StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 450 The snipe and the clam fight

Crusus Guard III, New Babylon.

Marshal Augustus Mengsk's breakfast today was a few slices of toasted bread, served with sliced ​​butter and jam. Meanwhile, there were some eggs, bacon, and cheese on the Marshal's table, along with a cup of hot coffee.

These all came from the Beth Garden Farm, less than two miles outside New Babylon, where the owner personally drove them there in the hope that the respected Marshal of the Revolutionary Army would accept his products.

As usual, it was the family cook brought over from Korhal IV by Augustus' brother Arcturus Mengsk, who had some objections to Augustus's minimalist diet. .

However, no one knew that Augustus still missed the simple soy milk fritters.

"Good morning. How do you like it?"

Sarah Kerrigan walked in from the open airlock door of the command center. She was dressed in a blue-gray military uniform, with red hair shawl, and a heroic appearance.

Since Augustus first met Kerrigan, this arrogant girl has completely transformed into a sexy and mature woman, as sweet and fragrant as a ripe peach.

Studying and training at Tarsonis Ghost Academy shaped Kerrigan's strong and calm character, and the tempering of the war made her temperament even more attractive.

Today, Sarah Kerrigan is already an outstanding Revolutionary Army soldier. She can complete a difficult mission alone or take over a war on behalf of the commander.

"Very good." To Augustus, what he had in front of him was just a mediocre breakfast, which had no value other than filling his stomach to continue working. Augustus would not complain about the food, clothing, housing and transportation during the war. Over time, he had already adapted to the twisted clothes and poor food.

Augustus didn't care if his life was as hard and monotonous as that of an ascetic, because now was not the time to make higher demands on it. He believed that he must set an example among the officers in the revolutionary army, reminding those cadres who were promoted from civilians rather than nobles to strict self-discipline.

In Arcturus Mengsk's view, his brother would always forget his status as a noble and put himself on the same level as a commoner. This is precisely one of Augustus's outstanding qualities, the noble character of a rebel leader.

But to be fair, Arcturus did not want Augustus to truly forget this matter and the fact that he was once a great nobleman of Korhal.

"Duplicity." Kerrigan rolled her eyes at Augustus and put away all the dishes on the table.

When Kerrigan turned and walked past Augustus, he found that this woman was becoming more and more attractive. Kerrigan had grown, looked more feminine, and felt much more confident.

Augustus had to admit that he felt quite safe standing next to Kerrigan.

"Then, let's get to work after eating. Accepting the administrative department of Crusus Guard III is only the beginning, and the report on the latest UED trends must be submitted to you immediately." Kerrigan said to Augustus The empty plates were taken away.

"I'm going to take stock of the newly arrived supplies in the command center warehouse, including some parts for maintenance facilities. See you later."

"It's so reliable, my dear Sarah." Augustus shook his head, stretched his arms, and the holographic projector next to him slowly turned on. Before that, he opened the sunshade on the huge window of the command center. The gentle sunlight made Augustus feel comfortable and warm.

Even at this height, azure flowers bloom on the peaks, a family of plants that can be found almost everywhere in the Crusaders.

"Of course, I can't imagine what I would do if you left?"

This command center was built on a ridge three thousand feet high and originally belonged to the federal garrison of Crusader Guard III. It is now used as the marshal's headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

Compared with the flat old command center during the guild wars, the one where Augustus is located has more components, a stronger reinforced frame and fine steel plate armor, so the general appearance also appears more square and looks Like a bulging apple.

The large booster and support arm are firmly mounted on the steep mountain. The ablation-plated outer shell gleams in the sun. Just the lower support frame is as high as three stories. At the same time, the command center also has a complete T-280 space engineering vehicle production line, which can automatically smelt crystal ore construction machinery.

To the north of the command center is a steep mountain range, and on the other side is a pure blue lake. The city of New Babylon is located under the mountain peak, and its dense building complex is as majestic as the Gasos Mountains next to it.

This inch of sky in the Koprulu Star District is also as clear and pure as blue sky.

A company of revolutionary army recruits undergoing climbing training was crossing the steep rocky path outside the command center, panting forward in a single file carrying firearms and green rucksacks for storing ammunition. The sergeant at the front of the team held a flag in his hand and kept cheering for the exhausted recruits.

"When was it that I was like them, knowing nothing about my future, but still full of energy?" When Augustus said this, his eyes seemed to fall across the steep mountains into the distance. Between the vast plains of Neo-Babylon. It was a desolate and dangerous land, ruled by a race of terrifying insects called carrion bugs.

The territory of the Crusas Guard III Tyranid Federation is not a unique planet. In order to survive, the early settlers had to contend with the ferocious wild animal groups on it.

By now, the residents of Crusas Guard III have established a self-sufficient society, and the majestic city and the residential circle based on the city have begun to take shape. The technology and level on this planet are maintained at an extremely high level, and it is a planet that has been flourishing under the rule of the Federation.

The Crusas people have also forged a tenacious and tenacious quality in their struggle for survival, and their nature seems to have a strange kind of Tyran nationalism and a plot of great unity, thinking that they have unity and unity. The mission of humanity in the Koprulu Sector also made Crusas Guard III provide a considerable number of troops to the Federation in the Guild War.

In this huge war that affected the entire territory of the Tyranid Federation, Crusas Guard III almost did not hesitate to stand on the side of the Revolutionary Army.

Just as it was confirmed that the Revolutionary Army was about to arrive on Crusas, local Federation officers launched a military coup to overthrow the planet's federal government, and its governor Alex Stanto was tied to an arc-light tank to meet Augustus. ·Mengsk.

This was something Augustus had not expected. Crusus Guard III was not a planet that was keen on rebellion in the past. In other words, this planet has always made the Tyranid Federation quite reassured because it has Many of the top officers of the federal army came from here.

Augustus captured the Crusader Guard III effortlessly, not only avoiding excessive losses and casualties, but also obtaining tanks produced by the Crusa Guard factory and more than 200,000 armored infantry, mountain infantry and Excellent pilot.

Not only that, the Revolutionary Army's recruitment department easily recruited 100,000 recruits in a matter of weeks.

The soldiers Augustus was looking at now were the young men from Crusus Guard III. They were determined to help the Korhal Revolutionary Army defeat the brutal and decadent Tyranid Federation and the cruel Earth invaders. The Crusans are descendants of the Tarsonis, and the iron-blooded side of their ancestors is most vividly displayed in this nation located in the corner of Koprulu.

And with Augustus's style of doing things, he would definitely not let these planets that supported him at critical moments regret this act of providing help in times of crisis.

When the team of new recruits gradually faded away, Augustus withdrew his gaze and looked at the dark green star map interface on the holographic screen and the information compiled and uploaded by the intelligence department.

Augustus, the internal political affairs of Crusus Guard III, has been handed over to Arcturus to manage. However, he did not actually arrest or dismiss many key federal government officials. He only reduced the overly bloated administrative system and All the departments that were on the payroll were removed, as if the withered branches were being removed to preserve the essence.

Considering that the governor-general government of Crusas is relatively clean, the assets that need to be seized and recovered will not cause Arcturus's men to panic. Moreover, Arcturus's strong political skills were completely different from his gentle father's, and his talent in this area made Augustus admire him.

As for the ongoing war on the main planet of Tarsonis, Augustus is most concerned about it now. Centered on the Federation capital planet Tarsonis, the core world has become a mess.

The reason why the Crusanians so quickly sided with Augustus was mainly because of the invasion of the United Earth Council. They completely regarded the Earthlings as more cruel torturers and tyrants.

After a few centuries, the people on Earth once again wanted to rule their long-lost colonies without any effort. It was not that easy.

The first thing Augustus read was the information that his men considered most urgent. Among them, the latest battle situation in Tarsonis was undoubtedly the top priority.

Tarsonis has completely become the main battlefield between the Federation Army and the UED Expeditionary Force. In contrast, the rest of the Federation core worlds have not suffered large-scale military invasions, because the commander of the expeditionary force, Gerald Du Garr obviously put all his military power on Tarsonis and had no time to worry about other planets.

To Augustus, this was an obvious gamble. Because once Dugar is defeated in Tarsonis, or fails to defeat the main force of the Federation fleet and capture the planet as soon as possible, reinforcements arriving from other Federation colonies will surround them.

In fact, Augustus helped Dugar a lot. The chaos brought by the revolutionary army in the federal world was quite beneficial to UED's offensive tactics.

But if the UED invasion had not brought huge pressure to the Federation, Augustus would not have had the opportunity to avoid the main force of the Federation and seize so many Federation worlds. It's hard to tell who benefits more from this process.

Not counting the worlds conquered by Augustus himself, there were a total of 23 planets in the hands of the revolutionary army, most of which were those with stronger economic strength. Such a rapid pace of conquest created many problems, and even maintaining control of these planets was exhausting for the understaffed Augustus.

With the support of these planets, Augustus's army was expanding rapidly. Arcturus Mengsk is worthy of being the figure who overthrew the Tyranid Federation and established the Tyranid Empire. At least his powerful recruiting ability is unmatched by Augustus.

Augustus read the information on the holographic screen over and over again, his brows sometimes frowning and sometimes relaxing.

Even 48 hours after the UED launched its attack on Tarsonis, the war was still spreading in the outer space orbit and surface of the planet. Unsurprisingly, Tarsonis is the most powerful one in the Terran Federation. Its population is larger than one-tenth of the federal settlements combined, and its economy is unparalleled.

Judging from the latest intelligence, the agents of the UED expeditionary force had infiltrated into Tarsonis before the Battle of Tarsonis broke out. Not only did they pass the sentries and checkpoints, they did not arouse the vigilance of the Tarsonis federal government.

The UED invaded the Federation's secure data network and completely destroyed the Federation's communications equipment, allowing the defense platform's sentry turrets and orbital defense artillery fire to be aimed at its own troops.

The codes and functions used by the Terran Federation computers came from the supercomputer Atlas ATLAS carried on the colonial carrier pilot ship Najirfa 250 years ago. It has almost stagnated for so many years.

It is precisely because of this that in the eyes of people on earth, the federal computer system is completely an antique from two centuries ago, full of loopholes and can be broken with a single blow.

In this way, the UED's previous military operations were just delaying time to gain time to crack the federal security network - if the federal fleet had not been stronger than expected, the people on earth would have lost control after seizing the battlecruiser at the Dalarian Shipyard. It is entirely possible to take Tarsonis directly with the strength of the fleet.

Having said that, it was just Augustus's guess, and he still couldn't figure out UED's strategy.

Lieutenant General Alexei Stokov was apparently the mastermind of these plans, as Augustus believed Gerard might not have had the brains. If so, Narud may also be advising the people on Earth.

"Hybrid!" But what Augustus didn't expect the most was the hybrid monster that appeared in Tarsonis.

Augustus will never forget the extremely evil image on the holographic screen. They are by no means monsters that humans can easily deal with. A powerful hybrid can easily defeat an entire Tyran company.

They appeared too early, ten years too early. I didn't expect Narud to let this thing appear on the frontal battlefield so quickly - this is unreasonable.

Is it possible that Narud wants to promote a terrifying weapon like the hybrid, or is he trying to force the protoss to deal with the UED?

"Report from the asteroid sentry in the L220 system, the Terra family ship they mentioned in the mission briefing on the discovery of Crusus VIII." At this time, the holographic projection cut to the picture of the staff of the command center.

"It's them." Augustus thought for a moment and remembered this matter.

A few days ago, a man named Zebediah Terra contacted Augustus using his father Constantine's dedicated communication channel. He said he had just escaped from Tarsonis and was preparing to join the Revolutionary Army.

Even without considering the strength of the Terra family and the importance of their support to the revolutionary army, it was impossible for Augustus not to accept Zebediah. After all, the relationship between Augustus and Constantine was so good that they could be considered uncle and nephew.

Constantine originally wanted Augustus to "worship him as his eldest brother", but the latter refused to agree.

"Adjutant, contact the Bravo Wraith Squadron of Korhal's Sons stationed at the central star port of Crusas and ask them to escort the distinguished guests from afar."

After a few days of rest, I finally adjusted the update time back to the underworld.

All the comments that were replied to me were deleted by the system. It’s not that I don’t reply, I can’t see them.

I can't read the comments, so I can only post Easter egg stamps. . .

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