StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 435 Earth Breaking Cannon

"A lightsaber, a very cool weapon." Augustus made a brief comment and turned to Kerrigan.

"Still in the experimental stage?"

"A prototype of an energy sword that must be powered by psionic energy. The one in the Valhalla weapons laboratory is nothing more than a glow stick. The Tyranid Federation does not seem prepared to invest more research and development into this individual psionic weapon. Funding," Kerrigan replied.

"The designers were inspired by the psychic blades of the protoss, so the color of the lightsaber is also determined by the type of psychic power of the user. This light blade is only one molecule thick and can cut through armor and energy Shield.”

"How long will it take to develop the first prototype lightsaber that can be used for testing?" Augustus asked.

Not only is there a very novel-looking psychic lightsaber, there are also many design blueprints for electric pulse weapons, plasma weapons, virus weapons, etc. on the screen, some of which may be epoch-making even from today's perspective.

"It depends on the investment of funds and the actual progress of the team." Kerrigan said: "It seems that the concept of psychic weapons is too advanced now. Moreover, ordinary soldiers who do not have psychic powers cannot use such weapons. "

"Perhaps the Protoss Phase Technician Karax can help us?" Augustus thought.

"Hmm, the protoss must be an expert in this field." Kerrigan shrugged.

"Most of the weapons here are not suitable for mass production. They are either specially equipped for special operations forces such as psychic agents, or they are too expensive." Arcturus's eyes were on a super weapon called the "Earth Shattering Cannon" The cannon stopped, and the introduction above made him very interested - the range was 131KM, the mountains were moved and the seas were filled, and the cannons and oars were wiped out! Build the earth-shattering cannon, and the fate of billions of creatures lies at your fingertips!

According to the design drawings, these epic-level super cannons will be unprecedented in size and caliber. They are the product of raising the caliber of the cannon to an unbelievable level. In the opinion of the director of the Wahala Weapons Laboratory, this weapon was so incredible that he described it as a Caesar cannon.

Although this earth-shattering cannon does not even have a complete design drawing, it is only in the designer's routine comparison stage.

"If we want to fight against increasingly powerful enemies, the weapons of the past are obviously outdated." Augustus pointed to the design drawing of the earth-shattering cannon: "I think this can continue to be developed."

"Well, if we can build two thousand or more super cannons on Korhal." These words reached Arcturus's heart, and he had a paranoid obsession with Korhal's destruction.

"Get all the weapon design drawings sorted out as soon as possible. I will see them in the captain's room of the Hyperion tomorrow." Augustus said, "Then I will package these to Swann and Catchings. Gee, let them have the headache."

"The Federation battleship was discovered in the Sigmaris system, at coordinates M7, 118, about four astronomical units away from the Hyperion." At this time, a bridge observer reported.

"They are finally here." Augustus' expression remained unchanged: "How many battleships are there?"

"Seven ships, and more jump signals are appearing, and radar scans are being uploaded." the observer replied.

A few seconds later, the radar scanning images of multiple Tyranid Federation battlecruisers appeared on the Hyperion's main screen.

"Which Federation squadron is it?" Arcturus' gray eyes flashed.

"It's Delta Squadron." A crew member reported.

"According to reliable intelligence, the most powerful Federation squadrons, such as the Omega Squadron, are guarding Tarsonis, but there are also a considerable number of naval fleets cruising outside the Federation's core star field," Augustus said.

"That means we're getting deep into the heart of the Federation."

"Just in time." The heads of generals such as Horace Warfield, Edmund Duke, and Jackson Holler appeared on the home screen.

"My Hyperion is ahead, the entire fleet is in assault formation." Augustus was wearing a slender dark gray military uniform, and even the corners of his trousers were ironed straight.

"Destroy Delta from the front!"

The bridge of the Hyperion tilted to adjust its direction. Hundreds of frigates, destroyers, Avenger fighters, Wraith fighter planes, and Hercules transport ships passed under the bridge windows. Two revolutionary army giants painted in gold and red. The beast-class battlecruiser is approaching here from one side.

"Delta Squadron has more battlecruisers than the formation standard requires, a total of twenty-seven." Duke's tone was a bit sinister, and I didn't know if he was feeling sour.

"Scans show that part of this fleet comes from Beta Squadron." said a Hyperion observer.

"The flagship of Sigma Squadron, Thanatos, jumps in. More than thirty-five Federation battlecruisers are attacking our fleet."

"Open the shield and move forward at full speed." Augustus ordered.

"This is probably the largest fleet the Tyranids have outside of guarding Tarsonis," Kerrigan said.

"This fleet deployed by the Federation should not have originally been used to deal with us." Arcturus speculated: "I suspect that they may have encountered the Earth fleet before, as evidenced by such a messy organization."

"It will take some time for us to find out which galaxy the Tyranid Federation and the UED just fought in," Augustus said, "and what we have to do is take this opportunity to completely eliminate this fleet."

"However, the number of the Federation's fleets is almost the same as ours, and their battlecruisers are obviously more advanced." Kerrigan said worriedly.

"Lieutenant Kerrigan, you can't judge whether a war is evenly matched by numbers." Arcturus' tone towards Kerrigan was obviously more cordial than to other ghost agents.

"If we were playing a game of chess with the naval commanders of the Terran Confederacy, then you don't have to follow the rules at all. You can regret the move, you can add a few more pieces, or you can knock the entire chessboard off."

After all, this young woman would likely give Augustus a powerful heir. Even considering this alone, Kerrigan should be a hero of the Mengsk family.

Of course, if Kerrigan's belly doesn't live up to expectations, Arcturus doesn't mind looking for a suitable wife for his brother. At the same time, Arcturus was also suspicious that Augustus's successor might be a psyker, which often caused him to waver between Kerrigan and other candidates.

"Half of the Behemoth-class battlecruisers in the fleet are now equipped with Yamato cannons and shields. Only a few Leviathan-class and too old battleships have not done so." Augustus said to Kerrigan.

"We need an inspiring victory to convince supporters of the Revolutionary Army that victory is coming."

Now the newly built warships in the Revolutionary Army Shipyard are equipped with Yamato cannons during the construction process. The protoss Kalai phase technicians headed by Karax, borrowed by Augustus from Tassadar, have been comprehensively upgraded by the Revolution. After the introduction of shield technology and related production lines for military warships, the combat effectiveness of Revolutionary Army warships will be much higher than that of the Tyranid Federation.

The Federation Navy still does not have a large number of Yamato cannons, because the technology of the Yamato cannons they mainly imitated from the Revolutionary Army is not yet mature and is difficult to carry out large-scale transformation. The Federation also built too many new warships and did not have enough shipyards to renovate their old warships with an incredible output.

The battle between nearly eighty battlecruisers and thousands of fighter planes and battleships was magnificent. It was a spectacular sight. The steel battleship that mankind was most proud of was fighting in the center of the Sigmaris galaxy. Fighting in the most brutal and brutal form.

The flagship Hyperion on which Augustus was riding was located at the forefront of all the Revolutionary warships. It was naturally attacked by at least eight federal warships, but all attacks were completely blocked by the golden shield raised by Hyperion. Absorbing it, the battleship finally trembled as if it had burped.

Without any warning, several Revolutionary Army battlecruisers, led by the Hyperion, began to recharge their Yamato cannons. In less than a few minutes, like orange lightning tearing through the dark sky, the Revolutionary Fleet's first salvo hit eleven Federation battlecruisers.

The first salvo of Yamato artillery kicked seven federal warships off the battlefield, and the rest were severely damaged. The Hyperion's main gun fire destroyed a Delta Squadron battlecruiser in one fell swoop, and almost wiped out its entire bow.

By the time the commanders of the Federation fleet realized that their chances of winning the battle were getting slimmer and lower, they were already mired in the war and unable to escape.

Dense bright orange laser beams swept across the entire battlefield, and a large number of wreckage was thrown to the edge of the galaxy. Hundreds of fleet soldiers may be buried in each twisted, burning piece of dark scrap metal.

At the height of the battle, the Revolutionary Army flagship Hyperion withstood the broadside fire poured down by more than five Federation battlecruisers and approached the Delta Squadron Nemesis. Its blue steel plate armor was covered with The energy shield is burning like a flame, like the surface of a burning star.

The Hyperion, powered by the core of a Protoss Ark Sun, was like a blazing fire phoenix, which stunned the Federation Navy soldiers who had never seen such a scene before.

When the Federation battlecruiser's laser cannon team shot at the Hyperion, it seemed as if it was hitting a star that could absorb all energy. All attacks were ineffective. Once those amazingly powerful laser cannons landed on the Hyperion, The sun-shining shield of the Berrian was like a fish swimming into the water, as if it had been completely wiped away by an eraser.

"I remember that when the Umoyan people and I had just salvaged the Hyperion from that desolate planet, she was still a ship that was difficult to repair. Even after it was completely repaired, it was already in line with the battles of the new era. The cruiser's new technology is out of touch." Arcturus had never seen the Hyperion's guns roaring.

As Augustus ordered to continuously increase the energy output of the Hyperion's shield, its bridge windows shone brighter and brighter, as if a thousand suns were rising.

"Protoss Technology." Augustus looked at Arcturus and said.

"For my sake, the protoss helped me slightly modify the Hyperion."

Before Augustus finished speaking, the Hyperion's main gun fired. If it were not in a vacuum, its roar at this moment would be enough to make the entire city tremble.

A Beta Squadron battleship was hit head-on, and a golden beam split the entire ship in two, like a hot knife cutting through butter.

"The Nemesis is only twelve miles, nine miles, and four miles away from the Hyperion, and is about to collide." The expert radar observer on the Hyperion reported.

From Augustus' perspective, Delta Squadron's flagship, the Nemesis, was getting closer and closer, so much so that he could almost see the orange lights and an ironic smiley face on its bridge.

"Who is commanding this battleship? What does he want to do?" Arcturus was not flustered. He almost smiled: "I also used this tactic once upon a time."

"Last year, I followed an exploration team to search for new high-energy gas deposits, but encountered pirates in a galaxy. At that time, there were only a few small boats not much bigger than canoes around me," he said.

"But the situation of the pirates will not be much better than ours. I ordered my pilot to drive the spaceship into the Viking pirate ship, and when the other party wanted to avoid it, he hit the belly of the ship with a harpoon torpedo."

"A life is worth a life."

"Crash into it." Augustus grabbed the iron railings connecting the bridge and said, "Our shields and armor are stronger."

"Prepare for impact!"

Augustus stretched out a hand to Kerrigan, indicating that the other party could hug him, but Arcturus just stared at the bridge porthole quietly, as if no amount of tremors could shake his mountain-like heart. Majestic body: "I wear the latest magnetic boots designed by the Umoyan people, which can fix me on any deck."

A burst of intense flash lit up the entire bridge, and the Hyperion's bow collided head-on with Delta Squadron's flagship Nemesis. The latter's bow immediately tilted to one side, but the Hyperion was unscathed.

The violent impact almost made Augustus' hands tremble, and it was only Kerrigan who held him up to prevent him from falling to the ground.

"Seventy-five percent of the shield energy has been consumed." The captain of the Hyperion reported to Augustus.

"It's expected to be full within a minute."

In the port side window of the Hyperion, the completely smashed and smashed bow of the Nemesis was passing by, and its solid steel armor was now in a state of disrepair.

Even under this situation, the sides of the Hyperion and Nemesis were still firing, and the orange-red laser barrages were slanting within easy reach, as if they were going to melt the armor.

The Nemesis was much more severely damaged, with its bow almost completely shrunk by ninety feet, and its armor covered with burn marks from the Hyperion's fire.

"Send out the landing craft, I want to capture this battleship." Augustus shouted after standing firm.

"Where is Tychus?"

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