StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 439 You know too much

The Revolutionary Army's attack on Norris Guard VI was as determined and swift as every battle they had fought in the past.

Augustus was standing in front of the huge bridge porthole of the Hyperion, his face with a determined expression illuminated by the continuous gunfire outside the window. Thousands of miles away, a Behemoth-class battlecruiser belonging to the Tyranid Federation Navy was under intense firepower from multiple Revolutionary Army warships.

After a dazzling flash of light, multiple fireballs erupted from the Federation warship. The frightening gaps that appeared immediately caused it to completely lose power, turning it into a gradually cooling iron coffin floating in the universe. Countless sailors and soldiers perished, erased in a fleeting moment.

Augustus closed his eyes, and the image of soldiers wailing and struggling in the burning hulk immediately appeared in front of his eyes - whether they were from the Federation or the Revolutionary Army.

I have sinned deeply.

A federal Wraith fighter plane with an engine on fire broke into Augustus' field of vision. A dense barrage followed under the guidance of the sensor array, and then it was like an insect flying into the flames. It melted away, leaving only a fleeting spark.

Once again, multiple federal fighter planes, chased by more revolutionary military aircraft, tried to approach the Hyperion, the famous revolutionary flagship. The federal pilots of these fighter planes no longer had any hope of returning to the hangar safely.

"Blast them all into slag and burn them into ashes." Arcturus tried to give orders to the Hyperion's intelligent fire control system, but he actually did not have such authority.

"Broken bones and ashes! Disintegrated into ashes!"

Then, before being fired one by one by the Hyperion's twin laser cannons, the swarming fleet of Federation Wraith aircraft fired multiple air-to-air twin missiles, but they were nothing more than exuding pale golden defense matrix protection. Ripples rippled on the shield.

"Another war," said Augustus. "I hope every time it will be the last."

"Where do your desires for destruction come from?" Augustus' eyes passed through Arcturus's power armor and fell on the sword at his waist. Arcturus is proficient in using most firearms in the army, but he is also accustomed to using cold weapons. According to him, he only uses them when firearms are no longer useful.

"It comes from the time when I most want to end the enemy." Arcturus looked at Augustus and said: "War has never been the ultimate goal of revolution, but a means for us to complete this great cause."

"This is war, and when you're on the bridge listening to the symphony and drinking hot coffee, the soldiers have brought victory," he said.

"Isn't that what you did? And you started a thousand wars just to prevent the final war that is likely to destroy everyone."

"This is not something that can be summarized so simply." Augustus suddenly said: "Arctors, maybe you are the one who is truly suitable to lead the revolutionary army."

"I am not the person everyone expects. They only recognize you now, the Revolutionary Army, the Umoyan Council, and those who have been oppressed by the Terran Federation - there are thousands of them." Arcturus used him to trick him The armored iron glove patted Augustus on the shoulder, feeling the burden and pressure on him.

"If you want to relinquish your responsibilities, now is not the time. How many people are waiting for you to fulfill your past promises, overthrow the Federation, and create a truly beautiful world where hard work is rewarded and upright and just people will not suffer. Even those who are wronged and kind and selfless will not be harmed,” he said.

"As you know, that's an ideal world." Augustus sighed.

"Idealists are the ones who build gardens." Arcturus smiled.

"It's too late to escape now."

"This is all Angus's fault." Augustus put his hands on his hips: "I should have killed Angus out of necessity, stabbed Angus to death, and then told the people in the Federation that my father was just insane, and Korhal had no objection. meaning."

"I agree." Arcturus asked: "I would like to ask you why you didn't do that."

"Augustus, you are not destined to be ordinary. Mengsk family members are born to build great things."

"You think that I am too great." Augustus said: "I am thinking, what will happen if one day they find out that I am not as good as they thought?"

"I'm sure you can do better. If I were me, I wouldn't think of allying with the protoss, a group of mind-stealing monsters." Arcturus said to Augustus: "Imagine you We’ve done well enough, all that’s left to do is to keep doing it.”

"You are about to succeed, Augustus. Those who denigrate us will only make us stronger." He recalled what he had said to Augustus in the past. He said.

"Since I was born in the Mengsk family and live my life in an ordinary way, it would be too boring."

"We've always supported you no matter what. Angus was always worried about you even though he never said it, Mum stopped watching the news in fear of hearing bad news about you, and Dorothy is still reading your stories , but isn’t that too naive?”

"That's a fairy tale." Augustus felt relieved.

"It's great." Harnak stood behind Augustus with his head lowered: "There is nothing better than knowing that your family is waiting for you to go back after a war. .”

"I have to say, Dorothy Mengsk is really beautiful. She looks a lot like you. You know I admire people who look similar to you the most. Sometimes I wonder why they are so similar. Simply. Are you actually twins?"

"You know too much, Hank." Augustus knew that Harnak coveted his sister. Of course, this red-haired boy loved all beautiful women and would not refuse them.

"Dorothy has grown up." Arcturus pointed out this point heartbreakingly: "She is already twenty years old and is a big girl. Umoyan's suitors have already grown up in front of Dorothy. Dragon, but those bastards will never succeed."

"What did you do?" Augustus guessed something: "You did well, Arcturus, they should wait until they are twenty-two years old to see her. And Dorothy will not do it at that time Make bad judgments."

"I hired a few psychics and asked them to read the thoughts of those bastards. I couldn't believe it. Ah, even greyhounds are good at running and killing, and pigs are agile and loyal, but they are really not as good as pigs or dogs. ." Arcturus said.

"Perhaps, love is hazy, just put all your thoughts on the bright side," Kerrigan, who had been listening quietly, said carefully.

"Dorothy is probably a lot smarter than you all."

"Of course, but who can guarantee that she will not fall in love with treacherous people." Augustus liked his sister the most.

"There are too many people who are good at deceiving people's hearts." The person Arcturus was talking about was himself. Many years ago, he had despicably deceived the love of Valerian's mother Julianna: "Falling Women in love are slow, and clever thieves take advantage of that.”

"But if that were the case, how could Dorothy have a chance to grow up?" Harnack said.

"Mind yourselves first, gentlemen." Kerrigan couldn't help but reveal her potential for venom.

"I'm Warfield, the federal fleet is retreating." At this time, Warfield's reporting voice appeared.

"They are jumping away. Do they want to order the fleet to continue pursuing?"

"Suspend the pursuit, it might be a trap." Augustus made a quick judgment.

The naval generals of the Tyranid Federation are not all unqualified and useless people. Even people like Edmund Duke also know the tactic of pretending to retreat in order to lure the enemy into an encirclement.

"This is Duke, Alpha Squadron is requesting support. We encountered enemy forces at Norris' landing point in the Metis Mountains. Their numbers are several times greater than the landing force. Repeat." Duke's voice came from the bridge at this time. Came from one side.

"Details the situation at the landing point." Augustus knew that something must have gone wrong in the battle plan. After all, the battlefield was changing rapidly. He immediately walked to the star chart table with Arcturus and pushed aside Tychus Finley who was standing nearby browsing the custom shop review website.

Generally speaking, Edmund Duke, who loves his achievements and loves his face, has always refused to ask for help from friendly forces unless he is sure that he will probably be finished by his own strength.

During the Norris landing battle, Alpha Squadron led by Edmund Duke took the lead in breaking through the alien's orbital defense fire network, and victory should have been easy.

"The damn federal bastards have been waiting for us for a long time. The fortifications are buried deep underground, and those machines and cannons actually emerged from the ground." Duke was leaning on the edge of a huge crater, his white beard trembling , roaring to tell Alpha Squadron to hold their position, while people wearing white power armor kept jumping by.

"There were Union soldiers everywhere, and if you remember when we were hunting bugs in Al, that's it now - Union soldiers everywhere with flags and rifles."

"Oh, I gotta call it: I am the crowd, that brainworm in the lab keeps saying that," Tychus complained.

Augustus's pet, the domesticated Cerebrate, was indeed housed in the Hyperion's laboratory, being fed by Egon Steitmann. That brain worm can control the zerg that tend to go wild after the master's death, which is extremely valuable to Augustus.

Arcturus also has high hopes for the brainworm, because he hopes to control the insect swarm to fight for himself instead of human soldiers.

Still, controlling a proud Cerebrate is no easy task, and they can never be controlled by anything other than an Overmind. But in the final analysis, brainworms are also highly intelligent creatures with thoughts and even personalities. Their personalities are often closely related to the combat methods and functions of their exclusive group.

As long as he has a mind, Arcturus has the confidence to drive a cerebrate to fight for him. If that doesn't work, he has the Cerberus Project, which can control the zerg through neural modification and machinery.

"Norris is the largest resocialization factory in the Federation and the central hub for transporting soldiers to the entire Federation. They probably sent all the newly manufactured soldiers in the factory to the front line." Arcturus said.

"After so many years, resocialized surgery has long since eliminated the need for doctors to operate on the brain one by one."

"Support will be here soon." Augustus looked at Tychus who was looking around.

"General Holler." He then connected to the communication from the commander of Nova Squadron: "I want you to immediately lead your troops to provide fire support to Duke's ground troops. Don't worry about ammunition."

"I don't want prisoners, just Norris."

"Colonel Pryor, lead your assault division to this location immediately. Rundstein, prepare your 3rd and 4th Infantry Divisions for battle." Augustus said.

"Mira Han, I know you are on the largest space station in Norris." Augustus said.

"What? You want me to smash it into Norris's atmosphere right now? Oh, you're a genius - you almost stole my heart, although it will forever belong to the handsome, dashing pony."

"Where is all this nonsense? I want you to use the space station's uplink communication code to cut off Norris' connection with the Federation, immediately." Augustus turned to Tychus.

"Tychus, I have a task to delegate to you."

"There are federal soldiers everywhere down there, why do I always have to rescue that bastard Duke." Tychus's expression changed immediately.

"Think about it, being saved by the villain he hates the most is what makes Duke most ashamed." Arcturus said: "The thing he can't let go of the most is that little bit of pride."

"You're right." Tychus thought for a moment.

"I want to give you an elite force to land at another planned landing point from here." Augustus opened the satellite scan of Norris satellite VI and placed his finger on a marked shadow.

"It's a hundred miles away from Duke's venomous snake." Tychus also knows a little about military affairs.

"But that's in the other direction of the Federation Resocialization Plant, in the ocean?"

"Yes, you are going to land there." Augustus said: "What I want to assign to you is about a company of Reaper troops. They are all equipped with the most advanced jet packs and oxygen masks and can directly Break into the factory."

"Norris's federal commander must have focused most of his attention on the Alpha Squadron in the front, and you are the divine soldiers."

"No wonder you insist on letting me try out those new equipment that can reach heaven and earth, but that is indeed what this unit is supposed to do - cross dangerous terrain that is difficult for ordinary people to overcome, and launch attacks from unexpected positions of the enemy!" Tai Case mused.

"The Reaper Company has been assembled on the deck." Kerrigan said: "It is estimated that in fifteen minutes, the transport ship will be able to carry you to the predetermined landing position."

"You are very smart, Mr. Finley." Arcturus also believes that Tychus Finley is a real warrior - this kind of person is extremely difficult to tame, like a beast, it is difficult to get close to and trust humans, but Arcturus Turs was convinced that the reins that bound Tychus must be in the hands of Augustus.

"What I like best is people like you, Mengsk. You are honest and reliable, love your soldiers like your own children, and never betray your comrades. I will come back as soon as I leave." Tychus said, "We'll talk about it later."

As the brother of Augustus, Arcturus was a great figure in Tychus' eyes and was rich.

"He is mocking you," said Augustus.

"Mr. Finley rarely praises people." Arcturus frowned: "As the saying goes, evil people also have good words."

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