StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 438 Norris Resocialization Factory

"The work of cleaning the battlefield, recovering spaceships, and detaining prisoners of war has been basically completed. Only a few ruined Federation battlecruisers that cannot be towed back to the dock are still floating on the battlefield in Sigmaris synchronous orbit."

In the corridor inside Hyperion's long and narrow T-shaped ship, Sarah Kerrigan caught up with Augustus who was walking out of the crew cabin where soldiers lived.

At this time, Kerrigan was wearing a slim-fitting dark blue navy gown and a military suit. The waist-cinching design vividly outlined her exquisite figure. Her long fiery red hair was tied high on the back of her head, and the two strands of hair on both sides of her cheeks were braided into braids and intertwined back at the ends of her coiled hair.

The hair in front of Kerrigan's forehead was neatly combed to one side, highlighting her jewel-like green eyes.

"In addition to the six captured federal warships that have newly joined our fleet after simple repairs, the other three severely damaged battlecruisers are heading to the Umoyan Fortress starport closest to the Sigmaris system for repairs. It’s a year-long restoration effort,” Kerrigan said.

"The crew members of these former federal warships were dispersed to various transport ships and supply ships. As for those federal soldiers who would rather die than join the revolutionary army, they were temporarily detained in temporary prisons on the Valhalla satellite."

"How is the reconstruction work on Valhalla completed?" Augustus had just arrived at Hyperion to see the soldiers in the crew cabin. When the young soldiers who had entrusted their lives to the revolution saw him, They all showed admiration and shyness.

The Hyperion has left the Sigmaris system a week ago and is currently sailing smoothly through time and space. It was extremely difficult to sleep in this state. In addition to endlessly analyzing star maps and guessing the UED's combat intentions with the Federation, Augustus simply spent more time patrolling his precious battleship.

After the Battle of Sigmaris, the captured Federation warships and soldiers greatly made up for the losses of the Revolutionary fleet in this battle. Under the command of Augustus, this fleet still has extremely powerful combat effectiveness and deterrence.

However, Hyperion's ship's facilities were severely damaged in this battle, and even most of the wiring was burned. The energy released by the sun's core during the battle almost melted the entire engine room of the Hyperion. Its internal temperature once reached nearly a thousand degrees Celsius, and four cooling tower facilities were evaporated at once.

This almost caused the Hyperion to completely lose power and had to activate a backup transmission line.

"Following your order, Major Marcus has urgently appointed a large number of ship-borne engineers and federal engineering groups from the former Federal Delta Squadron, Beta Squadron and Sigma Squadron. At the current rate, the newly established Waha will be completed by next month at the latest. By opening the weapons lab, we can get back to developing new weapons," Kerrigan told Augustus Report.

"Vahala Prototype Weapon Laboratory, which will become the cradle of new technology."

"I'm very satisfied." Augustus had already envisioned the appearance of the Odin Thor and the Minotaur-class Gorgon-class battlecruisers. What he had to do after that was to continue to report to the Valhalla Laboratory. Transport people and funds.

"As long as new weapons become more and more powerful, our soldiers will no longer have to make as big sacrifices as in the past to achieve final victory."

"Good evening, Marshal." At this time, two Revolutionary Army engineers carrying coils of cables on their shoulders walked past Augustus and Kerrigan.

"Lieutenant Kerrigan, you are getting more and more charming," Annabelle Thatcher said.

"Oh, cutie," Kerrigan said to Annabelle, blinking her bright green eyes.

"Good evening, Otto, where are you going?" Augustus put his hands on his waist.

"It's the cold storage room, sir. If you insist on asking why, I have to tell you that you broke it. Thanks to you, we have been eating canned food for a week." Otto is a tall man with dark brown skin. Man, this skin color is natural, coming from the strong sunshine in his hometown of Meinhof.

"Also, after we're done, we have to go to the security control room and the dock control room to clean up the mess. It's a complete mess there."

"It's all my fault, good brother." Augustus coughed lightly: "After the battle is over, I will definitely treat you to a big dinner."

"Okay, okay, my son has always wanted to try Tarsonis' flat raspberry pastry and cream cheese." Otto said before turning a corner: "Before I finish my work- I guess it will take another year."

"It doesn't matter what you do," said Augustus.

"How about it? Don't forget to buy the beautiful woman a drink, gentleman?" Even though Annabelle was wearing heavy work clothes and her body was full of the smell of sweat and engine oil, she couldn't stop the girl's youthful vitality and natural beauty.

"You have to thank us properly, don't you?"

"It's a deal." Augustus promised, vowing that he would remember this.

Augustus was not always stern, he was affable and respectful, but still majestic. In any case, as long as the revolutionary troops dare to say a few words to Augustus, they will find that the marshal is not scary at all.

He is neither a moody person nor a teacher who is calm and self-confident. If he had not joined the revolution, Augustus might now be a manor owner in some remote and unknown beautiful world. He must be an interesting and respectable man.

Arcturus was also approachable and affable, impressing all who met him. Most members of the Mengsk family are like this, but Arcturus is much colder than Augustus. At least he has no intention of chatting with his subordinates.

"The engineering team complained a lot about you, and the Hyperion almost fell apart due to your efforts." Kerrigan said with a smile.

"I can only say that I hope they live a fulfilling life." Augustus sighed, knowing that if he waited for the Hyperion to be repaired, he would still do what he did last time if he had the chance.

Engineers wearing outdoor environment work clothes occasionally passed by in the corridor, running hurriedly to the cabin where Rory Swann, the chief engineer of the engineering team, asked them to rush to repair the pipelines and electronic systems damaged by the overload of the solar core.

This is a huge project, and all the engineers were exhausted and exhausted by the heavy work during this period. Because almost the entire Hyperion is full of problems. If the jump engine hadn't been affected, even completing a regular time and space jump would have been problematic.

That's it, the engineers still have to worry about whether this old ship, which has been tortured and is almost falling apart, will have any other problems.

Only thanks to the miraculous Revolutionary Army Engineering Corps, Augustus was able to maintain such a huge fleet.

In response, the angry Rory Swann and Victor Kaczynski did not jump up and slap Augustus in the face, although in the words of the former, that is-my people and I handed over this baby. It was in good shape when it was given to you, with beautiful curves and the sound of the engine as sweet as a whistle. You idiot! You messed up the whole thing!

But Swann's dirty talk stopped there. He had no time to complain about his lavish boss. There was still a lot of work waiting for him to do. It is true that Augustus paid a lot of salary to recruit Swann and his men to work for him, but the value they created was ten times and a hundred times more than the salary.

Swann is a grumpy boss who is willing to put his head down and work hard. Since working non-stop with his head buried in machinery is Swann's hobby, he almost never stops.

"Thank God, Swann understands my difficulties." Augustus spread his hands and said, "That's why I say that Swann is the best engineer in this century, bar none."

"As long as you praise him like this, Swann will stop complaining immediately." Kerrigan said: "Tychus is right, the boss who understands people's hearts is the most terrifying."

"Is it time?" Augustus raised his hand and looked at his watch at this time.

"It's time to open the sub-space channel. Let's go to the bridge." He opened the Hyperion's internal communication channel.

"The 9th and 11th Battalions of the Guards Division gather in the dispatch cabin on the lower deck of the Hyperion to check your power armor and Gauss rifles for the last time. That is your second life."

"Damn it, where's the Tychus? I haven't seen him for twenty hours. Where's he wandering off?"

Twenty minutes later, the Hyperion jumped out of the sub-space channel, and more than forty-five Revolutionary Army battlecruisers followed closely behind, arranged in a neat formation to protect the flagship in the center.

These unparalleled behemoths are lined with red lights and sensor arrays. Countless portholes are flashing with little lights. Thousands of escort fleets and fighter planes are jumping out of the iris of the exit of the sub-time and space channel one after another, in a distorted space. There is a sparkling beauty that complements the blue light.

The sky was full of starlight pouring on the Hyperion's flagship, and this strange but beautiful starry sky stood before Augustus' eyes.

A light cyan planet seemed to have suddenly jumped out. It was shrouded in the light of another unparalleled huge dark yellow giant gas planet. The volume of that gas planet was more than a thousand times that of the earth.

The star of the Norris Galaxy is a bright, dazzling point of light whose distorted temperature can be felt even from this distance. This is a young main-sequence star with a bad temper, and it releases blazing light, heat and terrible radiation to the outside world all the time.

It was so bright that it looked dangerous and blinding.

Norris VI is one of its many moons, with a thin atmosphere and cold, dark oceans covering its surface.

This satellite is even larger than the Earth, has a cold climate, and is home to strange monsters in the dark ocean. Towering mountains tower over its only continent, and those majestic mountains can be seen even from outer space orbit. These mountains are so high that a person without any equipment would die from lack of oxygen halfway up the mountain.

Among the many planets of the Tyranid Federation, Norris Planet VI was not a planet that was included in its territory due to colonization. It has been serving as the main base for the resocialized soldier program since it entered the table of the Federation Parliament. .

According to expectations, the soldiers produced by Norris Guard VI are not only enough to make up for the huge losses of the Terran Federation in the first full-scale war, but can also provide a "very large number of refugees" who are homeless and causing riots in the core world of the Federation. "Good" place to go.

In the icy blue flash of Norris, a huge star port shaped like a top located in its synchronous orbit had an astonishing throughput. When the Revolutionary Army fleet arrived, there were many federal transport ships in its vast docking port. Ups and downs.

Just after jumping into this galaxy, the Revolutionary Fleet was attacked by a federal navy fleet. The space station and sentry turrets located in the galaxy fired rows of orange-red barrages into space, like the bright red spitting out of poisonous snakes. Fangs.

A thrilling war ensued, and the Federation garrison there had apparently received news of Delta Squadron's defeat in the Sigmaris system.

More than sixteen Terran Federation warships guard Norris Guard VI, equivalent to a full squadron. A series of missiles attacked the Revolutionary Army fleet, and shining laser cannons densely woven the starry sky. From time to time, Revolutionary Army ships were hit and turned into a ball of fire.

"Attack," Augustus ordered.

Large numbers of revolutionary warships sped towards Norris Guard VI, like thousands of arrows being fired, and the flames of the huge cannon turned the entire starry sky into a sea of ​​light.

"What's going on? I heard that we can't get off the ship until tomorrow." Tychus Finley was wearing a suit of power armor, and the pattern on his shoulder armor had been replaced by a woman wearing black stockings and beautiful red lips.

"You are mistaken," Augustus replied.

Arcturus Mengsk and Harnak Hank walked up from the other side of the bridge. Their crimson power armors both had golden wolf head symbols, and Harnak's Heavenly Demon emblem showed that his special relationship with Augustus.

"The Federation's defense strength in this galaxy is unusual." Arcturus carried an AGR-14 rifle on his back. This reliable weapon came from one of his deceased comrades.

"I suspect that there are many ugly inside stories in Norris's resocialization factory that the federation is unwilling to reveal. It is no secret to us that the federation is transforming innocent federal citizens instead of death row prisoners into soldiers, but I have always suffered from the lack of substantial evidence.”

"You're right." Augustus nodded.

"The Federation is unwilling to give up Norris, not just because there are factories here that can produce thousands of resocialized soldiers. The Federation has brainwashed people who knew nothing about their tragic fate and turned them into killing machines. . No one with conscience and morality will accept this approach."

"Only we can save the people here," Arcturus said.

"Warfield." When Augustus said, Warfield's serious face had already appeared on the Hyperion's main screen.

"We have an absolute advantage in the number of warships. I order you to defeat Norris's federal fleet as quickly as possible. Attack immediately and show no mercy." He said.

"Now, commanders, I need a victory."

"Go win it!"

I have severe insomnia and feel dizzy while writing. I feel like I am going to die suddenly o.O

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