StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 437 Another victory

In the seventh hour after the Battle of Sigmaris broke out, Augustus's flagship Hyperion and the Iron Justice, Norad III and King's Wrath that came after them pursued the victory and jointly destroyed the flagship of the Sigma Squadron that refused to surrender. Thanatos and another Federation battleship, the Mortis.

This decisive blow brought an end to the most tragic battle in the history of mankind in the Koprulu Sector.

There were countless ruins and wrecks, and hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives. It was a tragic event.

Only eleven lightly damaged Terran Federation battlecruisers completed the breakout. The rest were either completely destroyed and turned into a huge piece of scrap metal floating in space, or they were surrounded and unable to use their auxiliary engines. Opening up the channel for emergency jump will make it difficult to fly without wings.

"It's all over," Arcturus Mengsk said in a single breath.

Directly beneath the Hyperion, the Federation battleship named Mortis was heading toward destruction uncontrollably. The Iron Justice's focused and compressed Yamato cannon hit the Mortis without missing a beat, and the explosion penetrated multiple decks and caused an even more horrific disaster in the engine room.

Cracks and orange-yellow flames are all over the surface of the Mortis. Its newly installed stainless steel armor turned out to be outdated and old in the era when the Yamato cannon was installed. Ever since humans in the Koprulu Sector stepped into the stars again, There has never been such a weapon that can completely disable a battleship that cost countless resources with just one strike.

In the other direction, the Sigma Squadron flagship Thanatos, sandwiched between the Norad II and the King's Wrath, was still trying to speed away, but the violent explosion was tearing it into pieces.

This Federation flagship carries at least 4,000 to 6,000 crew members inside. They are in a real purgatory on earth. Every moment, soldiers and crew members are torn apart by explosions or burned alive. The Thanatos It will be a literal tomb of death.

"The captain of the Mortis contacted us through the public channel. If the Revolutionary Army sends a lifeboat to rescue his crew, he is willing to surrender." A Revolutionary Army communications sergeant who was sitting on the command chair reported to Augustus .

"Let Captain Davis do this." Augustus turned to the main screen, which then displayed a photo of a revolutionary soldier, a young female officer with beautiful light blond hair.

"This is the Marshal's order."

"The Thanatos is finished. It was a flagship. During the war, hundreds of thousands of people had to work day and night to build such a ship." Arcturus turned and left. Walking down the stairs between the bridge connecting the two ships: "Let's see what we can do?"

"It is not wise to set foot on a warship that is heading for destruction." Augustus looked back at Arcturus and said.

"If there are still thousands of people on this battleship, then they would rather be burned to death, poisoned to death, and crushed to pieces by the uncontrolled gravity, or would they rather live until tomorrow." Arcturus did not look back, the gray The eyes were motionless, like hard neosteel.

"After I kill all those who disobey, they will know whose feet they should crawl at."

"...Take my Guards Division." Augustus was stunned, almost forgetting that his brother Arcturus was once a star-like figure in the army. He is a godlike warrior, cold and decisive, with superb military abilities and broad qualities.

When Arcturus walked out of the bridge gate, the soldiers guarding him saluted.

Arcturus is now wearing a standard Revolutionary Army staff officer uniform. The dark blue military uniform has the wolf head logo of the Mengsk family, and the red trousers line complements his straight waist.

Augustus has almost all the most famous generals among the Tyranids under his command. Edmund Duke—Horace Warfield—Jim Raynor—Matt Horner are all members of the Tyran Empire. A general during the period, this caused him to almost ignore Arcturus' military talents.

"There is a monster inside Arcturus," said Sarah Kerrigan, who has always stood by Augustus.

"Those Union soldiers who resisted him were doomed."

Not out of interest in Augustus' family, Kerrigan once wanted to use her powerful telepathy ability to explore Arcturus's thoughts, but unexpectedly found that this man was quite honest with him.

Of course, Arcturus Mengsk's heart is like an endless maze, and even the most powerful ghost agents only have a partial understanding of his ambitions.

In Arcturus's heart, his mother, younger brothers and sisters are the most important, followed closely by Angus' family, and then his ambitions in the political field.

Arcturus also believed that he had nothing to hide from Kerrigan. He even bluntly said that this woman was only able to stand by Augustus' side because of his brother's preference. Arcturus would never allow anyone to harm his younger brother. He has been protecting Augustus and his sister Dorothy since he was a child. This kind of love is unfailing even in the eyes of Kerrigan. of.

Of course, Arcturus doesn't like Kerrigan that much, that's for sure - a dangerous woman who appears out of nowhere and stays by Augustus' side all the time is really Arcturus. Having trouble sleeping and eating.

He prefers that Kerrigan is a woman who is easy to control. After all, she should be a noble daughter like his mother Catherine.

"He would never cut those people into pieces." Augustus shook his head, not worried at all about his brother.

Arcturus is the kind of person who is clear-headed and knows what he is doing at all times. He does not do things purely driven by hatred and passion. Few people can see through the true nature of Arcturus hidden behind his kind and gentle face. He is a real beast.

Augustus still regarded Arcturus as a close relative, rather than alienating him because of his original actions.

At least now, Arcturus has become much more mature and deeper than the young man in the past who didn't care about politics and was incomprehensible or even embarrassed by his father's enthusiasm for revolution.

Arcturus had not lost everything, he had lost his hometown, all his family and the tens of millions of Korhal's people.

"Let me give you a rough statistical report."

"The fleet completely destroyed fourteen Terran Federation warships, and sent landing troops to occupy seven damaged warships. Three of them are still continuing to fight back, but their final defeat is only a matter of time." Kerrigan said .

"What about us?" Augustus asked immediately.

"Four were seriously damaged and two were completely destroyed. They were all old-fashioned Leviathan-class and the earliest Behemoth-class battlecruisers built. They lacked a defense matrix and their engines were relatively backward. Faced with the decisive battle of the Federation warships, You can't get away if you fight back," Kerrigan said.

"Eight thousand to ten thousand Revolutionary soldiers were lost in this battle, and ten times more Union troops."

"I heard reports that two federal warships directly rammed our warships to cover the retreat of friendly forces, causing the Antigoni and the Fist of Freedom to be almost destroyed." Augustus knew that if it weren't for the Hyperion Showing off its power, the number of casualties and losses of the revolutionary army will at least double.

Although Augustus felt uncomfortable with the number of casualties among the revolutionary army, it was still within the acceptable range. This is a huge federal fleet, not pirates who only dare to bully caravans and military outposts. Considering the worst outcome, this is very likely to be a tragic victory.

After losing most of the fleet, even the size of the Terran Federation Navy will inevitably be severely damaged. You must know that they are now gathering forces to deal with the Earth's UED fleet that may have penetrated into the core world.

It is difficult to replace the lost battleships in a short time. Both the Revolutionary Army and the UED have already made it difficult for ordinary federal navy squadrons to parry. Unless the federal navy achieves a key victory in the next short period of time, it will be attacked from both sides. The situation will only get worse.

Considering the "popularity" of the Tyranid Federation in the Koprulu Sector, the Kemorian Consortium and Umoyan can only applaud, eager to add another fire.

"The two Federation warships are probably full of resocialized soldiers. Even if the commander orders them to crash into a satellite, there will be no hesitation." Kerrigan replied.

"Where did they get so many criminals? Even the number of soldier deaths announced by the Federation over the years far exceeds the number of death row prisoners." Augustus snorted.

"We already knew that they were experimenting on ordinary people and transforming living people into dead soldiers without personality. But if we can control the mainstream media of the Tyrannic Federation and make this public, more people will definitely respond to the revolution. call," he said.

"Unless we once again occupy the UNN headquarters building on Tarsonis, the Federation will always be able to hide its crimes. But as long as the revolution can achieve final victory, the liquidation of the Federation's crimes will win the praise of the people and achieve a smooth transition of power. It’s only natural.”

"As long as they have heard about the Federation's evil deeds such as human modification, genetic programming, and the introduction of Zerg, the people of the Tyranid Federation will know how evil and untrustworthy their government is." Kerrigan thought of her miserable childhood.

"There is so much dirt on the federal government that these things are not the most scary." Augustus turned his head to look at the Hyperion's main screen and opened the communication channel for the entire fleet.

"I am Marshal Augustus Mengsk. The entire fleet is clearing the battlefield as quickly as possible. We will deal with the enemy ships that are still resisting, rescue the wounded, salvage the scraps, and search for all valuable loot."

Each battlecruiser is of astonishing value. For the Revolutionary Army, which is used to a poor life, it can be repaired and reused. The large number of weapons and nuclear bombs it carries are enough to make up for the Revolutionary Army's losses in this battle. Loss.

At the same time, the number of captured federal soldiers was tens of thousands, and they could become a new force in the revolutionary army.

Outside the bridge window of the Hyperion, a landing force led by Arcturus Mengsk was forcibly landing on the Sigma Squadron flagship Thanatos. This is an elite force mainly composed of the Sons of Korhal and the Old Guard, and Arcturus, who was still collecting money from the mines some time ago, has already rushed in carrying a spike gun.

"I am Tychus, and I have captured the flagship of Delta Squadron." At this time, Tychus's old face, which had been so violent recently due to eating too much, appeared on the screen.

"This is their commander, what is his name? General Green? When I rushed into the bridge, he was preparing to commit suicide by swallowing a gun. But it seems that this guy is unwilling to bear his own life."

Tychus extremely roughly lifted a federal naval admiral who had been beaten to death in front of the screen. He was a middle-aged man with sunken eyes and a black beard. His originally smooth and shiny navy uniform was stained with stains. Blood.

"Well done, Tychus," cried Augustus, and he was rewarded.

"You are General Green? The hero who fought against the Zerg during the first total war. Hundreds of millions of federal people were saved because of your heroic battle on the Atticus front." He recognized this man.

"Hail, I am Augustus Mengsk."

"Boy of the Mengsk family, while we were fighting a bloody battle with the zerg, you and your people were wreaking havoc on the Federation's territory and luring the wolves into the house." General Green spat at Augustus and immediately summoned Taikai. Si Pu gave him a big slap.

Mr. Tychus doesn't care about heroes or not, it has nothing to do with him. It is true that Tychus admires heroes in his heart, but in his opinion, the only heroes in the world are him, Jim Raynor and Augustus Mengsk, and Harnak Hank is barely half of them. Others really don't count.

"Tychus, show some respect to the general." Regarding General Green's accusation, Augustus just kept smiling.

"Do you want me to tell you the story of how we faced billions of swarms and protoss fleets in the Sara and Antiga systems and rescued millions of people? My warriors and I once set foot on the main hive world of the zerg. , as far away as Aiur, the home planet of the protoss." He said.

"I have witnessed wars from the surface of a planet to geosynchronous orbit - countless casualties for months, and I have seen the destruction of the Zerg Overlord before me."

"General, if you believe what you want to believe, then there is nothing to talk about between us." Augustus put his hands behind his back, and the black cloak he wore cast a long shadow on the bridge of the Hyperion. shadow.

"I only give you one chance. Surrender or not?"

When General Green lowered his high head, the scene ended.

"Our victory at Sigmaris must be told," Augustus said after a moment.

"The voice of the media is still firmly in the hands of the Federation. Any regime determined to establish strong power to control the people will not leave it to others. With control of the UNN, they have no control over the revolutionary army. Their slander is always faster than our clarification." Kerrigan shook her head.

"Our achievements on the fringe worlds and efforts to subvert the Federation have been downplayed."

"Then find a way to spread through other channels, or make this war more intense." A map of the Koprulu sector flashed across the main screen in front of Augustus, with multiple planets popping up on it.

"Norris Guard VI is one of the largest resocialized soldier manufacturing factories in the Tyranid Federation. Next, as long as we capture it, the Federation will have no soldiers to use."

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