StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 436 The Battle of Sigmaris

As if swords were clashing, the Hyperion collided with the Delta Squadron flagship Nemesis on the starboard side and passed by each other. All the twin laser cannon groups, plasma cannon groups, and J23 ship-to-ship missile launchers fired at the same time.

The two towering steel ships were intertwined with tongues of fire capable of leveling the city. The stainless steel armor of Delta Squadron's flagship was already scarred, and the punctured wounds kept spraying bright red plasma outwards. Fireworks, charred and broken fine steel fragments, as well as the electrical components in the battleship and the instrument panel near the hatch were all sucked into outer space.

The two most unparalleled steel giants among the Tyranids were still colliding with each other, and the shining light they released lit up the bridge of the Hyperion where Augustus was standing again and again.

The Hyperion shook like a ship in a stormy sea. The upper deck of the bridge and the main deck were all affected by the impact. A terrible, sharp whine came from the steel structure where it collided with the Nemesis. . Those who were not in the command chairs and accelerator seats were staggering or had their heads smashed.

From this position, Augustus could clearly see the formidable walls of the Nemesis and the yellow smiley face spray-painted on it. The roaring multiple broadside guns of the Hyperion were firing at the orange-gray hull of the ship. The surface of the Pan was bombarded with gaps one after another and bullet holes larger than a human being.

The flagship of Delta Squadron had been obviously severely damaged by the powerful impact of the Hyperion, and the solid steel armor fell off like burnt scales.

"Tychus, you can go when you are ready." Augustus supported his hands on the railing next to the tactical console so as not to fall due to the continuous collision between the two ships and the shock caused by it. .

"I've been impatient for a long time. Boys, load your guns and get ready to board the ship. It's time to kick the ass of Delta Squadron. They chased us like dogs in Mar Sara and Antiga."

Tychus Finley stood on a launch bay of the Hyperion with an unlit cigar in his mouth, with a row of boarding ships parked behind him.

These boarding ships were built by the Kaimorian Consortium during the Guild Wars. The heads of the boarding ships have multi-laminated foam layers and shock-absorbing structures to cushion the impact, which are used to nail the armor of enemy ships. Magnetic devices and laser melting guns are used to forcibly break through ship armor.

This type of ship was originally a detection ship used by the United Mining Guild to deliver to ore-rich asteroids to determine its mineral reserves. As a standard, the Kaimorian spacecraft's low-cost system is simple and reliable. Of course, its thin armor is absolutely unable to withstand the gunfire of the battlecruiser.

Generally speaking, even during the Guild War, it is extremely difficult for boarding ships manned by fanatical Federation guild guards to get close to Federation warships even when their own fleet has an absolute firepower advantage, even in the best of circumstances. Under this situation, the number of Kaimorian ships that can successfully approach the enemy ships will not be higher than one-third.

Behind Tychus, the elite soldiers of the Revolutionary Army with the battlefield porcupine logo on their power armor and the special forces of the Nova Squadron in bright purple armor were ready to go. Some of the boarding ships also carry ghost agents, engineers and pilots. Their mission is to take over the entire Nemesis after the boarding battle is over.

As the flagship of an old Confederate naval squadron, the Nemesis was superior in every aspect to other Confederate warships built during the same period.

The commander of Delta Squadron was also commanding the entire fleet on the bridge of the Nemesis. If he was not killed in the first impact, capturing him would be enough to demoralize the Federation fleet.

"Navigator, thrusters at half speed, keep distance from the Nemesis." Augustus ordered.

"Shields full." His command was passed quickly.

"Defensive shields are full," one of the bridge crew responded.

"Continue." Augustus said firmly: "Continue to increase the shield energy output."

"Yes, sir."

Under Augustus's order, the Hyperion's shield energy value continued to soar, and the temperature inside the ship also increased. The energy released from the sun's core in the engine room flows through the energy pipes embedded deeply in each deck of the Hyperion, and the shield covering its surface shines brighter and brighter.

This means that the energy transmission system in the Hyperion is doubly overloaded. If it were to use its original old pipelines instead of the protoss energy transport circuits and pipelines re-laid by the protoss Kalai phase technician Karax, this ship would Many systems of the battleship will be melted by this terrible energy.

"Expand the shield." When the progress bar on the main screen stopped at 1000%, Augustus could feel that the battleship was already overwhelmed.

The core of the sun in the engine room that once powered Ark Nessin's Memories emitted a dazzling flash of light. The Hyperion was almost completely covered in golden light, with an unprecedented energy output peak that far exceeded any Tyranid engine. .

Any Federation fighter plane that tried to get close to the Hyperion's shield immediately melted like a candle in the fire as soon as it got close, and even the ship's hull of the Nemesis was burned black.

"Expand the shield!" A technician shouted and entered the command into the console.

Like the power of the sun.

The Hyperion's shield suddenly expanded, enveloping the Nemesis like a golden bubble that suddenly expanded.

In an instant, the edge of the shield composed of substantial solar core energy spread like unfolding wings of light. The shock wave sweeping across the Nemesis continued to spread, quickly spreading to many surrounding Federation warships, creating a wave in the universe. Golden ripples.

The spreading shield turned into a shock wave composed of energy that swept through the surrounding Federation fighters, turning them into a ball of burning flames and overflowing electric current.

The two Delta Squadron warships that were preparing to arrive to support the flagship were the first to bear the brunt. Since they were old warships, they were still using stainless steel armor instead of a defense matrix to protect themselves. The energy shock wave that spread was like a whip hitting its shell hard, and violent explosions immediately spread across the surface.

The armor of the Delta Squadron's flagship, the Nemesis, which was closest to the Hyperion, was burned to black in an instant, falling off its hull like burnt scales. All weapon systems misfired at this moment, explosions and flames filled every part of the ship's hull, and the flowing flames seemed like splashing blood.

"Tychus," Augustus called.

"Haha, look, when it comes to fighting, the people of the Federation have to stay back a little." Tychus lit his cigar, closed his mask and walked towards one of the boarding ships.

Large numbers of revolutionary army boarding ships sailed out of the Hyperion's dock ejection port and flew towards the Nemesis's docking port and spacecraft docking bay. The defense facilities in these cabins were all lost under the Hyperion's attack. effect.

"Go forward at full speed and throw away the Nemesis." Augustus ordered as he watched hundreds of boarding ships full of revolutionary soldiers pounce on the scarred Nemesis.

"We still have an entire Terran Federation fleet to deal with."

Following Augustus's order, the Hyperion accelerated away from the Nemesis.

When Augustus looked at the Nemesis that was quickly moving away, he happened to see several federal naval soldiers floating out of the cracks in the ship's ship, like grains of sand spit out by oysters. Some of them were obviously still alive, while the rest were the remains of corpses that had been blown to pieces in the explosion.

If Hyperion continues to attack this battleship, it will inevitably be destroyed.

Accelerating away from the Nemesis, the Hyperion once again jumped into the battlefield intertwined with bright orange barrages, and fell into the dense firepower net of more than a dozen Federation battlecruisers.

In this spectacular encounter, the Hyperion faced the firepower of half the Federation fleet and continued to penetrate its lines. Following the lessons learned from the Nemesis, even if the remaining Federation warships could completely surround the Hyperion, most of the captains still chose to give in with a tacit understanding and make way for it to move forward.

In fact, this may be one of the few opportunities for them to destroy the Hyperion, because its shields have obviously dimmed.

The Hyperion broke into the center of the Federation fleet, causing chaos in the opponent's formation. With the loss of more than ten capital ships and the flagship being severely damaged, the Federation fleet was retreating.

This is the first time that Hyperion has appeared in front of the Federation fleet after its transformation, and the Federation Navy has not yet been able to figure out what changes have taken place on this battleship.

"Is there any kind of human weapon that can penetrate the Hyperion's shield? I'm afraid only Earth's indigenous technology can do it." Arcturus was surprised that the Hyperion had experienced such an amazing attack. Changes, you must know that initially this battleship was just an ordinary Federation Behemoth-class battlecruiser that crashed in Umoyan due to a navigation system failure.

"This is just a way of injuring ten thousand enemies and damaging eight thousand." Augustus shook his head and said: "The energy of the Hyperion comes from the solar core of the Protoss Ark ship. In comparison, our warships don't even have It is as big as a railgun. The use of this powerful energy is rapidly consuming the service life of its various systems all the time, and she has to undergo a complete overhaul after every battle."

"If I hadn't been able to ask the Protoss Engineer to help me with the repair work for the time being, it would have been absolutely impossible to use this tactic." He said, "I have to avoid Swan Point during this period, otherwise he will definitely jump up. Hit me in the face.”

"If you think about it this way, it would take three months to completely replace all systems of the Hyperion that were overloaded due to overload."

At this time, the Hyperion was meeting three federal warships head-on. The other parties were obviously menacing and intended to push Hyperion into a desperate situation. The orange laser barrage struck the golden shield in unison, and waves of ripples passed through the porthole next to Augustus like ripples on the water.

Hyperion's main gun was fully charged again, and with just one hit it wiped out a quarter of the center area of ​​a Beta Squadron battlecruiser. This extremely majestic steel giant was quickly broken in half. , thousands of Union navy soldiers were burned to ashes by the flames.

Even from Augustus's perspective, the Hyperion loaded with the core of the Ark was quite powerful. At least, Hyperion has been able to remain invincible among battleships of the same tonnage and level.

At the same time, the remaining Revolutionary fleet was advancing steadily under the leadership of the always calm and experienced General Horace Warfield, and was not exposed to the firepower of the Federation fleet because of its eagerness to support the Hyperion. .

Warfield led an echelon to surround seven federal warships and sent a large number of boarding ships to snatch those federal warships that were immobile due to damage. After losing more than half of them, the federal fleet, which was numbed by a head-on attack, was defeated. Certainly. Unless supported by other fleets, most of them will be buried in the Sigmaris system.

There are now less than twenty-two federal warships with varying degrees of damage maintaining the front line. It is undeniable that their hasty battle in Sigmaris was a decision-making mistake from the beginning. The commander of this fleet obviously did not know the strength of the revolutionary army fleet, and mistakenly regarded them as the hastily put together rebel army fleet four years ago.

"You know, Arcturus, this method is not a long-term solution after all. I must find a new warship for this sun core as soon as possible." Augustus stood on the bridge, looking at the abandoned ship The fracture of the Federation battleship that was intercepted by the Berlian's main gun is still burning, and countless pieces of crew and equipment are being sucked out.

"I have seen the core of the sun - even building a warship twice the size of the Hyperion would not be able to carry it." Arcturus still remembered the scene when he first saw the core of the sun. Indeed, my jaw almost dropped.

Arcturus's understanding of the protoss was very limited. He had fully estimated the height of the protoss civilization, but in the end he found that he was just a frog in the well.

"The engineers' overestimation of the solar star has proven to be far from enough. In terms of the ability to build battleships, we are not as good as the protoss." Arcturus said:

"Fortunately, you have turned this most terrifying enemy into a friend, but you must not take a group of aliens lightly. They are not human beings, and their minds must be different if they are not of my race."

"I know there is a kind of ship that can carry the energy of the sun's core." Augustus leaned on the console, staring at the federal warships disappearing one after another on the radar scan. His own fleet was launching a full-scale attack, and he discovered that his equipment The federal fleet, which actually lagged behind a group of rebels, was still retreating.

"Protoss? If they can have this kind of battleship, why would they give this kind of thing to you?" Arcturus said.

Augustus said: "The Protoss will help me build a new capital ship, or even directly send me a Protoss battleship, but that doesn't mean they will always help me like this."

"Favors are limited, and blindly asking for them will make everything look like a naked exchange of interests. Even saints are not immune to this," he said.

"I know that besides the protoss, there is another one, and that is the Xel'Naga battleship."

"That would be difficult to find." Arcturus shook his head.

"This is just a temporary measure." Augustus turned to look at Kerrigan beside him.

"Attempt to establish a communications link with Sigma Squadron's flagship. I'll give them a chance to surrender."

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