StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 453 Young people should not always want to make big news

Tarsonis is the center of the Tyranid Federation, a shining pearl and a beacon of human civilization.

In the past, Mike Liberty would have heard his colleagues who were eager to curry favor with the powerful and the government praise the land beneath their feet. But now, Mike would call what is happening in Tarsonis the Orb Dust.

No, the people on earth are throwing this pearl into the ground, smashing it into pieces with a hammer, and then grinding it into powder.

Battleships gathered in the sky above the main city of Tarsonis, and the pedestrian viaducts and transportation hubs across the city became dividing lines of battlefields. The roar of sentry cannons, anti-aircraft pulse cannons, electromagnetic rail guns, and cluster laser cannons can be heard all over the city. The bright orange barrages spread across the city's airspace.

Even in the daytime, the meteors all over the sky are still unusually bright, like falling flames. It could be the unburnt remains of an orbiting space station that fell from Tarsonis's atmosphere, or it could be a giant UED landing ship.

The last time Tarsonis was in such turmoil was the year of the rebel rebellion, but at that time the rebels only sent multiple landing forces to the ground to force the Federation fleet to return for reinforcements. Now, the purpose of the people on earth is obvious. They must take over the capital planet of the Tyranid Federation, even at the expense of destroying it.

In the first few hours of the war, Mike and several of his colleagues from the news department who were working overtime were blocked in the headquarters building of UNN Universe News TV station by continuous artillery fire. They had no way to escape and were running around like headless flies.

Some people say that the UED, that is, the Earthlings, have landed on the surface of Tarsonis. Their landing craft and troop transports have landed in the central area of ​​the main city of Tarsonis. Soldiers from various factions are in the UNN headquarters building. Firefight downstairs. It was chaos, with corpses everywhere.

When the UED attacked, it was still dawn in this hemisphere of Tarsonis. Since then, the continuous sound of artillery fire has not subsided. It seems that every corner of the city is at war. People of different identities, origins and beliefs are spilling their blood on the streets, highways and train tracks in the sky.

By the time the sun went down, Mike and several of his colleagues were still waiting for someone to rescue them from the crumbling building.

Communication was completely interrupted from the beginning, nothing could be used, and later even the electricity was lost.

And even under such circumstances, Mike also maintained the calmness he should have as a former UNN reporter. He was still in the mood to go to the vending machine in the lobby on the fourth floor to get a few bottles of Coke and hot dogs, and put them in his pocket. All stuffed with snacks.

Since it was not during working hours when the war broke out, there were not many people in the UNN headquarters building. Now they were scattered on various floors or escaped regardless of the two armies fighting outside. There were not many people here.

"Don't you want some beer?" As Mike said, he took out a bottle of canned beer from the glass of the vending machine that he had just smashed with a fire hammer: "How can you be polite to me? Old Vermillion is Please ask me to take good care of his proud son."

"Mr. Liberty, I'm not in the mood to drink beer at the moment." Mr. Donny Vermillion, a young news reporter, unbuttoned his uniform jacket and threw his blue tie aside.

Despite this, Donnie still took the bottle of wine from Mike's hand. Mr. Mike Liberty is a senior he respects very much. It is said that when the rebels were active in Korhal, he had already gone to the forefront of the war as a reporter.

Originally, Donnie had no intention of joining such a large company so early, but as the rebels' activities in the world on the edge of the Federation have become more frequent in recent years, the UNN Universe News Network urgently needs to send more information to various planets that were previously unattended. There are many reporters, so they recruit new graduates with high salaries.

For Dhoni, who was just starting out and unknown, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Tarsonis is the largest and most prosperous city in the Tyranid Federation, and people who want to live here face a lot of pressure. Unless they are nobles or their relatives, the people of Tarsonis must work hard to earn a place in this prosperous place.

"Donnie, you look scared to death." Mike opened a bottle of Coke and sat down with his back against the destroyed vending machine.

"I'm not afraid at all. As a UNN employee, this is just a small scene." Donnie also sat down next to Mike, but his words sounded more like cheering himself up.

At this moment, with a deafening roar, many debris fell on Donnie's head in a violent vibration. The young man with thick, fluffy black hair immediately couldn't help holding his head and shouted:

"What should I do? I still have my family outside and my brothers are still in the city. Will the people on Earth kill them?" He couldn't help but regret it.

"I really shouldn't have come to this class!"

Donnie had been fearfully staying in this empty building for more than ten hours, and it was almost dark outside. However, the continuous artillery fire outside showed no signs of decreasing at all, and even tended to intensify.

Thinking about it, this was really a nightmare. Ever since the editor-in-chief pulled his tie and yelled at him yesterday, poor Donnie had been working until he fell asleep. When he woke up, he heard that the Earthlings were bombing Tarsonis.

The Earthlings paid no attention to the centuries-old cultural heritage of Tarsonis, for even the youngest structures they built in the solar system were older than that.

"Things are already like this. It's useless for you to worry anymore." Mike patted Donnie on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Instead of worrying about other people, it's better to worry about yourself."

"The Earth and government troops are fighting next to our building. Did you hear me? I bet the nearest heavy fire support point is only about 1,200 yards away from the two of us. If you have experienced guild wars and defeat, If there is a rebellion, then you should be able to hear the distinct sound of the Gatling cannon of the Tarsonis Defense Force." The Coke in Mike's hand collided with the beer bottle in Donnie's hand.

"This kind of weapon is enough to deal with ordinary CMC power armor and can tear people apart. I can't imagine what would happen if it fell on civilians?"

For almost ten minutes, they stopped talking to each other, and there was only the roar of the outside world in the hall. The sound of artillery fire shows little sign of interruption, not to mention other orbital defense cannons far outside the city of Tarsonis. The intensity of this war can be imagined.

In this city that is currently at war, two ordinary UNN employees sit in a dark corner, waiting for the war to end or something worse to happen.

"Don't scare me." After a flash of explosion outside the window, Donnie wiped his nose.

"Don't worry, it's absolutely safe here." Mike finished a whole bottle of Coke and suddenly felt much more comfortable: "The UNN headquarters building is much safer than your home - when no one rushes in."

"Stop chattering. When I take the position of editor-in-chief, one day you will take over my position."

".You?" Donnie's mood seemed to be more stable, and his expression was a little teasing: "Does Anson know about this?"

"Anson is going to get out soon. His position will be mine sooner or later." Mike said with a smile.

"You're right, Mr. Liberty, I've always thought you had this talent!" Anyway, Donnie likes people who are ambitious and capable.

"Thank you." Mike handed Donnie a tissue and motioned for him to wipe his dirty face: "When the time comes, I will definitely arrange a prime time TV column for you. I know your strengths, Donnie, no People are better at reading manuscripts than you are.”

"That sounds good." Donnie also opened the beer in his hand and didn't take it seriously.

"When the time comes, I must be like you and bravely expose the inside story of the corrupt government and confront the darkness in the power structure!"

"I advise you not to do this kind of thing." Mike said with a chuckle: "The dignitaries who were angered by me have wanted to hire murderers to kill me more than once, and I can survive to this day purely because I have Many people are protecting and helping me from behind.”

"What a fool. You actually don't care about these things at all. All you want is to get ahead," he said.

"You are destined to be different from me."

"You're right." Donnie finished half a bottle of beer in a moment: "You always see the things in this world too thoroughly. Everyone stands in front of you as if they were naked. There are no secrets at all."

As a person who can tell lies without changing his face, Donny Vermillion is by no means a cynical and passionate young man. In other words, UNN needs creative talents like him who can easily turn false into true and true into false.

"I am the kind of thorn in the eyes of those in power." Mike said: "I live to expose the truth and tell the audience the dirty little secrets of the Federation."

"But what controls UNN now is the assets behind the shareholders. The influence from the federal government and the founding family makes us have to close our eyes and say unconscionable words to survive."

"And we Tarsonis have such a stupid nature. They say that they never believe things they have not seen with their own eyes, but they regard reports that have been screened, modified, added, deleted and released by the federal government as knowledge of the truth. The only means." He said:

"The Tarsonis are most concerned with fighting on the fringe worlds so that they can show off to their friends, family, and colleagues as if they are right at the center of it. That won't last much longer, as you know As you can see, the Federation is about to end.”

"Compared to the people on Earth - to be honest, I would rather Augustus Mengsk's Korhal rebels take power. Although they are rebellious, at least they are Tyranids." Donnie said and stuck his head out to sell. I glanced out the window next to the cargo plane.

The sky was darkening now, and the flashes of flares and tracer bullets replaced the bright stars in the sky.

He just raised his head and glanced briefly, and he could see several meteors of different sizes passing over the city. In the past, these bright meteor showers once formed the dreamy night sky of Tarsonis, a magnificent spectacle that only those living in high-rise buildings could appreciate. Now they are the literal messengers of hell bringing death.

The sky is filled with colorful clouds, and the flashing orange light means that a far more intense battle is going on in the sky and even in high-altitude orbits than on the surface. Every ship wreckage that falls on the ground is... Fires ignited in the city of Tarsonis, covering the once beautiful and prosperous city buildings with a thick layer of black dust.

"Oh? I thought you didn't like the rebels?" Mike looked at Donnie in surprise.

Mike is also a revolutionary who volunteers to join the organization in pursuit of something it calls justice and freedom.

"I don't like it. Do you know how much big news the rebels have created? Thanks to Augustus Mengsk, the columns related to him are very popular, and even the extremely stupid talk shows can get a share of the pie. ." Donnie smacked his lips.

"That Mengsk is my lucky star. Thanks to him, I got a large bonus for writing manuscripts." He said: "To thank him, I named the cat at home, Augustus. Why? Sample?"

"It's best not to tell the person involved." Mike smiled.

"If you let that Augustus see the materials you criticize him, you may have to suffer a lot. What a notorious rebel leader, a bloodthirsty maniac who killed many people, a butcher who killed the elderly, women and children, he You must be so angry.”

"As expected of you, Donnie."

"I only report the truth. If that Augustus is really innocent, then he will not resent me." Doni is a logic wizard.

"Or would he notice me from all the criticism? How is that possible, I'm just an unknown nobody, or is there something unusual about this name."

"It's better to be careful. I heard that the Marshal of the Revolutionary Army is petty-minded." Mike said: "But I don't think the Earthlings can take Tarsonis yet."

"There is a huge Federation fleet between Tarsonis' orbital defense platform and the atmosphere. This epic fleet that the Federation is proud of is composed of multiple naval squadrons and is not so easy to defeat."

At this time, there was another burst of Gauss rifle shooting outside, which sounded very close to here.

Doni Vermillion climbed up, ran to the window behind the vending machine, and carefully leaned on the edge of the window to look out.

In his eyes, several soldiers in gray power armor were running quickly past a bus stop in front of the headquarters building, quickly crossing the temporary bunkers of the federal army that had turned into reinforced concrete ruins.

A giant Goliath armed robot strode from the other side of the road. The sharp edges of its cockpit were bathed in the flames from the cannon. The emblem on the flag showed that it belonged to the UED expeditionary force. of Spartan Company.

And Donnie swore that this Goliath armed robot was much larger than any he had ever seen in the federal army. Perhaps only the crazy mechanics of Camorion could build such a big thing- —In front of this Goliath, the Federation is just a dwarf.

"If we could broadcast the live footage of the invasion of Earthlings, the ratings would definitely be the highest in history."

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