StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 460 I can’t be Archbishop Artanis of Durham

"The emergence of the hybrid caused the quarrel in the Sagurath Council of Light and Shadow to last for two full solar cycles. Such a scene was rarely seen in the Protoss Empire in the past."

When the Protoss Executor Artanis told Augustus these words, they were standing side by side on the top of the mountains surrounded by clouds and mist.

This mountain range is located in the west of the Neo-Babylonian plain of Crusa. The mountains are covered with sparse trees and streams, and dense flowers and berry vegetation grow among the naked cypress trees. Looking eastward is the vast Neo-Babylonian plain, where large clumps of gray-green wormwood grow and criss-crossed swamps form an endless blanket.

On this mountain with an average altitude of more than 9,000 feet, there is a little-known recruit training camp of the Revolutionary Army. The place has a command center, four independent military camps, hospitals and other facilities, which can accommodate 5,000 recruits.

The Revolutionary Army Marshal Command decided to form a highly mobile Reaper force. They will serve as special operations forces and be dispersed among various units in the form of small teams to perform reconnaissance and infiltration missions. To this end, the army headquarters selected the inaccessible New Babylon Mountains as a training location for new recruits, using the rugged terrain to hone the soldiers' will.

The place where Augustus stood was the site of one of the military camps, located on the highest peak of Neo-Babylon, standing among the sea of ​​clouds.

"Do they still have objections on this issue?" Although Augustus was already considered to be a strong and tall man among the Tyranids, he was completely incompetent when standing with Artanis.

There are only two people here, Augustus and Artanis. Obviously, the news of the arrival of the Spear of Adon in the Protoss Ark is still a secret that few people know. Augustus hoped that this would become one of his trump cards against the UED expeditionary force.

"On the issue of dealing with hybrids, the bishops of the Light and Shadow Council are very unanimous. Whether it is Aiur or the protoss on Sagulas, they all believe that there is no room for laziness." Artanis's glowing blue His eyes were burning and dancing.

"The difference lies in how to deal with the humans on Earth. There is no doubt that what they have done has touched the bottom line of the protoss. We will never tolerate such atrocities inflicted on our people."

"If someone mixes the genes of humans and zerg, such monsters will not be tolerated by humans." Augustus also nodded.

The Earth is indeed keeping a close eye on the situation in the Koprulu sector, but their way of obtaining information is still affected by a distance of up to 60,000 light years. Even if the Tyranids knew very little about the protoss, it was impossible for the UED expeditionary force to know what kind of blasphemy the hybrid meant to the protoss.

"Admiral Yurlan decided to go to war with the Earth, and his decision received certain approval. However, the Dark Priest Mohandar believed that the Duram protoss urgently needed to recuperate, and the most important thing was to assemble a huge fleet to recover Aiur. The most important thing." Artanis' words that directly reflected Augustus's heart contained his complicated emotions.

"The long-suffering Protoss Empire is unwilling to be dragged into another war with the Earth. The Protoss are fearless, but they will never start a war blindly."

"The Dawu teachings teach that the protoss should maintain order in the universe and protect the weak races. Once upon a time, we became so diligent and militaristic." He said with confusion.

"I often think that maybe this is what the gods want the protoss to know - that we are not worth mentioning in front of the great power that created this world. The protoss empire was defeated by arrogance that does not match our strength."

"High Executor Tassadar and his Templars are still at war with the new Overlord on Char. On the red planet, the zerg swarm is like a vast ocean! The protoss must not be involved in another war. "

"It was a wise move," Augustus said. "That's why they sent you."

"In the end, the bishops in the Council of Light and Shadow made a compromise with each other and decided to find out the real culprit behind the hybrid before making a decision. Just like this, Archbishop Rashagar ordered me to come to investigate the matter and asked me to make sure to find out who the hybrid was. The source of the body." Artanis looked at Augustus and said.

"I understand." Augustus couldn't help but be stunned. It turns out that you call dispatching such an Ark ship, which is not much different from a satellite, an investigation.

The protoss of the past were undoubtedly a clan full of martial virtues. They never objected to fighting with other races. The protoss heroes of the past generations were also born in that magnificent era. The emergence of Dawu's teachings was an important watershed in the history of the Protoss Empire.

"Well starting from the source is the key." Augustus sighed.

Augustus certainly knew where the hybrids came from, but he certainly didn't know where they were made. This twisted and weird monster has gone against the laws of nature, and its genes are mottled and messy, full of traces of human tampering.

Dr. Narud must have many hybrid laboratories and manufacturing plants, which may be located in galaxies that will never be known, and are definitely not easy to find.

He, or the years he has gone through, are as old as this universe, and Narud may have started conducting hybrid experiments very early on.

Such a ship alone is enough to deal with the UED expeditionary force fleet. Without using local weapons, who knows whether the current battlecruiser can break through the shield of the Spear of Adun.

The Spear of Adun appeared too early, so early that it was impossible for UED to understand the power of such an Ark ship.

Gerald Dugar, the commander of the UED expeditionary force, must have fully estimated the power of the protoss, but he never dreamed that the protoss would dig out such a thing from the ancestral grave and prepare to throw it in his face.

"I hope I will not live up to the expectations of the Council." Artanis conveyed a slightly melancholy mood swing.

As the future successor to high-ranking executive Tassadar, Artanis is also facing a lot of pressure. Maybe Daram doesn't have to make all the decisions in Daram now, but since Tassadar is already so good, Artanis is also worried that he won't be able to reach the height of his teacher in the future.

"The emergence of the hybrid heralds a dark future, which is the predicted doomsday that will destroy the protoss." He said worriedly.

"Among the Nerazim protoss, rumors about this ominous omen are spreading like wildfire. Hybrids, they are undoubtedly monsters that have the potential to destroy protoss civilization and even the entire universe - if their number is large enough, if they As endless as a swarm of insects.”

"That is why you attach so much importance to hybrids," said Augustus.

"For a long time, the prophecies of doomsday have been plaguing our people, including the Dark Templar warriors of Sarcoras. Because of this, it seems that only the ancient Golden Age warriors in the Spear of Adon are qualified to be this... Heavy responsibility." Artanis exuded a mental wave similar to joy.

"It is also a great honor for me that the parliament chose me instead of executives like Juerland and Moyo who are above me in terms of qualifications and reputation," he said.

"In fact, whether they are Templars or Dark Templars, from the Karai class to the former Arbitrator class, there are so many protoss who want to dedicate their power when this doomsday brings that the Council of Light and Shadow cannot Don’t select the best among them to garrison the Spear of Adun.”

This means that the number of protoss warriors on the Spear of Adun will be much higher than before.

"Is there any news about Zeratul?" Augustus heard Artanis mention the Dark Templar.

"Zeratul returned to Sagurath once, but left soon. At the Council of Light and Shadow, he mentioned that the fallen Dark Templar Orega was serving an extremely terrifying existence." Atta Nice said.

"He claimed that he received instructions from the gods in the void. The radiance released by countless dead stars compiled the prophecies of Xel'Naga. In the dark future, there will be eternal disputes."

"This guy Zeratul is still so talkative." Augustus spread his hands.

"Recently, Zeratul returned to Aiur once again." Artanis said:

"Zeratul returned to the huge storm formed by the energy of the void where the Overlord's body had been. He believed that it would bring him closer to the void."

"How did he do it? I have never heard any gods talking to me." Augustus shrugged and said, "So Zeratul has given up on hunting Orega?"

"No one knows what Zeratul is thinking." Artanis couldn't figure out what Zeratul was thinking. Zeratul always thinks that he has a heavy burden on his shoulders. He is always mysterious and thinks that he has some kind of mission.

"Alas the end is near."

Both of them looked at the sky at the same time, feeling uneasy.

The sky at this time was showing an exceptionally magnificent sight, with clouds rendered into deep purple by the peculiar optical phenomenon at dusk in Crusader, all piled up on the distant horizon, forming cloud banks connected end to end.

There is not even a single cloud in the center of the sky. The deep blue is infinitely far away, infinitely deep, and the shocking dome reminds Augustus that human beings are so insignificant in the face of nature.

"I implore Marshal Augustus to give us more information about the hybrid." After a while, Artanis continued the topic.

In the presence of Augustus, Artanis behaved modestly and low-key.

Not long ago, Artanis, like most of his kind, looked down upon humans, but events on Aiur have proven that Augustus and his warriors are as worthy of respect as the Protoss Templars.

"Of course, why not do that? Without you, I really don't know how to deal with the hybrid." Augustus chuckled:

"My warriors are brave and tenacious, but lack the necessary protection to protect them from psychic and mental attacks."

"So that's it. I will immediately order Karai phase technician Karax to solve the matter. Human beings should obtain armor that can be immune to hybrid mental attacks." Artanis said that he knew about this, and because he had actually done it before Absolutely apologetic for not thinking about this issue at all.

"Great Adun, when will I be as wise as my master Tassadar?"

The protoss do not need to worry about the hybrid's psychic powers and mental attacks, because their spirits are strong enough, but humans are too fragile.

"You just lack experience." Augustus said: "You are still young, Archbishop, this era belongs to Tassadar, and it also belongs to you."

"Hmm. Archbishop? I'm not the Archbishop." Artanis widened his eyes burning with blue psychic flames.

"Yes, you are not yet." Augustus deliberately raised his hand with his elbow: "Everyone knows that Rashagar's successor will be Tassadar, and Tassadar's successor must be you."

"I don't know." Artanis takes everything very seriously.

"As you said, my teacher Tassadar is likely to take over the position of matriarch Raza Gal - she has mentioned many times that she is too old and is not qualified for the responsibilities of the Archbishop." He said.

"The teacher has gained the respect of many Dark Templar knights. He became the new Archbishop of Durham in line with the expectations of Aiur and the protoss of Sagulath. And I, I am just an ordinary executive of the Protoss Empire. The Dark Templar The samurai don't like me."

"Furthermore, adhering to the principle that the El and Sagulath protoss must be absolutely equal, after Tassadar steps down, his successor should be a Nerazim, and after that, it may be me."

"I don't know about that." Augustus then realized that Artanis' fate might have changed dramatically.

Artanis may or may not become the new Archbishop.

Ah this.

If the Archbishop is no longer an Archbishop, how can he continue to humiliate the Church?

In other words, it is still an insult to the religion if there is no way to do it.

"I will support Mohandar as the next Archbishop, because his tolerance for the eldest son of God has won the respect of the Templars." Artanis was still talking to himself.

"What do you think? Marshal Augustus."

"I don't have any opinion." Augustus couldn't help laughing: "Human beings don't interfere with the stars, and the stars don't interfere with humans."

"Come, young Artanis, come to my camp, and I will treat you to tea."

Augustus walked away minding his own business, leaving Artanis muttering to himself in self-pity.

"Marshal, you are teasing me again." Artanis followed Augustus. Protoss draw moisture from their skin, but they do not drink tea.

When Augustus and Artanis left the mountain top and walked onto the path leading to the military camp, a group of about fifteen Reaper recruits roared past.

They carried large jetpacks - early Reaper backpacks were flyable, but too bulky and difficult to maneuver, and the mortality rate among recruits was quite high. Therefore, a good Reaper is as valuable as a fighter pilot.

Based on this flaw, Rory Swann, who always comes up with new gadgets for Augustus, and his team designed a non-flyable twin-turbo backpack for training new recruits. Even so, the mortality rate in Reaper boot camp is still very high, which makes their training costs much higher than that of ordinary Marines.

When Lieutenant Sarah Kerrigan walked towards Augustus from a side road, Artanis left quietly with the help of the phase jump device. He seemed to really think that Augustus would pour black tea on him. on his own face.

Someone actually did this, and that person was Tychus Finlay, who was drunk.

"Urgent news, there is news from the UED Expeditionary Force that they want to sign a peace treaty with us, and they are willing to send Alexei Stokov to participate in the negotiations." Kerrigan glanced at Augustus' face ,explain.


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