Planet hoppers took off amid rising thruster air and New Folsom's heat, laden with scrawny prisoners.

This is a wide landing platform in the New Folsom Prison, with a signal tower with radar and signal receiving equipment on it. The transport ships and fighter planes parked on the tarmac were naturally used by the revolutionary army. At this moment, a long line of prison prisoners were quickly boarding the ship and evacuating.

The Xel'Naga spacecraft Eldridge, the only and largest transport ship of the Revolutionary Army, is parked in the twisted and dangerous synchronous orbit of New Folsom. Its size is equivalent to that of a swarm Behemoth. A spaceship that cannot be cast despite achievements in fields such as engineering and materials science.

Today, the Eldridge serves as a supercarrier and carrier-based aircraft platform that supplies the entire Revolutionary fleet, and can absorb tons of firepower when necessary.

"Fighters, no matter where you go, no matter what time, never forget - you are a hero."

Augustus stood next to a small galaxy flea that was about to stow away its stepladder and said to the ship's closing porthole.

"In Antiga, in Umoyan, in Mar Sara, in the lands you have fought and protected, there are a thousand triumphal arches waiting for you, where flowers are in full bloom and flags are placed, where girls wear Dress in silver and white, the people there will welcome you like a hero."

At the porthole, Sergeant Berghoff and other revolutionary soldiers and revolutionaries imprisoned here were looking at Augustus. Each of these warriors was inflicted with inhumane punishments by Terran Confederacy interrogators in the prisons of New Folsom in order to make these young warriors surrender and betray their beliefs.

However, they did not lower their heads until they were tortured like skinned skeletons and souls crying silently.

Now these warriors are wearing the brand-new revolutionary army uniforms brought to them by Augustus, with several medals on their coats. Their hair was also carefully groomed so that the honorable Revolutionary Army soldiers could regain the dignity they had lost in New Folsom Prison.

Some of them were crew members of the Revolutionary Fleet. Their ship was destroyed in the fleet battle, and the lifeboat they were on was captured by a federal warship. Some of them are agents who have sneaked into the core world of the Tyranid Federation or the backbone of the Revolutionary Party who promote revolutionary ideas in the vast federal territory. Their fate after their identity is ruined will not be much better than that of the captured Umoyan spies.

When the spaceship took off, Augustus made a fist with his right hand and placed it flat on his chest. This was not a military etiquette, but a fist-clenching ceremony from the son of Korhal, which symbolized respect for the warriors.

At this moment, both the people on the spacecraft and the Revolutionary Army soldiers standing around all made the same fist-clenching salute, and Arcturus Mengsk was one of them.

"In Umoyan, all the beds in the best hospitals have been prepared, and the most famous doctors and experts are present, but even they cannot heal both physical and mental wounds at the same time." The transport ship flew higher and higher. At that time, Arcturus said to Augustus with his usual calmness.

Arcturus was a quiet and serious man, and his smile was a breath of fresh air. But no one had ever seen this man with a body of steel cry. The tears he was talking about had long since been shed when Korhal IV was destroyed by the Tyranid Federation, and they would never appear again in the future.

"That's the best result." Augustus nodded, with a heavy heart.

Augustus learned that New Folsom Prison held only those who had survived torture, usually less than a hundred for every thousand.

Not all captured revolutionary soldiers have a will of steel. They are also ordinary people with mortal bodies, and their faith cannot suffer for them after all.

Many people succumbed, only asking for happiness from the Federation, and some even surrendered to the government, betraying their former comrades and inflicting on them a thousand times the pain that the Federation had inflicted on them.

Many more people can survive for a few days, and they are either crazy, stupid, or just want to die. After that, the Terran Federation will send these people to the resocialization factory to transform them into federal soldiers who obey orders, and order them to raise their guns and point them at their own people.

No one except the protoss can reverse the resocialization process, and the damage caused by this cruel modification of the brain is also permanent. The transformed Revolutionary Army soldiers lost all memory of the past and were convinced of the false past. They could not question any order given by the federal officers, and they would not hesitate even if they were ordered to shoot their former close friends. .

Those who persisted to the end were sent to New Folsom Prison for custody, waiting to be used as bargaining chips in negotiations with the revolutionary army one day. Most of these people were military officers, staunch Pan-Taylon revolutionaries, fighting heroes and unyielding soldiers. warrior.

More and more shuttles and transport ships flew into the planet's atmosphere in the hot air rising from New Folsom, disappearing in the light of stars that were almost impossible to see directly.

Augustus sighed softly and blamed himself for not coming earlier. Although at that time, the fleet that invaded New Folsom would most likely be besieged by a large number of federal fleets jumping in, bringing more people in.

Duke then asked Augustus via radio communication if he wanted to destroy New Folsom Prison, as his Alpha Squadron was ready to destroy the main fusion reactor and sink most of the platform holding the prison under the magma. Not surprisingly, this earned Augustus a scolding.

Therefore, General Duke, who thought he understood the thoughts of the revolutionary marshal, had no choice but to order his soldiers to continue cleaning the battlefield. The military control area of ​​New Folsom Prison and the armory near the main base are filled with boxes and boxes of weapons and ammunition. More than forty arc-light siege tanks covered by green cloth are parked quietly in the warehouse. middle.

Alpha Squadron received the honor of using these weapons as part of the capture of New Folsom Prison.

"Just like I said before." As more and more transport ships rose into the air, Arcturus, standing next to Augustus, pointed to the high walls in the prison and the towers erected on the road. Bunker clusters and dense air defense missile towers said.

"New Folsom Prison will be the place where you impose punishment on rebels. You should be kind to the people, so they regard you as a wise king. You must also let those who oppose you and betray you know the consequences of their actions."

"Arctorus, it shouldn't be like that - this horrible prison once left such terrible memories for my most valuable warrior." Augustus said.

"It is impossible for everyone to love me, and being awe-inspiring is also a way to rule, but I don't want to be the person who impatiently wants to throw people in jail whenever they hear opposition." He said.

"I decided to stay in New Folsom to give the former rulers of the Terran Federation a home."

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth." Arcturus laughed, and there was no warmth in his laughter: "The Federation has personally built this nightmare-like prison, and they should enjoy it themselves."

"This is the only right I will give them at last," said Augustus.

Speaking of which, the two men from the Mengsk family looked up at the sky at almost the same angle.

"The Federation just happened to offend the most troublesome group of people in the whole country." Sacco Angelini stood on the other side of Augustus, as if he was standing next to a powerful hero, pointing out the country and scolding Fang Qiu.

"Move over, man, you should take a shower. You stink like a worm-infected wretch." Tychus skillfully used his armored butt to push Angelini away. He always tried this trick repeatedly.

"What are you doing?" Angelini thought Tychus had something to report, but when he probed this idiot's brain, which seemed to be filled with corrupt bonito, old Tychus was imagining himself doing a striptease. Disgusting for this powerful psyker - he has indeed done such dishonorable things as mentioned above.

"This position is the exclusive privilege of the Demon of Old Heaven," Tychus said.

"This is the first time I have met someone like you." Angelini quickly realized that Tychus was a bad person and decided that he would have to stay away from this person after working under Augustus.

At this time, almost all the transport ships on the apron had taken off, and the Hercules transport ship carrying the Revolutionary Army engineering regiment and collection facilities occupied the original parking area.

These extremely large transport ships lowered the pull-up hatches of their cargo bays and dispatch bays, and at least a hundred T-280 space engineering vehicles drove to the apron. Under the orders of their respective captains, they lined up and rushed into the target without stopping. Restoration and expansion of the new Folsom Prison.

According to the plan, New Folsom would build additional mines and steel catalyst extraction facilities to meet the surging demand for a variety of steel alloy resources in the Revolutionary Army's shipyards and heavy factories.

Relying on a huge mobile platform floating on the sea of ​​New Folsom Magma Lake, this rusty prison will be built into a new revolutionary army base and fortress, and the vacated cells will be temporarily used to hold the original jailers and Federal soldiers, from now on, this place will also become a nightmare for federal officials.

There is little point in increasing the defense facilities of New Folsom Prison. When war comes, extremely unstable geological movements and lava lakes are likely to cause greater damage to the prison than the enemy.

The main mission of the Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps is to build an orbital defense system, hollow out New Folsom's only satellite to build an unprecedented super shipyard, and directly use New Folsom's abundant resources to build battlecruisers.

Considering the scale of this project, even at the fastest speed it will take five years to build, that is, it will not be put into production until 2499.

Augustus had no intention of using the horrific torture devices at New Folsom Prison to torture Union soldiers, but the jailers and FBI agents who had tortured Revolutionary soldiers were not so lucky.

"Many federal soldiers guarding the prison turned to us at the last moment, claiming they knew nothing about the tragedy inside the prison." A signal soldier walked up to Augustus and reported.

"Lieutenant Colonel Nolan asks you what to do with these Union soldiers."

"If they are willing to join the Revolutionary Army, then I swear that I will treat them the same as I treat all Revolutionary Army soldiers." Augustus thought for a while and said.

"Both the treatment and equipment are in accordance with the standards of the respective troops, and will never be withheld. With the honor of the Mengsk family, I will never let any former federal soldier serve as cannon fodder to attract firepower. When all wars are over, I will It will bring them back home.”

"However, I must undergo a mind-reading test to confirm whether they are pretending to surrender."

"Yes, sir," the signal trooper said.

With the outbreak of the first full-scale war, the continuous wars caused the death rate of the federal army to rise extremely. Even with the support of patriotic enthusiasm, the number of voluntary enlisted soldiers was simply not enough to support the federal protection of the huge colonial world.

In such a situation, the federal recruiting department could only forcefully recruit soldiers. Fraud had no effect at all, so they forced adult males of appropriate age to embark on the battlefield.

This naturally caused an uproar in the Tyranid Federation, because although the Terran Federation treats everyone equally on the surface, they will not recruit the prosperous core world population on a large scale to avoid shaking the economy, which will greatly increase the wealth of the Creation Family. Shrinking in size.

At the height of the war, the Tyranid Federation even sent the entire colonial population destroyed by the zerg into resocialization plants, and then announced that the world's population had been wiped out in the protracted war.

Therefore, Augustus knew that ordinary Union soldiers in the war did nothing wrong, they were just those who were dragged into the battlefield in this era. Many federal soldiers thought they were fighting for justice and honor, but the federation was just using them as cannon fodder.

As for the most elite federal troops, most of them stayed in the core world to guard the rear and the property of the nobles. Those fighting on the front lines were mostly resocialized soldiers who could not think and militias from the edge world who were determined to fight to protect their homeland.

"Although in recent years, with the shortening of recruit training time, the quality of recruits has also been reduced a lot, but after all, they are well-trained professional soldiers rather than local militia." Arcturus pointed out.

"Absorbing these Confederate soldiers would greatly increase our strength - they are simply surrendering to the Ming Dynasty."

"You are right, Arcturus." Augustus nodded, turned and walked towards a shuttle in the center of the apron, with no intention of staying any longer.

"The UED is also ordering the surrendered federal soldiers to fight for them, but compared to the people on Earth, they are definitely more willing to surrender to us who know the basics." He said.

"If the Earthlings' offensive was rapid enough, they must have plundered a large number of people from Brontë Prime to expand their army."

"Marshal, this is an urgent communication, from the flagship of Jim Raynor's expedition to Char." Kerrigan walked towards Augustus at this time, and after the latter nodded slightly, an unfolded triangular bracket was projected forward With the bearded face of Jim Raynor.

"I'm Jim, this is the message I sent back in Char, how do you say that - personally signed by Marshal Augustus Mengsk." This is a video.

"We had a fight with the zerg as soon as we arrived in Char, but we didn't suffer much loss," Raynor said.

"The stars said that the new master has been integrated, but his mind is not yet mature and is in a state of chaos. This is what I want to report to you. Phoenix and I are preparing to make that monster suffer." He finally said: "Everything is fine here, except for the endless volcanic ash getting into my boots and the overwhelming, howling insects."

"I hope it's the same over there."

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