StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 441 People serving sentences in the body

Norris Guard VI has fallen.

Even during the period of massive invasion by the UED expeditionary force on Earth, the Tyranid Federation was struggling to fight against the lost territory. The fall of this planet was tantamount to a heavy blow to the Federation.

As Augustus stood on the tarmac of the Norris Resocialization Center, the commander of the last remaining Union Marine division surrendered. Prior to this, they had inflicted unimaginable losses on Edmund Duke's Alpha Squadron, almost causing Alpha Squadron to face the danger of annihilation several times.

It was only the fire support of the fleet and Colonel Pryor's efforts to turn the tide that turned the situation around, and this also allowed Pryor, who had long-standing military exploits, to be promoted to the rank of general.

The helipad was more than a dozen times the size of the Hyperion's upper deck, and it was just one of the smaller berthing areas at the Norris Resocialization Center. A pragmatic military airport with cold and hard lines, it was no different from what Augustus had seen in federal military bases and interstellar ports in the past.

The tarmac was filled with Revolutionary Army transport ships and shuttles, surrounded by rows of Revolutionary Army soldiers standing with guns drawn. The red and blue federal flags had been removed and replaced with red ones. revolutionary military flag.

More revolutionary army transport ships are landing, and the tracks of fighter jet propellers can be seen even on the far side of the horizon.

At this time, lightning and thunder were thundering in the dark sky of Norris Guard VI, and the wind was surging. Augustus could hear the sound of waves hitting the cliff even while standing on the tarmac. The weather on this planet is changeable, sometimes sunny and sometimes cloudy, just like a girl who can be either charming or angry.

To Augustus, however, there was nothing aesthetically pleasing about this planet.

"Norris Guard VI Resocialization Center." Arcturus Mengsk walked down the ramp of the shuttle behind Augustus, wearing a knee-length khaki trench coat, just like his clothes The clothes in the closet are equally elegant and timeless.

"A conservative estimate is that at least 1.5 million resocialized soldiers are sent here to the Terran Federation Marines and Navy every year. This is an astonishing number, but in fact it must be far more than that."

"This resocialization factory that will continuously produce a large number of fearless warriors is ours. The Federation will definitely regret this."

"Arctorus, it is not a wise move to accept this mess." Augustus was wearing a high-collared dark blue military uniform with a belt with a bronze buckle around his waist. He exuded the flavor of asceticism: "There is not enough. Criminals, in the end, will have no choice but to follow the federation's old path of using ordinary people to make up for their crimes."

"It won't be long before the evil deeds of the Tyranid Federation in Norris will be known to everyone. They are transforming innocent people into walking zombies who can only kill people." He took a few steps forward and said as he walked.

"Those people were originally ordinary people, ordinary people like us, trying their best to survive in this world. They are people of flesh and blood. There must be families in distant places waiting for them to go back, just follow you Just like me, brother."

".That would be a pity." Arcturus shook his head and followed Augustus, but he also agreed with what the other person said.

With Arcturus's character, he has many ways to meet the production needs of the resocialization factory, such as increasing the criminal law and throwing everyone in the Terran Federation who disobeys Augustus into the resocialization factory.

If Arcturus could do something like this, even if half of Tarsonis turned against him, he would put them all in prison. Korhal was Arcturus' homeland, and he had no mercy left to show his enemies.

"Do you really think what the Terran Federation did in Norris was right?" Augustus asked Arcturus.

"You want me to discuss with you the significance of philosophy or morality to the survival of a race? However, the zerg and the protoss have no such thing." Arcturus said: "You will understand, one day, when the cruel When the zerg slaughtered rampantly in our homeworld, when the protoss set planets on fire one after another, when our warriors were exhausted and our new recruits had no time to train."

"We're going to have to activate these plants," he said.

"You can allow those soldiers whose legs are weak just from seeing the zerg to resist enemies that are tougher, more cunning, and more bloodthirsty than them? Rather than letting them die in vain, why not let them resocialize and transform them?" Their experience and courage in fighting.”

"I don't deny your opinion, Arcturus, nor do I think that mankind will definitely reach that point. In this infinite universe, mankind has unimaginable enemies in all directions, and Koprulu's human regime But it has fallen apart. If we want to retain the hope of mankind, we must use force to establish an efficient and authoritarian government, and then use any means to deal with our enemies."

It is precisely because Augustus fully understood Arcturus's thoughts that he would refute his point of view: "But look at the soldiers standing here, why do they support me, and why do they support me?" What stands unwaveringly beside me and you? is their belief that those who lead them can make real change."

"I didn't get here to build a Terran Federation that is no different from the past."

"Then let me see." Arcturus smiled and shook his head.

"You always knew what to do."

"Yes, he knew all along." Kerrigan usually stayed out of conversations between Augustus and Arcturus.

Augustus walked through the dimly lit docking area to an elevator entrance that descended into the interior of the resocialization center. A squad of Marshal's Guard soldiers and two Goliath armed robots were standing there, and they were heavily guarded.

The elevator slowly went down, and after a few minutes, Augustus' eyes suddenly became clear. The interior of the Resocialization Center is unique. Through the transparent glass curtain wall outside the elevator, Augustus can see the experimental areas, monitoring areas and restricted areas separated layer by layer.

The interior walls are made of gray and white steel. These simple, cold steel structures seem to be condensed with a layer of frost under the blue and white light. The upper and middle floors are laboratories and conveyor belts loaded with huge cryogenic tubes. Each cryogenic tube is numbered with a laser, and then a robotic arm completes the next operation, just like a real factory.

When Augustus looked at these devices, they had already stopped running.

But Augustus could also imagine the scene in its heyday. Young people from all different classes and statuses, whether they were men or women, murderers or children of local nobles, were roughly stuffed into huge buildings like this one after another. jar to welcome "new life".

If Augustus had joined the army not at the end of the Guild War, but now under the rule of the Tyranid Federation, he would most likely have faced the same fate as these people.

The resocialization factory will modify his brain, replacing the past with a false memory, turning him into a completely different person from the past. But the memory of the past remains, still trapped in a miserable walking corpse.

"It's so sad," Kerrigan said. "I understand this kind of transformation. Resocialized soldiers have always been called brainless idiots. No good officer would be willing to lead such an army."

"Those cryogenic tubes in the resocialized cages have replaced doctors and scalpels and are truly 'torture instruments.'" She said: "You've heard that people in Terrador still use cages in the ocean Fish farming? That’s the role of those in the cryogenic tubes.”

“This resocialization factory contains at least 100,000 people who are undergoing transformation and who are about to be transformed. The vast majority of them have no idea of ​​the fate they are about to face.”

"There are indeed unforgivable people among them, and I will not show any mercy to these people." Augustus said: "But I have ordered the release of the innocent people among them, and they will be taken into custody by the revolutionary army. "

"The director of the resocialization center destroyed the information on these individuals, and now it's difficult to figure out whether they were criminals or people who were forcibly brought here by the federal government," Kerrigan said.

"Then let the ghost agents read the minds one after another." Augustus said: "The federal judicial and executive departments have long been a mess. Framing and frame-up are all too common. How can we trust their data? .”

"We have less than a hundred ghost agents, and most of them have to perform tasks. How can we read the minds of so many people one by one," Kerrigan said.

"I just need a plan." Augustus said: "Karax and his engineers are still on the Hyperion. I will go to seek their help in person in a while."

"However, the protoss does not like reading human minds."

In addition, there were actually many high-ranking templars and dark templars on Augustus's Hyperion. Only a few people knew about this, and most of the crew of the Hyperion had no idea that there were protoss on board.

The former is mainly to protect the sun's core and engineers, while the latter is more like serving Augustus himself. Augustus would never ask for help from these stars unless necessary.

This is not because Augustus bribed these protoss or hired them. In fact, it is impossible to use money or interests to summon the protoss, because they don't care about these things at all.

After the Battle of Aiur, Augustus had won the respect of many protoss, and Dark Hierarch Zeratul had sent his Dark Templar warriors to secretly protect Augustus many times.

As the dust of the vast first total war settled, Zeratul also disappeared into the vast sea of ​​​​stars and the endless void. A small number of Dark Templar warriors among his former followers decided to stay in Augustus. They impress humans around them.

This is absolutely incredible. In the eyes of the protoss, humans are not much better than monkeys.

The deeper reason is that some of the Xel'Naga prophecies collected by Zeratul talked about Augustus, saying that he was the man of destiny. Of course, Augustus knew nothing about this. He really thought that he conquered those stars with his personal charm.

Usually, the Dark Templar never appear in front of humans. Even Augustus can't figure out where they are. He only knows that they live near the engine room of the Hyperion.

This kind of life is normal for the protoss, especially the dark templar, who always try to avoid being exposed to others as much as possible.

However, sometimes, the revolutionary soldiers who gathered to play cards would notice something was wrong. They would often hear whispers in their ears, and the person who cheated would definitely be exposed and embarrassed.

Only extremely powerful human psykers can detect their presence.

"Leave it to me, Marshal, I will complete this matter." At this time, Saco Angelini, wearing a bright white ghost combat uniform, appeared in front of Augustus.

"I'm an expert in finding spies and traitors."

"Very good." Augustus was quite confident in the ability of this level 10 psychic.

Angelini disappeared again, seeming to enjoy this elusive feeling.

The elevator continues downward.

The lowest area is the most confidential core area, which is very different from the minimalist layout of other areas. Augustus can even see a small park created by artificial light sources.

Green lawns, winding paths surrounded by hazelnut trees, fountains with colored lights below and white wooden benches create a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere, which is connected to the internal researchers' living area.

The federal architects who designed the resocialization center tried to create a soothing environment for the staff inside, but the insular researchers still seemed insensitive after being here for too long.

One of Tychus Finley's men was waiting for Augustus at the elevator exit and took them to the main control room on the lower level.

There were many researchers tied to the electric chair, including men and women, all tied in strange ways. Their mouths were blocked and they could not speak.

"I never knew that Mr. Finley had such a unique hobby." Arcturus' face was as stern as steel, and he held back his words for a long time before saying this.

"That's because you don't understand that bastard." Augustus said: "When Renault and Tychus get together, you will know what a gangster is, both black and white."

"Boss, I did a good job, didn't I?" Tychus was just teasing a researcher who was about to pee his pants. When he saw Augustus, he immediately ran over.

"Well done." Augustus said, and Tychus immediately beamed.

Tychus was not like this in the past. He was like no one.

"Look at this scumbag, Dr. Stany Boggs, the chief adviser to the federal resocialization program. He killed countless people." Tychus pointed at one of the researchers wearing a white coat and said.

"The words have changed since they came out of your mouth." Augustus glanced at Boggs, who immediately started struggling violently, as if he had something to say to him.

"After I rose up against you, I can only be said to be a revolutionary fighter." Tychus smiled: "I thought I was a bad guy in the past, but now I know what it means to have a better world."

"Compared to them, I am simply a kind-hearted female college student."

"Then, since you know how sinful this man is, why don't you kill him?" Augustus asked.

"He said he knew a lot of secrets about the federal resocialization program that would be of great use to you," Tychus said. "If he hadn't said that, I would have stuck a grenade up his ass."

"Let him speak," Augustus ordered.

"Dr. Boggs, you have five minutes to reveal your secret. Give me a reason not to kill you."

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