StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 434 Vahalla Prototype Weapon Laboratory

"This is the UNN studio, the largest and best news organization in the Tyranid Federation. Your best choice for understanding first-hand information and truth. I am Doni Vermillion, bringing you Zanadar Prime (zanadar Prime). Prime's live coverage of the riots in the comic book Nova Fortress."

In the officer's bar of the Hyperion, Augustus and Arcturus had just concluded a tense military meeting and once again adjusted their attack route against the main star of Tarsonis.

At this moment, they were sitting behind the same table watching the UNN news recording from a week ago and taking a short break.

In late June, the revolutionary army fleet led by Augustus set sail again on the third day after occupying Onuru Sigma, and penetrated further into the core world of the Tyranid Federation.

Augustus left an army composed of the 11th Polar Chassis Regiment and the 44th and 56th Army Brigades to guard the planet to ensure that the newly appointed colonial government officials could manage and implement new policies more smoothly.

Thereafter, during the counter-offensive war, Onuru Sigma would become a transit point for the Revolutionary Army to transport supplies and replenish warships and troops. Subsequent fleets can stop at Onuru Sigma to replenish their high-energy gas fuel supply.

"This UNN reporter named Donnie is a new face. He should be the son of the old Vermillion." Arcturus was holding a glass of expensive Helsinn wine in his hand, which came from his wine cabinet for many years. collect.

"Do you remember him?" Augustus's taste in wine was different from Arcturus's, and he was tasting a glass of brandy at this time.

On the bar's television screen, a young reporter was updating viewers on the unrest on Zanadar Prime. This young reporter named Doni Vermillion has slicked back, black hair and firm eyes. He is standing next to several Marines of the Federation Omega Squadron standing with guns.

"I remember everyone with a photographic memory," Arcturus said to Augustus: "He is a remarkable talent, one of the few journalists who dares to tell the truth."

"This only means that he will be hidden by the UNN soon." Augustus turned to several Revolutionary Army engineers who were greeting him and nodded.

Usually, the bar of a battlecruiser is only open to officers, because the entertainment facilities on a sky battleship are obviously extremely luxurious and cannot accommodate too many soldiers.

There are no such regulations in the Revolutionary Army. The treatment of soldiers and officers is equal in many aspects, but Revolutionary Army soldiers usually do not have time to come to the bar. Most of them spend their free time training and reading revolutionary books to ensure that their thoughts do not stray away from the wise leadership of Marshal Augustus Mengsk.

Donny Vermillion's live report was quickly replaced by an emergency report, and images of multiple news anchors flashed on the TV screen one after another.

"The Korhal rebels led by Augustus Mengsk launched a full-scale attack on the government forces, and more and more fringe planets lost contact with Tarsonis"

"In response to the rebels' call, the riots on Veridia Prime nearly paralyzed public order on the planet." It is a prosperous, beautiful and densely populated holiday destination.)

"Federal Finance Minister McGregor was previously arrested on charges of assault, murder and possession of prohibited books. Recently, investigators discovered a bright red rebel flag and welcome sign at McGregor's home, which means This will make it more difficult for him to clear himself of the suspicion of betraying federal confidential information and treason."

"We just captured Onuru Sigma and sent small forces to the nearest dozen or so planets." Augustus was speechless.

"The Federation is already frightened."

"They probably already know that their death is imminent." Arcturus said with a smile.

UNN News is still playing:

"Bronte Prime was lost, and the largest shipyard under the Faok Interstellar Transport Company was controlled by the Earth's military."

"The largest circular orbital city in the synchronous orbit of Artesia's main star fell into the planet's gravitational field. More than 600,000 people died in this appalling tragedy. General Cullen of Artesia believed that it was the invading Earthling agents who had infiltrated It was the sabotage of Orbital City that caused this disaster.”

"A star system sixteen light-years away from the main star of the Tarsonis system has observed disturbances in sub-space-time channels. Experts believe that it is just a natural phenomenon."

"If I were Dugar, then I would definitely capture the main star of Tarsonis within two weeks, because once this deadline is exceeded, most of the Tyranid Federation fleet in the Koprulu sector will have heard the news and rushed to the main star world." Ogu Stu said to Arcturus.

"At that time, the UED expeditionary force can only look back and sigh."

"What if this is what Gerald Dugar wanted?" Arcturus drank from his glass.

"I can't believe that the arrogant Tyranid Federation will be beaten to the point of panic by the people on earth. If I were the one ruling the Federation, it would definitely have a completely different ending."

"." Augustus coughed and said.

"The Tyranid Federation doesn't know how many warships the Earth people have, but in the opinion of the members of the Federation Parliament, it is absolutely impossible for the Earth people to dare to break into the Koprulu sector with just a few warships."

"The Federal Parliament has always been passive, and this disadvantage will only continue to increase because we also take action."

"The Hyperion is about to exit the hyperspace jump state. All crew members are ready." At this time, the captain's voice came from the Hyperion's radio channel.

"Arrived so soon?" Arcturus stood up and walked out of the bar with Augustus, while waving to the newly recruited bartender Cooper.

"Sigmaris Prime is located on the periphery of the core world of the Tyranid Federation. In comparison, it is far less famous than other prosperous and populous core planets." Sarah Kerrigan did not know when she appeared in Ogu Next to Stu, she was wearing a bright white tight-fitting ghost combat uniform.

Sacco Angelini appeared on the other side of Augustus, wearing a gray slim-fitting Revolutionary Army uniform with a shining golden lion on his belt. Apparently, Augustus arranged for this level 10 psyker to serve as an operator in Oberg, the intelligence organization of the Revolutionary Army.

"It was Umoyan's agents who first discovered the secret federal military base on Valhalla, the satellite of Sigmaris Prime. They sacrificed many agents who had been trained for many years to find it." Kerrigan shook off the straps tied around her waist. The long red ponytail at the back.

"But judging from the intelligence, Wahala is just an ordinary military base. The scientists of the Terran Federation must be conducting some unknown experiment again. They are hoping to use some earth-shattering new weapon to turn the tide of the war in one fell swoop."

When Augustus stood on the inner ladder of the Hyperion, Kerrigan reported while helping him adjust his collar, causing Arcturus next to him to cast a scrutinizing look.

As Augustus' adjutant, Kerrigan not only had access to the most core military secrets of the Revolutionary Army, but she also took care of his daily life. Kerrigan was tireless in doing the work of many people by herself, because she had superhuman physical fitness, and she did not want others to be closer to Augustus than herself.

"It's unremarkable." Arcturus said: "If it weren't for Augustus' insistence, I don't think there is any need for us to stay on this satellite. Time is running out, and we can only conquer the most important ones first. A planet of value.”

"Believe me, I'm not wrong." Augustus spread his hands.

"Do you want me to use your childhood embarrassments to prove that you are a daredevil?" Arcturus chuckled.

"Damn it, Arcturus, I am no longer a child, we should move forward." Augustus looked at the expressionless Angelini next to him, and his sharp eyes made this powerful psychic The reporter was furious: "I have long forgotten what happened when I was a child, and I don't want to hear it again."

"There are many times when you look at yourself more than ten years ago and find that you were actually a completely different person."

"I agree." When the escalator stopped, Arcturus said:

"You have changed so much that I can hardly see the shadow of the little kid you used to be in you. This always reminds me that I am old."

"You are only thirty-three years old," said Augustus.

"Alexander the Great died at this time." Arcturus regained the feeling of getting along with Augustus as a child. Compared with now, when they met in the federal military camp in the past, he always taught Augustus very seriously. How should Gusdu face his life.

Things were different now. Augustus no longer needed Arcturus's teachings.

"Don't say that, you can live to be forty-eight." Augustus said.

"I will live for many more years and live a long life." Arcturus smiled.

"Marshal, the ship is sailing smoothly. The Hyperion has left the sub-space navigation state and is preparing to enter the synchronous orbit of the Sigmaris main star." Mosley, the navigator of the Hyperion, saluted Augustus.

Augustus did not find Matt Horner on the Hyperion. Since the UED invasion disrupted Matt's plan to study at Umoyan University, he had been temporarily transferred to another Revolutionary Army flagship. Served as second officer on the Artemis.

"The fleet immediately launched a surprise attack, and Duke's Alpha Squadron carried out the landing mission." Augustus ordered.

"The only thing Duke is good at is this kind of task that clearly tells him what to break and what not to break. I can see that he has always wanted to make a difference - whether in the federal army or the revolutionary army." Kturs said.

"So I leave all these battles that require quick decisions to Alpha Squadron." Augustus said: "This old boy has been enjoying himself recently."

Outside the bridge of the Hyperion, a huge dark blue planet almost occupies the entire port window, and a satellite of the same color is orbiting it.

Following Augustus's order, multiple battlecruisers accelerated towards the moon called Vahalla, and the surroundings of the Hyperion erupted with flashes of accelerated thrusters and fleeting brilliant wakes. .

Multiple orange-red flashes of light flashed across the Valhalla satellite in an instant, like grains of sand drifting with the current, which came from the laser cannons of the federal military base.

Within a few minutes, the firepower points of these federal military bases were quickly eliminated by the artillery fire of the Revolutionary Army fleet. The federal fighters parked on the star port runway and launch port were bombarded into scraps before they could take off.

After several rounds of overwhelming fire suppression, Alpha Squadron forcibly landed on Wahala. It took Augustus no more than a glass of wine for the garrison of Valhalla to surrender.

"The military research facilities on this satellite can be reused." Arcturus looked at the Koprulu star map for a long time and seemed to finally understand Augustus' intention to order the attack on the Valhalla satellite.

"Its location is quite secretive, and the Sigmaris system is relatively close to Korhal IV. This planet can become a barrier for it. No one can come and go freely in the Korhal system."

Arcturus is still nostalgic for his former hometown of Korhal IV, and whenever he sees the scene after Korhal was destroyed by a nuclear bomb, his heart will be filled with hatred for the Tyranid Federation again.

The current picture of Korhal IV flashed on the Hyperion's main screen. Just like Arcturus, Augustus never gave up on Korhal. He sent a scientific research team to investigate Korhal every other year. Ha in the environment after the nuclear explosion.

After all, the tragic defense of Kohal had an effect. The number of Apocalypse-class nuclear bombs that actually fell on the planet was less than 400 instead of 1,000. This allowed areas that were not within the Federation's main strike range to be It was revived again four years later.

"This is one of the reasons why I came here." Augustus looked at the pictures on the screen that were sent back by the scientific expedition team in the past year.

Stillling, once the most prosperous city in Korhal, has become a charred ruin, and large tracts of land have been reduced to ashes, becoming dangerous deserts and radioactive wastelands. It is almost impossible to rebuild the city in this area.

In contrast, the other side of Korhal was much less affected, and now it has been reborn with new life.

"Here." Augustus pointed to a location on Korhal: "I will build a great city here that is not inferior to Stirring in the past. Name it after our grandfather. Korhar will Once again the center of the Tyranid world."

"That's your name too." Arcturus sighed, "It's a pity that the beautiful Korhal of the past will never come back."

"Perhaps, the Star Spirits will have a way." Augustus said.

"The Protoss? I heard you talking about them. How much money do they want to help us rebuild Korhal." Arcturus didn't like the Protoss.

"The Stars don't want rewards - I gave them a hand in the past, and this is one of their rewards." Augustus said.

"The most important thing to be wary of is not paying for anything." Arcturus said to himself that he had to help his stupid brother be wary of the protoss.

After returning to the Revolutionary Army, Arcturus not only took over a newly formed legion, but also gained ownership of the Cerberus demi-zerg transformation plan.

"Marshal, General Duke reported that his technical sergeants found many unheard-of weapons in the federal weapons laboratory in Valhalla, which used a lot of imperfect next-generation technology theories." At this time, Kerrigan pointed Said a picture that had just been uploaded to the Hyperion's home screen.

"This appears to be a prototype weapons laboratory where many of the weapons in use on the battlefield today, such as CMC power armor, were fully final tested."

Augustus looked at the weapon on the screen and his eyelids trembled. It was the design of a blue single-molecule lightsaber.

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