StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 451 The Savior of the Tyranids

Augustus met Zebediah Terra in the mayor's office of the city hall in New Babylon. He was the son of Constantine and Annabelle and the designated heir of the Terra family, the founding family of Tarsonis.

Zebediah has a young and calm face, knows social etiquette, behaves elegantly, and speaks modestly and politely, very well-measured. He is a typical Tarsonis noble.

Augustus was satisfied with this, for he did not want to waste his time dealing with stupid people at this critical juncture.

"Please take a seat." Sarah Kerrigan, who was wearing a gray Army uniform of the Revolutionary Army, held a wooden clipboard in her arms. After bringing Zebediah and his butler into the mayor's office, she stood next to Ogu. Stu's side.

After they walked in, two guards in dark gray uniforms outside the door immediately closed the door. These two soldiers holding their rifles at an angle and caressing the thorns left a deep impression on the guests. The golden wolf logo and silver wheat ears on their epaulettes showed that they were Augustus's personal guards.

"Hello, Marshal Augustus Mengsk. I am your loyal admirer. I grew up listening to your legendary stories in the Koprulu sector." Zebediah said in front of Augustus. Sit down on the row of chairs.

At that time, Zebediah was wearing a half-open dark blue pea coat and a federal army-style narrow-brimmed beret. His light-colored hair, which he had taken care of, was hanging down from his haggard face. Even though he was very tired, his eyes were still bright.

"I'm glad to hear you say that." Augustus almost couldn't remember whether he had met Zebediah in Tarsonis, or whether they met much earlier. But it's obvious that Zebediah is growing up very quickly.

Four years ago, Augustus had never heard of Zebediah Terra in Tarsonis. Now he had become the object of every maiden's desire. In contrast, Augustus was actually much more impressed by his sister Nova.

Zebediah is a completely realistic version of Prince Tarsonis, except that he is shorter, there is nothing regrettable about him.

Zebediah's butler is a shrewd and capable person, the kind of servant that a great noble would like.

"Zebe, I feel very sorry for what happened to your father. Once upon a time, Constantine and I were so good." The friendship between Augustus and Constantine has become so good that Constantine will say: You see Madam is not bad, I would feel more at ease if you were her lover.

Although the two of them had rarely met except for long-distance communication, Constantine was so optimistic about Augustus' talents and potential that he was willing to go to Augustus even though he was disappointed with the current federal government and the nobility. Strong support for the revolutionary army.

The friendship between Augustus and Constantine was a complex one, one in which interests were far more important than anything else. But overall, the two men acknowledged each other as good friends.

"My father died at the hands of hybrid monsters released by people on earth. I hope he did not experience inhuman torture and unbearable pain before that." Zebediah said sadly.

"He is the best father I have ever known, always wanting to raise us to be people of good character and strong will. Moral guidance is also an important course in Tyra's family."

"I have lost a true friend forever, a revolutionary with outstanding merits who passed away before dawn." Augustus was silent for a while and asked Zebedia:

"Is your mother okay? Is there any news about her?"

If Annabelle Terra also encounters something unexpected in this war, then it is almost certain that Zebediah will become the next head of the Terra family. His eldest sister Clara was not raised as an heir, and Nova was too young.

".I just contacted my mother a few hours ago. She was away from the factory in the city when the Earthlings attacked, so she escaped." Zebediah hesitated for a moment and did not ask any more questions.

Zebediah had followed her mother to high-society banquets since she was very young, and appeared in public with a distinguished status. Naturally, she would not be so flustered in front of Augustus that she would speak indiscriminately.

"Now she has left Tarsonis on a shuttle and is heading to the mining planet owned by her family."

"What a blessing among misfortunes." Augustus said:

"The battle on Tarsonis was much more intense than I expected. I originally thought Tarsonis's outer space orbital defense facilities could stop Earthlings for at least 72 hours."

"Their attack was as fast as lightning." Zebediah recalled the scene he saw when he escaped from Tarsonis: "The orbital cannons falling from the sky directly destroyed the orbital cannons and fortresses on the ground, while the Federation army was just attacking the people on Earth. They were scurrying away in front of the overwhelming offensive.”

"It is only a matter of time before Tarsonis' ground forces are defeated in the face of the monster weapons cultivated by the Earthlings."

"Well" Augustus intertwined the fingers of his two hands on the table: "The hybrids are not something that ordinary human armies can deal with. With them participating in the battle, the defeat of the Federation is reasonable."

Looking at it now, the Federation defenders of Tarsonis are undoubtedly at a disadvantage, and once the hybrid appears on the frontal battlefield, it can instill fear in the human army opposite it, which is also a heavy blow to morale.

If the main force of the Tyranid Federation is defeated in Tarsonis, then the former rebels will become the light of Terran humanity.

"Marshal Augustus. I came here because I hope you can save the people there from the invaders of Earth and the monsters that are ravaging Tarsonis." Zebediah paused and said.

"Even if you don't say so, the marshal will do it." Kerrigan stared sharply at Zebediah, who was sitting in danger. She had actually been more concerned about the relationship between Augustus and Constantine's wife just now. To be honest, the noble ladies of Tarsonis were probably just like Augustus - young and handsome country nobles, full of impetus and recklessness.

Constantine and Annabella had a political marriage in the true sense. Both parties had no feelings at all and did not care whether the other party remained faithful in the marriage.

"Sarah is right." Augustus smiled, as if he had completely forgotten who almost blew up Tarsonis four years ago.

"As a Tyranid human being, how can we watch our home planet being tortured by the people on Earth?" he said.

"Can't just sit back and ignore it!"

In any case, Augustus will not sit back and watch the people on earth control the Tyranid Federation. Of course, Augustus would not intervene rashly when the fierce battle between the Federation and the UED was in full swing. He had been waiting for the right time.

"At that time, you will be the savior of Tarsonis." Zebediah couldn't help showing an expression of "He is worthy of being a man I value." He stubbornly believed that Augustus was a true revolutionary.

"And I will continue what my father left unfinished," he said: "The Terra family's support for the revolutionary army will only increase."

This is a wise choice. If Augustus wins, the status and assets of the Terra family can still be preserved, but the people on Earth will definitely cleanse Tarsonis, and any noble will be worthless in front of them.

"Heroes come from young, Zebediah, you will definitely become a man as outstanding as your father." Augustus nodded and said: "You can meet with my treasurer Pompey, who was responsible for the relationship with Constantinople. Ding’s liaison work.”

If Augustus only overthrew the Terran Confederacy and established a new regime, he would only be regarded as a successful revolutionary. The Tarsonis may accept Augustus' rule, but they will never welcome him with joy.

But if Augustus had defeated and driven out the Earthlings before then, he would have become a national hero to the Tyranids.

"I seem to have seen the scene when that day comes." Augustus stood up, shook hands with Zebedia, put his hand on his shoulder and walked out of the mayor's office together.

"Next, you can rest in the villa on the outskirts of New Babylon arranged by my people. It once belonged to a corrupt federal official. It is guarded by Guards soldiers, and it is quiet enough that no one will disturb you." He said to Zebediah said.

"I won't be in Crusa for long. If I'm not here, you can contact the Army General Staff in Crusa."

"Thank you for your help, Marshal," Zebediah said to Augustus.

"Do I have to stay there until the war? But I want to join the army. I want to kill the monster that ate my father with my own hands."

At this time, Augustus was already standing in the corridor outside the mayor's office. Next to it is a window that faces New Babylon's downtown park, a beautiful park with lush lawns and wide boulevards leading to majestic skyscraper buildings.

"I would not advise a child as young as you to join the army, let alone set foot on the front line." Augustus put his hands on Zebediah's shoulders and looked directly into his eyes.

"Your minds are not mature enough and your view of the world is not clear enough. I have seen many people who regretted it as soon as they set foot on the battlefield. War is never a beautiful thing," he said.

"The military is prepared for people who are loyal patriots who are willing to sacrifice themselves to achieve collective success. They should have a sense of responsibility that many people cannot understand and are willing to sacrifice for a country and a nation."

"And that's who I am," Zebediah said seriously.

"After all, you are Constantine's son. I can't arrange you into the combat force. Even considering your training time as a new recruit, it is impossible." Augustus had a headache.

"Anyway, don't you need to deal with the Terra family's affairs?"

"Most of Terra's factories are in Tarsonis, and family affairs are also business issues. My mother is still dealing with this aspect." Zebediah said: "After she decided to put all the affairs I won’t completely take over until it’s all handed over to me.”

"This makes it difficult for me." Augustus thought seriously.

"Please allow me to refuse."

"Let me participate in the boot camp training first, Marshal. The iron discipline of the army will also be a test for me." Zebediah had known that Augustus would refuse.

"Perhaps, by the time I become a qualified revolutionary soldier, the war will have already ended."

Zebediah wanted to imitate Augustus' deeds of joining the army when he was young. The idea of ​​joining the army and becoming the famous Demon of Heaven after one year sounded exciting and fascinating.

Although Zebediah had no idea how much Augustus wanted to strangle the stupid young man from the past.

"This is not necessarily a bad thing." Kerrigan, who was following Augustus, whispered: "If an heir of the founding family of the Federation joins the revolutionary army, this just shows how deeply rooted our revolution is in the hearts of the people."

"Okay." Augustus thought Kerrigan's words were reasonable, so he followed suit.

"Don't expect my recruit instructor to open a back door for you. Crusus people are brave and strong, and getting along with Crusus recruits is not something worth looking forward to. They have always disliked outsiders, especially Tarsonis. "

"Don't worry about me. I have been able to use various firearms since I was very young, and I have never missed combat lessons and physical training." Zebediya said that he has been proficient in bow and horse since he was a child. How can a mere Crusader Will take it seriously.

"Sooner or later you will have to suffer." Augustus smiled, thinking that Zebediah would definitely receive a lesson in the boot camp: "I'll give it to you."

Augustus put his arms around Zebediah, as close as an older brother.

The New Babylon City Hall is a beautiful white Roman column-style building. Its classic design reflects the local culture and aesthetics of Crusas, and is essentially different from the gorgeous Tarsonis architecture.

The town hall was filled with Revolutionary soldiers on duty. For them, defending Augustus was a sacred duty.

"Can you still get in touch with the other members of the Creation Family? They must have left Tarsonis as well." Augustus said to him as he and Zebediah walked down the stairs.

"Unable to contact us." Zebediah shook his head and replied: "The Terra family has many enemies in Tarsonis, and the families are also at odds with each other. There is no way to get in touch yet."

"I have received certain news that almost all the creation families have been attacked." Augustus said without any regret.

"I wonder how many of them will survive until the war."

"I know that before the war started, many families sent their heirs to other planets, and presumably they were not affected. As long as Tarsonis is still under the control of the federal government, they can return and take over the family again." Zebediah explain.

"Really?" Augustus' eyes seemed to have no light.

While talking, Augustus and Zebediah had already walked downstairs of the city hall building. To Augustus' surprise, a blond woman in a blue dress immediately ran towards him, but fortunately she was stopped in time by the Guardsmen.

"Miss Terra!" Augustus had a photographic memory of seeing people, but he really couldn't remember the name of this woman.

But Augustus did remember the little girl named Nova Terra who was not far away from her. The girl had a short blond ponytail and was standing under a tree in black sports pants and a long-sleeved shirt, with an indifferent look on her face that kept strangers away from her.

"It's been a long time no see." He said politely.

"Augustus! My dear!" Clara ignored Augustus' confused expression and tried in vain to separate the two revolutionary soldiers wearing power armor.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

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