StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 425 This person is by no means an ordinary person

Blackxis, on the frontier of the Tyranid Federation, is an icy world of ice and snow. 60% of its land is covered by ice and snow. The continent-sized ice sheet is raging with downdrafts caused by downdrafts with speeds exceeding 150 miles per hour. Strong wind.

If Char is a hell on earth filled with magma oceans, volcanic ash and the smell of sulfur, then Blackxis is the other extreme. The glacier continent, blizzards and biting cold give this planet other meanings - a piece of the universe. An ice cone etched by pain, a white hell that even freezes the sky.

When the first immigrants of the Tyranid Federation set foot on Blackxis and the surrounding planets, the hungry and cold people went through hardships to take root in this ice and snow world where the average temperature was always minus 60 degrees Celsius.

The lack of high-energy gas resources in Blackheath forces the immigrants to find other sources of heat to maintain the most basic life and resist the extreme natural climate that can destroy the immigrants' homes.

Therefore, the immigrant settlements in Blackxis are mainly concentrated in several settlements based on high-energy gas refineries, mining facilities, and polar research stations.

Bolalis is the largest settlement in Blackxis and a steel city that stands tall in the wind and snow. It is built on a vast plain, among the planet's rugged icy cliffs and deep valleys.

On the edge of the city of Polaris rules stand immigrant floor-to-ceiling houses covered with layers of white snow. Refined gas field boilers burned in gold and bronze deliver heat and electricity to the buildings throughout the city and the street lights on the narrow roads.

The Governor's Palace of the Federal Governor of Blackxis is a silver tower built in the center of Bolalis. The lights and antennas on the top of the tower can provide communication guarantees for transport ships sailing between various settlements.

There used to be a red and blue star flag of the Terran Federation on the Governor's Mansion of the Immigration Territory, which indicated that Black Sith was still loyal to the Federation as it was in the past, and was not involved in Augustus Mengsk's rebellion that swept through many marginal colonies. There was no wavering in the revolutionary fervor.

However, at the Governor's Mansion, a black and red flag was fluttering in the biting cold wind. On this hunting flag, a golden eagle with five stars on its head stands majestically above the earth.

The people of Earth, they and their stories have long become distant history among the humans in the Koprulu Sector. Only teachers will mention a few words about the ancient Earth when they mention human beings' achievements in humanities, arts and natural sciences.

Even Admiral Gerald Dugar (The Hand of Man), the top commander of the expeditionary force who has been fighting for many years, has to admit that despite the freezing temperatures and endless polar storms, the waves The glaciers and frost-covered sky outside Lalis turned out to be particularly charming.

Outside the glass window facing the gate of the Blackxis Colony Governor's Mansion is the frost-covered ice field southwest of Polaris City. The signal tower and camp of the United Earth Council Expeditionary Force extend for ten miles from south to north. Under the dark blue sky, the expeditionary force station was connected by rows of anti-aircraft towers, anti-aircraft guns and plasma cannons, like countless cold sharp blades stuck in the snow.

"Alexei, some people say that you hunted a naked falcon on the Ursadong plains of Blackxis and killed an arctic bear-toothed beast with your bare hands and just vodka. I'm thinking now that this is probably true. , because it deserves scrutiny.”

General Gerald Dugar was wrapped in a heavy black coat, and medals hung from the buttonholes of his dark brown military uniform. He wears a .50 caliber C-150 Ronin pistol on his waist. This incredibly powerful pistol can cut off the back of an Earth bison with one shot.

Admiral Dugar is a formidable iron-blooded figure. He has a solid build and stands as straight as a tombstone. Dugar's lean and thin face has a pair of deep-set, resolute eyes. He is calm and extremely majestic. No council soldier dares to challenge the authority of the general.

The general was strict and cold, and he had never smiled since he appeared in front of the soldiers. Even the funniest clown performing in front of Gerald Dugar can't soften the corners of his cold mouth, and even the greatest tragedy can't make this iron-blooded soldier cry.

Based solely on his numerous glorious victories, Gerald Dugar may also be one of the greatest military leaders on the Earth Council. For most of his service life, up to the age of fifty-six, Dugal had been fighting against Earth's enemies.

He is a persevering and consummate soldier, and the dignitaries, politicians and visionary leaders of the United Earth Council almost unanimously believe that Dugar is the best person to lead the Earth Expeditionary Force.

When the alien threat first appeared to the predecessors of the Earth Council, they quickly reorganized into a powerful and powerful government. The Earth attaches great importance to the purity of human genes. They believe in the concept of human supremacy and hate all genetic modifications and alien creatures.

As Earth continues to expand its solar empire across the galaxy, threats from aliens and colonial rebellions have never been able to defeat Earth's government.

Since the threat of the zerg and protoss emerged, the Earth government has summoned their most outstanding soldiers with their usual iron fist and force, vowing to eliminate Earth's enemies from the outside.

"Gerald, what I was supposed to tell you was that our fleet was heading straight in. The illegal government forces of the Terran Federation abandoned their armor and fell thousands of miles away. The descendants of the exiles in Tarsonis, who pride themselves on being noble, are in panic all day long." Alek Lieutenant General Shei Stukov had just opened the door of the Governor's Office, and a few crystal snowflakes fell on the sides of his thick leather boots.

Alexei Stukov was much younger than Admiral Dugar and more agreeable in comparison. The soldiers of the Earth Expeditionary Force could to some extent see the witty humor in this bearded man's speech and the unrestrained demeanor of having everything under control. The soldiers all respected him and were impressed by Stukov's foresight and foresight. In military wisdom.

No one would underestimate the man who is always holding a tall glass of wine and vodka, and the bronze Gamma Shield badge he received is a testament to his courage. Stukov was a wise general who always smoked while calculating the outcome of the war. When the ashes fell, the leader of the rebel army was hanged in front of the Council headquarters in Cairo.

Stukov is gentle and easy-going, which he prefers to attribute to being a father of four.

"But, I didn't kill the Braxis beartooth, and I don't have any good news to tell you." Stukov lighted his cigarette and didn't pay much attention to his old friend's frown.

"The Terran Federation government responded quickly. They mobilized at least forty battlecruisers and countless fighters to recapture the Delarian Shipyard. Our fleet avoided the Federation's pursuit, but the Federation fleet's The threat remains." He paced the sunwood-panelled floor of his office in the Governor's Palace.

"There is something wrong with our intelligence. The zerg and protoss did not severely damage the Tyranid Federation, and their fleet commander is not a complete fool."

Stukov's tone became more serious, furious with the intelligence service responsible for monitoring the Koprulu sector. In the original plan, the Tyranid Federation should not be an obstacle, and the real enemies of the expeditionary force should be the zerg and protoss.

"In other words, our plan to invade Tarsonis, the capital of the Terran Federation, has to be postponed." Stukov finally said.

"This is dangerous news for us. The expedition is far away from the earth, and its logistics and personnel supplies are as long as 60,000 light years. This means that we also have to recruit the local population and resources." He said: "When the Federation is bloated If the administrative machinery fully reacts, the expeditionary force will fall into an embarrassing dilemma."

"What do the council think? If we can use local weapons, why do we need to deal with the federal fleet?"

"No one knows, and no one questions it." Dugar said: "Be loyal to the Council and humanity, and leave the rest to war. The Terran Federation will surely fall like the sun."

"Son of a bitch's war." Stukov put one hand in his pocket, walked to Dugar's side, and looked at the wind and snow outside the window of the Governor's Palace.

In the distance are mountains piled with ice and snow one after another, as if they were made of snow. The wind mixed with ice and snow blew by in bursts, the dim horizon was covered with a layer of black clouds, and several shocking blue lightning flashes across the sky. Anyone who has lived in Blackheath long enough knows that a storm is about to hit. .

Several towering pyramid-shaped buildings can be vaguely seen on the horizon, and they are all ancient buildings of the Protoss colony. This is an icy blue-white planet that is not suitable for most life known to mankind, but mysterious and ancient ruins are buried under the glaciers.

The protoss may have tried to change the climate of Braxis, but they eventually left.

In the sky as far as the eye could see, four Valkyrie frigates were passing through dense storm clouds, the blue flames of their thrusters piercing the frozen sky.

"War is a demon, and we are the ones who unleash it," he said.

"Do the Tyranids think we are still wandering around in such a small frontier place? This is just misleading. Blackxis is a strategic location for us to dominate the Koprulu sector, and these fortifications are proof of that."

"However, if our warp engine is more advanced and faster than the Tyranids', we can take the lead." Stukov smiled.

"If everything goes well, when the Federation fleet attacks Braxis, they will suddenly realize that our fleet has arrived in Tarsonis."

"We have a huge fleet - far larger than the Tyranid Federation imagined." Dugar stood with his hands folded: "Char and Al are our ultimate goals, and we must control the new master Black Flag plan. Start on time.”

"To be honest, I'm not very optimistic about the plan to control the zerg to fight for humanity - our knowledge of this race only remains on the autopsy table."

"It is the wise man's business to drive wild beasts," Stukov told Dugar.

"Sir, Dr. Narud wants to see you." At this time, a soldier wearing a dark military uniform walked in, and the wing logo on his shoulder indicated that he was a soldier of the Kronos Wing.

"Oh, Dr. Narud, that genius scientist?" Stukov said immediately: "Let him in."

"I said that if we want to deal with the zerg and protoss, such outstanding local scientists are indispensable."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white old man in a suit and leather shoes, with his hair neatly slicked back, walked in. Of course, there is no need to wear thick thermal clothing in the Governor's Mansion, but this look is not common in Marshal Dugar's headquarters, where they are all soldiers.

Dr. Narud is said to be an expert in xel'naga technology and zerg protoss physiology.

Although Dr. Narud is now a slow-moving old man, it does not prevent him from having a heart to resist the tyranny of the Tyranid Federation. When Dugal's Earth Expeditionary Force first met Narud, he was commanding a Federation resistance force.

Since Dr. Narud is also a local and senior military expert who knows the Tyranid Federation well, he was also hired as Admiral Dugar's tactical advisor.

"Our research on the Xel'Naga and Protoss architectural ruins in Blackxis has been basically completed, and the research results will definitely be used in battleships and weapons." Dr. Narud is a staunch anti-federalist.

When the Earth Expeditionary Force set foot on Blackxis, Narud, who happened to meet the expeditionary force, almost shouted "The King's Army is finally here" and couldn't wait to join the Earth Alliance Army.

"Also, I have some information here about the Terran Federation's psychic transmitters and psychic disruptors. It is reported that they are sealed under the main city of Tarsonis."

"You did a great job," Dugar said to Dr. Narud. "As much as I hate deserters, you are clearly not one of them. You have proven your loyalty to the Council, and loyalty will always prevail." get payback."

"Psychic disruptors and psionic transmitters are crucial if the Tyranid Federation uses them to deal with us." When Stukov was about to say something, the holographic projector on the desk lit up.

"A communication request?"

"Oh, that was from the Keha Revolutionary Army. A few days ago, their people contacted me and claimed that their leader, Marshal Augustus, wanted to talk to me." Dugar mentioned the word marshal. Shi shook his head.

"This is the largest and most powerful rebel organization known to the Tyranid Federation."

Due to its remote location, Braxis has never been affected by the Guild War, Korhal's Rebellion and the first all-out war with aliens. Even pirates rarely visit this extremely cold planet.

However, considering that Blackxis always needs to trade with other surrounding colonial planets and the core world of the Tyranid Federation in exchange for necessary supplies, it is not isolated from the world and blocked from information.

Blackxis was not completely ignorant of the rebel Korhal rebels and Augustus Mengsk.

"Hello, Admiral Gerald Dugar, I am Augustus Mengsk." When the screen lit up, a handsome man with gray hair and gray eyes appeared. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and his aura was far superior. Federal Governor of Blackheath.

"Sorry, did you forget to add 'respected' before this? Marshal Augustus Mengsk." Stukov looked at the gray-haired man behind the screen, thinking that this ridiculous self-proclaimed marshal actually looked at He also looks extraordinary.

"I think that humble and polite people on Earth would not impose the red tape of the civilized world on uncivilized savages, sir." Augustus looked at Stukov.

"Haha... I like you." Stukov took a serious look at Augustus and determined that this person was by no means an ordinary person.

"Uh-" Dr. Narud smiled awkwardly and said to Dugar.

"This is a confidential meeting. I wonder if I should leave."

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