StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 459 A little support from the protoss

Crusader Central Airport.

From the pier of the airport to the dispatch hall, there were crowds of Revolutionary Army squadron soldiers who were preparing to take shuttles to their star battleships. They belonged to the Warfield Fleet Marine Corps and participated in many attempts to fight against aliens in the first total war. He served for more than five years in the war to defend the colonial people.

The Marine Corps of the Revolutionary Army is undoubtedly the elite combat force in the revolutionary ranks. They are composed of strong young men and women of the appropriate age. They wear black and blue lapel jackets, long outer trousers and low-top hats with anchor logo badges. , with the silver-white military medallion symbolizing the Silver Tower of Korhar.

The uniforms of ordinary soldiers are lined with classic blue and white sea soul uniforms, which can also be used as regular uniforms. As for pilots, they wear another standard set of outer space environment combat uniforms.

In the early years, most of the revolutionary army was composed of Korhal soldiers. Now, the soldiers in the revolutionary army are gathered all over the territories of the Tyranid Federation. Among them, you can even find foreign soldiers, namely Kaimorian and Umoyan people. .

Especially within the Kaimorian Commonwealth, the bitter fruits of the guild war are still tormenting the residents within the Commonwealth. The trust-like KMC guild enterprises are becoming increasingly greedy and cruel, constantly squeezing and destroying their mining planet.

Economic depression and social unrest have led more and more Kaimorian men to choose to become pirates and mercenaries. In addition, joining the Korhal Revolutionary Army is also a good choice, because the Revolutionary Army Marshal has always been known for his tolerance towards other ethnic groups. .

When Augustus made a special trip to the airport to inspect, battalions of Revolutionary Army soldiers were lining up in front of the large shuttle plane parked at the airport terminal. The black and blue military uniforms of the Revolutionary Army soldiers formed a rather spectacular sight. When the soldiers lined up in neat columns and began to board the plane, a scene like surging waves immediately appeared in front of Augustus.

"All fleets are ready for battle." Admiral Horace Warfield stood beside Augustus, next to the asphalt runway of the Crusader Airport.

"The people in the munitions department are doing the final supply transportation and dispatching work. They have not let my people down in recent times. As long as the order is issued, the fleet can set sail at any time."

A large APOD series transport ship parked a thousand yards away confirmed what Warfield said, and trucks full of barrels of refined high-energy gas fuel were speeding past.

These sealed green hydrocarbons are the standard high-energy fuel for many engines and reactors. Centuries ago, it was this fuel that drove early humans on Earth to explore the solar system and beyond.

The cargo holds of other transport ships are filled with boxes and boxes of ammunition, including various types of railguns, anti-aircraft guns and 180mm cannon shells. The cost of each Hellfire missile is as high as 15,000 federal credit coins.

Ammunition comes from many sources, including those from federal armories and those made by the people in the Revolutionary Army territories. The bullets used by the soldiers may come from their parents or brothers and sisters who are working in the factory.

The armored vehicles, arc light tanks and Sidewinder suspension tanks that are being chained in the cargo bay come from the day and night work of thousands of skilled workers and technical experts in the Revolutionary Army territory. Companies that had produced weapons and warships for the Tyranid Federation army also began to accept orders from the Revolutionary Army on a large scale, such as the famous Wolf Industries and Brarefon Heavy Industries.

The entire airport was extremely busy, full of sweaty airport staff and soldiers ready to go. Everywhere you could see golden-red revolutionary army flags fluttering in the wind and soldiers giving a fist salute to the red flag and the noon sun.

This scene left a deep impression on General Gregory Rexon, the former commander of the Federation Omega Squadron who came with Augustus for inspection, and he sincerely expressed his admiration: "What a brave and fearless force with strict military discipline." division."

Admittedly, even if Gregory had fully estimated his opponents, he would not have imagined that the scale of the Revolutionary Army and the quality of its soldiers were so high. This was unimaginable by federal military officers who always looked down on the rebels. .

The Revolutionary Army is more like an army tempered by the flames of war. They face enemies far more formidable than the Federation Army more often than not. No one will question the warriors who face the Zerg and Protoss.

"Boss, I heard you came here and came right away. You must be here to see me." At this time, an officer wearing a wide-brimmed felt hat and a khaki army uniform led a burly The guards came towards Augustus. The shocking scars on his face and the bright red hair were always impressive.

Harnak had no intention of erasing these scars through laser surgery since the war with the zerg.

Harnak's unit is not part of the Marine Corps. He is the commander of the Korhal Legion's 76th Red Devil Assault Division. This division has 25,000 soldiers and is mainly composed of flamethrowers wearing heavy power armor. At the same time, they It is also equipped with a vulture motorcycle equipped with a flamethrower and a fire-breathing tank.

The Red Devil Spitfire Tank is mainly modified from the chassis of the Camorian tank. Its blazing plasma stream has a range of up to 1,000 meters. Its engine is modified from the KMC Sloth heavy bulldozer, and its horsepower is amazing.

This tank was mainly designed by the Ordnance Design Bureau of the Revolutionary Army and mass-produced by the Antiga Ansadar Heavy Factory. It is mainly used to deal with enemies in bunkers and trenches.

Of course, its main purpose is to deal with swarms of zerglings on the battlefield. Its armor is enough to withstand the deadly spikes of zerglings, and its scorching plasma flow can burn most zerg to ashes.

"I didn't know you were here." Augustus showed a rare smile as soon as he saw Harnak.

Harnak's troops were about to take the transport ship to the Hercules-class troop carrier parked in Crusa's synchronous orbit, preparing to carry the Xel'Naga transport ship Eldridge to the planet Ares for a military mission.

In recent times, many federal colonies that are trembling under the momentum of the UED expeditionary force's invasion have begun to request the protection of the Revolutionary Army. Augustus will also send troops to take over these planets as appropriate.

This further shows that after the fall of Tarsonis, the Tyranid Federation has suffered unprecedented heavy losses. The Federation fleet was defeated and completely lost their control over the Federation-joined colonies.

"You are the famous General Gregory, whose name I have admired for a long time." When he saw the commander of Omega Squadron, Hanak rarely said a few polite words. But anyone who is familiar with him knows that when this person is polite to you, he is definitely mocking you.

"Colonel Harnak, I have heard of your reputation. The Federal High Command has issued a document stating that you must be careful when encountering rebel generals there. Among them, you are at the top of the list." Gregory and Hanak shake hands.

"Oh, is this really happening? Haha~ I said that the federation brats would be scared to shit when they heard my name." Hanak was overjoyed and his face turned red.

"This guy." Augustus shook his head. Harnak must not know that the other person was just flattering him. Maybe the other person was still complaining that this kid was so easy to fool.

However, Harnak does have some fame. His Spitfire troops always play the role of attackers. In addition, after the war, they always like to use captured federal communication equipment to mock the federal command as waste, so naturally they are somewhat famous.

"General Gregory's troops now also belong to the revolutionary army's combat order, and you will be comrades in arms from now on." Augustus said.

"I'm glad to be able to fight alongside a commander like you." Despite saying this, there was no smile on Gregory's face at all, as if he was born unable to smile, but his words were not false.

Although Gregory can be called amiable in life, and he can even be regarded as the kind of Tarsonian uncle who likes to walk his dog on the streets, but in battle he is definitely a ruthless commander, which is different from the heavy assault force of Omega Squadron. The iron-blooded fighting style of the troops is exactly the same.

Soldiers of the Omega Squadron can be seen at the Crusader Airport. They wear ordinary federal dark brown uniforms, their armor is pure black, and their exclusive logo is a white skull.

Most of the soldiers in Omega Squadron have been resocialized so that their uniform collars are turned up high to cover the bar code mark between the back of the head and the neck. Under normal circumstances, Omega's soldiers are extremely gentle, and they are even more disciplined and polite than all the foolish-talking veterans, but once they enter combat, they will transform into bloodthirsty evil ghosts.

The source of this army's soldiers is very strange. They only accept the most vicious thugs before they undergo resocialization.

Unsurprisingly, the two most powerful of the federal naval squadrons would become Augustus' trump card. Moreover, Augustus would never have to worry about how to deal with the extremely cruel criminals in the Revolutionary Army territory.

The star of Dela IV is where Omega Squadron is based, and the system is also where the famous Delalion Shipyard is located. The current Daila galaxy is not under the actual control of the UED expeditionary force, and Augustus is sending a small fleet to take over that galaxy.

Currently, most of the battlecruisers of Omega Squadron are still in the dock for repairs. Before that, his troops will rest in Crusas. Omega soldiers are undergoing further resocialization to change their allegiance in their minds from the Federation to the Revolutionary Army.

Not only the Omega Squadron, but in just one week, many Federation battlecruisers have sailed into the planet actually controlled by the Revolutionary Army and surrendered to the local garrison.

Most of them were ships that luckily escaped the encirclement of the UED expeditionary fleet. Because they were unable to contact the federal naval command and were severely damaged, they had to find the nearest interstellar port for repairs. On many occasions, these Federation warships also had to seek help from their former enemies.

By incorporating part of the remaining federal fleet, Augustus's number of battlecruisers has reached 78. However, considering that the UED expeditionary force also captured a number of federal warships, the comparison in combat power between the two sides is still not optimistic.

Omega Squadron was lucky enough to retain at least one-third of its combat strength, while Federation Navy squadrons like Delta Squadron and Sigma Squadron were almost completely destroyed in the Battle of Tarsonis.

At this point, the Terran Federation is no longer the main enemy of the Revolutionary Army. But their power still exists, and Augustus' intelligence officers believe that there is still a larger Federation fleet on several core worlds that are still under the control of the Federation.

The Founders who fled Tarsonis are using their wealth and factories to build a vast fleet to regain what they lost on Tarsonis.

While Harnak was talking and laughing with Gregory, Augustus continued walking towards the depths of the Central Airport. At this time, trucks full of revolutionary soldiers and armor rumbled past almost every moment, and the tail flames of the propellers of multiple shuttles burned the ground, rapidly heating the air behind them into a blurry and distorted heat wave.

Augustus knew that his warriors were ready for a war with the people of Earth - propaganda and mobilization were crucial to waging a large-scale war, even in the interstellar age.

When he walked past a Marine Corps battalion composed of veterans of the Crusader Guild War, who were standing in line, the soldiers, led by a captain, were shouting that they would defend their homeland and the Terran human world to the death. slogan.

The main idea is: The ambition of the earth's invaders has been clearly revealed. Apart from the flames of war, they have brought nothing to the Koprulu sector. Countless heroic sons and daughters of the Tyranids will take up arms to defend every inch of the land, and the time has come to make the ultimate sacrifice for their race.

As expected, this passage comes from Chief of Staff Arcturus Mengsk. Arcturus is even planning to ask the musicians of Crusas to compose this into a song, hoping that it will be widely sung on the planet of the Revolutionary Army.

What I have to say is that Arcturus is indeed an expert at building momentum and publicity. This talent was more fully demonstrated when he served as Augustus' most trusted "prime minister".

After several speeches by Augustus, the revolutionary army territories and even other planets that heard the speech were determined to resist the earth invaders. The slogan "either we destroy or they perish" was widely spread.

"Marshal, the protoss ship detected at the edge of the Crusus galaxy is the Protoss Arkship Spear of Adun." At this time, Kerrigan, who had been standing next to Augustus, received the message from the Crusus galaxy. Observatory report.

"The science ship Amerigo and the battlecruisers Liberty Knight and Korhal's Shield are forming a fleet to follow."

"Spear of Adun?" As soon as Augustus heard this, he knew that the supporting troops from the Daram Protoss were coming.

Previously, the Archbishop of Durham, Ms. Rashagar, had only tactfully expressed that she would provide appropriate support. Perhaps in her opinion, an Ark ship should be considered within the appropriate category.

The protoss believed that an Ark ship was enough to launch and win a war against a civilization that was similar in strength to theirs.

"Is the commander of the Spear of Aden Artanis? Or our venerable old friend Phoenix." Augustus asked.

"This news makes me feel more at ease."

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