"To make sure that humans, not zerg or protoss, continue to dominate the galaxy."

When Augustus returned to the office of the governor of the settlement at Hagy, documents from the Revolutionary Army and the Umoyan United Intelligence Agency were already piled on his desk.

"Our intelligence comes from three weeks or more ago, when the fleet of the United Earth Directorate (UED) had already occupied the entire Black Sith planet."

The convection heater in the office of the governor of the settlement was delivering warm air. Amidst the subtle hum of the fan, Augustus leaned back on his seat and folded his fingers on his chest, looking at the table that had already been turned over. files many times.

"Considering the long distance between Blackheath and Haji, the delay in news is unavoidable," he said.

"Jimmy, if you are the commander of these earthlings, your mission is to defeat the Tyranid Federation as quickly as possible with the least loss, and gain control of its subordinate colonies. Tell me, how should you command these people? A battle.”

Augustus sat up straight, picked up an electromagnetic pistol on his desk, and disassembled and reassembled the electromagnetic accelerator and battery components of the pistol, and filled the magazine with heavy bullets.

"We are the rebel army, Augustus. This is like asking me how to change a diaper for my child." Revolutionary Army General Jim Raynor was standing opposite the desk. He was wearing dark gray power armor. It seems that he is ready to embark on the battlefield at any time.

Renault's power armor has the white Wings of Liberty and Demon of Heaven standards, and the right shoulder armor also has a snake-like texture with rattlesnake skull spines connected, which makes this rebel officer look even more intimidating.

"If I have a fleet and equipment like the Earthlings, then why waste time in the edge world? Go directly into Tarsonis and kill the Federation Council and those nobles. Everything will be solved." Raynor replied.

"Then our job will be simple. The Revolutionary Army will transform into the legal government of the Terran Federation. The rest will be to recover the colonies that lost contact in the first full-scale war and completely quell the counterattack from the old parties and minions of the Federation. "

"I think if the purpose of the United Earth Council is the same as ours, then the process will be very different."

"Jimmy, we don't know how many battleships and spaceships the Earth Expeditionary Force has full of Earth soldiers. Of course, we have no way of knowing the true strength and strategy of this Earth fleet." Augustus said to Renault.

"If the Earth Expeditionary Force does have the iron fists that you think can destroy everything, then they can indeed hit Tarsonis directly."

"But now it seems that people on Earth didn't do that."

Augustus found a highlighted document from the stacks of documents and handed it to Renault: "Look, the first thing they did after they captured Blackxis was to invade the Tyranid Federation command center. Database stolen weapons blueprints.”

"Then, in less than 48 standard hours, they captured the Dellarian Orbital Shipyard on Della IV. There were many Umoyan agents in the Dellarian Shipyard, and they finally reported The message back to Umoyan Prime showed that there are at least 35 Behemoth-class battlecruisers under construction in this shipyard and an unknown number of new battleship prototypes." He asked, staring into Renault's eyes.

"I once announced to the staff that the Earth Expeditionary Force's next target must be the Dalarian Shipyard, and now they all regard me as a military god."

"They're right, I think so too." Renault shrugged: "God knows how you did it."

"Do you remember this place? The military leader of the Earth Expeditionary Force must be well versed in the importance of speed." Augustus smiled.

"Four years ago we visited the Federation's Delarian Shipyard and almost completely blew it up before leaving." Renault pulled up a chair and sat down, reaching for a cup of Augustus. Just brewed coffee.

"Each experience leads to wisdom. Later, the Federal Congress allocated funds to rebuild the Delarian Shipyard and deployed ten times more guards than in the past. I really don't know how the people on earth managed to capture this place, which is even more guarded than the New Folsom Prison. In a strict place?"

"I only know that the Federation Navy will never be able to wash away the shame of the Delarian Shipyard in this life. First it was turned upside down by a group of rural rebels, and now people on earth are also rushing to visit." Augustus said to The Confederate navy was astonished at its incompetence.

"Admiral Gather Duke was disgraced and the dominance of the Confederate navy was viewed as a joke."

Rational analysis shows that since the Federal Navy has already experienced a battleship being robbed once, they will at least not be robbed a second time in such a short period of time.

"It seems that the Federation must have lost many more battleships this time than they claimed." Renault couldn't help laughing as he skipped a few ridiculous numbers and words like oil tanker.

"Since the Zerg invasion began, the Federation has been continuously increasing its investment in expanding the fleet, spending almost all of the output of the settlement and the indemnity of the Kaimorian Federation on this." He said.

"Well now, these new warships that are enough to deal with the zerg and protoss have all fallen into the hands of the earthlings. At least, this is not all bad news for us."

The production capacity of the Tyranid Federation battlecruisers has mainly increased in three periods. First, during the Kailian Guild War from 2485 to 2489, many of the Behemoth-class battlecruisers that were put into large-scale production during this period fell into into the hands of the revolutionary army.

Most of the battlecruisers produced between 2490 and 2492 to suppress the rebels and maintain their rule suffered heavy losses in the First Total War. Now, the battlecruisers produced to deal with the threats of protoss and zerg have been replaced by The Earth Expeditionary Force intercepted Hu.

"The Tyranid Federation is currently in the midst of a new round of war. Most of the Federation fleet has been deployed to deal with the Earth Expeditionary Force on fringe planets such as Blackxis." Augustus opened a wooden box on the Governor's desk. The holographic projector projects the complete star map of the Koprulu star region.

"Before the Federation and the people on Earth smash their brains, we can continue to advance the process of liberating the marginalized worlds - anyway, the Federation doesn't care about these impoverished 'mud planets'. It doesn't matter, I care."

"Are we completely ignoring the war between the Earth Expeditionary Force and the Federation?" Reno put the document back on the desk and said to Augustus.

"In any case, we should side with the Tyranids and deal with those Earth guys." He said.

"Our ancestors struggled for a hundred or two hundred years to build everything we have now. The United Earth Council has done nothing to help us. Why should we come to take back the colonies now?"

"Even if we help the Federation kill the Earth Expeditionary Force, the Federation Council and the Creation Family will still try their best to remove my head." Augustus shook his head, as if someone had really chopped his slender neck. One knife.

"Being courteous to the Federation is disgusting to me, and there is no need for it. The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army rose up in response to my call to overthrow the Federation. I will not and will never be merciful to the Federation," he said.

"My attitude must be very clear. This man named Augustus Mengsk will not stop until the Tyranid Federation is defeated. He will accept surrender, but he will never accept the political compromise of dividing the Federation."

"Cooperating with the Federation also makes me sick." Renault shrugged: "But I'm worried that if the Earthlings defeat the Federation and gain a firm foothold, and wait for the follow-up fleets from the Earth to arrive one after another, we will have no choice. Recovering the lands lost to the Confederacy.”

"I mean, maybe we have to create some obstacles for the people on Earth so that they can't solve the Federation so smoothly. It's better to lose both sides."

"You're right, Jimmy." Augustus has always been good-natured: "But before that, I have to get in touch with the commander of the Earth Expeditionary Force to see if they need 'help' from the Korhal Revolutionary Army. .”

"At least we all have a common enemy."

"Haha, you are such a despicable guy." Renault said: "What if they look down on these kittens of the Revolutionary Army at all?"

"If the people of Earth really need our support, it means that they are not sure of defeating the Tyranid Federation on their own. At that time, we can still cooperate." Augustus said: "But don't expect the revolutionary army to help Earth solve the problem. After the Federation is overthrown, they will help us establish a political power. People on Earth do not need a puppet government to rule the Koprulu sector."

"In other words, since this expeditionary force does not have the power to solve everything with overwhelming force, then we can still defeat them."

In the original timeline, when the fleet of the United Earth Council entered the Koprulu sector, it was just after the Tyranid Federation's capital planet Tarsonis was wiped out by the Zerg attack. A large number of Federation fleets were at that time. Situated between the swarm of insects and Tarsonis, it was submerged by the vast sea of ​​​​insects without causing a single wave.

At this time, the Earth Expeditionary Force faced the severely injured Tyranids and the Tyranid Empire that Arcturus Mengsk had just built on the ruins of the Federation. The new empire was filled with former rebels. After the humiliating defeat of Edmund Duke at the Dalarian Shipyards, the Tyranid Empire was almost powerless to fight back.

However, the current Earth Expeditionary Force is still facing a powerful Tyranid Federation. Although the zerg and protoss destroyed many Federation fleets, the Federation, which relied on Tarsonis and many core worlds to retain its strength, was still not comparable to the desperate Tyranid Empire.

It will never be that easy for the Earth Expeditionary Force to defeat the Tyranid Federation.

"What if the people on Earth sneer at us?" Renault asked.

"Despising us will make them pay an unimaginable price." Augustus stood up and stood with his hands behind his hands: "No matter what, I hope that after this war is over, the Federation and the Earth Expeditionary Force will disappear forever."

"I really don't know how many people have died." Renault sighed: "The endless war bugs are threatening all human lives, but we are still killing each other?"

"Unless everyone obeys one leader and one order, this kind of chaos will never end." He said:

"I had planned to go back to Umoyan to see my wife and children, but now it can't be done."

"I have a hunch, Jimmy, you will definitely be able to take a long vacation after this is over." Augustus turned the holographic projector upside down and showed Renault the battle star map on it.

"Now, I need you to take a fleet to Char and deal with the new master with the protoss." He told Renault.

"I will hand over to you the Norad II, Ragnarok, Jotun, and the Victory and Son of Antiga that were just built from the Antiga star port dock. At the same time, Ward and Jaco's troops will also be handed over to you. I leave it to you to command. Most of the fleet is composed of battle-hardened veterans, and most of them have experienced the war in Far Far Ayr."

"After you arrive in Char, the first thing you should do is to seize Char's high-altitude orbital platform and establish a base to prepare for long-term operations in Char." Augustus said.

"I have a hunch that the brainworm Dagos will do his best to protect the new master. This will be an extremely difficult battle."

"I know that those who are capable work hard." Renault accepted the appointment with confidence, feeling that this would not be more unbearable than the cruel battles he had experienced in the past.

"I want someone from you."

"Tychus? Okay." Augustus nodded.

"Oh, it's not that guy, it's Colonel Pryor of the Sara System Assault Division." Renault shook his head.

"No, I still have tasks to delegate to him." Augustus said, "I'll give Tychus to you. He alone can hold up to a thunder beast."

"No need for Tychus, he can't even wipe the deck well." Raynor emphasized how much Tychus disliked dogs.

"What dissatisfaction do you have with Tychus?" Augustus frowned.

"I knew you had bad intentions." Renault patted his butt and prepared to leave.

"Oh, good afternoon, Lieutenant Kerrigan, Augustus is here." Raynor was about to walk out when he bumped into Kerrigan walking into the governor's office.

"General, I just received a letter from Lady Elizabeth from Umoyan." Kerrigan took out a pile of letters from her document bag, including one for Raynor.

"This is the best news I heard today." Renault took the letter and couldn't wait to open it and read it. When he saw the photos of his parents, wife and son, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

"This is for you. It's from Lady Catherine and Dorothy. Well, your brother Arcturus also wrote to ask why his brother hasn't written to him at all during this time." Kerrigan added Put a stack of letters on your desk.

"I'm sorry, Arcturus, I completely forgot about you." Augustus seemed to think for a moment, opened the letters from his mother and sister, and put Arcturus's aside first.

"Any more news about the Earth Council?"

"There are some. We have learned that the Earth Expeditionary Force that landed on the edge world of Black Sith is loyal to the United Earth Council - Umoyan military analysts and historians point out that this is likely to be an organization that actually controls the Earth. The vast bureaucracies of its sister colonial worlds," Kerrigan replied.

"After all, before the four colonial motherships from the Earth arrived in the Koprulu sector, the Earthlings had already established colonies in the solar system where the Earth is located. Umoyan scholars who advocate the power of the United Earth Council believe that this is a gain Opportunities of advanced technology coming from the earth, the ancient home of mankind, I believe that the earth is the hope of mankind."

"The harder they brag about the United Earth Council, the more funds they will get from the Umoyan Council." Augustus commented.

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