StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 431 Comrades

"Besides you, who else is locked up here."

Augustus walked along the narrow corridors of the prison, Arcturus and the guards following behind him. The corridor is dimly lit and has a depressing atmosphere. There are heavy doors at regular intervals on both sides. There are only a few small forklift-like four-wheeled cleaning robots walking around like shiny beetles.

"Psychopaths, lunatics, treasonous federal soldiers, rebel leaders from the fringe world, federal government officials who collaborate with the enemy, businessmen who steal federal property, and some engineers and scientists in the top fields, after being arrested and imprisoned, all their research results and property are all owned by some of the founding families of Tarsonis." Saco Angelini, who had just pulled up his trousers, quickly followed Augustus regardless of the vigilant eyes of the soldiers around him.

Sacco Angelini is an extremely powerful psyker, as well as an outstanding psychic agent and expert in combat. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a rare master in the field of psychic power among humans. With powerful psychic powers, Angelini can crush a person's brain tissue in an instant.

"And there are also many Korhal rebels imprisoned here."

Augustus stopped and stood in the middle of the corridor. Several Alpha Squadron sergeants in white power armor dragged a prison guard covered in blood from the other end of the corridor. On their helmets and broad shoulder pads, The blood eagle logo is particularly eye-catching.

Then, one of the Alpha Squadron captains used his broad palms covered with alloy steel gloves to grab the New Folsom Prison warden's head and lift it to the cell. He opened his eyelids and waited until the retinal and gene lock scans were completed before walking to another room. between.

Slowly, criminals wearing dusty gray prison uniforms poked their heads out. They are either skinny, or have dull eyes and dry hair. In the New Folsom Prison where living supplies are scarce, Angelini, who is well-raised, is just a strange flower.

"Marine, are they sending us to the execution ground?" A prisoner with silver hair on his temples came out, with a heroic gesture of generous sacrifice. He had probably been imprisoned for many years, and did not know the newly risen Augustus and his revolutionary army.

"Just do it, soldiers. The merciful God will forgive you. Even if they send a good man loyal to Him to the execution ground, it will not be your fault."

"Man, we are not lackeys of the Federation." Tychus Finley stepped forward and stood like a giant in front of the prisoner.

Tychus pointed to the Revolutionary Army logo on his powered armor: "See clearly, we are the Revolutionary Army, the ones who want to overthrow the Tyranid Federation."

"Did you hear everything clearly?" Arcturus Mengsk was standing next to Augustus, his voice echoing throughout the prison corridor with the aid of amplification equipment.

"We are the Korhal Revolutionary Army. We only do the right thing, which is to fight for justice and freedom for all Tyranid people." He is a natural speaker and instigator, with carefully groomed hair and beard shape Project a very majestic image.

Arcturus was a charismatic leader, and not even Augustus could dim his light.

"We will fight to the last man to overthrow the brutal rule of the Terran Confederacy."

"Gentlemen, we have captured this notorious federal government and punished the butchers who committed heinous crimes. Today is a climax of the revolution and will surely become the most glorious moment in history."

The gathered prisoners trembled with trembling lips, still in disbelief. In all these years, no one has set foot beyond the walls of New Folsom. The Terran Confederation is a ruthless and powerful government. They have won the war against the Kaimorian Consortium and look to be as strong as ever.

When the expected cheers did not appear, Arcturus couldn't help but frowned. These people seemed to have been imprisoned for too long and had become insensitive.

"Is this a farce, or am I really crazy?" A bald man with sickly fair skin stared at the blood on the ground.

"You are just a figment of my mind."

"Where is the Terran Federation?" Another muscular man asked loudly.

"The Federation still rules Tarsonis and many core worlds, but as long as more people like you join the Revolutionary Army, it won't be long before we can completely overthrow it!" Augustus replied.

An earth-shattering explosion came from outside, and the sound of a group of military steel boots stepping on the prison corridor and the doorway of the restricted area was getting closer and closer. The prisoners who finally realized that they had been saved couldn't help but burst into tears. Most of them had lost their families and lost hope for the future, but it was inevitable that they would lose control of their emotions at this time.

Here are all those who are of value to the Tyranid Federation or whose influence is too great to be executed and can only be imprisoned for a long time. Many people used to be regular readers of the UNN Universe News Network and the most popular electronic magazines and weekly magazines. Fame and wealth were once so easy for them.

"Are you their leader?" The white-haired old man from before quickly walked up to Arcturus and asked.

"No, the leader of the Revolutionary Army is my brother Augustus Mengsk." Arcturus said, pointing to Augustus next to him.

"Hello, Mr. Flingard Ken Follett, the father of Tarsonis' second-generation warp engine, the founder of the Tyranid interstellar era, and a great man of that era." Augustus extended his hand. , hold each other tightly:

"I always thought you were a person from the last century, the kind of character who only existed in textbooks."

"Later, your daughter announced that you died in a terrible space-time channel accident, with no bones left."

"Oh, that's a thing of the past." Mr. Follett told his past in a calm tone: "The Kusinis family came to me and wanted me to work for them. I was arrogant at that time. , and didn’t take the people of the Creation Family seriously.”

"I have nothing against the Tyranid Federation, but if you are willing to hire me, then I am willing to devote the few remaining months of my life to my unfinished third-generation warp engine business."

"Of course, that's exactly what I'm going to do," Augustus said.

"Hello, Master, I have read your works. There is no doubt that you are the treasure given to mankind by the galaxy." Arcturus put his arm around Follett's shoulders and handed the latter to a medic.

"If anyone here is released, the Terran Federation will be shaken." Angelini raised his hand in a different direction, implying that he was also a great person.

"Mr. Philip, the last time I saw you was on the UNN news column. They said that you had some kind of strange disease and had to give up your medical laboratory in Tarsonis and go to the sanatorium in Heilsain to recuperate." Augustus came to a man with thin cheeks but lively blue eyes.

"If they call New Folsom Prison a sanitarium." Mr. Philip has always been known to the public as a cheerful and funny medical expert, but now the thin lines on the sides of his nose and cheeks make him look different. Much more gloomy.

"The next time UNN is close to the truth will be when he comes into contact with the truth for the first time." He said to Augustus.

"I'll tell you what happened. In Tarsonis, I developed a new military stimulant to replace the endorphin mixture in the current version and minimize the side effects." Philip said.

"To get a better look at this stimulant, I used it on myself and it felt - surprisingly good."

"Later, my apprentice betrayed me. Later, the federal government declared that my experiments were anti-human. They sent people to raid my laboratory, and finally kicked me to New Folsom."

"Haha, those idiots are short-sighted." In the end, Philip laughed: "They don't even know that the stimulant has flaws. And it's the best idea."

"Always next!"

"Very well, Mr. Philip, if you want to return to your hometown, then we will send you back." Augustus and Arcturus looked at each other: "If you want to stay, then I will send you Offer a position in the Revolutionary Army Biological and Alien Laboratory."

"No, I once had a home in Tarsonis, but it was destroyed by the Federation." Philip was an arrogant person, and he never looked down upon those in power. He has always been mean and sarcastic to his subordinates, friends and even the people around him, but in the end he left laughing after the other person was shaking with anger.

"Wait until you take Tarsonis."

It’s no wonder why no one ever asked Philip about his true whereabouts after he was imprisoned.

"Is your laboratory equipment complete enough? As the ancients said, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice." Mr. Philip obviously still doubted the technological level of the revolutionary army.

This is no wonder Philip. The rebels in the past have always been clowns holding fire sticks in the eyes of the public in the Tyranids.

"Absolutely enough. There are Korhal's most outstanding scientists inside, as well as protoss and zerg for you to study. I believe you will be able to find some inspiration in them." Augustus thought to himself that there was also a noisy one inside. The domestic brainworm, whose ambitions once encompassed the entire galaxy, is now the size of a bedroom.

Cerebrates are one of the most outstanding creations of the Zerg Overlord, and their secrets have been studied by humans for centuries.

"Okay, at least this makes sense." Philip closed one eye and said, "I am not working in your laboratory just to thank you for saving me."

"He is extremely grateful to you," Angelini whispered.

"Stop showing off your telepathic abilities." Kerrigan rolled her eyes.

Kerrigan could only be thankful that Sacco Angelini was a man, otherwise, Augustus would not be swayed by his unique hobby of psykers.

"I thought Marshal Augustus wanted to know other people's thoughts." Angelini shrugged, not daring to provoke the senior sister who the instructor of the Ghost Academy said was the best.

Angelini is a driven psychic who prefers a job teaching rather than wasting his time as a federal executioner. At the same time, being a smart man, Angelini knew never to talk back to his unreasonable boss unless he couldn't help it.

"The Marshal doesn't need to know what other people think," Kerrigan said.

After Augustus dismissed Philip, he turned to the others. The remaining people couldn't wait to tell him about their ups and downs in life, hoping that the leader of the revolutionary army would accept them, at least not leave themselves to die in New Folsom.

Someone who was a hot figure in Tarsonis politics a year ago and five years ago, in a corruption case, mistakenly ignored the hints of a founding family member and refused the other party's huge bribe to do what he wanted. Get to the bottom of it.

Soon, this incorruptible and upright official was discredited for child molestation, and was immediately knocked to the ground by a series of political maneuvers.

There was also someone who was the leader of the Antiga rebels. In a battle many years ago, a federal marine company easily defeated thousands of local rebels and killed almost everyone without mercy.

Just like Angelini said, the people locked up here are the number one enemies of the Tyranid Federation, and they themselves are also a kind of political bargaining chip.

There are approximately sixty people imprisoned in this area of ​​New Folsom, and more than twenty of them have been thrown into prison for offending powerful figures in the Terran Federation or as scapegoats. There are another twelve people who are engineers, scientists, experts in cutting-edge fields such as genetic engineering, body modification, and psychic technology. The Tyranids are involved in all research fields that are expressly prohibited by Earthlings.

The remaining people are more complicated. Among them is a war criminal from the Guild War period. His crime was to surrender a certain mining world of the Terran Federation. It was a time when the Kaimorian Federation was approaching in a big way, and it was impossible to survive in the world that was doomed to be helpless.

In order to save the lives of his soldiers, the Federation general disobeyed the orders of the high command - but every plant and tree on that mining world actually belonged to a huge founding family of Tarsonis.

But in any case, these people are rare and available talents, and they are the talents Augustus most urgently needs. If Augustus was to build a new regime on the ruins of the Terran Confederacy, he would need the help of these people.

There are not many truly vicious thugs in New Folsom Prison, because the Terran Federation doesn't care about the life and death of these dregs of society. The most hated enemies of the Terran Federation are Augustus' loyal friends.

The Federation believed that New Folsom was already impregnable, and even the most daring prison robbers could not get a single hair from New Folsom Prison, but the Augustus Revolutionary Army took it away directly.

Finally, Augustus passed through the crowd and came to a dazed young man with a pair of melancholy light blue eyes. Compared with the white-haired prisoners, he was as young as a child.

The scars left by torture left him unrecognizable, and there are even scars on his head from memory reading surgery.

"Marshal Augustus, I'm sorry." He obviously knew Augustus.

"I was captured at the Battle of Little Atticus. I didn't say a word when the Federation interrogated me, but then they cracked my head open."

"Sergeant Berghoff, Warfield's soldier. You were captured for protecting a family of six belonging to little Atticus." Augustus' words made the revolutionary soldier burst into tears in an instant: " Your company considers you a hero and your hometown of Antiga is proud of you."

"You didn't betray."

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