StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 430 Ghost Supervisor

Amidst the hissing sound of the hydraulic device, the door in front of Augustus, with its silver nails embedded with precision sensors and psychic isolation equipment, slowly opened.

This heavy alloy steel gate is three feet thick and weighs several tons. Even if it is operated by a dozen machinists using a laser cutting machine that collects crystal deposits, it will take more than half an hour of continuous work to cut it.

An ordinary human prisoner is completely unworthy of doing this, unless there is a monster inside that can tear apart the cage.

When the gate was about to open, following the order of Corporal Faraday, the captain of the marshal's guard, a group of guard soldiers in gold-red power armor stood in front of Augustus holding AGR-14 electromagnetic rifles. This kind of power Powerful electromagnetic weapons can break people into pieces with just one salvo.

In the rising white steam, a man with his pants down to his ankles who was sitting on the toilet reading a newspaper suddenly appeared in front of Augustus.

This prison cell is not too small. There is only a steel wire bed, a pair of tables and chairs, and a toilet facing the door in the huge space. This strange layout may be due to the multiple expansion and reinforcement of the cell. In the end, It should start out as only a quarter of the size it is now.

The man raised his face from behind the newspaper. His messy light blond hair hid a pair of sharp cobalt blue pupils. Those impressive eyes turned and finally stopped on the row of marshal's guards in front of Augustus:

"Hey guys, it's a bit early today."

"Sit there and don't move. If you dare to move a finger, I will tell you to eat bullets." Tychus Finley took out a P-220 electromagnetic pistol and neatly completed the steps of loading the bullet and opening the safety. The scarred face trembled with his movements.

"Okay, don't shoot. We're one of our own." The man sitting on the toilet said with a sideways glance at Tychus.

"Sarco Angelini, level 10 psyker." Augustus looked into those cobalt blue eyes without giving in.

"I am Augustus Mengsk, the leader of the Korhal Revolutionary Army. Now, my men have just broken into New Folsom Prison, and you have regained your freedom."

"The Tyranid Federation has fallen? This is worthy of me having a drink to celebrate." The man named Sacco Angelini looked at Augustus, with joy in his voice.

"So, you are the new ruler of the Tyranid Federation? Augustus Mengsk, are you here today to trample the entire world under your feet?"

For two minutes, Augustus remained silent, as if deep in thought. Seeing his appearance, the people around him stopped talking. However, Angelini opposite had a strong psychological quality and was still sitting on the toilet waiting for Augustus' answer.

"The Terran Federation is still alive, but it is just lingering." In the end, Augustus seemed to have already thought about how to deal with the man in front of him: "I want to know why you are locked up here."

Augustus continued: "I have reviewed the information about you in New Folsom Prison-level seven top secret, even Cha Sara's Zerg invasion is only level five."

"The strange thing is that your criminal record is almost as empty as your experience at Tarsonis Ghost Academy."

"It's very simple. The nobles of Tarsonis feel that such an unstable factor in the Ghost Academy is too dangerous. After all, the Ghost Academy is right under their noses." Angelini didn't mind answering Augustus's question , judging from the current situation, New Folsom has completely fallen into the hands of Augustus.

Angelini had no chance of escaping from Augustus' men. There were at least two psychic reactions nearby that he couldn't ignore, one of which was even more powerful than himself.

He thought about it, he was probably the only one in the world.

"In addition, I am not willing to help the federation kill people. Later, the people of the Ghost Project wanted to use my ability to help them figure out the abilities of the new admissions to the academy - mostly children whose parents were coaxed and intimidated by the federal government. He was forced to send his children to the ghost academy through all possible means of plunder."

"These children are immature mentally and are afraid of their own abilities. At this time, the people of the Ghost Project can select suitable candidates for the academy through unethical experiments, and the remaining people will have their brains cut off and be killed. Implant cancer cells to observe the changes in children, or dismantle and reuse them like lambs in a slaughterhouse." There was almost no emotion or ups and downs when he spoke.

"And I was once one of those kids, so I once again refused to serve the Federation. They tried to control me with a psychic suppressor, but in the end they were just asking for trouble."

"In the end, I beat Major Rum, the instructor of the Ghost Academy, and they sent me here. Indeed, New Folsom is indeed the only place in the universe that can hold me."

"What he said is true, I can testify." At this time, Sarah Kerrigan removed the working state of the pseudo-environmental refraction suit and appeared on the left hand side of Augustus.

"Hello, Kerrigan, the best student the Ghost Academy of Tarsonis has ever produced." Sacco Angelini smiled.

"You know him?" Augustus asked Kerrigan.

"I don't know him, but I know Instructor Rum. It was that demon who trained me to be the cruelest killer in the world. I vowed to kill him for revenge." Kerrigan replied.

"He trained me so well." She said almost through gritted teeth.

"When I take Tarsonis, he will be at your disposal," Augustus said.

"Okay, you've got the answer you want. In other words, where are you going to move me to and lock me up next? Or kill me on the spot," Angelini said.

"Very well, Mr. Angelini, since you are not a sinful person, I will give you two choices." He said.

"First, I hope you can join the Korhal Revolutionary Army and become a psychic warrior under my command, overthrowing the infinity that has been given to you. If you are not interested in what I just said, then I will give you a second choice :free."

"." Sacco Angelini, who was sitting on the toilet, was still holding the crumpled newspaper with a stern expression - to this day, paper newspapers have already declined badly under the impact of electronic books, but it It still firmly occupies a place in the market.

"You mean I don't have to stay in New Folsom anymore?" Angelini said after a few minutes.

"This thing is slowly getting interesting. The people from the Ghost Project imprisoned me like a starving lion in a stable, but you want to let the tiger go?"

"There's so much nonsense. Just leave as soon as I ask you to leave." Tychus didn't realize that he was quite like a weakling in front of a big shot. Of course, this freewheeling chicken didn't care either.

"Yes, I will send you back to your hometown. From now on, you don't even have to be anonymous. As long as you don't hurt others, you can do whatever you want." Augustus said sincerely.

"I mean, you no longer need to work for anyone in any government." Augustus waved his hand and said: "As I said, you are free, Sacco Angelini, the world is big, you You can go anywhere.”

"If you release this kind of person, there may be big trouble. He is a nuclear bomb that can detonate at any time, and how do you know whether he will use his superpowers to do bad things." Tychus said at this time .

"That's not what you said." Augustus shrugged.

"You are such an interesting person. To be honest, I can't tell whether you are hypocritical and want to win people's hearts, or whether you are simply kind-hearted." Angelini smiled self-deprecatingly.

"No one has ever been so kind to psykers. The Confederacy imprisoned us, tortured us, and tortured us to the utmost to unlock every ounce of psychic potential in our bodies." He shook his head.

"But what do you think I can do now that I'm no longer a federal killer? The first half of a ghost agent's life is a tragedy, and it's no longer possible for them to turn back into ordinary people after that."

"I choose the first one." Angelini didn't believe that Augustus would let him go.

"I am a federal ghost agent who is proficient in human psychic abilities and can be said to be an expert in this field. Moreover, I have a unique ability, that is, I can see the special abilities of other telepaths." He said .

"You don't even need to pay a salary to hire a psychic expert. Not only can I help you train new ghost agents, but I can also deal with hostile telepaths, such as the ghosts of the Terran Federation and the Umoyans. The shadow warrior."

"I don't need a salary, Mr. Augustus, as long as you still let me be responsible for the work related to the Ghost Academy." Angelini stared at Augustus's eyes, as if he wanted to get out of those cold gray eyes. See more in your eyes. But there is a bottomless pool, and ordinary people will only sink deeper and deeper into it: "But I have to say, this is too black-hearted."

"You really don't want to regain your freedom and wander around in the Koprulu sector. Or settle down, start a family, try to be a husband and father, and grow like dandelion seeds somewhere with soil. Take root on the planet." To be honest, Augustus really wanted to recruit Angelini.

Just like what Angelini said, he can train powerful psyker warriors for Augustus in the future. Augustus had planned to establish a ghost military academy in Korhal IV, and Angelini was almost the most suitable candidate for the principal of the ghost military academy.

An extremely rare level 10 psyker, the last of only three top-level psykers among humans besides Nova and Kerrigan.

Sacco Angelini was also an instructor at the Tyranid Empire's Ghost Military Academy in the original timeline, responsible for training future ghost agents for the Emperor. As the top psyker, Angelini is extremely powerful and dangerous, but he is the kind of person who has a clear conscience and will act according to the rules and regulations, and is definitely not one of those poor souls driven crazy by the Federation's abuse.

"Are you serious?" Angelini's blue eyes seemed to be shining. Generally speaking, few people can resist the probing thoughts of a telepath without carrying psychic shielding equipment.

However, just when Angelini almost counted the number of Augustus' eyelashes, he still had not figured out what this thoughtful man was thinking.

"No, no, no, no, I won't be fooled by you." Angelini thought he had guessed Augustus.

"As soon as I choose the second one, you'll beat me to death from behind."

"I can't understand your tolerance for these federal ghost agents. They are dangerous." Arcturus Mengsk came to Augustus at this time. In a position where others could not see him, he hid under his helmet. The lower throat moved. Ever since his father, Angus Mengsk, was nearly killed by a Confederate Ghost agent, Arcturus has always had lingering fears about this terrifying super psychic warrior.

It is true that Arcturus wishes to harness the power of psykers, but he is always wary of being harmed by them.

"Level 10 psyker? It is said that this kind of freak can use his mental power to lift a sixty-ton tank and smash it on you. Or, he can order an entire company in an instant The man turned the gun and shot himself in the head and his boss." Arcturus tried to pull Augustus behind him, just like he had protected him behind him when facing the Korhal Hound as a child.

But soon, Arcturus realized that his brother was no longer a little boy who needed his protection. He was strong and brave, the leader of the revolutionary army and the ruler of more than six colonies.

Arcturus would proudly say that Augustus Mengsk was a better man than himself.

In other words, if this top psyker attacks at this moment, Arcturus can only hope that the ghosts and ghosts of Augustus who are hiding in the shadows can control this monster.

"If it were me, I would kill all the federal ghost agents and train myself personally." Arcturus said.

"That's a shame." Augustus shook his head.

". Regarding the latest information about the Earth Expeditionary Force, they have just appeared on Brontë Prime, less than twenty-four light years away from Tarsonis. The Federation Council of the Tyranid Federation has just issued an order to convene the entire Koprulu sector. The Federation fleet will return to defend Tarsonis." A signal soldier walked up to Augustus at this time and said.

"It seems that the people on earth are advancing incredibly fast. I really want to know their detailed battle plan." Augustus hummed and looked at Angelini in the prison: "We can't delay."

"Get up, Signor Angelini, and let my people find you a place to stay aboard the Hyperion."

Angelini immediately stood up and walked towards Augustus, while the soldiers guarding Augustus took a few steps back unconsciously.

He was surprisingly handsome, with cobalt blue pupils like the deep sea, a high nose bridge, and the outline of his cheeks seemed to be carved out of bronze and chopped with a knife or axe, and his decadent-looking beard only added color to this perfection. Angelini could definitely be on the cover of Tarsonis Tyrone's Valentine's Weekly, and I don't know how many federal ladies and noble ladies would want to scream for him all night long.

"Wait, why are you still using your own psychic powers?" Kerrigan is a psychic master taught by Zeratul and Tassadar. Her nuanced perception of psychic powers has surpassed all known ones. of human beings.

"That is far beyond the energy peak that should be used for psychic sensing. Stop, you can only stay where you are until the explanation is clear."

"Um - this" Angelini never seemed to think Kerrigan would ask this question.

Angelini was convinced that he had never stuttered so badly in his life, and the lies he had concocted in the past were far less despicable than he is now: "I have an ability that ordinary telepaths don't have, and that is the ability to change my appearance. "

As he spoke, Angelini unnaturally touched his light blond hair.

"It sounds like this ability is completely useless now." Tychus said: "What do you have to be ashamed of, or do you actually look exactly like a murderer?"

"Let me be healthy," he said.

"Otherwise I won't be able to let you get close to Augustus, do you hear me clearly? Otherwise I will shoot!"

"Kill me." Angelini swallowed.

"He's bald," Kerrigan whispered to Augustus.

"Okay, don't press him anymore, Tychus." Augustus looked at Angelini's bare hairy legs, and finally added:

"Mr. Angelini, you'd better put your pants on."

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