must have leaked the coordinates to Tosh." Augustus said, stroking the non-existent beard on his chin.

"That must have been done by the Templars." Dark Priest Zoraya has been protecting her like Rashagar's shadow, so that not many people had noticed his existence before.

"Impossible," Tassadar said immediately.

"It must be Orega," Augustus speculated.

"Orega loves his homeland so much, how could he tell this secret to his enemy?" Rasha Gale knows each of her children: "But that is the Orega of the past. Orega will never betray herself A member of the tribe, he must have been taken advantage of."

"Orega is one of the coldest and wisest Dark Templars I have ever seen. He may also be using the power of dark existences that we don't know about, but I'm afraid it will only lead to fire." Tassadar said.

"No matter who leaked the coordinates of Sagurath, no enemy will dare to take Sagulas' attention for the time being. The swarm is busy guarding the new Overlord, and our enemies are also recuperating."

"Tell all the Duram protoss that I need to speed up the process of selecting the Bishop of the Light and Shadow Council and pass the vote on sending an expeditionary force to Char as quickly as possible." Rashagal did not discuss the leaks and Orega's issues anymore. .

"We must not allow the zerg master who is still merging to mature mentally and become another terrible enemy!"

"As you said." Dark Priest Zoraya left the meeting hall of the Durham government like a moving shadow.

"Zeratu, where is Zeratul?" Raszagal said suddenly.

"Zeratul was hunting Orega, but they disappeared together." Vorazun reminded his mother carefully.

"He has only been back for a short time. Is the land of Sagulas scalding his feet?" Rashagar sat back at the head of the conference table like an angry old mother.

"It seems we need a new Dark Priest to lead the Dark Templar." She looked at the Dark Priests and her daughter beside her, feeling helpless.

Mohandar is too old and is no longer suitable to hold the warblade of light again. As for Vorazun, she seems too young. The other dark patriarchs all have important positions and cannot escape.

"Chief, let me lead this expeditionary force." Tassadar said to Rashagar at this time.

"I have experience fighting on Char in the past, and I also know how to use the power of the Dark Templar."

"You are indeed the most suitable candidate." Rashagal looked at Tassadar: "There is nothing more reassuring than leaving my children to you."

"It seems it's time for me to leave." Augustus also said at this time.

"I also want to return to Haiji, start to form and send a new fleet to expedition to Char again. This is also a threat that humans must solve. Once the new master resurrects, it will destroy the human world."

"Augustus, I am delighted to once again join hands with your warriors on Char to fight the zerg!" Artanis said to Augustus.

"I will send my most capable general to Char." Augustus has not yet finalized the leader of this human expeditionary force.

Horace Warfield and Jim Raynor were both independent figures in the Revolutionary Army. They could lead the armed forces of the Revolutionary Army on their own even when Augustus was absent. Appointing either of them to Augustus would be very difficult. rest assured.

There's no need to mention Edmund Duke, who always made a mess of anything other than a pig's sudden advance. Duke has made progress in recent years, but it's still difficult to hold a big position. As for new commanders like Pryor, they lack the experience of leading a fleet alone.

"Augustus Mengsk, you will always be our friend. In every corner of the universe, as long as there is a place where the Dark Templars set foot, the soldiers of the Human Revolutionary Army will never be alone." Shagar also looked at Augustus.

"Praise be to you for your kindness and your love." Augustus paid Rashagar respect with the noble etiquette he had learned in Korhal.

"Goodbye, Augustus." Tassadar obviously wanted to say a few more words to Augustus.

"Step aside!"

"Move over, friends, I am Jim Raynor, and we have an urgent matter to see that Augustus guy."

"What do you have to worry about? Can someone without a gun kill a protoss with his fart?"

Augustus looked around and saw Kerrigan and others blocked by the Dark Templar outside the conference room door.

"Let them in. The integrity and reliability of these humans have been confirmed by the void." Rashagar motioned to the shadow guards at the door to let all the humans in.

"Wait a minute, the human named Tychus Finley can't come in yet." Vorazun then emphasized.

"Hey, what are you damn protoss dissatisfied with old Tychus? Even the strongest bank in the galaxy can't stop me!" Tychus was immediately angry. He was about to get angry when he was stopped by a powerful dark man. The Templar used the power of Void Confinement to control him in place. Tykes, who had just drank some wine, was suddenly unable to use his brute force.

"Don't worry about that guy." Augustus clasped his hands behind his back: "He's not talking arrogantly - this old guy of mine has always been a talker."

"Just teach Tychus a lesson, don't hurt him."

"The difference between humans is really huge." Vorazun looked at Augustus and then at Tychus.

"Sarah, what happened?" Augustus knew that only the most urgent situation he had warned could force Kerrigan to break in.

"Hello, Patriarch, Executor, please forgive me for being rude. I have something urgent to tell Marshal Augustus." Kerrigan first apologized to Rashagar and others before printing out a copy using a micro printer. The documents were delivered to Augustus.

"Augustus is the leader of the Human Revolutionary Army. What important matters must be reported to him immediately?" Tassadar asked speculatively.

"Are those Federation humans coming to trouble you again?"

"You told me that I must tell you any news about Blackxis immediately." Kerrigan stared into Augustus's eyes: "Whether you are dining or flirting with a woman I don't know? "

"Marshal, the investigation team we sent to the edge world of Blackxis of the Tyranid Federation two weeks ago reported back that an unidentified powerful military force occupied the planet in a very short period of time on May 19th. Capital city.”

"The United Earth Council dispatched an expeditionary force to announce that they have conquered the entire Black Sith in the name of humanity. The UED's iron fist will wipe out the Koprulu sector to ensure..." She paused here.

"Ensuring that humans, not zerg or protoss, continue to dominate the galaxy."

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