StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 449 Revolutionary Army

"It's okay, Nova. No matter what happens, we will always be by your side." Zebediah half-knelt and held Nova in her arms, tears mixed with blood rising up his cheeks. Like water droplets in a vacuum.

To protect Nova, her parents never tested her potential psionic level, known as the Ghost Agent's PSI.

Nova has also not received the mind braking and mind control training of the Ghost Project, which aims to enhance the ability to control psychic energy. It is obvious that a 10-year-old girl cannot control psychic powers up to level 10 with her mind.

One of the three level 10 psykers known to Tyranids so far, he possesses the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

Nova is now in an extremely unstable state, and the psychic power condensed in her body is enough to wipe out the life in half of Terra's Sky Tower. Once Nova completely loses control, she will set off a terrible spiritual storm centered on herself, shaped like a small human-shaped nuclear bomb.

At this moment, Nova's overflowing psychic power was raging like a storm in the underground hangar of the huge Terra Sky Tower. People around her were lying on the ground as if they were crushed by gravity, even the bird The hybrid monster that had torn apart nearly a hundred people was unable to move.

Zebediah, who was closest to Nova, was undoubtedly under great pressure. Even her clothes were soaked with her own blood, and she could be torn alive by her sister's powerful psychic power at any time.

"Nova!" When blood oozed from the nails of Zebediah's fingers, his spirit had already fallen into a trance, and the memories of his childhood reappeared in his mind like old film.

Nova Terra has been an unusual child since she was a child. She has always been able to quickly find other children in hide-and-seek games, or defeat her opponents without any trouble when playing chess. Later, Nova learned that not everyone was born with the ability to read other people's inner thoughts like herself.

Therefore, Nova is obviously regarded as a strange being by those around her. Even though they didn't say it, Nova, who had telepathic abilities, could read it.

People are always afraid of what they don't understand.

In Zebediah's heart, Nova is no different from ordinary children.

"Brother." When the molten gold-like light in Nova's eyes slowly dissipated, her eyes slowly reflected Zebediah's face, which was almost a younger and more handsome Constantine. Terra.

"I'm about to die, please stop -" Although Zebediah's scalp was bleeding, he was still relieved after seeing Nova regaining consciousness.

Seeing Zebediah's miserable appearance, Nova woke up as if from a dream, and the weight of her spiritual power was relieved.

"Did I do this? What have I done?" Nova felt extremely horrified by everything she had done, and her vision had already been blurred by blood.

"That's not your fault." Zebediah just said: "You just can't control the innate power. You are just in too much pain."

After Nova regained consciousness, Zebediah and the other Terra family guards and servants were able to stand up again and move freely. Of course, that included the immobile hybrid.

"How is it possible? I'm just a human. I'm an ascended person, I've been ascended, and I'm the blade of the gods." The hybrid opened its blood-red eyes like car lights, and the tentacles on its back spread like snakes on the ground. It was roaring with extreme rage, and its terrifying roar shattered all the fragile glass products in the underground hangar.

"I am the leader in the chain of promotion. I was promoted by the grace of the Lord. I was the first to be promoted to the strongest person in this divine body. I have gone through hardships and endured thousands of years before I was reborn. A human being? A human being!"

The genes of this hybrid are obviously more zerg than protoss. He may have been a Tal'darin Ascendant, but his psychic abilities have not been improved further after the transformation. It is reasonable that it would be suppressed by Nova's psychic power, because there is no fourth such psyker among humans.

"Sander, go start the spaceship." Zebediah staggered when he stood up, and all the bones and muscles in his body seemed to be swelling and aching. Even so, he still pushed Nova to the housekeeper who had followed Constantine for many years.

"Take her away! It's up to you, Nova."

Zebediah just raised her head, her hair soaked in sweat and blood hanging down to cover her gray-green eyes:

"Who wants to stay with me to stop this monster?"

At this time, all the Terra family security personnel, family members, bodyguards and armed servants gathered in the hangar. There are about two hundred of them, some of them wearing power armor and heavy weapons such as heavy rail guns. They are not completely defenseless against a terrifying hybrid.

"It's time to repay the Terra family's kindness!" Fernando, the servant beside him, shouted, and immediately received a burst of response from the crowd.

When facing this twisted and weird creature, fear will arise in human hearts involuntarily. This kind of mental suppression has an especially obvious effect on species with fragile minds.

But at this time, no one flinched except those few who were completely frightened.

"Mr. Sander, take the young master away, we are here." Fernando shouted loudly:

"As long as Constantine's descendants are still there, the Terra family will still exist, and our family will still be protected." He said to Zebediya: "You are the successor of the Terra family, Constantine The son of Annabelle should not die an ordinary and ordinary death in such a place."

"Let me go!" Several servants picked up Zebediah, who was covered in blood, and ran back. The rest began to shoot at the approaching hybrid.

For a time, the entire underground hangar was filled with smoke, and a large number of electromagnetic weapons, magnetic rail weapons, and Avengers missiles rising from the ground greeted the hybrid body.

"Protect Master Zebei." Sander looked thin, but he was able to hold Nova, who had fallen asleep due to excessive sadness and fear, and at the same time pull the lost Clara, the eldest daughter of Terra, and run away.

In front of it is a hangar that is opening. Inside are three galaxy hoppers that are ready. There are multiple crew members standing on the ramp below.

These galaxy hoppers are not the cheap ones that are common on the market. Their shells are as round and smooth as whale skin, and the warp engines they carry are enough to sustain long-term super-light voyages. Galaxy hoppers can activate their warp engines to complete short-distance jumps within the atmosphere, and the technology and casting techniques they use are already top-notch in the human world.

These ships are maintained by House Terra's servants, who have received professional training to ensure that they can quickly take off and evacuate Tarsonis if necessary.

The head of the spacecraft was raised high, and the cold blue light of the liquid nitrogen cooling device flashed above it. Above is the track that is opening and connected directly to the ground. At this time, the lights in the track are lighting up one by one, casting large shadows on the ground.

"Hurry up, how long are you going to linger?" A crew member was still urging, and just hearing the roar of the hybrid made him shudder.

The vicious roar of the hybrid can be heard even a few hundred yards away. It is unstoppably breaking through the human defenses, crushing their skulls as easily as a giant. Only heavy weapons that can shake the Thunder Beast can. Breaking through its thick and dense carapace.

It was only when Zebediah was loaded onto one of the galaxy hoppers and stuffed into his seat that all his strength was truly drained from his body. The pain of losing her father, the hatred of her own powerlessness, and the pain that she could only survive through the sacrifice of others struck Zebediah in an instant.

His two sisters were tied to their seats with seat belts respectively. Clara was speechless and could only cry. A day ago she was still a high-ranking aristocratic lady, but now she seems to have lost everything. As for Nova, maybe it would be good for her to faint and not have to face the tragedy in front of her again.

As the galaxy hopper entered the launch channel that led directly to the surface, Zebediah could still hear the screams and screams of the hybrid as it went on a killing spree that had lost its mind.

It seems that the monster's thinking is not very clear, and it can easily fall into a violent state, as if a twisted mind has been put into an overly powerful body.

Does the UED know what kind of monster they have unleashed on Tarsonis?

The galaxy hopper only made a slight buzzing sound when it started up. The process of flying up was as fast as a point of light. The bright blue thrusters burned the marble floor below and sent the entire spacecraft into the sky.

Leaping out of orbit and arriving on the ground seemed to take just a moment. The galaxy hopper continued to climb, and before Zebediah could react, it had reached thousands of feet in the air above the main city of Tarsonis.

The once prosperous city was completely abandoned at its feet. Falling orbital defense platforms and the wreckage of the battleship ignited Tarsonis, causing raging fires in the urban area.

Rows of skyscrapers were burning like dry straw in the flames of war, and entire glass curtain walls were shattered in the roar, falling from hundreds of feet like deadly ice crystals.

Great Tarsonis is burning. Just like the Avenger who once brought profound memories to the Federation, Augustus Mengsk did what he did four years ago.

It seems that the Terra family's ships are not the only ones taking off. All the nobles and wealthy people want to escape from Tarsonis as much as possible.

The sky has completely become a battlefield between the Federation Air Force and the UED invaders. Rows of fighter planes are roaring past under the galaxy hopper. The pilots of these fighter planes will not focus on locking and shooting down civilian ships. .

Zebediah could still see the eye-catching majestic spiers of the Terra Sky Tower through the portholes. The place he once called home had completely turned into a slaughterhouse of monsters.

The blood of people he knew was spilled here, and they would never wake up again.

"Lock the jump coordinates again: the territory of the Tyranid Federation, the galaxy where the planet LV-555 (the planet that appears in the 0th issue of the StarCraft monthly comic) is located. The operator's voice confirmed for the second time."

The pilot piloting this galaxy hopper was indeed a former Federation Air Force ace. He acrobatically deflected the firepower of multiple Federation fighters and anti-aircraft sentry turrets, and decisively started the jump engine as he continued to gain altitude. .

The moment Zebediah held his breath, Tarsonis was instantly left behind him. At the same time, Zebediah finally fell asleep after relaxing.

When Zebediah woke up again, it was already eighteen hours later. He was lying in the cramped medical cabin of the Galaxy Hopper, the anesthetic taking effect.

"Master Zebedi, we are on our way to the planet LV-555. The Terra family owns a continent on that planet." Butler Sander was standing next to him, and Nova was sitting next to him, holding Zebedi's hand. Ya's hands fell asleep.

"All three system hoppers lifted off safely and departed Tarsonis."

At this moment, this galaxy hopper has sailed out of the sub-time and space channel, preparing for a longer jump. Outside the window is the vast expanse of the Milky Way and the bright stars. A huge gas galaxy is rotating far away, and the size of the galaxy hopper is not even comparable to an asteroid in its halo.

"The Terra family has multiple accounts in the Umoyan National Bank, and they can only be opened by family members. With this money, you can spend the difficult years before the end of the war in LV-555."

"When will the war end? Sooner or later it will spread to LV-555." Zebediah's cough made Nova open her eyes, and she didn't know what to say because of guilt.

"Don't worry, I can't die." He looked at Nova and said.

"At that time, we will go to the Umoyan territory." The housekeeper has obviously planned an escape route.

"How long can I escape?" Zebediah asked.

"The master of this family is dead, and you are the future heir. Regain the glory of the Terra family, and then avenge your father. This is what you should do, Zebediah Terra." De thought Zebediah still couldn't think about it.

"The revival of the Terra family depends entirely on you."

"Once Clara and Nova are settled, I will join the Korhal Revolutionary Army." Zebediah said surprisingly: "All the wealth of the Terra family will be used to support Augustus's revolutionary army. As long as They can help me deal with the Earthlings."

"Those damn monsters, those abominable freaks, I must eradicate them all!"

It is conceivable that if the Tyranid Federation is severely damaged, the next target of the UED expeditionary force will definitely be the Kohal Revolutionary Army, which has taken advantage of the chaos and occupied many Federation planets. Unless Augustus Mengsk succumbs to the power of the people on Earth, there will be a battle between the two sides.

And based on Zebediah's understanding of Augustus, the latter must not be the kind of person who is willing to be subordinate to others.

"This is your choice." The housekeeper just said: "I hope Miss Clara will not have any objections, because she should also have a part of the inheritance rights."

"Brother." Nova's voice immediately made Zebediya feel that all the pain she suffered was not in vain. When they were children, they always argued constantly, and it was not easy to hear the word "brother".

"Mom is not dead yet."


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