StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 452 Ghost Military Academy

"Your old sweetheart from Tarsonis?"

Sarah Kerrigan came around from behind Augustus and put her hands on her slender waist.

"I don't know her." Augustus' voice was low enough that only Kerrigan could hear.

"Then this is just a frivolous woman who flirts openly. She is not ashamed but proud of her dissoluteness." Kerrigan and Augustus' faces were almost touching, and the earrings carved with Kedarin Animation Crystal in their ears seemed to It was swaying with the cold wind blowing from her mouth.

"Yes." Augustus said in his heart that what his wife said made sense.

"This is my sister, Clara Annabella Terra." Zebediah introduced to Augustus helplessly: "That is Novabe Annabella Terra, we all call her Nova.”

"I remember her." Augustus said of Nova.

"Don't get out of my way!" Clara tried hard to squeeze out of the High Guard soldiers in power armor: "I'm from the Terra family!"

Come to think of it, no one dared to stop Clara when she went to various clubs, banquets, dance halls, opera houses, etc. Considering Constantine Terra's influence in Tarsonis's political and business circles, the federal military also wanted to sell her He is thin-faced.

But Augustus's guards did not care about Clara's identity. Each of them was a five-year veteran who had crossed the line of fire to fight against the protoss and zerg. They only obeyed the orders of the guard captain Faraday and the Revolutionary Army Marshal himself.

"Let her come over. Mr. Constantine is an old friend of mine." Augustus didn't want to make things too tense: "There is no reason to shut out a friend's daughter."

"Well, I'm sorry, Miss Clara Annabelle Terra, but you can't come here just yet." Kerrigan said with her chin raised.

The two guardsmen were confused for a moment, but after thinking about it they decided to obey Augustus' order.

"Let me see you, young Marshal Augustus Mengsk, you are becoming more and more heroic." Clara happily lifted up her skirt and walked towards Augustus Land.

Clara is indeed an iconic beauty, as elegant as any figure in a palace painting. This is indeed an exquisite template carved by minimally invasive laser plastic surgery. Even the most picky person cannot find any faults in this angelic face.

"I'm so happy to see you again." Clara gently covered her mouth with her hands covered with white lace gloves, and then reached out to Augustus's hard cheeks tremblingly.

Kerrigan's eyes flashed, and she flicked her red ponytail and separated Clara's outstretched hands like a knife. Then, with some kind of prophetic ability, she stopped Clara when she wanted to throw herself into Augustus's arms. Pushed her away.

During her time at Ghost Academy, Kerrigan had always received perfect marks in telepathy subjects, but her instructors never dreamed that this perfect student would use such extraordinary abilities for such a thing.

"You are?" Clara initially just wanted to pretend to be approaching Augustus inadvertently, but after Kerrigan repeatedly blocked her, she started playing a game of eagle-catching chicks with him.

"I am Sarah Kerrigan, aide-de-camp to Marshal Augustus." Kerrigan remained motionless.

"Kerrigan? I've heard of this name. A noble from Korhal?" Clara stopped panting and patted her dress pretending to be calm.

"I'm just a commoner in Tacozion," Kerrigan said flatly.

"Oh——" At this moment, Clara thought she had seized a chance to break through Kerrigan. She swayed to the left to get rid of Kerrigan, and pounced on Augustus like a tiger.

"What do you want to do?" Kerrigan easily caught Clara from behind. Her strong hands strangled the arms of Terra's eldest daughter, pulling her towards her so that her back was in contact with her chest. Stick together tightly.

"Let me go!" Clara struggled for a while and found that she was no match for Kerrigan. At first glance, it looks like Kerrigan is holding Clara from behind.

"Not yet. I am also a bodyguard of Marshal Augustus. I must not let a woman of unknown origin get close to him." Kerrigan effortlessly held Clara tightly, but the latter's face turned red from exhaustion. .

"I am not a person of unknown origin." Clara coughed due to the too violent movements and kept wheezing.

"But you are a woman." As Kerrigan spoke, she moved her left hand down to hold Clara's waist, and her right hand pinched her chin to make her turn her head to look at him.

For some reason, Clara’s face suddenly turned redder.

Sarah Kerrigan is undoubtedly a dashing woman. She is wearing a straight military uniform, and her red hair is neatly tied into a ponytail behind her back. By the end, Kerrigan was almost holding Clara in her arms with one hand.

"Let me go!" Clara looked increasingly frustrated.

"Where are you going, girl?" Kerrigan dragged Clara into the corner.

"It's so embarrassing." Zebediah sighed, covering her face.

"Let the ladies get along among themselves." Augustus patted Zebediah on the shoulder, thinking that this was nothing.

Zebediah's hover car is parked on the road between the New Babylon City Hall and the park, and several servants dressed in black are guarding it. Crusader Guard III are not allowed to use guns, so they can also possess pistols.

Before putting Zebediah into the car, Nova Terra, who was leaning under a tree nearby, came over and bowed to Augustus: "Good day, Mr. Augustus Mengsk."

This is a little girl who speaks very politely, is beautifully and neatly dressed, and can't fault her etiquette.

"You are Nova." When Augustus walked towards Nova with a smile, she took a step back gracefully.

"Nova is a bit afraid of strangers. She is not allowed to talk to anyone except the family servants." Zebediah told Augustus.

"I still remember seeing you at Andrea Tagore's birthday party a few years ago, when you were still a child." Augustus stopped in front of Nova: "Now you have grown up Become a qualified lady."

"Your memory is really good." Nova also smiled: "I don't remember much about that time."

What happened at that time was indeed difficult for Nova to talk about, and she didn’t want to recall it.

After saying that, Nova lowered her head and retreated behind her brother Zebediah. Nova was wearing a black pleated skirt at this time, with the same black ribbon in her hair.

"Haha." Augustus smiled, his smile quickly fading.

"Marshal, Nova saw with her own eyes that hybrid monster swallowed our father." Zebediah sighed and said to Augustus: "That brought us terrible memories and indelible memories. It hurts, especially for Nova.”

"Now I know that she almost lost control of her psychic powers at that time and was on the verge of losing control."

"This is not something that such a young child can face alone." Augustus could imagine the scene at that time, imagining the scene of Angus Mengsk's head falling to the ground in front of him, and he could also somewhat understand Nova's current situation. Taciturn.

In contrast, her sister Clara seemed not to be affected by her father's tragic death, and Augustus didn't know whether to call her unusually strong or heartless.

"Is Nova a psychic?" Augustus asked knowingly after glancing at Nova who lowered her head and said nothing.

"Yes, she is a psyker." Zebediah already understood Augustus's attitude towards psykers, and believed that he would not kidnap his sister and erase her memory like the federal government did. , training her to become a cold-blooded killer.

"The Tyra family has been hiding this matter from the outside world, and we all think it is to protect Nova."

"Have you tested her psychic level?" Augustus said, looking at Zebediah.

"No," Zebediah said. "My parents didn't want to mention anything about psychic powers in front of Nova."

"Do you mind if I ask someone to test Nova's psychic level?" Augustus explained to Zebedia: "I have learned that if an untrained psyker possesses too much psychic power, , she is likely to hurt those around her without even realizing it.”

"Yes, I also think it is quite necessary to know Nova's psychic level." If she had witnessed Nova almost losing control and running wild before her own eyes, Zebediah would have refused Augustus' proposal without hesitation.

He was indeed almost crushed to death by Nova, and Nova felt very guilty about it afterwards.

If Zebediah's understanding of the power of psychic power is still very vague, then it is obvious that Nova has taught him an important lesson.

"I hope to know more about the power of psychic energy." Nova also heard what they said, and she walked up to Augustus again.

"I don't want to hurt the people around me anymore."

"Sacco." Augustus snapped his fingers.

A man wearing a blue and white ghost combat uniform jumped down from the nearby tree. When he landed, he shook his light blond curly hair proudly. He must have thought that the way he appeared was quite handsome.

"This lady from Tarsonis, there is a powerful power like a volcanic eruption hidden in your body." Angelini stood next to Augustus.

"How many levels are there?" Augustus asked him.

"It is conservatively estimated to be level 8, and it will never be lower than this." Angelini looked at Nova and said: "We need professional testing equipment to find out the details."

"Very strong?" Zebediah didn't know much about psychic powers.

"Not under me." Angelini looked serious.

"However, this child has not received any training on restraining her psychic power and ultimately mastering it." He looked at Zebediah and said: "This is a potential risk, because the psychic power in her body is compared to His spirit has become too strong."

"I used to think that the training of children by the Federal Ghost Academy was not advisable, but later I learned that the children of the protoss can skillfully use their innate powers at a very young age." Angelini put his hands behind his back .

"I think human psykers must also receive the same education - not to teach 3 to 5-year-old children to kill, but to teach them to better control their psychic powers so that these children will not harm themselves and others. people."

"It has been proven that when children grow up with children who have the same talents as themselves, they are less likely to be excluded and discriminated against."

Sacco Angelini was a rare level 10 psychic, and Augustus discovered that he had considerable talents in education and imparting knowledge. He was more suitable to stay behind and educate a new generation of psychics rather than Fight on the front lines.

"I am also thinking about where the psychics in the Tyranid Federation should go in the future. Even if they were once regarded as unstable factors, taking young children from their parents is not what a government elected by the people should do. I did." Augustus also said.

"So, I established a ghost military academy on Antiga Prime to provide a safe campus for psykers under the revolutionary government."

"You want to train psykers to become Revolutionary Army soldiers?" Zebediah asked.

"The Ghost Military Academy is divided into elementary and higher colleges. Only children who voluntarily join the army will receive military training at the age of sixteen. The rest of the children will graduate at this time and go to college." Augustus said: "I will do it for These psykers are assigned corresponding positions to ensure that their talents are not wasted."

"Places such as supervisory posts, police stations, education and political review departments are most in need of people who can read minds."

"...I guess I can understand," Zebediah mused, "but I'd rather hire a tutor instead of sending Nova to a school far away from home."

"If all goes well, we will transform the Federation's Tarsonis Ghost Academy into ours." Angelini scratched his head.

"It's almost as if we're going to take Tarsonis."

"But..." Zebediah was still uneasy.

"Brother, I want to learn about psychic abilities." Nova said, "I don't want to hurt you anymore."

"Nova is such a good child." Augustus bent down and brushed the blond hair from Nova's forehead: "People are always afraid of the power of psychics. That is due to their tragic ignorance. The important thing is always It is the person who holds the power, not the power itself, Nova, you are kinder and braver than anyone I have ever met.”

"Don't be afraid of that power. One day you will use it to benefit the world and protect the world of the Tyranids."

Nova looked up into Augustus' dark gray eyes and took note of the scene before her.

"Okay, if mother has no objection." Zebediah looked at Angelini: "Do you think I still have psychic talent?"

"You" Angelini rubbed his clean shaven chin and said to Zebedia with a little regret:

"I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

".Bad," Zebediah said.

"Your psychic index is about level 3, which is a little higher than ordinary people, but it's of no use." Angelini said.

"What's the good news?" Zebediah had nothing to be disappointed about.

"Better than the guy who's hooking up with your sister," Angelini said.

"." Zebediah was silent.

"Dear!" Clara Terra finally returned to Augustus, but she was still held tightly by Kerrigan.

Kerrigan glanced at Nova who was talking to Augustus, and thought that although this little girl was also a powerful psychic and a noble, she was more than ten years older than Augustus, so she shouldn't be What threat could it be.

"If you want to learn how to use psionics, then I can teach you - if I have time." Kerrigan said to Nova.

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