StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 440 Bad guys go in, good guys come out

Norris Guard VI, Terran Federation Resocialization Center.

"Burn it all! Burn it all! Burn it all!"

Dr. Stanley Burgess roared angrily, his bulging cheeks and stubby neck flushed with extreme anger, and his beard and hair all tangled.

Next to him was a burning heart rate monitor. Many scientific researchers wearing surgical masks and headscarves were hurriedly throwing priceless precision equipment into the fire. A large number of papers recording experimental data were curled up in the fire. .

The price the federation has paid for these sophisticated equipment is unimaginable. The precious data is the foundation of the resocialization project. What is burning in the fire every minute and every second is white money, but now it is Abandon it.

Rows of operating tables lay on both sides, surrounded by tables and chairs piled with knives and gauze, soaked in blood that had not yet dried. On some of the operating tables, there were shackled, almost naked people lying still. All the shackles were electrified, so even if the people on them woke up after being given anesthesia, they could quickly calm down.

You know, most of the people who come here are murderers, rapists or traitors. Among them are criminals who are addicted to drugs and abuse enhancers. Many conventional drugs have little effect on their bodies.

This is the resocialization center of the Tyranid Federation on Norris Moon VI. It is built on a sea cliff adjacent to the black ocean of Norris. The area is unusually large. It is far beyond the reach of ordinary star ports and is almost the same size. in a city.

One-third of the main body of the building is built in hard granite rock mass, resembling an upside-down wide-brimmed hat. The outer edge is a circular apron, and the protruding part is used to launch electromagnetic acceleration for interstellar transport ships. Tracks, signal towers and missile launch pads line its bundled titanium steel parapets.

Although not as old as New Folsom Penitentiary, the Norris Resocialization Center is one of the most heavily guarded areas in the Terran Confederacy, far exceeding any penal prison. It only grants passage to authorized federal military vessels, and any unknown vessel that enters its airspace will be shot down.

Even during the Guild Wars and the First Total War, it was considered the most secretive and safe area and was never occupied.

"It took us several years to complete these. The minimally invasive resocialization surgery has been implemented in your hands, and that will create unrivaled resocialization legions one after another. It is the human race's resistance to the protoss and the The hope of the zerg!" A researcher wearing glasses was trying to save equipment and data from the fire, and was almost pushed in by his colleagues.

"You will be regarded as a hero and leave a name in history." He stood in front of the furious chief scientist and wiped his tears: "Resocialization can create an experienced soldier who is not afraid of death in a few minutes. Quantified Production is thousands of soldiers.”

"Think about it, the Terran Federation is besieged on all sides in the Koprulu Sector, surrounded by powerful enemies. Resocialization is the only hope for mankind to survive in this cruel universe. If Augustus Mengsk clearly understands this Realistically, we will definitely not give up this plan.”

"Shut up, you idiot!"

In an instant, Dr. Boggs transformed into a furious bear, grabbed the researcher and threw him out.

"How dare you tell me what to do and how to do it. If it had been in the past, I would have opened your skull."

"He will throw us into prison and sentence us to death, just for that stupid and ridiculous justice?" the doctor roared at the researcher:

"This cannot be left to the rebels and the Earthlings."

"The rebels have landed in the Metis Mountains." A guard wearing power armor rushed into the transformation center, his voice was like a machine, his words were clear but there was not much emotion.

One of Dr. Boggs' masterpieces, a loyal and brave resocialized soldier. He will never surrender to the enemies of the Terran Confederacy and stop killing until he has shed his last drop of blood and breathed his last breath.

Resocialized soldiers are nearly perfect, but their lack of independent thinking is both a strength and a weakness.

"Quick, you stay here and destroy everything. I'll activate the defense system." Dr. Boggs looked at the equipment in this operating room and understood that he didn't have much time to destroy the facilities of the resocialization center. and transformed.

"We still have time. Norris has several resocialization regiments, over a hundred thousand perfect soldiers."

"Norris will never fall!"

In fact, unless the self-destruction program of the resocialization center is activated, it is just a foolish dream to destroy all the equipment and data. Dr. Boggs knows this deeply, but he will never destroy it with the resocialization center. plan.

Boggs left the frightened researchers behind and walked out of the operating room with a few guards who obeyed his orders and walked through a dark corridor.

"Is my lifeboat ready?" After walking a little distance, Boggs began to run faster, asking the soldiers following him as he ran.

Under the gloomy white light, Dr. Boggs's tall but thin aquiline nose looked even more gloomy.

Boggs is a tall man and by no means a weakling. For a long time, he has been regarded by his subordinates as a perverse butcher, a dark evil wizard who likes to play with scalpels and human bodies.

"Ready, sir." A resocialized soldier saluted as he ran.

"At the 44th apron, the pilot Mr. George said that the fuel was full and he could take off at any time."

"I hope that bastard won't sail away before me. Not doing a craniotomy on him is the only mistake I've ever made in my life." Boggs's running speed is even faster than those with generally strong physiques and power armor. Resocializing soldiers is even faster, and the chief scientist doesn't mind using a dose of reinforcement when necessary.

Of course, as a genius scientist, Dr. Boggs would never die in a small place like this before he became famous for saving all mankind.

Norris has several legions composed entirely of resocialized soldiers, totaling more than 100,000 people, but they can never be Augustus Mengsk's opponent. Over the years, few people in the Tyranid Federation have been able to obtain the slightest benefit from the legendary rebel leader. Those Tyranid Federation naval generals who were already prominent even more than ten years ago are also in Augustus. His face was disgraced.

Alpha Squadron, Nova Squadron, Delta Squadron, these well-known federal naval fleets all failed in front of Augustus. As long as Augustus does not die, the Koprulu sector will inevitably remain in turmoil for many more years.

Augustus's rebels are certainly no match for the Tyranid Federation, but a group of brainless reformed soldiers are not qualified to defeat the rebels.

"Wait a minute, is the cage reconstruction area closed?" Boggs stopped at an L-shaped intersection.

"Sergeant Johns?"

"Huh? What is that?" The resocialized soldier smiled gently, which could be called an innocent smile.

"Follow me." Boggs realized that he should not ask such a difficult question to a resocialized soldier, but at this moment he had already left the assistant who followed him behind.

For a neuro-modified socialized soldier, all they think about is selflessness, loyalty and duty. Resocialized soldiers only deal with things that are implanted in their memories, like old computers.

Today's resocialization technology is much more advanced than during the Guild War eight years ago. This kind of surgery is not as harmful to people as before, at least it does not have to leave a conspicuous scar on the back of the head.

In recent times, Stany Boggs and his team, as well as other top scientists in the Federation's resocialization project, have been working on improving the transformation technology. The purpose is to preserve the original personality and thinking ability of the resocialized soldiers while transforming them, and to ensure that they will never betray.

The Ghost Agent's psionic suppressor is a good example. This external implant device implanted in the Ghost Agent's brain can not only ensure the original thinking ability of the implanted person, but also ensure their loyalty and prevent them from betrayal. idea.

But at the end of the day, erasing a person's memory and forcing them to be loyal to an idea becomes a fearless death. The very act of erasing a person's past memory is killing him.

It's clear that resocialized soldiers like Johns are still deeply flawed.

Boggs turned the corner of the corridor and came to a heavy door. There is a simple admonishment written on the wall at the door, to the effect of:

Bad people go in and good people come out.

Considering that every person who goes in will undergo changes that will lead to a complete transformation, Dr. Boggs actually prefers to call it:

Men go in, women come out.

After the retina and genes were unlocked, the door suddenly opened.

This is a wide area with a towering dome. It is densely filled with cryogenic tubes several people tall. Its alloy base is connected to a tube as thick as a person's arm. The interior is filled with a viscous green liquid, and a large amount of it is constantly flowing. Bubbles float to the top of the cryogenic tube.

There is a naked person in each cryogenic tube, their eyes are closed, and their hair is floating like algae in a river with the flow of liquid. There is a number on the cryogenic tube, which contains the names, gender and place of origin of the people in the cryogenic tube, but that's it.

These cryogenic tubes are called resocialization cages, and the people in them are just swimming fish raised in cages to be slaughtered. Today's resocialization technology no longer requires doctors to personally remove a piece of the brain. It can be done quickly by pushing them into such a cage, as efficiently as a production line in a factory.

For the Tyranid Federation, the resocialized soldiers are indeed just a number, a number piled with weapons using credit coins and crystal mines. Their value is even less than the suit of armor they wear.

In the resocialization and transformation center, the transformed reservists will be labeled with bar codes, QR codes, and labels, like animals in a corral.

In the past, resocialized soldiers had not yet entered the public eye. They were only known to the nobles as those whose brains had been modified and who were the most suitable candidates for servants. Purchasing a slave robot is just the beginning of the expenses. The cost of maintaining the robot and repairing it will not be lower than hiring a living human being.

Resocialized servants are absolutely loyal and have a very long lifespan before growing old. The same goes for resocialized soldiers. The federation does not need to pay salaries and funeral expenses for these soldiers. If they die, it will be settled, and there is no need to even prepare a coffin.

As one of the largest resocialization factories in the Tyranid Federation, Norris's transformation center can produce a large number of soldiers every day. Here, there are many more people with modified brains than those with normal minds.

"I hope Rosen has completely deleted the database about these people's backgrounds, if the rebels get it." Boggs stood at the door but did not go in.

Those originally sent to the resocialization center must be death row prisoners and hopeless social dregs, but these people are not enough for the war.

In this modified cage room alone, more than half of the people in the cage room were not criminals. They included ordinary soldiers who voluntarily enlisted in the army who knew nothing about the truth, refugees who were forcibly brought to Norris, and people who were forced to join the army in order to prove their loyalty and Federal active-duty soldiers who were worth voluntarily undergoing rehabilitation, gamblers who were cornered due to debt, or other unlucky ones who came to Norris Guard VI for their own reasons.

In any case, without talking about whether it is unethical to reform these federal citizens with independent will, once it is leaked, it will definitely be extremely detrimental to the federation - even though there is really too much black material about them.

Boggs doesn't care about the reputation of the Federation at all. As a senior member of the resocialization program, the doctor has long abandoned morality, something that is not conducive to scientific research, or he has no moral values ​​in the first place.

But if Augustus knew that Boggs was conducting inhumane human experiments and transforming living humans into resocialized soldiers, he would most likely be shot immediately.

However, Boggs had already prepared a retreat.

"District 8 is under attack, there are rebels! They are... ah!"

"Go forward and kill them!"

"It's the rebels! The vicious dog Tychus Finley is taking the lead!"

"Area 8?" Dr. Boggs's heart skipped a beat. These sounds did not come from the communications and broadcasting facilities in the laboratory, but because the rebel invasion location was nearby.

Judging from the sound, it was on the path that Boggs must pass to get to the lifeboat at the berthing port. This group of rebels probably invaded from the tarmac.

Just as Dr. Boggs was about to escape into another corridor, a flash bomb wrapped in white paper was thrown in. On it was a red heart pierced by an arrow, which read: Tychus loves you.

After a burst of extreme flash, Dr. Boggs was almost blinded. A few seconds later, he heard a roar and the roar of guns. Several resocialized soldiers around him fell to the ground, blood splattered on the spot.

A man as tall as a mountain stood in front of Boggs, his rusty power boots covered in traces of blood. Revolutionary soldiers with jetpacks kept passing by Boggs, causing a wave of air in the corridor.

"I am Tychus Finlay, the hero of the people~" When Tychus opened the helmet with the skull of the Demon of Heaven painted on it, the cigarette in his mouth had not yet burned out. The soot was scattered in the servo system of Tychus's power armor, but he didn't care at all.

Boggs was so frightened that his legs became weak and he knelt on the ground, his eyelids twitching uncontrollably.

He had heard of the reputation of Tychus Finley, the most ruthless of Augustus Mengsk's generals, a man who could tear people in half with his bare hands.

"Don't be excited, brother, that's how it is when you meet a big star. If you want an autograph, I will be happy to leave a mark on your butt." Tychus chewed the cigarette in his mouth and showed an evil smile: " That’s the downside of being too popular, look how excited he is.”

"Pray while I shoot, you scumbag."

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